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02x17 - Sweaty Palms and Weak Knees

Posted: 07/18/23 07:02
by bunniefuu

I told you, I don't know where he is.

I just hope he's not getting
into too much trouble

before his parents get back to town.

Yeah. Okay.

Leave a message.

Jasper, I need you to tell me
where you are, okay?

I'm just getting really worried.
Please call me back.

And please don't hurt yourself.



What are you doing up there?

It's all pointless, Annie.

- What is?
- All of it.

Life. It's a joke.

It's painful, it's humiliating,

and I'm over it.

You still have not chosen a loofa.

- I think you should come forward.
- Liam, no.

What Mr. Cannon said to you
is sexual harassment.

I just don't wanna deal
with the aggravation.

Now, I'm assuming
you're gonna go with blue,

but lavender could be
a bold statement for a guy.

I don't understand.
Why don't you report him?

Liam, this has been
a really crazy year.

The feud with Annie,
the situation with Jen.

Jen. Jen has hurt you enough.

- Don't let her stop you from doing...
- Liam.


The truth is,

I'm a lot more like Jen
than you probably think.

No. No, you are nothing like Jen.

And if you were,
I wouldn't be with you.

I'll take an Arnold Palmer,

mostly iced tea,
like, a quarter lemonade.

And just a regular water for me.


So do you notice
anything different about me?

You're taller. Shorter?

Oh, wait, I know.
You shaved your mustache.

No. I got a haircut.

Oh, really?
Like a hair cut? Single hair?

You're just not very detail oriented,
are you?

Just because I didn't notice
your emperor's new haircut.

Now, come here,
you totally transformed woman.

- Hey, Dixon.
- Hey, man, how's it going?

Who you here with?

No one. By myself.

You know what, I should set you up
with my mixed-doubles partner.

No. Don't worry about it.

I'm serious. She is totally hot.

Definitely not my type.

Thanks for looking out for me,
but I'm cool.

Doing my own thing.

See y'all later.

Jasper, please listen to me.
It's not pointless.

Well, what's the point?

What's the point to life?

You don't love me anymore.

Do you?

Jasper, no!

Dr. Cleff,
please pick up extension two.

Hi, we're looking for Jasper Herman.
He's our son.

I'll see if he's out of surgery.

Mr. And Mrs. Herman? Hi.

- Annie.
- What's going on? Do you know?

All we've been told is that he fell off
of the top of the Hollywood sign.

Were you with him?
What was he even doing up there?

Was he filming something?

No, I...

Look, he didn't fall.

He jumped.

Oh, my God.

Listen, you should...

You should go home, Annie.
Get some sleep.

- We'll call you if we hear any news.
- Well, I can stay.

No, Jasper's our son.

We'll handle this.
You should take care of yourself.


I am sick.

Oh, no. Cold or flu?

Not that kind of sick. I just...

Why am I enjoying watching you iron
so much?

- I'm sick, that's all.
- You're a sexist pig.

- What do you think?
- Cute.

Hey, you're driving us
to the concert, right?

- You know it.
- Oh, you're the best roadie ever.

- Roadie?
- Yeah.

I was thinking more groupie.

- That's possible.
- Yeah?

That's very possible.

But you know what groupies do
for their rock stars?


Their ironing.


Wilson looks.

He sh**t.

- Come on.
- Was it something I said?

- Do over.
- No way, man. I want my 10 bucks.

Are you guys betting
on baby basketball? That's just sad.

Man, I wish I could put money
on the Lakers.

I'm telling you, they're about
to go on a roll. I can feel it.

Sounds like someone's
got the gambling bug.

Bug? No. Gift? Yes.

Hey, could you hook me up
with your dad's bookie?

- Yeah, sure.
- Cool.

I'm telling you,
I really feel good about the Lakers.

Put me down for 250 bucks.

Well, you don't wanna
put it on the Lakers.

My dad's got floor seats and last night
he overheard his trainer saying

that Kobe's gonna sit out
against the Spurs.

- Oh, yeah?
- His knee's bothering him.

- Really?
- Yep.

Well, then I'm feeling really good
about the Spurs.

- Hook me up, all right?
- You got it.

Anyone see the Cavs last night?
LeBron was on fire.

Oh, man, I missed it.
Naomi and I were...

Never mind.

Liam, what's your problem?

You can talk about Naomi
in front of me.

Dixon looks.

He sh**t.

Hey, are you okay?

Never been better. Why?

I don't know. It just looks like you
have something against those books.

I just...

I don't get why everyone keeps treating
me like I'm some loser or something.

