07x22 - A Deadly Battle

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Transformers". Aired: September 17, 1984 – November 11, 1987.*
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Focuses on the Transformers, split into two warring factions: the heroic Autobots and the evil Decepticons as they crash land on Earth and continue their eons long conflict there.

1-4: The Transformers
5: Transformers: The Headmasters
6: Transformers: Super-God Masterforce
7: Victory
8: Zone
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07x22 - A Deadly Battle

Post by bunniefuu »

Fight! Super-Robot Lifeform
The Transformers: Victory

kono chikyuu chikyuu nerau no wa dare da
Who is after the Earth, Earth

yurushi wa shinai yurushi
wa shinai DESTRON
The unforgivable,
unforgivable Decepticons

tachiagare ima ga sono toki
Rise up, now is the time

o- o- o-! seigi no yuusha STAR SABER
Oh oh oh! The brave hero, Star Saber

Transform, merge, power up

chikara no chikara no BRAINMASTER
The Brainmaster power, power

V! V! Victory

Transformers Victory

V! V! Victory Transformers


A Deadly Battle

Doing this to the Lieutenant
Commander... that lousy Decepticon!

We'll never forgive him!

I appreciate the sentiments, but
an injury like this is nothing.

How do your injuries feel?

Forgive me. I can't stand
how useless I was...

That sounds like something
you'd say, Blacker.

But for now, just get some rest.

It's not that bad.

This wound is nothing!

Ahh, you always push yourself!

Having too much spirit can
sometimes be a bad thing.

Having too much spirit can
sometimes be a bad thing.
-Yeah, really! He's like a child!

How humbling...

Supreme Commander.

There's a communiqué
from the Sector Two Force.

It's Mr. God Ginrai!

I just returned to headquarters
from a fierce battle on the
front with the Decepticons,

But I heard that Lieutenant
Commander Blacker ran into
some trouble, so I wanted
to offer my sympathies.

But I heard that Lieutenant
Commander Blacker ran into
some trouble, so I wanted
to offer my sympathies.

The wounds are deeper
than we first thought.

That's gotta hurt. In terms of
your fighting strength, too.

That's gotta hurt. In terms of
your fighting strength, too.
-That's true,

but the Multiforce
have been improving.

When the time comes,
they'll be quite reliable.

That's good to hear. But if you need
backup, don't hesitate to contact me.

I'll be in command at
headquarters for a while.


As long as you're around, we can
strengthen our defence of the Earth.

I'd like to see you again, God
Ginrai! Be sure to visit Earth!

I'm looking forward to seeing you, too!

Understood. I'll consider visiting
when my duty will allow it.


Meanwhile, the Decepticons were...

We still haven't raided
two thirds of the Earth.

Where should we target next?

I've assembled Hellbat and the others.

We'll combine into Liokaiser and
put an end to Greatshot's life-

We'll combine into Liokaiser and
put an end to Greatshot's life-
-What was that?!

You called for an assembly
without consulting me?

I can't let him think he can
go on living any longer!

Before he runs to another
planet, by my own hand I'll...!

Stop it. Don't waste your
strength on a wanderer like him.

Waste my strength!? A member of
the Autobots will be eliminated!

He'll be nothing more than a child
against Liokaiser! C'mon, help me out!

Just calm down and cool your head!

For now, it would be in your
best interests to obey me.

For now, it would be in your
best interests to obey me.
-My best interests?

-My best interests?
-That's right.


Who's there?!

It's me, Jaruga... The Emperor wants
to see you, Lieutenant Commander.

Oh, it's you... Don't startle me, Jaruga.

Y- yes.

All right. I'll be there right away.

Emperor Deszaras. It's me.


May I enter?


E- Emperor!

What is this!?

O- only you could be so vile, Emperor!

I never thought I'd hear
you say those words.

Until now, I have overlooked
everything you've done.

Emperor! Why are you
doing this to me!?

But today will be different.

Will you give me your devoted loyalty?

Emperor! Even now, I am still...!

Do not make me repeat myself.

Say that you will carry out
my new plan to completion.

Will you choose death?
Or will you choose life?

Very well.

Regardless of your new
plan, I, Leozack, swear my
lifelong loyalty to you!!

Hey, what's that?

Hey, what's that?


What happened!?

Supreme Commander!

An SOS has just come in from the
Asia quadrant garrison headquarters.

Have the Decepticons shown up!?

That's strange, there's no energy
stored there or any other merits...

Those rats are planning something.

Indeed, I think so too.

It might be a trap for us.

A trap!?

We won't let them trick us,
right, Supreme Commander?

Even if it is a trap, once
we have received an SOS,

it is our duty to investigate.

Okay then! We'll crush
their cheap tricks!

That's right! Let's do it!

No, I want Laster and
Braver to stay behind.

But it might be a trap,
Supreme Commander!

I know.

But with the Multiforce on
patrol all over the world,
our security is spread thin.

But if the worst should happen...!

In an emergency, I'll have
the Multiforce gather.

Please. Protect Blacker
and the Shuttle Base.

Supreme Commander...

One more thing. When the Rescue
Team arrives at the scene, they
are to focus on rescue operations.

No matter what happens.

Got that, Jan?

Y- yes sir!


Galaxy Shuttle, launch!


What's wrong? Not feeling well?

It's nothing. I don't see
Holi or the others around.

Er, oh, they're outside.

That's unusual! Has
something happened!?

Not really. Worrying too
much is bad for your injury.

Being confined here has sharpened
my instincts! You're hiding
something, aren't you!?

Stop it Blacker, I'm not...

