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04x11- Project Runaway

Posted: 07/19/23 16:02
by bunniefuu
Previously on 90210...

Congressional candidate
Charles Sanderson's nephew

Teddy Montgomery could be seen
participating in a gay wedding.

I somehow sent the video
to the campaign office by accident.

Please forgive me.

I don't know if I can.

Titus Cologne; it's a two-year contract.

It would be really good for your career.

Sign me up.

You broke your leg

and your contract,
so unless you've got 200 grand

lying around someplace,
I'm afraid you are

not going anywhere.

You knew my grandmother was suicidal.

You're responsible for her death,

and I'm gonna make sure you don't get

a penny of the inheritance.

Thank you for asking me to
co-chair the party with you.

You were right... it was a
perfect opportunity for revenge.

I hope you know this isn't over.

Actually, I think it is.

I don't have any proof
of the stolen cars, okay?

Work with the police to get
the evidence we need.

My contact is here.

You're the only person that really knows

what I'm going through. I need you.

What you need is to be able
to tell the truth.

Uh, guys, I have something I gotta say.

I'm a drug addict.

You snore.

And it's cute.

Well, you steal covers

like a starving person who eats covers.

I'm sorry.

No, no, it's fine.

I haven't this good in months.

It's, like, rehab is done, and...

my mind is clear now, and I got you.

I swear, my future's, like, so bright,

I need to get those humongous

old people sunglasses, you know?

Yeah, rehab can really take
you out of the real world.

You never know when temptation's gonna hit.

- But lucky for you,
- Mm-hmm.

you got me.

I'm gonna be there every step of the way.

I like the way that sounds.


You home?!

Big D!


J.D., what-what are you doing here?

I just got released!

Released from jail?

No, no, uh, J.D. was my roommate
in, uh, rehab.

And also, the legendary drummer
from The Loathsome Hydrangeas.

Guilty as charged.

So, Big D, you ready to
start talking music?!


Come on!

Ugh! I'm allergic to sunlight.

Tough. I'm staging a "friendtervention."

Rocky road? Okay, first step,

stop eating metaphors.


Teddy will eventually forgive you,

and Navid broke things
off with you weeks ago.

So it's time to get

a little extra credit with that
professor guy of yours.

Ivy, sweetie,

Raj is going to live,
so stop acting like he's dead.

He's merely an ex.

Yeah, an ex-husband.

Ugh! God, you guys,
that sounds so old and gross.

Yeah, so stop dwelling on it,
go to New Guinea

and welcome that cute photo guy
into your jungle!

And, Annie, I have no idea what
the hell your problem is.

You dumped that cheating dirtbag Patrick,

and now you're ungodly rich
with Marla's money.


I told you about the
inheritance in confidence.

Why would you keep that from your friends?

Yeah, it's not like Silver broadcast it on

the evening news. Too soon?


Okay, anyway, you're loaded,

so stop acting
like poor Little Orphan Annie.

And it wouldn't k*ll you

to pitch in with some rent once in a while.


Yes, rent.

If you can afford to send Dixon
to a spa retreat/rehab vacay,

I think you can afford to, you know,

contribute a little to
the house party fund.

Look, I'm sorry to be such
a motivational Molly,

but it's just that I have
really, really good news

and I need happy faces.

I've always been top of the food
chain socially, I know,

now I want to do so professionally.

I got my acceptance letter.

You want to be a fashion designer?

I know. It's perfect, right?

I love clothes, and
People say, "Do what you love."

Girls, seriously, look out.

Before you know it, everyone is
gonna be wearing Naomi Clark!


Whoa, that was fast.

Your text seemed urgent.

That extra exclamation point
gets me every time.

I overheard my uncle talk about a shipment

of 25 cars coming through the studio.

This could be the deal
we've been waiting for.

Okay, slow down. I need details.

What's the name of the buyer?

I didn't catch anything else,

but it's happening soon.

And when it does,
I'll tag along wearing a wire.

We could bust him
when the deal goes down, right?

You want to tag along on a
felony sale of stolen vehicles

to an unknown party,

no intel on the location or
who we're dealing with

and no plan for backup?

You're using cop-talk to make
this plan sound so dumb.

It is a dumb plan!
It's entirely too dangerous.

Kat, I just... I want this
all to be over, okay?

Just so I can go on and live
my normal life.

Don't you get it?

I do, okay? But it's my job
to keep you safe. I mean,

if something happened to you...

