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02x18 - Another, Another Chance

Posted: 07/18/23 07:03
by bunniefuu
You've made mistakes,
but I don't judge you.

What are you talking about?

You accidentally
ran over my Uncle.

I didn't know Joe myself.

We're a band. All for one

And all that crap.

We do it together
or we don't do it at all.

Adrianna? Hi.

Laurel Cooper.

You're a music producer?

And I'm interested
in signing you.

Oh, my God. I can't
wait to tell the band.

I'm not interested
in signing the band.

I'm only interested in you.




I know you're still into Liam.

What are you talking
about, Naomi?

I'm with Dixon now.

You're obviously
not really dating.

You have no idea what
you're talking about

I'm kicking you
off the blaze.

No! What do you want?
Just name it.

I'll do anything.

Please, please, please.
I'll do anything.

Are you offering
to sleep with me?

What? No. I...

Because that would be
completely inappropriate.

You're off the blaze.

I cannot believe you're
taking his side, silver.

He said if I wanted
back on the blaze,

I had to sleep with him.


You're a piece of garbage.

Did you hear about Liam?
Apparently he att*cked

Mr. Cannon.
You can't do this.

This doesn't concern you.
Yes, it does.

The only reason Liam did this

Is because...

Mr. Cannon sexually harassed me.

* *

So, do I have to
sign something?

Like, a contract?

Yeah, yeah, but the lawyers
will get into all that.

You and me, we'll
just focus on the music.


Sounds great.

Um... There's just one thing.

I just... I feel really
guilty about leaving the band.

Is there any reason why
I can't just play with them

In my spare time?

Spare time?

N't think you fully grasp
where your life is headed.

Cutting an album,
touring, promoting...

Your plate is about
to get very full.

Especially if you insist on
sticking with High School.

I'm just messing with you, kid.


I'm throwing a party here

For some industry folks.

You should come. It'll give you
a taste of your new life.

My new life?

Hell, yeah.

Once the touring starts,
you'll be out every night.

Sleeping in different cities,

Going to the craziest
parties in the world.

It's going to be
an amazing ride.

Wish you could have seen
that jellyfish, bro.

It was bigger than my board.

Stings like a bitch.

Yeah, I-I bet.

But did you really have
to pee on your foot

In front of all those girls?

You're right, I should
have let you do it.

So, listen, um...
I know

I owe you that money to
pay your dad's bookie...

Oh, whenever you get a chance.

No, um... Could we
hold off a bit?

I mean, the Lakers are
playing San Antonio at home,

And I know they're
not going to lose.

So, just want to put some
real money on the game.

Not a problem.


Upt! There's my lady.


How you doing, baby?

Well, got to go pee
on my foot again.

See you guys.


Yeah, homeboy definitely
got some, uh, quirks to him.

No kidding.

So, um, Teddy's gone.



You plan on keeping
your arm around me all day

Or you gonna let me
go eat my fries

Before they get soggy?




* *

I, uh... Had a really
good time tonight.

The night
is just starting, baby.

Hi. Easy with the PDA.


Where were we?

Aw. Chillax, my friend.

Ivy's a big girl.

I'll see you later?



* *

Hey, so, uh,

How's your, uh, piece coming?

Not too bad.

Cool. Cool.

Oh, and, uh, things going well

With, uh, you and Adrianna?

Oh, um, yeah.

Thanks for, um, asking.

Great. Excellent.
I'm glad to hear it.

So, it must be pretty tough
to get all this work done,

You know, now that you're in
a serious relationship, huh?

Uh, not really



It's ju... Because
relationships, you know?

They can be so

Yeah, I always felt
that way about ade. Hmm.

Oh, that is, before she
starteting you, of course.

You know, those events
were completely unrelated.


Or were they related?

I'm not really following.

Did I make Adrianna gay?


I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

I-I didn't mean to laugh.
I... Uh...

That's not really how it works.

You didn't have
anything to do with it.

Oh, I didn't.

Look, Adrianna
just fell for me.

I mean, people fall
for each other all the time.

Yeah. Yeah, they do.

Huh. Cool.

Cool. Oh, not that I'm
worried or anything.

You know, I'm pretty
confident with my skills.

You know, between the sheets



No, what I wanted to say is,

She's a really good person.

Just make sure you
take care of her, okay?

I know she is.

I will.

I, uh...

Got to run to class.

See you later, champ.


So, you, uh...

Seemed pretty interested in
gia and ade's relationship.

