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01x01 - Outer Space/Body Parts

Posted: 07/18/23 07:18
by bunniefuu
♪ Ta-da! ♪

♪ It's a great big world With a lot to know ♪

♪ Let's follow Beep Bing Bang Boop and Bo ♪

♪ We might go to outer space Or ride in a truck ♪

♪ We might visit a farm Hear the chicken cluck-cluck ♪

♪ StoryBots! ♪

♪ Ta-da! ♪

♪ Won't you come along with us ♪

♪ StoryBots! ♪

♪ Ta-da! ♪

♪ So much to know ♪

♪ Let's go go go go! ♪

♪ Ta-da! ♪

♪ Talk to a firefighter Float on the ocean ♪

♪ Learn about color and shapes And emotions ♪

♪ Fly in a plane ♪

♪ Look at a brain ♪

♪ See lions and squares And stars and trains ♪

♪ StoryBots! ♪

♪ Ta-da! ♪

♪ Won't you come along with us ♪

♪ StoryBots! ♪

♪ Ta-da! ♪

♪ So much to know ♪

♪ Let's go go go go ♪

♪ Go go go go go go ♪

♪ Go go! ♪

♪ Ta-da! ♪

♪ Ta-da! ♪

Outer Space!



Almost there!

Uh, guys, what is Bing doing?

Bing just discovered there's a world record

for how high you can jump on a trampoline.

Yeah! And he's trying to jump all the way to the sun!

You do realize that the sun is about million miles away, don't you?

So what's your point?

I don't think you can jump that high on a trampoline.

Oh, yeah? Al...



-[expl*si*n] -[gasping]

[Bing screaming]


Oh, dear. Are you all right?

I touched the sun.

Wow! Bing, that's amazing! What was it like up there?

[coughs] So... hot.


According to my calculations, we are now approaching the sun.

It's getting pretty hot in here.

♪ I'm so hot I'm so hot ♪

♪ Check me out check me out I'm hot ♪

♪ Yo everyone I'm the sun ♪

♪ I'm made of gas Like hydrogen and helium ♪

♪ I keep the Earth warm And help to grow food ♪

-♪ I shine on the beach on guys who say ♪ -Dude!

♪ I set into the west And on comes night ♪

♪ And then I rise from the east With that golden light ♪

-♪ I'm so hot ♪ -♪ So hot ♪

♪ So hot and bright ♪

-♪ million degrees ♪ -♪ Fahrenheit ♪

♪ I make plants grow Like trees and flowers ♪

♪ So powerful got that solar power ♪

♪ Make the deserts dry Make the oceans rise ♪

♪ Don't stare right at me I can hurt your eyes ♪

♪ I'm just about a million miles wide ♪

♪ I'm so big you could fit A million Earths inside ♪

♪ I'm the center of the solar system Can't you see? ♪

♪ Got so much gravity planets orbit me ♪

♪ I'm four and a half billion years old ♪

♪ In Spanish everybody calls me sol ♪

♪ When I'm not around You be feeling cold ♪

♪ Yeah I shine so bright With my rays of gold ♪

-♪ I'm so hot ♪ -♪ So hot ♪

-♪ I'm so hot ♪ -♪ So hot ♪

♪ Ow he's right He's really hot ♪

♪ Come on StoryBots Show me what you got ♪

-♪ How hot am I? ♪ -♪ So hot ♪

♪ The sun is so hot I have to wear these ♪

Now I'm cool.

So cool.

Hey, guys. So I was thinking I might take a trip to the moon.

But I'm not exactly sure what to bring.

Will there be a beach ball on the moon?


Is there a hammer on the moon?


Is there a lollipop on the moon?

-No. -No.

Is there a spatula on the moon?

[giggles] No.

Are there chickens on the moon?


How about horses?

Well, yeah... No.

Should I bring my snowshoes?

No, I don't think it's like that.

Will I find a frog on the moon?

Not really.

What about a doorknob?

Yeah. No, no.

What about a teddy bear?

[laughs] No.

What about ice cream?

-No! -No!

What about a toaster?

How long are we going to do this?

Thanks, dudes. Sounds like I'll need to bring a lot.

Now I just need to figure out how to carry my suitcase.


Preparing to land our spacecraft on the moon.