Look, Navid, we have been working

to build an ironclad case
against Amal so we can put him

behind bars for good.

I'm just asking you to be patient

for a little while longer.


Oh, yeah.

Yes. All right.

- Vampires on the beach, huh?
- Uh-huh.

- What are we advertising?
- Advertising?

No, I hired you for my
daughter's birthday party.

Wait. This isn't a photo sh**t?

No. Look, my baby loves two things:

the Vampire Diaries and your billboards.

So I got creative and combined the two.

Bite me.

Whoa! Whoa! Wait a minute! Whoa!

Okay, I didn't, I didn't know!

I'm the agent.

I'm supposed to suck your blood.

Come on, Sheila.

The romance novel photo
sh**t was brutal enough,

but a little girl's birthday party?

Hey, that little girl's daddy is

a major client and offered
to pay double your base fee.

Yeah, but I'm not a monkey, I'm a model.

Yes, and you definitely do pout like one.

Look, I'm sorry.

This is what happens
when you break a contract.

Now, until you finish

paying off your debt from

the rebellious race-car fiasco,

I'm afraid you are going to be my hot,

brooding, indentured servant.

Welcome to C.U.'s Fashion Design Contest!

You'll have just two days

to design and complete your collection.

But don't worry, each of you
will be assembled a team

of expert sewers in order
to help you realize your vision.

And this year we have an extra
special surprise.

Judging our runway show will be no less

than fashion icon Janice Dickinson.

The competition begins... now.

I've got this in Kate Spades.


Thank you, Mood!

Sorry I'm late.

Holly Strickler, I presume?

- Yes.
- Please take your space.

Well, well, well.

Hello, Naomi.

You guys need some new material.

Hey. Hi.


Thanks for finally calling me back.

I... how does one start
with the biggest apology ever?

Silver, an apology's not gonna

return my life back to the way it was.

I know, but...

You know that I didn't leak
that video on purpose, right?

It was a horrible mistake.

Yeah, a mistake that
not only humiliated me,

it ruined my uncle's campaign and turned

my entire family against me.

But you want to know the worst part?

I'm going through all this
and I can't even talk

to my best friend
because it's all her fault.

So, what? Did you call me
all the way down here

just to tell me
you're not gonna forgive me?

No. I called you because I need
some closure with you.

I accepted a coaching job
at a tennis camp in London.


I'm leaving town.

For good.

90210 04x11 - Project Runaway
Original air date November 29, 2011

Hi, Jeremy.

What the hell are you doing here?

I need to talk to you.

Look, I know that this is hard
for you to accept,

but I was the one who was there
for Marla at the end,

and she wanted me to have the money.

I'm not gonna listen to this.

Listen, I know why you feel

like your family deserves the inheritance,

which is why I'm proposing
that we split it.

Why would I give you half?

Because you can either make
a deal with me right now

or we can continue to fight
about the money for years.

Either way, my lawyer said
that the only way

your family can overturn Marla's will

is if there's some evidence
that I defrauded her.

Which we both know I didn't, so you'll

have gone through all this
and be left with nothing.


I'll think about it.

All right, so our very first
group, this guy right here,

he comes in and he just blurts out...

What would Charlie Sheen do?

It's even funnier the second time.

Hey, what's a guy got to do
to get a beer around here?

You just got out of rehab.

Fine, fine, make it a root beer.

Can't blame a guy for trying.

Oh, so I say we hit the ground running.

We book some studio space pronto.

Uh, see, actually I'm...

I want to kind of take
things a little slower.

Dix, we've been talking about
working on some tracks

- for weeks.
- I know, and I still definitely

want to work, but I think I just
need this time to separate

my, you know, my addiction from my music.

Why would you do that?

It's all a creative cycle, D.

We use the dr*gs to make
mind-blowing music,

then go detox and rehab, start over again.

It's basic lather, rinse, repeat stuff.

Wait, so you don't plan on
actually staying sober?

Trust me, you do not want to hear
the music I make when I'm sober.

Oh, uh, well, I, you know, I
actually plan on staying sober.

So that's just going to take,
you know, a little more time.

All right, suit yourself.

Oh, hey, I have

an extra VIP pass for...

The Imperial Interchange concert tonight!

Imperial Interchange?
Are you... are you serious?

As serious as butt cancer. You in?

- Hell, yeah, I'm in!
- Yeah!

I didn't realize tinfoil
was considered a fabric.

Like you didn't realize vertical stripes

don't actually slim you down?

Oh, Clark, won't you ever
get tired of losing to me?