Fine, I won't ask you any more!

I'll ask the Supreme
Commander directly!


-Aah! Ur...

You see? You're pushing
yourself too hard!

Just get some restful sleep. Okay?

This is so shameful...

The Autobots are here!

The Autobots are here!
-Don't panic! Calculate your timing!

We don't know what kind
of traps there might be!

Be careful in rescue and
all other operations!

Understood, Supreme Commander!

Fire, hurry with the fire extinguishing.


-I'll handle the enemy.

Refrain from acting on
your own. Let's go!

Let's go, Decepticons!

They're not fighting back! So
they are planning something!


I can't see!

Now! Let's go!

Take this!

What is this!?

Star Saber!

These are custom
living-metal-destroying time bombs!

You'll be on your way
to hell in three minutes!

Not going to happen!



Is this it? Something like this won't...!


Eat this, Star Saber!




Jan, do you think the Supreme
Commander will be okay?

Don't say it! I'm worried, too!

Damn those Decepticons!

Th- they got me...

Fiends! I won't be defeated!




Face me!

Face me!

You're going to fight
us in your condition?

Let's go, everyone!




Star Saber.

This is the last day of your life.

What!? The Supreme
Commander did!?

Why didn't you tell
me until now!? Urr...!

Why didn't you tell
me until now!? Urr...!
-You all right?

He wouldn't let me tell you since
it would be bad for your health
if you got agitated! I'm sorry...

Being in this condition
at a time like this...!

Maybe I shouldn't have told you...

Don't be a fool! Never mind me,
why didn't you go with him!?

We said we'd go! But he
was worried about you...

We were ordered to watch the base,
we had no choice but to obey!

Never mind. I'll take
responsibility for everything,

you two move out immediately!


Didn't you hear your leader's order!?


Go, quickly!

I will protect the Shuttle Base
even if it costs me my life!

Supreme Commander...
Please be all right.



Liokaiser! Now it's my turn!

Here I come!

Where is he!?

Even if you disappear, something
will reveal your position!



He got away...

Some kind of trap-

We're finished with the first aid! Now
we have to hurry to the hospital!


-Leader! Hurry and get in!

I know, I know! But...

What should we do?

What should we do?
-I don't like it!

Going back while leaving the
Supreme Commander behind...

Okay, it's settled! Everyone,
you head to the hospital!

H- huh!?

H- huh!?


Get in, Jan!

Get in, Jan!
-Okay, then!

What is this...?!

Th- this is...!


You fell for my trap, Star Saber!

Exactly as planned!

Eat this!

See if you can survive the Living
Metal Destroying Cannon!

As stubborn as always. NOW!

Eat this, Star Saber!

Good work, Liokaiser!

Today will be the end of
the nuisance of Star Saber!

Starting tomorrow, we will be
able to steal as much of the
Earth's energy as we want.

Is there no limit to your cowardice?!

Treachery spouts from your mouth
like a fountain and never shuts up!!

So your last words are those
of a sore loser? How amusing.

Supreme Comman-!

Supreme Comman-!

We're in trouble if they find us!
We've got to save the Supreme
Commander somehow!

But how? We're no match for them!

If only Greatshot were here...

I'll contact the base!

This is Holi! Mr. Laster!
Please come in!

Farewell, Star Saber!

Y- you...!

I see you're as underhanded
as always, Deszaras!

It's Mr. God Ginrai!

An ogre with an iron club!

God Ginrai! Don't take on
more than you can handle!

God Ginrai! Don't take on
more than you can handle!
-Just leave it to me!

Let's go, Deszaras!

God Ginrai!

You think you can fight
me in your condition?


I believe the phrase is
"jumping into the flames".

You'll be sent into hell
along with Star Saber!!

Eat this!


Fall back, God Ginrai!
Don't try to take him on!

Painful, is it? I'll put
you out of your misery!

When I die,

so will you, villain!

Eat this!

Such a stubborn wretch.

God Ginrai! I'm coming!

Don't forget about me, now.

Curse you!



Damn you, God Ginrai!

Now's my chance!

Jan, Holi!

Jan, you okay?

Jan, you okay?
-No problem!

See if you can take
the sword of justice!

Well, Deszaras?

Come on, Deszaras!

Come on, Deszaras!
-We're your opponents!

You... how dare you!

You... how dare you!
-Emperor! You mustn't
attempt the impossible!

Silence! No matter what, I will-!

Silence! No matter what, I will-!
-There's too many of them!
Do not throw your life away!

For now, we must...




Autobot filth! Prepare
yourselves when we next meet!

Autobot filth! Prepare
yourselves when we next meet!
-Don't follow them!

Thank you, God Ginrai.
But how did you...?

When I was on patrol in
space, I received an SOS.

I'm glad you're all right, Star Saber.

Hey, we're not all right!

Help us!

Oh no, we forgot! We're coming!

God Ginrai!

l- I'm fine...

Godmasters are immortal!

Ginrai, hang on! Ginrai!

-God Ginrai!
-Mr. Ginrai!

Thanks to God Ginrai, Star Saber
was saved from certain death.

But the Decepticons' fearsome plot
left God Ginrai seriously wounded.

The Autobots' path from
here on will be difficult.

Don't give up, Star Saber!

Preview for the Next Episode

Standing supreme over all
and destroying everything
in his path is Deszaras.

God Ginrai has fallen from his wounds.

In order to save the Earth
and the Autobots' comrades,

he makes a courageous decision.

Next time on The
Transformers: Victory,

"The Death of Ginrai!"

Become eternal, my friend.
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