- You're preaching to the choir, man.
- Oh, really?

Yeah. Ever since Silver and Teddy's
been going out,

they've been treating me
like some charity case.

- Seriously?
- Yeah.

Teddy tried to hook me up
with some tennis girl.

- Oh, God.
- He was like:

"Let me call in a favor
to this ex-girlfriend of mine

and see if she'll go out with you."
Like I need his hand-me-downs.

I hear you.
I mean, between you and me,

Liam's practically
chewing my food for me

and then regurgitating it
back into my mouth.


Like, he's patronizing me, man.

He treats me like I'm some baby
or something.

Baby bird. Yeah, I get it.

You know what I mean, though?
Kind of ridiculous.

I mean, as if I care that he's still dating
that giggling imbecile, you know?

Yeah, like I'm supposed to care

that Silver changed her Facebook
status to "in a relationship."

Dixon, why do you know
Silver's Facebook status?

Oh, we...

Anyways, look,
you wanna hang out later?

I don't know, grab a burger?

Yes, that would be cool.

I mean, it seems like everybody else
has coupled off.

Besides, I haven't had a beach burger
since yesterday.

- Peace.
- I'll call you.

I'm just saying you can't let
Mr. Cannon get away with it.

That is exactly what I've been saying.

Have you guys seen Alaina
Grossberg's collagen injections?

- Naomi, you have to tell somebody.
- Honestly, it's not that big of a deal.

Her lips look like an inner tube.

It is, and it's your responsibility.
Your moral obligation.

Think about it. What if Mr. Cannon
harasses some other girl?

Okay, enough. Please just stop.

This has been really hard, huh?

Yeah. Yeah, it has.

It's just this whole situation is...
It's too much.

Maybe you should talk to somebody.
Maybe Kelly.

- No.
- Naomi, it's a good idea.

Yeah, you're struggling with this.

Fine, I'll talk to someone. Not Kelly.

I don't trust this psyche to anyone
who costs less than 400 an hour.

- I'll see a real therapist, okay?
- Okay.

- Your chair, madam.
- Thank you.

Are those new shoes? I like them.

Thank you. So did I when I bought
them in seventh grade. Nice try.

- What did we miss?
- Oh, nothing.

Teddy's just trying to prove
how well he knows me.

- He's crashing and burning.
- I am so not crashing and burning.

Hello there.
What can I get you all to drink?

- Maybe some water for the table.
- Yeah.

Sure. Sparkling or flat,
what do you prefer?

How about...?
Teddy, you wanna tell him what I like?

Sparkling because she has such
a sparkling personality.

Actually, I like flat because apparently,
I have a flat personality.

I'll get a bottle of each.

Hey, I was close. It's not like
you know everything about me.

You know what?
He's gonna have an Arnold Palmer,

three-quarters iced tea,
one-quarter lemonade. Thanks.

Oh, snap.

- I guess so.
- Little do...

- Oh, great.
- Oh, great.

- Let's go, right?
- Yeah.

Hey, Dixon, lvy.

- Hey, guys.
- Hey, what's up?

Come here.

Grab a fork
and s*ab me in the jugular.

Too late.

- You guys wanna join us for dinner?
- No.

Well, why not?

Yeah, there's plenty of room.

I can just sit on Liam's lap.

- Actually, we were...
- We're on a date.

All right.

Dixon, you can do better.

Naomi, I can hear you.

- Anyway, that's really great.
- Yeah, it's pretty great.

Well, anyway, we should go.

- Shall we?
- We shall. Bye.

- Have fun.
- See you.

Dixon. Dixon, what the hell was that?
That was crazy.

Yeah, kind of.

- Kind of crazy awesome.
- Really?

Hell, yeah, did you see their faces?

- So guess you're my boyfriend now.
- Guess so.

After you, milady.

None of that gentlemanly crap.
Come on.

A lingerie website.

Oh, Montgomery,
has it really come to this?

I'm trying to find a gift for Silver.

Good luck with that. One time
I bought her a leather bracelet

and she accused me
of being insensitive to cow feelings.

Cow feelings.

Yeah, she's not exactly
the easiest to shop for.

- Tell me about it.
- Hey, do you think maybe she'd like...?

You know what, never mind.

Wha...? Look, it's cool man, all right?
I moved on. I really like lvy now.

- Yeah?
- Hell, yeah.

In fact, I recently bought lvy
a little gift myself.

Oh, yeah? What'd you get her?

Oh, no. No, no, no.

I can't have you rip off my idea.
It's way too good.

You and lvy.
Did not see that coming.

