06x03 - Kidnapping!? The Targeted Jumbo Jet

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Transformers". Aired: September 17, 1984 – November 11, 1987.*
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Focuses on the Transformers, split into two warring factions: the heroic Autobots and the evil Decepticons as they crash land on Earth and continue their eons long conflict there.

1-4: The Transformers
5: Transformers: The Headmasters
6: Transformers: Super-God Masterforce
7: Victory
8: Zone
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06x03 - Kidnapping!? The Targeted Jumbo Jet

Post by bunniefuu »


mou dare ni mo tomerarenai
No one can stop us now

inochi kaketa TRANSFORM
We transform and risk our lives

kizu tsuite mo yaru shika nai
Even if we get hurt, it has to be done

aoi chikyuu mamoru no wa dare da
Who else will protect the blue Earth?

shounen wa ima senshi ni kawaru
Boys will change into warriors

GO AND FIGHT tachi agaru n da
Go and fight, stand up

MASTERFORCE! tatakau tabi ni
Masterforce! Everytime we fight,

MASTERFORCE! tsuyoku naru no sa
Masterforce! We grow stronger

MASTERFORCE! ima koso susume
Masterforce! Now is
the time to push on

Get on, God on, Head on

Super-God Masterforce

Ladies and gentlemen, in
approximately minutes we will
be arriving at London Airport.

As soon as we cross the Dover
Strait we always get this terrible fog.

The fog in London is legendary.
There's not much we can do about it.



This is Mont Porte
Airlines Flight !

We are experiencing abnormal
flight conditions!! Repeat,
abnormal flight conditions!!

Mont Porte Airlines Flight ,
what's going on? Please respond!

What is that thing!?

A monster!

It's a monster!

Kidnapping! The Targeted Jumbo Jet

You're so slow!

Fast, fast! Fast, fast.

Cab! Where are you? CAB!


That must be Shuta...


Where are you? Cab!


This must be Cab the
Neanderthal's house.

I can't believe he built something
like this instead of moving
into the school dormitory.

Hurray hurray! Cab wins Cab
wins, he won he won he won!

CAB!! I came here because
I was worried about you!!

Shuta! Come look at my
home! It’s awesome!!

Come on, hurry up!

Well, come on in!

Welcome to my home!


You made all of this yourself!?

Of course!


Your armadillo transformed!

Transform! Transform!

Hey, you're going to help Hawk
and the Autobots out, right Shuta?

Yeah. But I don't know how
much I’ll be able to do.

You are too, Cab?

Of course!

How could I let guys like the
Decepticons do whatever they please!?

Figure anything out, Lander?

The British Havy and Air Force
are searching the Strait of Dover,

but they haven't even found a
shard of the Mont Porte Flight .

Lander, there's definitely something
strange about this accident.

Huh? Meaning what?

The Decepticons, of course.

I just can't shake this feeling that
they're involved in this somehow.

Hawk, there's been an incident
on another passenger jet. And
it was a Mont Porte flight, too.


It happened near Corsica,
in the Mediterranean Sea.

Hawk, doesn't this smell a little
too much like the Decepticons?

Lander, you heard him.
Hurry to the accident site.

Understood. I’ll contact
Phoenix from here.



Are the Decepticons
on the rampage again?

Well, I was just about
to go and find out.


Then please take me along too!

I wanna go too!

Hawk, I want to help you!

I promise I won't get in your way!

What's the big idea!? I was here before
you! Y'know, me and Hawk are--!

Shut up! Doesn't matter
if you were first or last!

All right, all right. I’ll make
flight arrangements so
that both of you can go.





We're just in time! Let's hurry!

Looks like the Mont Porte airplane was
able to make an emergency landing.

Hawk! Over here!


That was fast, Hawk.
You came at top speed?

Same speed as always.

Hold on, mother! We'll
be at the hospital soon!

Father, you're okay, right?

There was a young girl among the
passengers who didn't seem injured.

Let's ask her if she saw anything.

