07x17 - Form Liokaiser!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Transformers". Aired: September 17, 1984 – November 11, 1987.*
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Focuses on the Transformers, split into two warring factions: the heroic Autobots and the evil Decepticons as they crash land on Earth and continue their eons long conflict there.

1-4: The Transformers
5: Transformers: The Headmasters
6: Transformers: Super-God Masterforce
7: Victory
8: Zone
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07x17 - Form Liokaiser!

Post by bunniefuu »

Fight! Super-Robot Lifeform
The Transformers: Victory

kono chikyuu chikyuu nerau no wa dare da
Who is after the Earth, Earth

yurushi wa shinai yurushi
wa shinai DESTRON
The unforgivable,
unforgivable Decepticons

tachiagare ima ga sono toki
Rise up, now is the time

o- o- o-! seigi no yuusha STAR SABER
Oh oh oh! The brave hero, Star Saber

Transform, merge, power up

chikara no chikara no BRAINMASTER
The Brainmaster power, power

V! V! Victory

Transformers Victory

V! V! Victory Transformers


Form Liokaiser!

The Decepticon Lieutenant
Commander, Leozack, had taken
his former subordinate Gaihawk

from the Defence Force's military
prison with the intention of
creating a powerful troop unit.

Gaihawk! Once again, I welcome you!

I'll be in your care,
Lieutenant Commander.

Hope you treat me well!

Hope you treat me well!
-Hey, you doin' okay?

-Hey, you doin' okay?
-Been a long time. Good to see you!

Lieutenant Commander!
What about Hellbat?

I had him step out for a bit.

Is Hellbat really that untrustworthy?

He is completely untrustworthy.


Why was I the only one
who had to leave the room?

Could it be... they're going to fire
me now that they have Gaihawk!?

Another comrade?

Yes. His name is Deathcobra.

He's on his way and
should be here soon.

Is he part of the
Brestforce as well, sir?.

Is he part of the
Brestforce as well, sir?.

He used to be my subordinate,
and he's loyal to me.

So are us Brestforce going to
have seven members now?

No, we're going to have
six, just as planned.

That untrustworthy
maggot will be fired.

Fired!? They're really going to...!?

As soon as our new comrade
Deathcobra arrives, we're
returning to the Earth!

Before we leave this planet,
please let me fight Star Saber, sir!

What? Fight Star Saber?

I want to flatten that accursed
do-gooder for throwing me in prison!!

Almighty Emperor Deszaras.

Leozack. Has the sixth Brestforce
member been retrieved?

Yes Emperor, we took
him back by force!

In that case...

I understand.

While Star Saber is away, we
will hurry back to the Earth,

and we shall take its
energy for you, Emperor!

Do not forget those words.

Yes, Emperor!

You heard him.

We can take care of Star Saber later.

But once we have six like-minded
individuals assembled,

we will fear nothing.

Meanwhile, instead of returning
to Earth, Star Saber had

stayed behind on Planet
Micro to search for Leozack
and the other Brestforce.

Planet Micro Galactic Defence Force
stayed behind on Planet
Micro to search for Leozack
and the other Brestforce.

stayed behind on Planet
Micro to search for Leozack
and the other Brestforce.

Since they haven't been
detected by the space patrols,

those fiends are still somewhere
here on Planet Micro.

What could be their reason for coming

all the way from the Earth
to take back their comrade?

I don't know why they need Gaihawk.

The only thing I know for sure is
that he's not some lowly underling,

but an elite member of the Brestforce.

I have the feeling that something
will again happen to this planet.

I won't allow anything to happen!

Holi, can you hear me?

Yes sir, loud and clear!

There's no sign of Leozack
or the Brestforce anywhere.

Try searching the mountainous
region outside of the city.

Yes sir!

What should I do...

I've got to do something!

If I just do nothing, I'll be...!

This is so depressing!

I know!

I've only got one choice!

Holi, once you've tracked down
Leozack and the Brestforce,

will you be going back to the Earth?

Oh, so you'll be lonely if I go back?

Of course not!! I was just asking.


Holi, look in the sky!

It's Hellbat!

The rest of those Decepti-g*ons
must be nearby! Hurry!


And who are you!?

I'm Hellbat, subordinate
of the great Leozack.

You've come to escort
me back? How generous.

Actually, I've got something
to discuss with you.

Would you join me for a bit?

Discuss what?

It won't take long.



You want me to go back?

The truth is,

I've made some stupid
mistakes lately and made the
Lieutenant Commander angry.

So if you join, then
my position will be...

That doesn't concern me now, does it?

I'm joining because the Lieutenant
Commander asked me to! That is all!

I'm well aware, but
still I'm begging you.

We're both Brestforce
members, aren't we?

If you just make up a reason and
contact the Lieutenant Commander,

saying that you can't go-

I refuse!!

You are a weak-willed infant who does
not deserve to be called a Decepticon!

Th- that's saying too much!

Since you're a comrade, when I
see the Lieutenant Commander

I won't mention this conversation!


I beg you!


I am a man who does
not arrive late! Move!