Yeah, I know. Neither did I.
See you later, man.


- Hello?
- Hi, Annie, Matey Herman.

I want you to know
that Jasper is going to make it.

Good. So he's okay?

Well, he broke both his legs
and sprained his shoulder,

but, yes,
physically, he's gonna be fine.

Psychologically, mentally,

the kid's obviously going through
a rough patch.

Once he checks out of here,

he's gonna be checking into
a psychiatric facility for a little while.

A psychiatric hospital.

I mean, that's...
Well, that makes sense.

- That's good.
- Yeah, yeah, we feel it's gonna help.

And help get him talking, you know?

My brother's death
really affected Jasper,

and we just want him
to talk to someone.

Open up. Stop hiding.

Oh, Annie, one more thing.

Jasper wanted to talk to you
before he goes away. Would you?

Would you do that for him?

- You really didn't have to drive.
- I wanted to.

How long is your therapy session?

- I'll be done in about an hour.
- Okay. Well, I'll pick you up then.

Thank you.

- Good luck.
- Thank you.

- Hi.
- Hi.

May I please get
a nonfat blended mocha for here?

- Oh, and can I see a menu too?
- Okay.

Great. Now we're gonna be late
to our own show.

When did they start locking
the school so early?

Maybe after somebody spray painted

"Beth Jennings is a whore"
all over the courtyard.

- Why would anyone do that?
- Because she's whore-like?

Whore-ish, whore-esque?
Not that I did it.

I told you guys it was a stupid idea
to leave our instruments at school.

Well, I told you guys we can't practice
in my parents' garage anymore.

- They can't handle the noise.
- Your parents have no taste in music.

- What the...?
- Guys, guys.

Why don't we climb up the fire escape
and jump down into the courtyard?

- Can we do that?
- Yeah, totally.

All right. Let's do it.

- You are a genius.
- Just your number one groupie.

- Come here.
- Come on, guys.

Let's go.

- Gia...
- Whatever.

Are you still mad?

I'm not mad, I just didn't realize
we were still keeping this a secret.

I didn't either. I guess I'm not ready
to let people know yet.

- Awesome.
- Gia, I'm sorry.

I'm still trying to figure this thing out.

Okay, step one,
stop calling it "this thing."

You guys,
so how were we supposed

to get over the wall
with our instruments?

I hadn't really thought
that far ahead.

Whoa, wait, wait, before we go in,
I got a little something for you.

Whoa, what's this for?

Well, Teddy was getting something
for Silver so I just thought...

Oh, right, right, right, of course.

You know, for a second there,
I thought you might really like me.


Oh, look, I'm sorry...

Shut up, douche bag. I'm kidding.
Give me the necklace.

- Okay.
- Oh, is this scrimshaw?

- Yeah.
- Oh, this is rad, Dixon.

If we were actually dating,
I'd be all over you.

And that's exactly
what I wanna hear.

Now, look, I'm not telling you
you have to wear it in there

and make a big fuss
about what a great boyfriend I am.

- Oh, prepare to be fussed over.
- Okay.

Hey, hey, what's the word?

The word is that I got a great guy.

- Stop it.
- No, I can't. It's true.

Look what my little poopie got me.

- I'm sorry. Poopie?
- Yeah.

Yeah, that's what she calls me.

- She's my little stinky pants.
- I don't even wanna know.

Anyway, where's the band, guys?
Aren't they supposed to go on soon?

Oh, you know bands.
Notoriously late.

Someone's probably throwing a fit
or eating a bat or something.

Anyway, should we get drinks?

You got it, poopie.

Yeah, that's me.


Come on.

- I can't believe we just did that.
- Hurry.


Oh, can we do that in public?

- Thanks.
- Thank you.


I got you a little gift too.
To prove how well I know you.

You did not have to do that.

I know I didn't have to, I wanted to.

Because I wanted to see your face
when you opened it up.

What do you think?
Do you love them?

Are they my girl's best friend?

Yes, they are gorgeous and big.

Thank you.

- Let's see how they look.
- Yeah, okay.

- Beautiful.
- Yeah?


Guys, there's like a zillion people
out here.

Hell, yeah,
we're gonna rock this bitch.

- Are you okay?
- Ade, what's wrong?

- I can't do this.
- What are you talking about?

I have never sung
in front of a crowd like this.

And I can't even take a drink
to calm down.

Don't worry, Ade,
you're gonna be amazing.

No, I'm sorry. I just... I can't do this.

What do you mean you can't?

I just can't.

All right, girl,
we are gonna be right behind you.

You just gotta face your fears.
Don't think about who's watching.