I'm not going to lose.

Not only are my designs brilliant,

but I actually happen to be close friends

with the hottest male
model on the West Coast.

You know, I almost feel

sorry for you.

I feel sorry for all the Mylar
balloons that d*ed on this table.

This is an ambitious choice,
but I've always said

that great fashion is all about ambition.

So I'm interested to see
how this is going to turn out.

I think it will look god-awful under
the Student Union fluorescents.

Well, Holly does have a catty,
yet salient point.

You've got to consider
the full presentation.

I'm sure there's going to be efforts
to spruce the place up a bit, right?

Unfortch, it's a school budget.

So a Bryant Park tent it will not be.

Um, what if I were to make
a sizable donation

to benefit the program?

Just to glam everything up a bit.

Anonymously, of course.

I would not want to influence the judging.

My stars.

You positively radiate ambition, don't you?

Bravo, Naomi.

Well, looks like I can tailor the event

to put my collection in the best light.

I guess this just became my show.

Nice. My agent just got me
a runway show at C.U.

It'll pay off a huge hunk of my contract.

Naomi asked me to do it as a favor.

Didn't expect her to cough up the cash.

Well, it's nice to see Naomi
giving money to charity.

And you're still losing.

- Man, you're still cheating.
- Oh, give me a break.

You up for one last beach day tomorrow?



I'm going... I'm going
to go boss Ade around.

So what are you doing here?

Silver told me you're leaving.

Yeah, day after tomorrow.

So I thought I'd come say good-bye.

I'm headed back to D.C. for my
last semester at Georgetown.

I also got an internship
at a gay rights nonprofit.

Sound perfect for you.

Teddy, I know you're still upset
about the whole video mess.

I wish it had never happened
either, but it did.

Running away isn't going to fix anything.

Your friends really care about you.

Especially Silver.

And I do, too.

Look, Shane, you just...

you don't understand what it's like.

Every time I turn on the TV,
there's some conservative

labeling me the country's worst problem,

or some liberal calling
me a civil rights hero.

- I'm under a microscope now.
- Your dad's a movie star.

People noticing you isn't anything new.

This is different than the
paparazzi outside of my dentist's.

I want to be a normal person,
not the hot topic on The View.

What's normal? You're a person.

One that can do amazing things
for so many people.

You can have a bigger impact in a day

than I can in a whole year.

Do you know how jealous that makes me?

You know, it's no secret
that you and I are different.


I guess we are.


You know, one day...

I hope you understand that you
were never a cause to me.

I just want to be there for someone
who feels completely alone.

But you'll never understand that
'cause you have your friends.

- Hey. Thanks for stopping by.
- Yeah.

I needed some air,
but now the window's stuck.

And I woke up to a bird just
hanging out on the headboard,

just looking at me.

They must have heard
my scream in the O.C.

Sometimes it just needs some tough love.

- One...
- One...

two, three.


Don't open that window again.

Silver, Silver...

You broke up with me, remember?

Yeah. Just... just wait, okay?

No, Navid, I can't do this anymore.

It's time for me to move on,
and you know what?

It's time for you to move out.

By the end of the month, okay?

- Just give me some time, okay? You and I...
- I met someone.

You and I are done.



That, my friend, is what
we call kicking your ass.

Oh, man, I'm going to miss days like this.

Well, Teddy, you don't have to leave.

Yeah, I do.

I think we've got time for one more game

before I've got to jet
to Naomi's runway show.


Hey, you think Silver will be there?

Nah. Maybe I should just talk to her.

Um, actually maybe you shouldn't.

Uh, she's probably going to be
there with the new guy.

I don't think there is a new guy.

I think she's bluffing.


Hey, spit it out.

No, it's just... she's not bluffing.

She brought him to Liam's

Thanksgiving dinner.


Maybe we should have told you.

- We just didn't want to make you upset.
- Hey, no, man.

I'm a mature adult. I can handle this.

I can handle some stupid fashion show.

No, I'm in.


Hey, come with me.

No, man, I don't think so.

Things are way weird with Silver and I.

I think it's better if I don't go.

You know what, I'm sorry,
Teddy, I'm just like...

I'm really sick of this
whole "poor me" act.

You are one of the luckiest guys I know.

I mean, you have infinite opportunity
ahead of you, you're wealthy,

and you have your health above all, okay?

It just feels like, I don't
know, like everything

that's coming out of your mouth
these days is about how you feel

so misunderstood, and how you
can't wait to jet off to London.

