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03x10 - Best Lei'd Plans

Posted: 07/19/23 15:22
by bunniefuu
Previously on 90210...

Laurel, you know that
Ivy and I slept together...

Oh, no...

But Ivy doesn't know that
you and I slept together.


I'm not gonna tell anybody
that we hooked up.

I don't know what's going on.
I'm just confused.

Yeah, I know you are.

That was...

Not anticipated.

At all.

I told you I have stuff

going on at home, stuff that I
wanted to talk to you about?

Guys, can you wait, like,
five minutes?

You know what, Ade?
Don't worry about it.

I should go home.
We'll talk later, okay?

I need to talk to you.
Can I come in?


Oh, man.

Good morning.




Uh. Sorry for talking
your ear off last night.

Ah, please, come on.

I'm sure that's
just how you wanted

to spend your evening...
With some guy

sitting on your couch
for four hours,

feeling sorry for himself,
and then passing out.

You're hardly "some guy."



You did fall asleep mid-sentence.

- Hmm?
- Mm-hmm, yeah.

- Are you ser...?
-Yeah, you were, like,

"I... I just don't think
anyone can understand

what it's like to grow up..."

Oh, man.

I'm such a tool.

No, I'm... I'm...

I'm glad you came to talk to me.

Me, too.

Everything's going to be okay.


Hey! We missed you
at Voyeur last night.

It was so much fun.

Renee and Ilon got so wasted.

And Chayo ended up in a cage
with one of the dancers.

Uh, yeah, uh, uh...

I just fell asleep.

So, do you want to hang out now?
My morning is wide open.

Yeah. That...
That'd be great.

Okay, cool.
I'll come over.

Oh, no, no. I'm, uh...
No, I'm out doing some errands.

Uh, I'll come to your place.

See you in a bit.


Well, I... I could have told
her I spent the night here,

but it might have, uh,
seemed weird and hard to explain.

No, yeah, I get it.

It's better and easier this way.

- For everybody.
- Yeah.

Uh, I should go.

Uh... Mm.

Thanks for the coffee.


- Hey.
- Hey.

Look, I appreciate you
coming to get me last night.

Yeah, no problem.

- I was glad I could...
- No, listen.

I'm not what you think I am, okay?

I'm just... confused.

I've been with a lot of girls.

A lot of girls.


And I'd appreciate it if
you wouldn't say anything

to anyone about... anything.

Of course not.

- Thanks.
- Yeah.


Oh. Hi.

How... How you doing?


I was just dropping off
Dixon's college applications.

He has a meeting with
his guidance counselor,

and he forgot them.

Mrs. Roost.
She's terrifying.

She is terrifying!
I thought it was just me.

No, no, it's not just you.
She is full-on frightening.

I think it's because she looks
so much like Christopher Walken.

It's uncanny.

You know, I'd be happy to,
uh, drop those off.

Save you a scare.

Thank you.

That would be great.


- See you.
- Okay.

Hey, um...
That was fun the other night.

Yeah, it was very fun.

Surprising and crazy
and very fun.

I was not expecting that.

Me, neither.

See, the thing is...

Well, you are my kids' teacher.

And Harry and I are friends.


So we should probably chalk it up
to one surprising, crazy night.

We should, right?

- We should.
- Yeah.

All right, well,
I should get these to Mr. Walken.

How's that look?

Man, that's all kinds of crooked.

Aah! I just can't do
anything straight.

Hey, thanks again
for all your help.

Are you kidding?

After all the work you put
into the bachelor auction,

I'm happy to return the favor.

Ugh! I can't believe

Teddy turned out to
be such a h*m*.

I'm so disgusted.

No, he's really not... at all.

What do you mean?

Well, he came up to me
and apologized for what happened.

Okay, well, that
doesn't make it right.

We talked, and, you know,
he's a good guy.

Teddy and I are cool.


Yeah. Yeah.

I know that's not
who he really is.

Ivy, you were k*lling
it out there.

Uh, for real?

Thanks. I hope I'm ready
for the Invitational.

Hey, well, we'll all be
there cheering you on.

I don't get it.

You guys, like...

You don't even swim
or look at the ocean,

so why bother coming
to the beach at all?

Ivy has a point.

The ocean is pretty awesome.

- Wow.
- Gorgeous.

You guys are pathetic.

So, which one's hottest?