-Houston, we have a song. -[cheering]

♪ It's my time to shine It's my time to shine ♪

♪ Wake up It's my time to shine ♪

♪ Good evening it's the moon ♪

♪ Here to regale you with a tune ♪

♪ I'm so bright up in the sky at night ♪

♪ But the truth is I'm just reflecting light ♪

♪ See let me help you break it down ♪

♪ The Earth and I are spinnin' around ♪

♪ And I orbit the Earth in a loop ♪

♪ You see the moon Is kinda like my Hula-Hoop ♪

♪ We both orbit the sun He's the big shot ♪

♪ I'm the center of the solar system I'm so hot ♪

♪ The sun's like a light bulb And I'm like a mirror ♪

♪ Light bounces off me And then it appears to the Earth below ♪

♪ For a lovely view For animals like wolves who go ♪


♪ Sometimes I'm full sometimes half on ♪

♪ Sometimes I'm crescent Or it looks like I'm gone ♪

♪ But I'm here in the dark Just a lonely moon ♪

♪ Hopin' that somebody Will visit me soon ♪

♪ I'm covered in dust And I'm made of rock ♪

♪ So come see me soon And go on a moon walk ♪

♪ It's my time to shine It's my time to shine ♪

-♪ Both at day ♪ -♪ And at night ♪

♪ We can see the moon shine ♪

♪ It's my time to shine It's my time to shine ♪

I'm planting this flag on the mountain I climbed.

One small step for a StoryBot...

One giant leap for StoryBot kind.

Hey, did you guys know that our solar system

is made up of eight different planets?

[all] Yes.

Well, can you name them?

-Mercury. -[ding]

-Venus. -[ding]

I know... South America?


Earth, of course, because we're living on it.


-Mars. -[ding]

-Um, Cupid. -[buzzer]

-Uh, Jupiter? -[ding]

-Saturn, Uranus. -[ding, ding]

And I know...


I know what it's called, but I don't remember.


-Italy. -[buzzer]

Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars,

Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune.

[bells dinging]

We can see the whole solar system from here.

I think we can hear it from here, too.

♪ We are the planets Of the solar system ♪

♪ Different sizes for every one ♪

♪ The music never ends We are such good friends ♪

♪ And we all orbit the sun ♪

♪ Here comes the sun rapping First on this track ♪

♪ From the beginning I'm the center of the solar system ♪

♪ Planets be spinning around me ♪

♪ So hot I'm roasting you see ♪

♪ Now I pass the mic To the planet closest to me ♪

♪ Mercury the smallest planet Small as Earth's moon ♪

-Yo! -♪ I get super hot and cold ♪

♪ And I spin very slow ♪

♪ I'm Venus I got mountains and volcanoes that spray ♪

♪ I'm the same size as Earth But spin the opposite way ♪

♪ Yeah, I'm Earth I'm the home to every boy and girl ♪

♪ Such a beautiful beautiful world ♪

♪ I'm Mars the red planet I got deserts and ice ♪

-♪ And I've got two moons ♪ -♪ Nice ♪

-♪ That's like one moon twice ♪ -♪ I'm Jupiter ♪

♪ The biggest planet I'm humongous gargantuan ♪

♪ I spin the fastest rap the fastest Plus I'm handsome blam son ♪

♪ Oh please I'm Saturn Check out my beautiful rings ♪

♪ Made up of billions of rocks Dust and other things ♪

♪ I'm Uranus I say that with pride Okay I lied ♪

♪ I'm embarrassed 'cause I'm the only planet lying on its side ♪

♪ I'm Neptune I'm cold dark Windy and mysterious ♪

♪ I'm very stormy so bring an umbrella I'm serious ♪

♪ We are the planets Of the solar system ♪

♪ Different sizes for every one ♪

♪ The music never ends 'Cause we are such good friends ♪

♪ And we all orbit the sun ♪

Wow, we are done exploring the solar system.

I am thirsty. Let's explore the rest of the Milky Way galaxy.

So I can see Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.

But no matter how hard I try, I just can't seem to find Earth.

Uh, maybe you need a new telescope, dude.

Oh, I wonder why we can't find planet Earth.

Because we live here.

Uh... what do you mean?

Have you been to the planet Earth?

-Yes. -Really? Where is it?

It's in here.

Huh? In here? I don't see it.

All of us are in here.

We can't see it in a little ball, but we can see it in models.

Uh, I'm sorry, I still don't get it.