Don't get me wrong, I hear you.

It's just... it's not always
going to be about you.

And right now it's not.

It's about supporting Naomi
and supporting Navid and...

sorry for the tough love, man,

but quit your complaining,
'cause you're going.

Simple as that.

The lawyers for the Templeton
family called this morning

and they are interested in your
offer to split the inheritance.

Oh, my gosh, you have no idea how bad
I needed to hear some good news.

There's just one outstanding issue.

The family started cataloging
the estate to determine

how to divide the assets, and it
appears there's a necklace missing.

Oh, that's not missing.

Marla gave me that necklace as a gift.

Great. We'll need to
return it for appraisal.

Oh, I don't have it anymore.

- I sold it.
- You sold it?

Right after she passed.

I needed money for college tuition.

Is that a problem?

Ms. Wilson, our entire case
hinges on the fact

that you were closer to that woman

- than her own family.
- And I was.

Frankly, the fact that you sold the
necklace so soon after her death,

it looks very bad.

If they are able to make it look like

you were only after Ms. Templeton's money,

you'll never see a cent.

I suggest you track down that necklace

right away.

Hey, babe.

Miss you already.

- Don't wait up for me.
- So you're actually

going to go to the concert?

Yes, yes, I am.

Do you think hanging out with
Mr. Lather, Rinse and Repeat

is a good idea?

Ade, J.D. can't make me do
anything I don't want to.

And plus, there's going to be so many
different industry people there,

I have a chance to get my career
back to where it was before rehab.


Look at this.

Okay, so, uh, unfortunately,

Dixon is a little under the weather.

Yeah, I know, but...

Ade, I don't want to relive
a performance that I missed

because I was high.

You need to remember
where you were before rehab,

and how you never want
to get back to that place.

Okay, I get it, all right?

But the world is filled
of people who drink alcohol

- and use dr*gs.
- Okay, you're not listening to me.

Yes, I am.

Look, if I'm going to be in this industry,

I got to learn how to deal with it all.


Just insure all garments are steamed

and ready-to-fit backstage.

Gentlemen, I need a longer runway.

I want my models to look like

they're walking a Parisian catwalk,

- not a pirate's plank.
- Hey, boss.

I can't thank you enough.

Well, it is quite an honor
to be headlining my first show.

Maybe when I'm interviewed
by Vogue one day

I mention you as my muse.

Okay. Hey, why didn't
you tell me you were going

to make it official
and go through my agency?

I didn't go through your agency.

I did. Liam Court will be
walking for me tonight.

Absolutely not! Liam is mine!
Get away from me!

Did you happen to get that in writing?

'Cause I sure did.

This is his contract. If he breaks it,

I'll sue his agency
for triple in damages.

I own him now.

Looks like you just got owned.

This is insane, even for
that little sorostitute.

Okay, you obviously can't do this.

I can't afford not to.

You can't afford to deal with me
if you don't. Liam!

Naomi, you don't understand.

For you, this is a student fashion show.

For me, this is my life.

Doing this will help me get it back.

I'm sorry.

Dude, are we backstage
with the band right now?

Be cool, man!

I'll introduce you to the boys.


What's going on?

This is my man, Dixon Wilson.

Hey, you guys rocked my face off tonight.

Thanks, bro.

We actually rock out

to your track on our tour bus.

Are you serious?
You guys listen to my stuff?

Yeah. Pretty epic stuff, man.

Um, nah, no, thank you. I'm cool.

No, I'm not.

I'm gonna powder my nose.


We're actually
gonna jam for a little while.

Love to hear some new stuff.

Uh, cool. You want me to play for you?

Play for us? Play with us, man.

Just chill and have some fun.

- Yeah.
- Come on.

I guess he's really leaving.

Sorry I couldn't help.

You tried.

Ronnie! Hi!

I haven't seen you since the campaign.

Don't be alarmed, but you have something

growing out of your drink.

This is a hibiscus martini.

Flowers make everything better.

Oh, in that case, I'll take a dozen.

This is not how I pictured
my last night in L.A.

You all right?

Yeah, very cool.

I just need to talk to Silver.

Maybe take a look at that guy.

Naomi, you can't be mad at me.
It's really not my fault.

That you're a bad friend?

Mr. Court, it's showtime!

Hey, what are you doing?

What is this?

No! No!

No, no, no, no, no, no!

The bitch stole my designs!

Some party, huh?

They said they want to hear my new stuff.

Dude, I'm freaking out.