What's up with that?

Oh, no. That was just
natural curiosity,

That's all.

Are you sure that's
all that was?

Well, what else would it be?

See you in a bit.

All right.

Keep your eyes open, silver.

I'm looking for a
car that represents

A whole new chapter in my life.

Something that says freedom.
Something that says

Thelma and Louise minus the
falling off the cliff part.


Like that.


Hello, gorgeous.

Oh, and the dream dies.

The insurance money I got

Won't even come close.

Well, you could sell a kidney.

Might be worth it.

Yeah, maybe.

Uh, at the very least, we
should take it for a joy ride.

You know, keep my kidney and
get a small taste of freedom.

Best of both worlds.

She's a beauty, ain't she?

Let me grab the keys.

I'd love to take you
ladies for a spin.

Actually, is there any way that
we could take it out ourselves?

That's against company policy

Next time you go car
shopping, bring a parent.

So much for the joy ride.

Hey. Would Thelma and Louise
take no for an answer?

I know how upset you must be.

And I want you to know

That I am taking your
accusations very seriously.

I talked to the school board

And there's going to be
a hearing in a few days.

What? I don't
want a hearing.

I don't want to press charges.

I'm the victim.
It's my choice, right?

No, no, it's not.

Once a student raises these
concerns about a teacher,

It becomes
a public safety issue

And that's why Mr. Cannon
has been put on paid leave

Until the hearing.

Principal Wilson...

I'm serious. I just wanto
call this whole thing off.

I mean, I don't think
he's gonna do it again.

We can't take that chance.

Look, I know this
is difficult for you.

But you go in there,
you tell the truth,

And everything's
going to be fine.

It's my mom. Like,
the fifth time today.

She just doesn't get it.

I'm never going
back to that house.

It's the last place in
the world I want to be.

Look, Naomi.

I know this Mr. Cannon
thing is... Scary.

But you don't have
anything to worry about.

I do have something
to worry about, Liam.

There's something
I have to tell you.


We just heard.


What did you hear?

I swear,
if I see Mr. Cannon,

You guys better hold me back.

I may not look like a bruise
but I can bruise if need be.

How did you hear
about what happened?

People were talking about
it in history class.


You're doing the right thing.

Cannon is a jerk.

I hope he never teaches again.


You okay?

Not really.

I don't want to talk about it.

Oh, ade, come on.

It's me here.
What's going on?

Okay, don't say
anything to anybody yet,

You know
that record producer Laurel?


She wants to make
an album with me.

So a huge record producer wants

To make all your
dreams come true?

Oh, okay, now I get
the whole glum thing.

It means ditching the band.

Yeah, they'll probably
be really upset.

But the thing is

I think any one of them
would jump on this

If they were in your shoes.



But it's not just that.

What is it then?

Navid, come on.

You of all people should know.

I mean, you didn't think

I was ready to get back
into the acting thing.

And as scary as that world is,

The music industry is
a hundred times worse.

I don't know if I can handle it.

You can.

I mean, would the old Adrianna

Have taken this
decision so seriously?

Probably not.

Just the fact that you're
thinking about it so hard,

It's proof that you changed.


Do you mind not mentioning
this to anybody yet?

I kinda want to break it
to the band myself.

Sure, of course.

Yo, the blaze is gonna be way
less lame with your intro music.

Seriously, it sounds dope.

Oh, well, thank you.

Deejaying is a passion of mine.

Okay, so show me
how you do this.

Okay. Well, uh,
deejaying is

A very, very important job.

Is that true?

Yeah. Now say you're
doing a party, right?


And there's a couple,
and they're dancing.

And it's getting hotter
by the minute.

And they could be

About to have that
very, very first kiss.


Now, if you play
the wrong song...

You could ruin
the whole moment.

Oh, man, I love Bob Marley!

See? I knew
you had taste.

There's just something
about his music, you know?

You're bumming
or sad about something,

You just turn him on
he cheers you up.

It's like flipping a switch.

Hey, sorry to interrupt.

I though Naomi
might be in here.


All right.
I'll see you guys later.

Now where were we?

I just don't get what
he's doing with her.

You know, it's like...
Open your eyes.

* *

How the hell does Naomi
walk in these things?

Keep your eyes
on the prize, silver.

We are gonna take
that car for a ride today.

Yeah, hopefully before

I get strangled by my own boobs.

Okay, explain to me again
why we're doing this.