We're in it.

I think what Georgia's trying to say is that we're on planet Earth.


-What? -What?

Um, guys, Earth isn't up in the sky.

It's what we're standing on, right now!

We've got a whole planet just beneath our feet!

That's why we're here every day.


Uh, I still don't see it.

Are you sure you're looking through the right end?

Maybe you need to squint really hard.


We are currently orbiting planet Earth.

I am picking up some noises.

Sounds like cool music.

♪ Such a beautiful Such a beautiful ♪

♪ Such a beautiful Beautiful world ♪

♪ I'm the Earth and for what it's worth , miles is my girth ♪

♪ I've got more than seven billion people Livin' on me ♪

♪ All across my amazing geography ♪

♪ Check out my mountains valleys Trees so tall ♪

♪ And I got lakes Rivers and waterfalls ♪

♪ Volcanoes craters Swamps with alligators ♪

♪ Tropical islands at my equator ♪

♪ The North and South Poles Have lots of ice ♪

♪ Only polar bears say ♪

This weather's nice.

♪ I've got so much land Yeah, I'm so immense ♪

♪ I got seven Seven different continents ♪

♪ North and South America Europe Asia ♪

♪ Africa Antarctica and Australia ♪

♪ But the biggest thing Everybody can see ♪

♪ Is that I got A lot of water all over me ♪

♪ I have oceans with lobsters Whales otters ♪

♪ Three-quarters of me Is covered in water ♪

-♪ I orbit the sun ♪ -♪ I'm so hot ♪

♪ That's his line And the moon orbits me ♪

♪ It's my time to shine ♪

♪ I'm filled with life Both big and small ♪

♪ The most beautiful planet of all ♪

♪ Such a beautiful Such a beautiful ♪

♪ Such a beautiful Beautiful world ♪

It is the home to every boy and girl.

It's a beautiful, beautiful world.

-I'm getting homesick. -Me, too.

Computer, take us home.

T-minus ten seconds until blastoff of the unicorn spaceship.

[girl] Ten unicorns, three unicorns, four unicorns,

um... We're on three. Now, um, three unicorns,

two unicorns, one unicorn, unicorn blastoff!


[making rocket noises]

I'm flying.

And I'm on this shiny, bright star.

It's so glittery, I can touch it. See, it's really glittery.

I see the stars.

I see the unicorn spaceship.

And they're pink. And glittery.

Very glittery.

[laughs] I love stars.



Do you see anything?

The stars are out tonight.

-♪ I'm a star ♪ -♪ I'm a star ♪

-♪ I'm a star ♪ -♪ I'm a star ♪

-♪ I'm a star ♪ -♪ I'm a star ♪

♪ I'm a big big star ♪

-♪ I'm a star from afar ♪ -♪ Yes, you are ♪

-♪ So am I ♪ -♪ We are balls of hot gas ♪

♪ That shine in the sky ♪

-♪ There are trillions ♪ -♪ And trillions of us ♪

-♪ That's a lot ♪ -♪ Even the sun is a star ♪

♪ I'm so hot ♪

-♪ There are lots of other stars ♪ -♪ Like him ♪

-♪ And me ♪ -♪ And me ♪

♪ And a bunch of us together Form a galaxy ♪

♪ There's billions of galaxies ♪

-♪ Lots of stars ♪ -♪ Understand? ♪

♪ There's more stars in space Than all of Earth's grains of sand ♪

♪ From land with your eye To the night sky display ♪

-♪ You can see the Earth's galaxy ♪ -♪ The Milky Way ♪

-♪ Stars are different sizes ♪ -♪ And we can morph ♪

-♪ There are super giants ♪ -♪ Giants ♪

-♪ Main sequence ♪ -♪ And dwarfs ♪

-♪ And we form constellations ♪ -♪ Which are patterns of stars ♪

♪ Before GPS That's how you'd know where you are ♪

-♪ We're the Big Dipper ♪ -♪ We're the belt of Orion ♪

-♪ We're the Gemini twins ♪ -♪ We're Leo the Lion ♪

-♪ People think we twinkle ♪ -♪ But that's not true ♪

♪ The light's just playing tricks When it shines on you ♪

-♪ And sh**ting stars aren't stars ♪ -♪ No, they're not ♪

♪ They're meteors burning up When they get too hot ♪

-♪ Wish upon a star ♪ -♪ It might come true ♪

-♪ Well, I hope ♪ -♪ Look up in the night sky ♪

♪ Or look through a telescope ♪

-There's a star. -♪ I'm a star ♪

-♪ I'm a star ♪ -♪ I'm a star ♪

-♪ I'm a star ♪ -♪ I'm a star ♪

♪ I'm a big big star ♪

There are lots and lots of stars.