Dixon, this is a big chance for you.

Just relax.

Don't mess it up.

Okay, so, uh, unfortunately Dixon

is a little under the weather.

Yeah, I know.

But, uh, filling in, Adrianna Tate-Duncan.

Hi, I'm Adrianna.

And I'm gonna play you guys
some new material.

I'm not about to go out there
and commit runway su1c1de

in front of God and the world's
first supermodel

by showing a collection
identical to Holly's.

I don't care if it is my own!

In the words of Tim Gunn,

I'm going to make this damn thing work!

There's nothing in my contract
about stealing

from my friends. This isn't right.

Fashion can be ugly, pretty boy.

I'm not paying you to
have an ethical dilemma,

I'm paying you to walk.

And now for the finale
of Holly Strickler's collection,

modeled by Liam Court.

What are you doing?!

I'm trying to walk. I don't know!

You're a total disaster.

Yeah, you're right.

I am.

What is he doing?


No, no, no, no, no!

Looks like he's being a good friend.

Ah, yeah.

I'm buying what you're selling, man.

Thank you, man.

I told ya!

You just needed a little boost.

Yeah, yeah, you're right, I did.

But, uh, not from this.

And now give a round of applause
for designer Taylor Mullens.

Hey. Hi.

Oh, sorry. I have to take this.

My jeweler is finally calling me back.

Rich girl problems.

Another round?

Little less flower,
a little more martini. Thanks.

Two more, thanks.

So, you know my friend Erin Silver, huh?

Yeah, she's fantastic.

Yeah, well, she's in a
vulnerable place right now.

I'm not sure I follow.

Don't play dumb with me.

She's not ready for a relationship.

Well, that's probably for the best.

My boyfriend might have
a problem with that anyway.

Your boyfriend?

Of five years. You have a nice night.

What the hell was that?

I'm really, really sorry.
I couldn't help it.

How could, how could
you be dating someone?

You have zero to say
about my personal life, okay?

Especially after your liaison in Las Vegas.

- My what?
- I saw you in the hotel suite,

all over some girl.

No, I didn't... Wait. Is this about Kat?

It's not what you think.

Want to know what I think?

I think it's completely fine
that you're moving on, okay?

Because it's exactly what I'm doing.

Your store bought it from me,
like, six months ago.

It's the, it's the really big,
really heavy, really expensive

Marla Templeton necklace,

and I need it back.

Sold it?!

You've got to be kidding me!

Okay, I'm... I'm just gonna come
down there now.


You all right?

Yeah, I'm fine.

You didn't seem fine on the phone call.

Is everything okay?

I just keep making mistake after mistake.

And If I can't get Marla's necklace back,

then her grandson Jeremy's gonna
screw me out of all my money.

Maybe I can help.

Liam, trust me, you can't do
anything for me.

You're littering.

I thought you weren't talking to me.

I still don't accept your apology, Silver.


I'm the one who should apologize.

I saw Navid corner that guy tonight,

and it was a dumb mistake,

just like the one you made with my video.

When I saw you so upset,

I just wanted to be there for you.

So I'm sorry I was being such a jerk.

I wouldn't blame you.

So we're okay?

Uh! I so missed you.

I missed you, too.

And I'm so lucky to have you as a friend.

I have no clue what people do

without a little Silver in their life.

And now for the final collection
of the night: Miss Naomi Clark.

It looks like "avant-garde" or something?

Either that or "avant-garbage."

And for Naomi's finale look,
we have Ashleigh.

Scratch that. We have Naomi Clark!

You should be ashamed of yourself,

parading around in those rags
in front of Janice Dickinson.

Do you not hear the clapping?

I think I should thank you
for being such a klepto slut.

Oh, please. You practically handed me

your sketchbook because you were so busy

making this one of your little parties.

You know, I've actually
started to take a real liking

to my new design aesthetic.

You bitch!

Oh, my God!


- Stop it, stop it.
- Catfight!

Excuse me, ladies. I can't believe it.

It looks like the real show's back here.

Ms. Clark, you were quite the
brazen entertainer out there.

I gotta admire that, but your designs,

they can't pass as serious fashion.

Sorry, honey.

And you, Ms. Holly,
you've surprised me...

with some of the worst fashion

that I've ever seen in my entire life.

Believe me, you're no fashion designer.

I suggest the two of
you stick to catfights,

and stay off the catwalk.

Seriously, have a nice life.

Come on, darling.

Hey, hey, hey.

You shouldn't be here.