- Come on.
- No, I'm sorry.

Sing in my place.

- Please?
- No way.


We're a band, all right?

It's all for one, and all that crap.

She's right. We do it together
or we don't do it at all.

- Guys, come on.
- Not a chance.

There'll be plenty of other gigs.

The important thing
is that we stick together.

Put away the puppy-dog eyes.

We're not gonna rock this bitch
without you.



- Oh, yeah.
- All right.

Hi. We're the Glorious Steinems.

Hey, hey, hey

Oh, oh, oh

You like the way that I trip and fall

You like to laugh when I dent my car

I'm always in a rush

Sometimes I tend to care too much

You like the way that I burn my food

You like the way that I snap at you

Every morning I hit the snooze

And every day
I seem to lose my shoes

I always cheer for the wrong team

Always bring you the wrong drink

Always leave my hair in the sink

And I talk when you're trying to think

That's how I know that you love me

That's how I know that you care

That's how I know that you want me

Because you take me as I am

That's how I know that you love me

That's how I know that you care

That's how I know that you want me

Because you take me as I am

Hey, hey, hey

- Hey, can I have a shot of tequila?
- You got it.

Mom, what are you doing here?

Guitarist's dad's an old friend.

Hey, don't worry,
no one's gonna know I'm your mom.

Because if you call me mom in public,
I'll sock you.

- How about "Mommy"?
- Swift kick to the groin.


- So who are you here with?
- Just some friends from school.

- Not that jerk Liam?
- Mom, he's not a jerk.

He just has god-awful taste
in women.

Hey, don't worry, you'll get over him.

I know.


Which one is he anyway?

Looks like a square to me.

What's with that helmet hair?

- Thanks, Mom.
- Not so loud.

Hey, hey, hey

Hey, hey, hey

Hey. I just wanted
to make sure you're okay.

Don't lie to me.

What are you talking about?

You're here because you have to make
sure I won't tell anyone your secret.

That's not true. Okay?

Despite everything, I actually care
about what happens to you.

But you don't love me.

No. I don't.

Should have just left me there to die.

No. Stop, okay?
Just stop manipulating me.

- I'm not.
- Yeah, you are.

You have been from the start.
I mean, even the way we got together.

You were just preying on the fact
that I felt so guilty about your uncle.

You should feel guilty.

Don't worry, I do.

Every day, I do.

But I don't owe you a relationship
because of it.

So then what incentive is there
to keep me from telling?


Annie, everything I did,
I have done it because I love you.

You have to know that.

I know that you think that, Jasper,

but what we had
was all based on lies.

- It wasn't love.
- Yes, it was.

It was.

It was.

That's why I'm not gonna
tell anyone.

I'm never gonna tell your secret,

I'm sorry,
but visiting hours ended a while ago.


Well, thank you.

And I really hope you get better.

Goodbye, Annie.


'Cuz everything you say is just
Blah, blah, blah

And all that's in your head is just
La, la, la

And all you hear me saying is
Na, na, na

So ta-ta-ta, you get nada

'Cuz everything you say is just
Blah, blah, blah

And all that's in your head is just
La, la, la

And you all you hear me saying is
Na, na, na

So ta-ta-ta, you get nada

'Cuz everything you say is just
Blah, blah, blah

And all that's in your head is just
La, la, la

And you all you hear me saying is
Na, na, na

So ta-ta-ta, you get nada

- Yeah!
- Yeah!

Rock on!

Hell, yeah.

I thought we were still trying
to figure this thing out?

I just had to face my fears
and not worry about who's watching.

And don't call it "this thing."

Wow, it was an awesome show,


Are you okay?

No, I need to talk to you
about something.

It's something I feel really bad about,
but you need to know.

Or maybe you don't need to know,
but I need you to know.

What is it?

I hate these earrings.

I'm sorry. Look, I...

I know that they were a gift
and it's all about the thought and l...

It's kind of the thought
that bothers me.

I mean, these are just so not me.

I mean, I know most girls
love diamonds,

but I look at them
and I think about sl*ve mining

and orphans in Sierra Leone

and these mistresses in Texas
with their hair-sprayed hair.

Why are you laughing?

Here's your real present.

I remember
at the beginning of the year,

when we read this in Matthews' class,
you went on and on

about how much you liked it,
and how amazing it was

that Flaubert could write
from a woman's perspective

and how much that inspired you,
and I thought to myself:

"Stay away from that girl.
She's way too much."

- That's what you thought, huh?
- Oh, yeah.

So this whole time you were...
What, you were just screwing with me?