That's true. There really are.

-I made a wish. -What was it?

I'm not telling.

So, as you can see, space is a pretty far out place,

full of all sorts of amazing things.

Yeah, and who knows what other crazy stuff is out there

just waiting to be discovered?

Uh, speaking of crazy...

Oh, sorry, guys. That's my ride!


♪ Ta-da! ♪

Body Parts.

Hey, guys. I found a stethoscope.

A stetho-what?

A stethoscope.

Doctors use it to hear your heartbeat.

-Cool! -I love heartbeats!

I'll try it on you guys.

Oh, oh, me first!

[jazzy snare drum]

Uh, you may wanna try relaxing a little, Bing.

Try me, dude.

[ocean waves]

[two slow beats]

Um, Bang, you might be a little too relaxed.

-Let's try Boop. -Hmm?

[Boop-boop boop-boop boop-boop]

Well, I guess that makes sense.

My turn! My turn!

-[loud thump] -[all screaming]


You must have a big heart, Bo.

I love big hearts!


♪ Your heart has a beat That makes you tap your feet ♪

♪ Like a drum ♪

♪ It beats It beats night and day ♪

♪ You can jump skip and hop Your heartbeat will not stop ♪

♪ Your whole life ♪

♪ Boom-beat boom-beat boom thud thud ♪

♪ It sits in your chest And it won't ever rest ♪

♪ Pumping blood ♪

♪ Through your body every day ♪

♪ Circulating all the things Your body needs ♪

♪ Oxygen and nutrition ♪

♪ It beats It beats boom thud thud ♪

♪ It all starts at your heart Where your blood does flow ♪

♪ Through your arteries To your body parts it goes ♪

♪ Then back through your veins From your hands to your toes ♪

♪ From your feet and your ears From your eyes to your nose ♪

♪ From your liver kidney lungs It's never really done ♪

♪ Flowin' like a river To the beat of a drum ♪

♪ Your heart's a big part Of your circulatory system ♪

♪ It beats It beats night and day ♪


Hey, Beep, I was wondering,

do you know how many bones there are in a full grown skeleton?

Hmm, that's a good question. Let's ask the kids.

Hey, do you guys know how many bones there are in a skeleton?

Um, one, two, three, four...

Probably... four, maybe?

Four and a half?

Just two.

Eleven, twelve...

-Fifty? -[buzzer]

-Sixty? -[buzzer]

-Two hundred? -[buzzer]

-Is it one? -, , ...

I think it's thirty.

I don't know.

There's also veins that are kinda bones, I think.

, , , , .



Uh... ?


♪ What keeps your body From goin' squish ♪

♪ Lyin' on the ground Like a jellyfish ♪

♪ It's the bones in your body ♪

♪ That help you dance at the party ♪

♪ Your hip bone attaches To your thigh bone and shin bone ♪

♪ Your rib cage sprouts from your spine ♪

♪ When your vertebrae wiggles Around and around ♪

♪ Then your skull bone Will have a good time ♪

♪ How many bones are shown In the x-ray pics? ♪

♪ Kids have adults ♪

♪ Lots of bones in your body ♪

♪ Big and small in your body ♪

♪ And as you groove they move And bend at the joints ♪

♪ Where your ligaments Flex like a spring ♪

♪ Some joints twirl Like a merry-go-round ♪

♪ Others go back and forth Like a swing whee! ♪

♪ When you put all your bones together As one ♪

♪ It's what we call your skeleton ♪

♪ All the bones in your body ♪

♪ And the joints in your body ♪

♪ Help you dance at the party ♪

♪ Raise your bones up in the air ♪

-Ready? -Set.

-Go! -[inhaling]

[exhales, coughs]

[exhaling, panting]





I win! Yay!

Whoa. That kid's got some strong lungs.