- Blue wetsuit.
- Definitely the blue wetsuit.

See, I want to put

blue wetsuit between the other two
and make a sandwich.

Naomi, you're drooling.


I really need to get back
into the dating game.

I've wasted so much time,
it's crazy.

Are you sure?

Yeah. 100%.

What you went through
with Cannon was...

Seriously intense.

Yeah, but after all these months,

I finally feel like I am ready
to rip off the bandage...

With something tall,
dark and water-resistant.

Oh, my God.
He is coming towards us!

You're like a tractor beam!

- Hey, Zach.
- Hey, Ivy.

Good luck on Saturday.

You're totally going to shred.

Oh, thanks.
Yo, how was Cabo?

Weren't you there for
the week or something?

Oh, yeah.
The waves were k*ller.

- Right.
- I love it there.

Hi, Zach?


I love Cabo, too.

Where'd you stay?
The Palmilla, or Las Ventanas?

Um, I stayed at some youth hostel.
It was pretty decent.

Surf report says there is

an epic swell rolling
in this weekend.

Oh, sick.

Yeah, there was an epic swell

when I was surfing
in Bali last summer.

- The waves were sick.
- Are you surfing in the Invitational, as well?

I'm burned out on competing.

I just surf for fun now.

Actually, I'm kind
of all about fun,

if you want to catch
some waves sometime?

Let's go after the competition.

- It's a date.
- Cool.

- Later.
- Bye.


Naomi, you don't like to
get your hair wet.

Some big fish are worth the frizz.

So, you can teach me to surf
in a couple days, right?

Oh, yeah, absolutely,
and water-ski and windsurf, too.

Fine. Just make sure I
master surfing first.

Hey, guys.
How was school?

We have to talk to
you about something.

Have a seat.


Mom, we want you to start dating.

It's just that Dad is really happy
with his girlfriend.

And we want you to
find somebody, too.

Someone great.

Well... I agree.

- Awesome!
- Okay. Oh, that's great!

This is the dating profile
that we've set up for you.

- Wait. What?
- My friend

Stephanie's mom met this
awesome guy in, like, a month.

So, tell me what you think
about this picture.

I told him it's all wrong.

She looks hot!

Not you.

You for trying to pimp
out your own mother.

I'm not trying to pimp her out!
I'm trying to get her a date!

Whoa, whoa, whoa,
whoa, whoa, whoa!

I don't want to internet date!

Mom, no offense,

but this is how people
your age hook up.

No, I can't.
It's too weird.

It's not weird.

Well, just try it.

Well, aren't there all
kinds of predators?

Like, sex predators?

Look, look, we...
We will screen for sex predators.

Come on, Mom.
What do you have to lose?

- Okay, you can put up my profile.
- Yes!

Wait, wait, wait. But I am not
committing to any dates just yet.

Let's see how it goes.

That's great.
You know, one step at a time.

So, what do you think
about this picture?

- Oh, Dixon, no!
- What?!

I'm eating a banana.

- Where have you been?
- What is it?

I got here as fast as I could.

What's the big emergency?

- It's about your advance.
- Oh, no.

Oh, God, I knew I shouldn't
have spent so much.

They want it back?

They want it all back, don't they?

They don't want any of it back.

- In fact...
- What's this?

Your single is selling so well,

the record company
tripled your advance.

- Are you serious?!
- Yeah.

Oh, my God! This is amazing!

No, you're amazing.

And this is only the beginning.

Sync by for
Corrections by

So, what do you want to do now?

- I want to hang out with my friends.
- Oh!

We're by that hotel
that wraps foie gras

and cotton candy and
serves it on a stick!

Let's go there for dinner.

Come on, it'll be fun.

No, hanging out with you
is my job. It's not fun.

Come on,

you can invite your friends,
too, if you want.

I have my mom's credit card.

- Would you rather go to a movie?
- Enough!

I'm not into you.

I will never be into you.

Just let it go already.

Take me home.

I'm sorry.

- I... I didn't mean
- to make you cry. I...

Please stop.

Look, y...
You're... a great girl.

I just don't feel
that way about you.

Well, I don't feel that
way about you, either.

I tried, but...

I'm still in love with Dax.

Who's Dax?

What do you care?

Laura, I care.

I... I don't want to see you cry.

Dax is my ex.

He's beautiful and he's tortured.