Let's see... Minerva, as for you-

I’m fine! What about
my mother and father?

Haha, you can relax. There's nothing
serious about their condition.

Just some light bruises and
a temporary state of shock.

Thank you, doctor!

Wait, I’m not done yet!

Oh, excuse me!


Now, you were on the airplane, right?

Is there anything you can tell us?

Yes, but who are you people?

We-we're... government investigators.

The government...?

What? You saw a bat monster?

Yes! There was a terrible shaking,
then as the plane started going down
I was able to see it very clearly!

That was the first time I’d
ever seen a monster so
grotesque! It was shocking!

Just as we thought... it
was the Decepticons!


What is that!?

How unexpected, their ability far
exceeds that of the Destroids
made from corpses!

Crush everything, above and below!

Only I could have captured
an entire passenger jet!

You're one to talk after you
let the second jet get away!


Enough of this, what about
the biologist? Can't we do
something to get him already?

I gambled on him being
in one of the two planes...

But whatever! I’ll surely find
and abduct him this time!


The Nobel-Prize-winning biologist
Professor Blanieux of the
Republic of Mont Porte

is needed for our
experiments at any cost!

I know! I don't need
you to explain it to me!

Just wait in sweet anticipation...



-And if it isn't Cab!

We couldn't just sit around when we
heard the Decepticons were involved!

Mysterious monsters have
appeared in Rome, and the
city has fallen into panic.


They must be the passengers of
the Mont Porte Airlines plane that
vanished over the Strait of Dover.

Hawk! What's going on?!

Lander! Phoenix! Rome is in trouble!


This is bad.

At this rate, casualties among
the passengers and the citizens
of Rome will only increase!

Rome isn't too far. Let's hurry!


-Take me too!
-Take me too!

No! You two stay here.


I know how you feel, but
just wait patiently, okay?


Okay, we'll use anesthetic gas to
knock out all of the passengers
that were turned into Destroids.


How dare they interfere...
I’ll do away with them!

Just wait, Blood. The
biologist comes first.

Huh? Decepticons!

He found us!

He found us!
-Not good!


We've put all of the passengers
to sleep. With proper treatment,
they should return to normal.

The Decepticons controlling
them escaped into here.

I’ll check it out. It might
lead to their hideout.

I’ll go too.

I’m counting on you!

Hey... Are you all healed?

Are your mother and father okay?

Yes, we're fine! There's
no need to worry!

-Really? That's great!
-Really? That's great!

I’m Minerva!

-I’m Shuta!
-I’m Cab!



Why you...!

It’s okay, I get it!

Um... Cab, and Shuta!

-That's right!
-That's right!

I really want to talk to you two.

I want to know about things
like the Decepticons...


How disappointing.

Wow, your father is a resident
ambassador to Japan for
the Republic of Mont Porte?

Oh, so that's why you were
on your way to Japan!

That's right. And my
mother is from France!

She's very beautiful, and
naturally as her daughter I’m
also beautiful, don't you think?

What? You're leaving
for Japan tomorrow?

Yes, I feel much better, and l
want to hurry and attend to
my work no matter what.

The biologist Professor Blanieux
will arrive here tomorrow morning

on a chartered plane on his
way to attend an academic
conference in Japan.

So we will be going as well.

I’m going with him, so
everything will be fine! Besides,

I want to hurry to Japan so I can
learn traditional Japanese dancing!

Wow, you like Japanese dancing?!

Yes, I like it very much!

Well then, is it all right if we
accompany you as well?

Certainly, I have no objection.

Looks like nothing out of the ordinary.

Yep. Let's go.

The biologist, Professor Blanieux.

A pleasure to meet you.

The pleasure is all mine.

We will soon be taking off.

About two more hours
until we reach Japan.

At this rate, we should be able
to land without any problems.


Turbulence, is it?

It couldn't be!

They're here!

No doubt about it!

Shuta! Cab! Handle things here!

Shuta! Cab! Handle things here!


What- what are those people?


There you are!

So it was you!

