07x14 - A Fierce Battle!! The Asteroid

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Transformers". Aired: September 17, 1984 – November 11, 1987.*
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Focuses on the Transformers, split into two warring factions: the heroic Autobots and the evil Decepticons as they crash land on Earth and continue their eons long conflict there.

1-4: The Transformers
5: Transformers: The Headmasters
6: Transformers: Super-God Masterforce
7: Victory
8: Zone
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07x14 - A Fierce Battle!! The Asteroid

Post by bunniefuu »

Fight! Super-Robot Lifeform
The Transformers: Victory

kono chikyuu chikyuu nerau no wa dare da
Who is after the Earth, Earth

yurushi wa shinai yurushi
wa shinai DESTRON
The unforgivable,
unforgivable Decepticons

tachiagare ima ga sono toki
Rise up, now is the time

o- o- o-! seigi no yuusha STAR SABER
Oh oh oh! The brave hero, Star Saber

Transform, merge, power up

chikara no chikara no BRAINMASTER
The Brainmaster power, power

V! V! Victory

Transformers Victory

V! V! Victory Transformers


A Fierce Battle!! The Asteroid

The Asteroid Belt.

A mass of asteroids in between Mars
and Jupiter's orbits around the sun.

With a team of asteroid researchers
on board, the interplanetary
ship Spaceship was

on a course headed for Jupiter.



The control circuits are
malfunctioning! There's zero response!

Switch to the backup circuits!

I can't, they're not functional!
Control is impossible!

Spaceship calling
the Space Centre!
Spaceship calling
the Space Centre!

This is the Space Centre.
Spaceship , what happened?

Come in! Come in, please!

What's going on!?

After Spaceship
disappeared in the strange gas,

one by one, passing
spaceships also disappeared.

Meanwhile, the Supreme Commander
of the Autobots, Star Saber was...

Before communications were cut,

all of the ships that disappeared
said that they were engulfed
by a thick gas, right?

Everyone's calling it the
present-day Devil's Space Triangle!

Oh yeah, the Bermuda Triangle
was called the Devil's Sea.

Right! Ships passing through would
mysteriously sink one by one!

But I don't think it's a mystery, it's
probably the Decepticons' doing.

If it was the Decepticons, the
Supreme Commander would be on it!

But he hasn't given any orders.

Hmm, that's just it.

Something's not quite right.

Huh? What isn't right?

Something big like this happens,
and the Supreme Commander
doesn't even go to investigate!

What could he be planning?

Good. Once the front section
is finished, we'll be done.


I'll be working on our plan.
You handle things here.

Yes sir.

Excuse me, Lieutenant Commander...

What is it?

You said this is a mech for
camouflaging the Supreme
Commander, but what does that mean?

You'll know when it's finished!

Okay you kids, let's get this
finished on the double!

Off with you, now!

There's no need to
hide it from us. Right?


Why don't they just tell us?

Damn Deszaras...
What is he plotting?

Meanwhile, the Decepticons'
Thunder Arrow was hiding on
an asteroid in the Asteroid Belt.

C'mon, c'mon! Open up already!

Fine then!


What do you think you're doing!?
I thought I told you to smash it
AFTER you take its fuel energy!!

What do you think you're doing!?
I thought I told you to smash it
AFTER you take its fuel energy!!
-I'm sorry!

Chief. We're done for.

Don't give up hope until the very end!

Hey, worms!! No talking
without permission!!

As you can see, the plan
was a complete success!

Hasn't it been some time since
one of your plans has succeeded?

Now then, after the fuel energy
is taken from the captured
spaceships, we will dismantle them

and make an energy alloy.

An energy alloy is indispensable if
we Decepticons are to gain power!

Yes, Emperor!

Accursed Star Saber. This time,
you won't be able to do a thing!

Supreme Commander, it's complete.

With this, even the Decepticons
won't be able to recognise me.

With this, even the Decepticons
won't be able to recognise me.
-The Decepticons!?

I kept this a secret from everyone,
but I will now be going into the
Devil's Zone in the Asteroid Belt.


My plan is to act as a decoy and
then stop the Decepticons' plot.

But if I go like this, the
Decepticons will detect me.

So my idea was to use camouflage.

So that's it!

That's our Supreme Commander!
He always comes up with an idea!

Right, Jan?


But Supreme Commander,
alone, not even you can...!


You're going alone!?

Y- you can't go alone!
It's too dangerous!

Danger is something I have to risk, Jan.

B- but...!

If the worst should happen,
no matter how strong you
are Supreme Commander,

If those lousy Decepticons
came at you all at once...!

l- if that happened, I'd... I'd...

You can't go alone, no matter what!

But many people have been
captured by the Decepticons.