He grew up in foster homes,

and he spent six months in juvie.

- He sounds great.
- He is.

He's got Robert Downey Jr.'s soul
and Zac Efron's body.

So, what's the problem?

He dumped me,

because he thought
I was just another

goody-goody Beverly Hills girl.

So I thought I'd prove him wrong.

By dealing dr*gs?


It didn't work.
He still hates me.

He won't even return my texts.

Oh, God, I'm such a loser!

Hey, uh...

Hey, c... Come on.

Hey, you want to go get that
cotton candy thingy for dinner?

- What do you say?
- Whatever! It all just sucks.

I was stupid to think that you
or Dax or anyone would ever like me.

- Hey, babe, how's it going?
- Fine.

So, are you psyched
for the surf contest?


Well, win or lose, I was thinking

we could get oysters after
at Poseidon's Point, like,

you know, we always do...
What do you think?

Yeah, not this time.

- Ivy...
- What?!

Please, honey...

You know, you're my best friend.

We are not best friends, okay?
You're my mother.

And that sucks for me.

So, I just wanted to say

I am so excited to be here
with my best friends in the world.

You guys have been
amazing and supportive,

and I'm just so glad that you all
get to be a part of my journey.

Oh, and no matter where
my career takes me,

I will always remember you guys.

You just can't understand how much
it means to me to have normal,

non-famous friends.

I love you all.



Did she just refer to us

- as her "non-famous friends"?
- Yeah, she did, but at least

- we get to be a part of her "journey."
- Ah, yes.

To Adrianna!
Rihanna and Gaga,

watch your backs, b*tches.

Oh, my God, that's too funny.

You have to tweet that.

- You think?
- Do it.

Hey, how hot is your girlfriend?

She's incredible.


Someone wants to
go to the Grammys.

So, Liam, Dixon,
what's been going on?

I feel like I haven't
seen you in forever.

Catch me up.
Tell me everything.


- Dixon almost drowned today.
- Whoa, whoa.

Screw you, dude...
I was surfing my ass off.

- But you did.
- No, no, no, no.

All right, so you guys know
the West Bev Invitational

is tomorrow, so we've been...

Oh, my God, Victor,
give it a rest.

He's still pushing for
that Seventeen photo sh**t.

Let it go, Victor.

It's not even a cover.

Ade, can you deal with that later?


- Hey.
- Hey.

So, um, I heard about what
happened between you and Ian.

He told me you apologized
and that you two are cool.


Yeah, we're cool.

That's great.
That's so great.

I'm... I'm really
glad you did that.

Well, that's not really who I am.

You know? I was being a
complete jerk that day.

- Yeah.
- Ian's a good guy.

You coming to the luau tomorrow?

Maybe, I don't know.

I think you should go.
It's gonna be fun.

Oh, my God!

Are you ready for me
to completely rock your world?

Ashton Kutcher is
following you on Twitter.

- Shut up!
- Oh, yes.

How cool is that?

I'm gonna send him
a direct message.

- Thanks again for lunch, Ade.
- Yeah, it was really fun.

- Oh, thanks, guys.
- Paparazzi, two o'clock.

Ugh! They're such vultures.

I can't believe they
tracked me down.

Hey, sweetie, can you hold this?

I'll meet you in the car.

Someone tipped them off.

I can guarantee you it
was one of the waiters.


Adrianna called them herself.

Oh, that girl knows how to work it.

I hope you're happy.

You destroyed her.

You know that.

My heart is breaking.

How can you be so cruel?

My mother is dead because of you.

Look, I...
I did a terrible thing,

and I am truly sorry about that,

but I didn't intend
to hurt anyone.

I didn't set out to destroy

your family like
you did with mine.

I had to get even with you.

I wasn't gonna let you get away
with what you did.

Fine! Get even with
me all you want,

but Ivy did nothing to you!

She doesn't deserve any of this!

I'm all that Ivy had...

And now she's got no one.

Was that part of your plan, too?


Oh, um...

Hi. I...
I was looking for Harry.

Who is this?

This is his wife.
Um... His ex-wife.

Can I take a message?

You know what,
I... I can try him later.

Are you sure?

Yeah. It's okay.
It's... It's... It's fine.

Thank you. Good-bye.

So, how's my online profile?

Any hits?


Let's check it out.

Mom! Whoa!

Are those all for me?

You got 65 responses.