♪ When you breathe in You take oxygen ♪

♪ From the air and into your lungs ♪

♪ And then they spread it to All the rest of you ♪

♪ From your toes to your thumbs The respiratory system ♪

♪ Air goes in a flood From your lungs to your blood ♪

♪ Through the bronchiole That branch off like little trees ♪

♪ What your body needs Is for your lungs to breathe ♪

♪ Every second of the day ♪

♪ Doo doo doo doo doo doo ♪

♪ The two lungs in your chest Allow you to express ♪

♪ To whistle to speak and to sing ♪

♪ Like two balloons they fill up until ♪

♪ The air goes out Then you can jump and shout ♪

♪ When you breathe in you get oxygen ♪

♪ And when you exhale You lose all the air that's stale ♪

♪ What your body needs Is for your lungs to breathe ♪

-♪ Every second of the day ♪ -[snoring]

♪ Every second of the day ♪

Uh, hey, Ashley. I was hoping you could tell me what brains do.

I think of it like they're sending messages to your body parts

and telling them what to do.

Move your mouth and speak.

[cricket chirps]

Uh... hello?

Move your mouth and speak.

So right now I'm speaking.

And my brain is telling me to open my mouth and say words.

♪ Your brain is a magnificent Miraculous machine ♪

♪ The most supercharged computer That you have ever seen ♪

♪ Protected by your cranium It hides between your ears ♪

♪ The stem the cerebellum And cerebral hemispheres ♪

♪ Your brain brain brain Is sending and receiving ♪

♪ Your brain brain brain Information that you're needing ♪

♪ Your brain brain brain Has a lot to do ♪

♪ It's a crazy multitasker That works overtime for you ♪

♪ Part of the nervous system It makes your body move ♪

♪ Contains all of your memories It helps you think things through ♪

♪ Controls all of your senses But it's still a mystery ♪

♪ 'Cause scientists keep finding out New discoveries ♪

♪ Your brain brain brain It only weighs three pounds ♪

♪ Your brain brain brain The smartest thing around ♪

♪ Your brain brain brain A miraculous machine ♪

♪ The most supercharged computer The world has ever seen ♪


So, Sidney, do you know what happens to the food you eat

after you chew and swallow?

So first I chew it and then it... then it comes down my neck.

Yeah, but what else happens?

It goes down to our neck, to our stomach.

-Yeah, but then what happens? -Uh, Bing?

-Then it digests. -Okay, okay.

But, like, what happens after it's in your stomach?

-[snickering] -I'm not entirely sure

we're allowed to be talking about this.

It turns in... to... to poop.


What's going on here?

You know you can't say poop on a kids' show!

It's okay, Hap. While "poop" is a funny word,

it's just what happens to food after it's processed in your stomach.

That's science.



-Science? -Science.

[groans] Science.

♪ Good fresh food is what you eat to be Strong and healthy as you're growin' ♪

♪ And your tummy is like a gas t*nk That you fill up ♪

♪ When you wanna get goin' ♪

♪ Then you can play you can run You can have lots of fun ♪

♪ And dance all around Till the day is done ♪

♪ Your stomach is like a factory Turning food into energy ♪

♪ What you eat is yummy From your mouth to your tummy ♪

♪ As it travels down your esophagus ♪

♪ Where it hangs out in your stomach Mixing up so it can digest ♪

♪ Then your food passes through Your small intestine ♪

♪ Where your body Gets everything it needs ♪

♪ To build your muscles make you grow Give you lots of energy ♪

♪ Then what's not used is passed through Some people call it number two ♪

♪ Your digestive system is your factory Turning food into energy ♪

So there you have it.

The heart, bones, lungs, brain, and stomach are all part of the human body.

I like the brain because it makes you think.

I like the lungs 'cause they make you breathe.

And I like the stomach because it makes you--

Okay! That's it! Shut it down!

[power whirring]

♪ Ta-da! ♪

♪ It's a great big world With a lot to know ♪

♪ Let's follow Beep Bing Bang Boop and Bo ♪

♪ We might go to outer space Or ride in a truck ♪

♪ We might visit a farm Hear the chicken cluck-cluck ♪

♪ StoryBots! ♪

♪ Ta-da! ♪

♪ Won't you come along with us ♪

♪ StoryBots! ♪

♪ Ta-da! ♪

♪ So much to know ♪

♪ Let's go go go go ♪

♪ Go go go go go go ♪

♪ Go go! ♪

♪ Ta-da! ♪