In order to save those
people, this is the only way.

But you don't need to go alone!

Please understand, Jan.

Even if I must risk my life, I want
to rescue all of those people!


Now then, we'll prepare for the launch.

Blacker, you handle things from here.

Yes sir!


He'll come back safe and sound!

He's Star Saber, our Supreme
Commander and the number
one swordsman in the universe!

Yeah, you're right!

The Decepticons will be creamed!

A perfect flight.

He's now passing Mars orbit!

Hey, Jan! It's time for school!

Hey, Jan!

Stop annoying me! I'm
not going to school!

Bunking off, Jan!?

Man, you're annoying! I can't
go to school at a time like this!

You don't have to worry, the
Supreme Commander will be fine!

So you should go to school!

You're annoying! Leave me alone!

If you're going to be annoying then
I'll watch on the monitor over there!


Holi, let Jan do as he pleases.

That'd be best. To Jan, the Supreme
Commander is like a father.

No, more than that.


Here it comes, right on schedule!

Whoa! This is indeed quite powerful!

So this gas causes spaceships'
computers to malfunction!

There hasn't been any word
from the Supreme Commander...
I wonder if he's okay.


I know!

Shuttle Base calling the
Supreme Commander!

Shuttle Base calling the
Supreme Commander!

Stop, Jan!!


If you make a careless transmission,
the Decepticons will detect it!

And the Supreme Commander's
camouflage will be for nothing!

If that happens, the
decoy strategy will fail,

and the Supreme Commander
will be in grave danger!

and the Supreme Commander
will be in grave danger!

I'm sorry.

Jan, you don't have to worry!

Once the Supreme Commander
finds the enemy hideout, he'll
contact us by a coded signal.

And then we'll go by
shuttle to assist him.

So that's it?

You should have told us so before!

Jan, now you can relax, right?

Uh... Yeah...

Hey, this thing is unmanned!

And it looks like it's made
out of a higher quality alloy
than most spaceships!


Earth ships are never as
well-made as this spaceship...

Lieutenant Commander Leozack!!

What is it?

The energy alloy is complete!

Excellent! I will show it to
Emperor Deszaras immediately!

So this is the energy alloy.

Its power is something else!

I see! That's some power!




It's quite impressive.

Very well, load the completed
energy alloy into the Thunder
Arrow's energy storage!

Yes, Emperor!

You're Star Saber!

I promise I'll save you!

Until then, please hang in
there and continue working!


Star Saber's coded signal was
received at the Shuttle Base
and was immediately decoded.

Laster, Braver. You two launch
in the shuttle immediately.


You can relax now, Jan!

I can't relax yet!

Good luck!

Okay, troops! Dismantle it!

Take it apart nice and clean!


Star Saber! Where did he come from!?


Accursed Star Saber!
Turn him to dust!!

Don't let him near the factory!!


Damn Star Saber! He
won't get away with this!


Will the Supreme Commander
be okay by himself?

Right now, he's tearing things up!

I wish we'd get there soon so I can give
those Decepti-crumbs a pounding!



Star Saber! Stop your attack! If
you don't, all the humans in the
factory will be slaughtered!!



I won't allow it!

You and the humans can DIE!


Eat this, Star Saber!!


Great Emperor! At this rate, something
could happen to the energy storage!

Hellbat! Attack that do-gooder!

Goryu! The Thunder
Arrow is under attack!

Have the Dinosaur force defend it!

Yes sir!

Troops! We're gonna
defend the Thunder Arrow!

Yeah, yeah, yeah!






-Supreme Commander!
-Supreme Commander!

Oh, you're here!

Reinforcements, eh?

Are you okay!?

Are you okay!?
-I'm fine!

Leave them to me!

Hurry and rescue the
humans inside the factory!

-Yes sir!
-Yes sir!

We're saved!

The Autobots...!

Okay, everyone! We're
here to save you!

Please board that shuttle, quickly!

Okay everyone, hurry
and get on board!

Okay everyone, hurry
and get on board!


Emperor! At this rate, the
Thunder Arrow will be...!

We can't lose the energy alloy now.

We have no choice. We'll leave Star
Saber to Leozack and the others,

and escape by ourselves.




C'mon, c'mon!

Jan! We're done!

Are you injured?

As you can see, I'm fine!


You see? I told you!

I know, I wasn't worried!

What!? You've got some
attitude! Take that!

Preview for the Next Episode

Holi and the Micromasters'
homeworld, Planet Micro,

is being destroyed by the
evil Decepticon Brestforce.

And who is this multi-faceted
galactic ninja named Greatshot?

Next time on The
Transformers: Victory,

"Planet Micro: The Mysterious Warrior"

Now, you together with us,

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