How convenient for you to be onboard.

Today will be the day
that I beat you down!

What are you talking about?
You're the one who's going down!

Why did they lie and say they
were government investigators!?

W-well, it was wrong of them to
lie, but they had a good reason to!

There can't be a ''good reason''!

And what about you two? Why
didn't you tell me the truth?

Don't get so mad! Now
is hardly the time-

Professor Blanieux, l
have business with you!

I won't let you lay a finger
on Professor Blanieux!


You're not getting into the cockpit!

What the-!

What's this-!?
-You witch!






Excellent, Kraken! Finish them!

Don't forget this!

Why you-! Take that! And that!

Phoenix! You all right?

Phoenix! You all right?
-Sure, it doesn't weigh a thing!

I’m sorry that we lied to you.

Yes! It was very mean, I would
never do a thing like that!

But Shuta and Cab explained it to me.

Thank you for protecting
my mother and father!

Shuta and Cab were very
energetic inside the plane!
You should have seen it!

-You hear that, Hawk?
-You hear that, Hawk?

Okay, I get it. You're strong, too.

By the way, Minerva, you're going
to attend a Japanese school, right?

lf so, then why don't you go to
the International School with us?

Going to school with someone like
you two... I’ll have to think about that.

-Aww... how come?
-Aww... how come?

You two just aren't
popular with the ladies!

Disaster was narrowly averted.

Thanks to Professor Blanieux' efforts,
the people turned into Destroids
were returned to normal.

The Decepticons will certainly be
back. What kind of attack will come!?

Preview for the Next Episode

After all of our recent experiences,
this time we are transformed
into Headmaster Juniors.

But the Decepticons also add three
young boys to their evil ranks...

Next time on The Transformers:
Super-God Masterforce,

''The Birth of the Headmaster Jrs!''

Now, you too use the
Masterforce to TRANSFORM!

The Birth of the Headmaster Jrs!
Now, you too use the
Masterforce to TRANSFORM!

The Birth of the Headmaster Jrs!

Written by
Yoshihisa Araki
Shuta Yumi Touma
Cab Hiroko Emori
Minerva Yuriko Yamamoto
Hawk Katsuji Mori

Written by
Yoshihisa Araki
Shuta Yumi Touma
Cab Hiroko Emori
Minerva Yuriko Yamamoto
Hawk Katsuji Mori
CHANGING CHANGING sakebu chiheisen
Changing, changing
The horizon shouts

Written by
Yoshihisa Araki
Shuta Yumi Touma
Cab Hiroko Emori
Minerva Yuriko Yamamoto
Hawk Katsuji Mori

kimi ni kitto nani ka ga okiru
Something will surely happen to you

Lander Ryoichi Tanaka
Diver Yuuji Mikimoto
Phoenix Masato Hirano
Minerva's Father Yara Yusaku
Dr. Blanieux Toshiro lshii
kimi ni kitto nani ka ga okiru
Something will surely happen to you

Lander Ryoichi Tanaka
Diver Yuuji Mikimoto
Phoenix Masato Hirano
Minerva's Father Yara Yusaku
Dr. Blanieux Toshiro Ishii

BURNING BURNING moeagaru sora
Burning, burning The
sky bursts into flames

Blood Koji Totani
Dauros Daisuke Gori
Gilmer Masaharu Sato
Stewardess Rica Fukami
Narrator Keiichi Noda
BURNING BURNING moeagaru sora
Burning, burning The
sky bursts into flames

Blood Koji Totani
Dauros Daisuke Gori
Gilmer Masaharu Sato
Stewardess Rica Fukami
Narrator Keiichi Noda

ikari o komete POWER zenkai
Focus your rage Full power

Hero (Hero), hero Blazing battle

kinou no kimi o koete
Go beyond who you were
yesterday (You are hero)

sou sa HERO (HERO)
Yes, you are a hero (hero),
hero With the Masterforce

kimi mo kimi mo TRANSFORMER
You too, you too are a Transformer
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