Let's check 'em out.

Okay, but expect half
of them to be losers.

I'm just saying,

they're not all gonna
be brain surgeons

who volunteer for
Doctors Without Borders.

How about this guy?

Martin Gaylord, attorney.

Enjoys fine wine and poetry.

And long walks on the beach?
Ew. No.

- Mom can do better.
- Okay.

Here, how about this guy?

You said you wouldn't
mind dating a doctor.

He's a podiatrist.
That's weird and gross.

- Mm.
- Yeah.

Oh, he looks nice...
Click on him.


Oh, well, he does
seem kind of sweet.

Yeah, he's cute.

You know, for an old dude.

You want to say hi,

maybe ask him out
for a cup of coffee?

Oh, I don't know.
Maybe this is a bad idea.

- Too late, 'cause you're doing it.
- Annie, wait.


It's done.

You just asked him out.

Don't you have one

- that shows a bit more cleavage?
- Trust me, you don't want to show

any more skin...
The water's gonna be freezing.

Zach is really hot.
I need to look my best.

Whatever. Let me show you
how to pop up on the board.

- So, you're like this...
- Oh, my God, Ivy!

Get up...
You look ridiculous.

I don't intend on
actually surfing.

That was just an icebreaker
to get a date with Zach.

So you have no intention
of surfing on your surf date?

I'm gonna paddle out in the water.

It looked pretty
easy on Blue Crush.

I watched half of it last night.

Then we'll just get up
on the boards, talk, and...

I will win him over
with my trademark charm.

Right. Okay, so what happens
when a wave comes?

I'll keep missing the waves.

Or better yet, I'll tell him I'm
waiting for a really big one.

Maybe you should just
go to dinner instead.

Ivy, have a little faith.

There are plenty of guys out there

who think I can cook,
change a tire, pack my own bags.


I bet that's Ade.
I'll get it.

I asked her to come over for a
little surf style consultation.

No offense, but I couldn't
really rely on you for that.


Has Ade ever even
been in the ocean?

Like that matters.



May I please have a
word with you alone?

- I can go.
- No. You know what?

- You stay. He should go.
- I'm sorry, but I can't leave

- till I've had a chance to tell you something.
- Tell me what?

Look, I don't know how
much Laurel told you

about the affair she
had with my father.

You know, I really
don't feel like hearing

about my mother's past,
especially from you.

That affair wrecked my mother
and it tore apart my family.

I thought revenge
could fix everything.

I was wrong.

It didn't help anything.
And I hurt you.

You didn't deserve that.

And... I would take it
all back, if I could.


Well, you can't take it back,
but you can leave me alone.

I know what Oscar did to
you was very messed up.

I don't know if you
should ever forgive him.

But for what it's worth,

I think he sounded pretty sincere.

Whatever. It's too late.

Sorry. Last thing.


So, do you want to
watch a movie now?

I should go home. There's a
lot going on with the family.

Should probably hang with them.

How are things going with them?

How's your mom dealing
with everything?

Not good.

Doesn't help that my, uh,
sister's completely freaking out.


I'm listening.


Okay. You know what?

I know I said I wanted to go
home to be with the family,

but honestly,
that was just an excuse

so I can get the hell out of here.

I can't stand hanging
out with you lately.

I can't even believe
how you've been acting.

You're going to be texting

while I'm talking to you?

I'm done.

You blow off your friends,

you call the paparazzi
on yourself.

You're so self-absorbed,
it makes me sick.

We should have gotten
into surfing way earlier.

- Seriously.
- Yep.

Is anyone else having
cell service problems?

It says I've got full coverage,
but it's not sending.

You okay?

No. Navid and I had
a pretty bad fight.

He thinks I've become selfish.

Now he's not returning my calls.


And he's right.
I've been so wrapped up

with my career lately that...

I've been acting really awful.

I need to do something
to make it right with Navid.

If I lost him, I literally would
not be able to live with myself.

I hope it all works out.

Silver, will you help me
figure out something to do?


Of course. Yeah.

Just let me know what you need.

Oh, my God! Yeah!

Popping out of the barrel is
Ivy Sullivan.

That k*ller ride puts her
into first place for West Beverly.

That was awesome!

Oh, my gosh! We know her!
That's our friend!

Ivy really dominated that last wave.

Oh, she's just lucky
I wasn't out there.