I just, I had a hard year, okay?

With Jasper and everything,

I just want something
that signifies

A new beginning, freedom.

I know this sounds crazy.

No, you're gonna get

Your Thelma & Louis
freedom ride.

This push-up bra did not
get worn in vain.

Are you ladies

Interested in a used car?

Well, we prefer to call them
"previously owned automobiles."

Well, see my daddy said
I can have any car I want

For my birthday,
and I want this one.

This is an excellent choice.

Let me go grab the keys
for you.

I'd be happy to take you ladies
for a spin.

Actually, uh, we were hoping
to sample the auto

Without dealer supervision.

As in alone?

Oh, I'm sorry.
It's against company...

Company policy.

No problem.

Let's go to that place

In Beverly hills.

This cash is burning
a hole in my pocket.

Um, um, ladies...


Let me, let me go get
the keys for you.

You're too kind.

The kindest.

* *


Don't you love it?!
Don't you feel free?!

I do. I feel free!

And lost.

Do you have any idea
where we are?

Actually, no.

No bet at all.

I guess we just keep driving
till we figure it out.

Are you all right?

I'm sorry.

I-I just don't feel well
all of a sudden.

Can we trade seats?

I don't think
I can drive anymore.


Why are you doing this?

You know nothing happened.

I have a wife.

Why are you ruining my life?


What the hell are you doing?

Come on.

Don't let that guy
get in your head.

I'm ruining his life.

No, you're not.

He ruined his life
when he harassed you.

Look, I know this is hard,

But you can do it.

I believe in you, okay?

Now I'm here for you
and I love you

And I know
that you're a strong person.

I promise you that when you
get done with this... Liam...

You just said you loved me.

Yeah, I did...

And I do.

I love you, too.

You can do this, okay?

I'm gonn right here

Waiting for you when it's over.


Um, I'm guessing
not a good unbelievable.

Adrianna quit the band.

Can you believe she
screwed us like that?!

Hey, I know it sucks,

But it was a pretty big

It's not like she could have
just passed it up.

I'm sure you guys will find
another singer.

Wait a minute.
You knew about this?

Why didn't you tell me?

I couldn't. Ade asked me
not to say anything.

Well, I guess I know
where your loyalty lies.



I'm out of here.

All right, as we all know,

These are
very serious accusations,

And we want to hear
from you both

About what happened that day.

Naomi, why don't you start?


I went to Mr. Cannon's classroom

'cause he wanted
to speak to me,

And I was alone with him.



Nothing happened.

I lied.


I don't even know
what to say to you.

You almost ruined
that man's life.

I'm gonna have to talk
to the school board

To determine your punishment,

But trust me, there will
be severe consequences.

I don't get it.

How could you do that?

I just...

Never thought it'd go this far.

Okay, go on.

Tell me you love me.


Or wait for the news.

What news?

Okay, so my mom is throwing

One of those big
music industry parties

At our house this weekend,

And guess who I convinced her
to hire as the deejay?




A paid gig?
A paid gig.

For real?


Hold on. Wait, wait, wait.

Your mom could hire anybody
that she wants.

Why would she hire me?

Well, it might have helped
that I told her

You were one of the hottest
new deejays in town

And that you just spun
Rob pattinson's birthday party

I'm don't know where I
came up with that one.

Thank you.

That was really cool of you.

I owe you one.

You do. And I was thinking

What better way to say thank you
than to break up?


Well, look, there is no way

Liam's gonna want
to stay with Naomi

After lie-fest 2010,

So maybe I have a chance.

So we kinda gotta speed up
the fake breakup.

Yeah, um, I don't think
that's a good idea, you know.

Who are we going to say
initiated the breakup?

'cause I certainly
don't want to be dumped.

Yeah, well, neither do I.

Oh, fine, I'll be dumped, okay?

But, look, don't say I was
clingy or anything.


Say I had a wandering eye.

This stuff is top shelf.

Got a guy who grows it
in his backyard in topanga.

I probably shouldn't.

I'm not going to tell on you.

Yeah, I'm, uh, one
of those people

Who tends to get a little
carried away with that stuff.

At least, I did.

I, uh, I had a bit of a problem
with it in college,

And by bit of a problem,

I mean they used to call me
"wake 'n bake."

yeah, so it's probably
best I don't start up again.

Suit yourself, wake 'n bake.
It's all good.


I mean, what if Ivy walks in?

You know, she is my student.