See, I do pay attention to detail,
and I do know you.

I knew those earrings
would make you mad.

Oh, well...

They're fake, by the way.

I also know how cute you look
when you're angry.

I hate you.

No, you don't.

Trust me, I know you.

- Hey, so your mom seems cool.
- Hi, Miss Clark.

- When did you...?
- I think it's absolutely wonderful

that you can be so open with her
about your love life.

- Excuse me?
- I heard you, loser.

I know you're still into Liam.

What are you talking about, Naomi?
I'm with Dixon now.

Yeah, right. I saw you let go
of each other's hands

- when you thought no one was looking.
- Yeah, our palms were sweaty.

- You're obviously not really dating.
- Yeah, we are.

- In fact, we're...
- Totally pathetic.

Well, you have no idea
what you're talking about.

Sorry, Naomi didn't believe
that we were actually dating.

Well, we can't have that now,
can we?

Dixon, that was great.



She totally bought that.


Thank you.

So you feel like
your therapy session helped?

- Yeah, definitely.
- Good.

And do you feel better about
coming forward with what happened?

No, I...

When I was at therapy,

I really thought through
what will happen if I do come forward.

I mean, everyone at school
will talk about me,

judge me, maybe even blame me
for what happened.

I wish I were stronger, Liam.
I really wish I were.

The truth is I'm not,
and I'm not ready.

And I don't know when
or if I ever will be.

- It's okay.
- No, it's not okay.

- I should be stronger. I should be.
- Hey, Naomi.

It's all right.

I just hate that guy
for putting you in this position.

I hate him.

Mr. Cannon, I forgot my paper.
Can I run home and get it?

- I don't know.
- Please?

You know you're, like,
my favorite teacher, right?

Okay. Go get your paper,
but don't be gone too long. Okay?

- You son of a bitch.
- Get your hands off me.

You're a piece of garbage.


Hey, what's your name?

Okay, this is cool.

- Thank you.
- See you.

Hey, thanks for letting me
borrow your car.

Yeah, no worries. Just return it
with a full t*nk of gas and no dents.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Hey, that's Adrianna, right?



Mom, what are you doing? You can't
exactly just park the car here.

You park it then.

Adrianna? Hi, Laurel Cooper.
I'm lvy's mom.

- Oh, hey.
- I saw your show last night.

You were fantastic.

Thank you.

You're a music producer?

Till the powers that be
tell me otherwise.

Look, I work with a lot
of talented musicians your age.

And I'm interested in signing you.

- No.
- No?

No, I mean, yes.

I mean, really?

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God.
I can't wait to tell the band.

Right. Well, l...
I wouldn't rub it in their faces

because I'm not interested
in signing the band.

I'm only interested in you.

Hi, poopie.

Okay. Okay.
Get it out of your system now.

Do you prefer
the more colloquial "poops,"

or perhaps the more formal
"Senor Poopie"?

Very funny.

- Do you want your money or not?
- What money?

You didn't hear about the Lakers?

Kobe sat out
and they still beat the spread.

I owe you 250.

- Oh, it pains me to take this.
- Oh, it pains me even more.

But it's my own fault.
I should have trusted my instincts.

there's a game this weekend

and I want to put the rest of this
on L.A.

Oh, man, are you sure?

I'm positive. I gotta build back up.
See you later, man.


An awful day to be stuck in school.

How about we grab our wet suits
and head up to Zuma?

It's tempting, but I can't.
I have a history test.







Yeah, okay, well,
I'm gonna go take a history test,

which will be a lot more pleasant
than this encounter.

What's up, stinky pants?

What up, poopie?

You know,
just in case Naomi walks by.

Gotcha. I like the way you think.

Well, thank you, thank you.

Hey, Naomi.

Did you hear about Liam?
He's in the principal's office.

- What? Why?
- Apparently, he att*cked Mr. Cannon.

Oh, my God.

So, Liam, what happened?
Why would you go after Mr. Cannon?

I don't even know this kid, Harry.

Liam, if you don't say something, I'm
gonna have no choice but to expel you.

Why don't you head back
to your class, Miles?


Hey, is Liam in there?

- You know that kid?
- Yeah, he's my boyfriend.

Well, say goodbye to him for me.
He's about to be expelled.

Liam, what happened?

- Please don't do this.
- This doesn't concern you.

- Yes, it does.
- Naomi,

I didn't tell him what this is about.

You don't have to say anything.

Yes, I do.

Look, Principal Wilson,
this is all my fault.

The only reason Liam did this
is because...

Because Mr. Cannon
sexually harassed me.