Surf's up. Let's go.


Oh, no...

Oh, no. Oh, no.

Oh, no.

And I tried everything.

Stretching, weight training,
pain pills, hypnosis.

But nothing would stop the pain.

Sitting. Standing. Lying down.

My back was never not hurting me.

What finally cured it?

Cured it?

That's what I'm saying.

You're still in pain?


You don't seem like
you're in pain.

That's because the pain
is so incredible

and unrelenting, if it ever did stop,
I might actually

notice it and react.

But it is so...
consistently horrible

from the moment I get up
to the moment I go to bed

that, uh, it just never
even enters my mind.

I no longer know
what it's like to not

be in excruciating pain.

That sounds awful.

Eh, you get used to it.

I'd be happy to, uh, check out

your spinal column, if you'd like.

That's really where this
whole thing started with me.

Maybe later.


- You okay?
- Yeah.

Fine. Totally fine.

Hey, Zach, where do you live?


Why live anywhere else?

I totally agree.

I've been shopping for a
house on the beach forever.

I really like Broad Beach,

but who wants to pay
an extra three million

just to say you're neighbors
with Sean Penn, you know?

I think I see a decent set
rolling in.

So, I was thinking
maybe after all this,
we could get a bite to eat.

Since it's an aquatic-themed date,
we could get sushi.

Are you more of a Katsuya
or a Nobu man?


Why the hell do surfers attach
their board to their legs

if it's just going to
hit them in the face

when they wipe out?
It's like a w*apon.

You attach your board
so you don't lose it.

So it doesn't hit another
surfer if you wipe out.


I guess that makes sense.

You've never surfed before,
have you?

Not exactly.

But hey! You got to rescue me,

be my big, strong hero.

It was fun, right?

No, it wasn't fun.

I would never have taken
a beginner out that far.

You could have been
seriously hurt.

- It was a stupid thing to do.
- Come on.

It's not that bad.
I don't even have

to call my plastic surgeon.

Have a nice life.

All right. Coffee or dessert?

I think we're good.

I'll have the chocolate souffl?.

Um, will you excuse me?
I'm going to run to the ladies' room.


Hey. Wh...
Uh, what are you doing here?

- Oh, uh, I'm on a date.
- Uh-huh.

An internet date.

The computer is
running my love life.

How is that working out for you?

Well, I think I
need a new computer.

It's not going well.


Well, I must confess,
I'm not sorry to hear that.

Pineapple chicken.

Sounds gross, but it's awesome.

I know, man.
This is my third piece.

Dude, that's pork.

No, it's not. I hate pork.


That's pig, dude.

Why didn't you tell me?
You know I don't eat pork.

I... I didn't notice.

I just thought it would
be funnier if I waited.

And it was.

You're a douche.

All right. I got to roll.
I got to pick up Laura.


This girl's got you whipped
and you're not even getting laid.

I know.
It's like I'm dating Ivy.



- Wow. Wow.
- I'm sorry.

Is that too soon?

- Wow.
- I'm sorry, buddy. Come here.

No, no.
Dude, get off of me.

Get off of me. Get off of me.

You came.

I did.

I'm glad.

This is great, right?

Ian did such an amazing job.

- What's up?
- Yeah.

It's awesome.

You gonna do the limbo
contest with me later?

Uh, I don't know.

I'll take that as
a definite "yes."

You guys seen Navid?

Yeah. Talking to him now.

He's on his way.

Oh. Hi.

- What's up?
- Where are you?

I'm coming.
I'm just running a little late.

Well, you're missing all
of this hula dancing.

I'm devastated.

I'll be there in ten.

Okay. Bye.

You boys mind if I join you?

- Not at all.
- Not at all.

Grab a seat.

Dixon, I thought you hated pork.

Oh, good. Coffee.

You okay? I was about to file
a missing persons report.

Oh, everything's fine.
Long line.


That is good coffee.

All right, so I'll bring the car around
for you in, like, two hours.

Thanks, that's really nice of you.

All right...

Hey, what's the matter?

I thought we were going to
have a good time tonight.

Can you just take me home now?

Okay, I don't get it.

You had your outfit
overnighted from Maui,

and no one's even seen it yet.

Dax is here.

I can't handle this.

So what if Dax is here?

It's a big party.

I knew I should have
worn my platforms.

He's going to think
I'm a short loser.