I taught Ivy to roll joints
for me when she was 13.

Don't worry.

She hates these
industry soirees.

All right, all right,
just... what the hell.

Don't say I didn't warn you.


Oh, my God, I am drowning
in a sea of vintage.

I don't get it.

When we talked, you didn't think

This whole professional
music thing was a good idea.

I thought you didn't want
to do it.

Yeah, well, I talked to navid

And he made me feel
a lot better.

Talked to navid?

Why didn't you tell
me that before?

I didn't think it was a big deal.
Seems like a pretty big deal

That you'd rather take your
ex-boyfriend's advice over mine.

Gia, come on.

There's nothing going on

Between me and navid,
I promise.

He just knows me really well.

And I don't?

Don't Twist my words.

Gia, stop it.

You're the one I want to go
to the party with, right?


But, look, um... I really
don't think I should go.

Because I talked to navid?

No, not that.

I have my own sobriety
to worry about.

And I just don't think
it's a good idea to to go...

For you or me.

But I already told you that.

But apparently,
you'd rather take

Your ex-boyfriend's advice
over mine.

Yeah, well, 'cause
he's not so judge-y.

He actually believes in me.

Great, then take him
to the party.

You know what, maybe I will.
It'll be a lot more fun.

Screw you.


Look, Liam, I heard what
happened with Naomi,

And I just want to say
I'm... I'm sorry.


But hey, at least now yoow
what kind of person she is.

What are you talking about?

Liam, I mean, she's selfish
and manipulative, and...


It's over now, right?

So at least you can move on.

What, move on with you?

Get it through
your head, Ivy...

We're never gonna happen.

The cars, the cars...
now that was a band.

Do you remember the video
where the guy

Was walking on water?

I was like, dude, you're
totally walking on water.

I mean, how did they do that?
How did they do that?

I'm really glad I met you.

You're pretty fun
when you loosen up.

Funny that you
should say loose,

'cause I'm feeling
a little loose, actually.

Particularly in the hip region.

I don't know if you noticed

This was starting to happen.

Oh, my God.
A little shimmy.

Sometimes I do this move.

This happens.

Or... A little shimmy.

Maybe you want some Booty.

A little Booty right
there? See that?

I do a little Booty.

That looks just like
one of my students.

Yeah. Dixon.


Oh, my God, that's Dixon.

That's... What...

What is he doing here?

He's a friend of my daughter.

I hired him to
deejay the party.

No, stop.

No. He's my student.

This is terrible.
This is a disaster.

Don't get your panties
in a bunch, Ryan.

My panties?

My panties are very much
bunched right now, okay?

As they should be.
Why are you laughing?

What is she doing here?

Oh, I'm representing her.

Stop. Don't wave.

Man, you should hear
that girl sing.

I have, at school,
where I teach.

What's wrong with you?

Okay, why wouldn't you tell me
they were coming

When I asked you specifically?

You only wanted to know
whether Ivy was coming.

You didn't... you didn't
ask about anybody else.

You should have warned
me, okay?

I'm out of here.
I'm out of here.

I'm out of here.

Hey, I got your text
to come over.


What is all this?

It's our cotillion.

See, I messed up
when I was nine.

And, uh, stepped on your foot
during the waltz.

And you gave me another chance.

And I messed up again with ade.

But, lila, you should know
that my loyalty lies with you.

So, will you give me

Another... another chance?

I'll try not to
mess up again, okay?

* *

All right.

You got this? I've been
practicing in my room?

Yeah, with your stuffed animals?

* *

Adrianna's first album is going
to be very ethereal.

Think sia meets inara George

With a hint of Kate nash
on a rainy day.


Yeah. I...

Anyway, sorry
to steal her away,

But there's a whole bunch
of people

I need this girl to meet.

What's going on?

You seem to be a little
elsewhere right now.

I'm fine.

Come on.

I had a fight
with my girlfriend.

It was pretty bad, and...
I think it was my fault.

I don't know... I wasn't
being very sensitive,

And I just... I really
need to apologize.

So, what the hell
are you doing here?

I thought I had to come.

I thought this was
important for my career.

Okay, let me give
you some advice.

Not as a record producer,
but as your friend.

Screw this party.

Follow your heart.

This industry is
going to push you,

So you've got to push back.

Don't let us make
decisions for you.

Otherwise, you'll be eaten up
and swallowed whole.

* *

* don't worry about a thing *

* 'cause every little thing's
gonna be all right *

* singin' don't worry... *

What are you doing here?