Even though I asked you nicely...



If you're really going to sh**t,
then sh**t and see what happens!

I'm serious!

Let- let go!

Treacherous dog...!

Uh... l- it was only a threat...

That was the sound of g*nf*re!

It came from up ahead!

It came from up ahead!
- Jan, hold on tight!

Over there!


Don't sh**t!

Hey! Come out, coward!

Don't sh**t! I didn't mean it!

Weaklings like you make me so...!

Don't sh**t! Stop, please!

A fatal hit...!

It's not my fault! It's not my...!

One of them is Hellbat!

Why were they fighting each other!?

This didn't turn out very well...

I've got to hide him in a place
where no one will look...


Those are Autobots!

I just had a great idea!


An Autobot kid got Deathcobra!?


He thought the Defence Force's
security net would catch
us when we left the planet.

I saw it happen as he was trying to
disrupt their communications network!

That Autobot punk!

Don't you believe me!?

Lieutenant Commander!

Deathcobra was k*lled because
of orders from Star Saber!

We can't let them live!

Sir, I will need to settle my score with
Star Saber on this planet after all!

For now, just take me to
where this happened!

For now, just take me to
where this happened!
-Yes sir!

Comrades k*lling each other...
What could it possibly mean?

The one who was k*lled was
a new Decepticon member!

...that's right. The location
is the one I reported.

Understood, Holi. I'll be there soon.

Leozack is likely to
be nearby. Be careful!

Yes sir, understood!

The Supreme Commander
says he's on his way!

Jan, hide!

Damn Autobots!



Those brats! What are
you doing, everyone!?

We've got to avenge Deathcobra!


Supreme Commander!

Leozack and the Decepticons
have appeared! Please hurry!



Jan! Don't move from
that spot no matter what!

I won't be defeated by the
likes of the Decepticons! Aaa!

I thought we'd be working
together once again...

I bet you're disappointed, too...

But I will avenge you!!

It's time for a bloodbath!!


Finish it!

Let me do it!!

Star Saber!



Supreme Commander!

You okay, Holi?

It's just my arm...

Protect Jan and stay back!

Jan! Get on the V-Star!

So there's six of you now.

Star Saber! How dare
you k*ll our comrade!

Comrade? What are
you talking about!?

Don't try to fool us! Get him!!


Let's go!!




That's our Supreme Commander!

Even six opponents are nothing to him!

Star Saber. You are truly
a worthy opponent.

But playtime is over.


Troops! You can take
satisfaction in knowing that

we will be facing Star Saber in
our first merging in some time!

Let's go!





I see. So you needed six to combine.

Here's a gift for you to
take back to the Earth!!




...try taking THIS!

Supreme Commander!

Clipper! Contact Governor Raikuru!


Jan! You go too!

Holi, will you be okay by yourself?

Do as you're told!

I'll give the Supreme
Commander some backup!


Jan, hurry!

I'll eliminate you later,
small-fish! Just stay put!

Damn brat...

Supreme Commander!

Annoying brat!


Supreme Commander!

Eat this!!

Supreme Comanderrr!

Stay back!

What's wrong, Star Saber?

The strongest warrior in
the universe? What a joke!!

Take this!

You're certainly stubborn for
someone on the edge of death.

It was so worth coming all the
way to Planet Micro for this!


Now do you realise the might of
the six-robot combiner, Liokaiser?

Where would you like it?



God Ginrai!

Leave this to me!

You dare to interfere!?


Stay out of my way!

Consider yourself lucky...

For now, I'll let you live!


I won't let them escape!


Supreme Commander!


I'm the one who should be saying that!

This sector is my responsibility,
but I've been leaving it to you.

I'm the one who said to leave
it to me. Don't worry about it.

Before we chase after them, we
have to tend to your wounds.

Holi! Are you okay?

If Commander Ginrai is here,
we don't have to worry!

I'm fine.

But never mind me...

The Supreme Commander is...

Supreme Commander!

I was of no help whatsoever...

You did a good job!

I had heard that the Brestforce
had the ability to combine,

but this was my first
experience with it... I failed.

You'll make your injuries worse.

If you fought this hard,
Supreme Commander,

then the Decepticons must have
been desperate to increase
their fighting strength.

I've called for a relief squad!

It's good to see you
again, Commander Ginrai.

Holi, I'm glad you're okay.

But because of me, the
Supreme Commander is...

But because of me, the
Supreme Commander is...

It's not your fault.

Don't say anymore.

But for now, we've got to
get to the Earth, quickly!

The appearance of the
Decepticon Brestforce's
six-robot combiner, Liokaiser,

felt like a new declaration
of w*r to the Autobots.

And it was the first difficult battle
for the universe's strongest
warrior, Star Saber.

Preview for the Next Episode

Slumbering deep in the Dark Nebula
is the Decepticons' space fortress.

With it Deszaras once ruled
the universe with fear,

and now he is attempting to
resurrect this symbol of evil.

Next time on The
Transformers: Victory,

"The Resurrection of the
Decepticon Fortress!?"

Now, you together with us,

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