No, he's going to think you have

a new boyfriend.


Trust me.

It's working.

Yeah, you're welcome.

Why are you suddenly
being so nice to me?

Do you want to borrow
the car or something?

Look, even though you're
incredibly annoying,

you got me a job

and a place to stay when
you barely knew me, so...

I owe you one.

You are awesome.

Come on.

I've got to get something to eat.

- No.
- No?

No, the food is gross.

No, it looks great,
and I'm starving.

Last thing I ate was
a reduced-fat cookie

from the coffee shop.

Let's take a walk
on the beach first.

Let me just grab a bite.

No, uh, you can eat
when we get back.

It'll help you build
up your appetite.

Well, you heard me say
I was starving, right?

Man up, we're walking.

I'm so close,
it's just right there.


Everything okay?

No, I just got in a big
fight with Adrianna.

It wasn't even a fight, really.

It was just me telling her what
a huge phony she turned into.

Don't be so hard on her, okay?

I mean, it's got to be overwhelming...
Sudden stardom.

She's riding a wave,
and she's making the most of it.

I get it.

Maybe you should date her.

To tell you the truth, uh...

It's not just the way that
Adrianna's been acting

that's been bothering me.

It's also the way that I've
been feeling about you.

Here we are.


I set up a private dinner for us.

- Hey.
- Hi.

I'm sorry for taking
you away from the luau,

but tonight I wanted
you all to myself.

- Are you surprised?
- Uh, very.

Come on, let's go.

What do you think?

Uh, it's... very nice.

And look.

All of my success
would mean nothing

if I couldn't share it with you.

You know that, right?

I love you so much,
and I am so sorry

that I haven't been
showing you that.

But things are going to change.

Okay? I promise.

From this moment on,

I'm gonna be a better...

More attentive...

More appreciative...

More loving girlfriend.

I cannot believe they gave out
a trophy for a limbo contest.

'Cause you're jealous.

And remarkably inflexible.

I can hardly believe
you can even bend over

and tie your own shoes,
Mr. Big Time Athlete.

What's wrong?

Nothing, really, I'm just...

I'm not feeling so hot right now.

Hey, you are very hot.

The guy running the
limbo contest...

He kept letting you limbo so
he could look down your shirt

every time you went under the bar.

- What? Shut up.
- It's true.

You went, like, thirty times.
Everyone else went once.

It was a travesty.

I'm glad we're friends again.

I missed you.

I missed you, too.


- I'm sorry.
- No, I'm... I'm sorry.

That was... embarrassing.

No, not at all.

It's not you.

What is it?

Is there someone else?

Yeah... There is.


Uh, hey, Dad.

It's Ivy.

Not really in the luau
mood either, I take it.

Uh, yeah.

Look, I'm sorry you had to witness
that mess with Ivy yesterday.

It was awful, what you did to her.

It's pretty much the worst
thing I've ever done.

Enough about me, um...

How are you?

Uh, not great.

I've been feeling not
great for a while.

It's because of what
happened with Mr. Cannon?

Look, I don't know
the whole story,

but after our detective work

and the visit to
the police station,

I figured out that he did
something bad enough to you

that he should rot in jail.

I just want everything to be better,
to be fixed already.

Is that too much to ask?

I know what you mean,

but sometimes

there is no quick fix for the
things that hurt the most.

Can't I rip off the
bandage and move on?

I'm tired of feeling this way.

The bandage will fall
off when you're ready.

Besides, you look
kind of cute with it.

It's hard looking so good
and feeling so bad, right?

Yeah, well, who wants to
be ugly and happy anyway?

Feeling not great makes me hungry.

Me, too.

Do you like guacamole?

Because I love guacamole.

As far as I'm concerned,
it's the best thing about L.A.

- I love guacamole.
- Mm-hmm?

All right, well,
we're going to get some.

Sir, could we do a bowl of
guacamole and some chips.

And one more of those for me?

That is not the best
thing about L.A., though.

- Oh, really?
- No, there's...

- What else is there?
- The weather, there's Rodeo Drive...

Need any help?

Yeah, that'd be great.

Hey, chauffeur boy.

Let me give you a piece of advice.

Stay away from my girl.


And people say you're not polite.

She's not your girl anymore.

You don't know what
you're talking about.

I know she's much
better off without you.

Stay away from her, all right?

I really hate being
told what to do.