I'm so sorry.

I should have been
more understanding

About how you felt
about the party

And me going to the party.

I really think
I can handle this.

But I should have talked
that out with you, not navid.

Yeah, no kidding.

Look, this isn't a good time.

Gia, come on.

I totally respect
why you didn't want to go,

And you don't ever have to go
if you don't want to.

As long as you're there for me
when I get back.

You cheated on me.

How could you do that?

You were throwin
your relationship

With navid in my face.

And I was upset

And insecure and...
I bumped into Alexa

And we started talking,

And it just happened.

I screwed up, okay?

And I'm really sorry.

I'm sorry, too.


I don't know what to say.

I screwed up

Dozens of times in my life.

This, by far, is the dumbest
thing I've ever done.

And I regret it.

You have no idea
how much I regret it.

I was so angry

At Mr. Cannon, and no
one was on my side,

So I... I made it up.

It wasn't supposed
to go anywhere,

But then you found out
and you got so upset.

And before I could
even come clean,

Things just got
completely out of control.


Where are you going?
Back to my mom's.

But you said that was the last place
in the world you wanted to be.

Well, I definitely
don't want to be here.


Hey, uh...

Thanks again for hooking
me up with this job.

Yeah, don't worry...
It was so dope.

Seriously. Some important-looking guy
in a suit

Even gave me his business card.


Better believe I'm googling
him when I get home.

You okay?

I don't really want
to get into it.

Come on. Otherwise, I'm going
to think it's something I did.

Well, it wasn't, so...

Yeah, well, you say that,
but I'm gonna still

Take it pretty personally.

You know, despite my, uh...

Roguish good looks
and easy charm,

I'm still pretty insecure.

Is that so?

Yeah. Tragedy
of my life.


Come on.

It's just...

I saw Liam and..

I-I thought he'd
be happy to see me,

After everything that's
happened with Naomi,

But... Nope.

That was a mistake.

He basically told me
it was never gonna happen.

Well, then he's an idiot.

'cause you're amazing, Ivy.

You don't have to say that.

I know I don't.

But, on a brighter note,

Now I can actually move on

'cause I am totally
over that guy.

Well, I'm happy to hear that.

Thank you.

No. I'm really
happy to hear that.

'cause I like you, Ivy.

So, uh...

Any chance you'll let
your fake ex-boyfriend

Take you out on a real date?

Yes. Yes.

I mean, why not?



Hi. Uh, can I get
a chai latte, please?


Uh, excuse me.
Shouldn't you be

Sharing shopping tips
with lady gaga right now?

I left the party early.

I'm just writing a song.

Yeah? Oh.
What's it about?


It's kind of
about being cheated on.

I just caught gia with her ex.


I'm really sorry.

It happens.

It sucks, but you survive.

You did, right?


Yeah, you survive.


Now, can I just say,
though, that...

I'm really proud of you, ade.

Just seeing you here alone,
I mean, drinking your coffee,

Writing your songs...

Seemke such an undramatic
way to handle all this.

Which does prove
my earlier point.

You are different.

Nah, you can handle all this.


Do you want to sit
and have some coffee with me?

Or on you on your way to see
the president or something?

Uh, no. Obama can wait.

Can I see what you're writing?

No judgments, though.
It's early. Okay?

Okay. No judgments.

What's the title?


You're still here?

Couldn't exactly drive
home in my condition.

Hell, I couldn't even
find my car.


I'm sorry I didn't
tell you in advance

About Dixon and Adrianna
coming to the party.

To be honest, I didn't...

I didn't even think about it.

You need to understand
I'm not exactly

A consequences oriented
kind of woman.


Never have been.

And if ywu don't want
to hang out with me

Because of that, I get it.

Yeah. Well...

I'm a big boy.

And I don't need a babysitter.

Good. 'cause I've never beenan.

Can I have some of that?

We salute you.


Whe... When did you get out?

Not that long ago.

Between you and me,

Prison's not all
it's cracked up to be.

As soon as I heard
you were in California,

I took the first bus out here.

I missed you, kid.

Well, look at you.

What? What are you doing...


I'm a terrible person.

You're not.

I am.

I don't even know
how this happened.

I said one thing.

And it...

Spiraled completely
out of control.

And then...

Before you could say anything,

Or come forward,

The secret just took
on a life of its own.

And-and became
this nightmare

That you couldn't wake up from.

Trust me, I get it.