- You'll blow your cover.
- Yeah, I don't care anymore.

Okay? Silver saw you kiss me in Vegas,

and now she thinks there's
something going on between us.

Isn't that insane?

Look, you just need
to calm down and remember

we need to be patient.

Yeah, I'm done with being patient. Okay?

I need to bust Amal on this car delivery.

- Navid...
- No, I'm sorry, Kat.

Whether you help me out
or not, this has to end.


Sorry, I can't help you.
We're closing now.

Look, I know that you said
you can't give me a name,

but if you would just hear me out....

I'm sorry.

We take the confidentiality of
our customers very seriously.

You have a nice night, now.

But... but when I sold you the necklace,

I didn't even realize that
it was a family heirloom.

I... I... It was, it was my grandmother's.

Marla Templeton was your grandmother?

Yeah. And, and if I don't
get it back right away,

then I'm gonna be in so much trouble.

It's funny, the buyer actually
told me a very similar story.


The gentleman went on and on about

the necklace's sentimental value,

his grandmother, blah, blah, blah.

You should stop wasting my time,

and talk to your family instead.

Oh, my God.


Naomi Clark?

The one and only.

Well, after that spectacle tonight,

it's crystal clear that
you do not have a future

- in fashion design.
- Okay.

Thank you for your unsolicited
soul-crushing honesty.

What, do you write greeting cards?

You didn't let me finish.

Have you ever considered event planning?

See, an event of this
magnitude, and quality,

would have taken my team...
about a week to execute.

I want you to intern for my company.

You're... Rachel Gray.

You plan the hottest events in Hollywood.

The one and only.


What do you say?

Um, what do I say? Party planning?

The thing I love most in this world? Yes!

- Yes!
- Good.

That's the last of it.


I can't believe you're really leaving.

I mean, who's going to
treat me to mani/pedis

and tell me how fab my shoes are?

Yeah, um... I never did those things.

Well, you should have.

I'll babysit your board while you're gone.

It'll be here when you get back.

Thanks, bro.

We better go. Ready?


Uh... almost.

Charles. It's Teddy.


Before I leave town, I just...

I need to tell you that I'm
sorry about what happened.

I'm sorry you don't approve of who I am.

I want my family in my life, I really do,

but... I've realized
that I don't need you.

I don't need anyone's
approval but my own.

I'll apologize until I'm blue in the face

about that stupid video, but...

...I'll never apologize for who I am.

Oh, and if you see my dad...

tell him his son is happy.



Well, the drive to D.C.
Is pretty long, and, uh,

Teddy is tone deaf and
he likes to hog the radio,

so I got you a present.

- Earplugs.
- Yeah.

Wow, you're a lifesaver!

- Sure.
- Well, we should hit the road.

We should've been in Utah by now.

Yeah. Just need a...


You guys are gonna make a good team.

Oh, well...

who knows what's gonna happen with us.

But Shane helped me finally
realize that going away

and doing something about
a problem is different than

running away and hiding from it.

Some good comes from some bad.


I'm going to miss you, Mr. Montgomery.

Ah, come on.

You know I'm gonna call you
and write you and text you

- and e-mail you, like, every day.
- No, you won't.

I know I won't.

But I'll be thinking
about you all the time.



Ah... Don't be a stranger, all right?

Ready to rock.

Looking for all the hopes and
dreams you lost here last night?

No, actually, I've moved on.

Resiliency is yet another
one of my many talents.

You know what?

Can we just move on, too?

I propose we bury the hatchet.

All of our plotting and
conniving has really

just come back to bite us in the ass.

I suppose physical v*olence
does take it a step too far.

I'm sorry I stole your designs.

I'm sorry they sucked.

I don't know why I get so
crazy competitive around you.

It's like I start channeling my mother,

and turn into an evil bitch.

So, cease-fire?

I guess C.U. will have to be
big enough for the both of us.

But we're not going to have slumber parties

- and braid each other's hair.
- Oh, my God, no.

Oh, speak of the devil.

Having lunch with my mother.

See you around, Clark.

Good luck.

Hi, Mom.

Oh, sweetheart.

This is so cute.

Now, you aren't really going to

make me eat this dreadful
campus food, are you?

- We can go wherever you'd like.
- Good.

- Mom.
- Hmm?

Uh, by the way, have you

had a chance to think about the internship?

I'd really like to do it.

Oh. Yes, you know, I'm so sorry, dear.

I've decided to go with someone else.

Come on. I'm in the mood for French.