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01x14 - Bailey the Helper

Posted: 07/18/23 06:34
by bunniefuu
Come on!

[all] Word party!

♪ The party's just begun ♪

♪ There's a word
For what we're gonna have ♪

♪ And that word is fun ♪


♪ Word party, everyone ♪

-♪ Party ♪
-♪ The word is fun ♪

♪ We're the babies
You're the big kids ♪

♪ Teach us all the words you know ♪

-♪ Ready, set, let's go!
-♪ Let's go! ♪

♪ Word party ♪

♪ The party's just begun ♪

♪ There's a word
For what we're gonna have ♪

♪ And that word is fun ♪

♪ Word party ♪

-I'm so hungry.
-Me too!

-Oh, no.
-Oh, it's hard to wait.

[narrator] The babies wait for a snack.
It's Franny's turn to help make it.


-We need to eat our snack!

[all three gasping]

[Kip and Lulu] Franny!

I am a chef.

A chef is a person
who makes food for everyone.

That is my job today!

-Yay, Franny!
-[Lulu] Yay!

[all three] Ooh!


[all three cheering]

Thanks, Franny!

Oh. Uh-oh.

Um, Franny, you forgot to peel the banana.

-Oops. Don't eat that.

No eat? Hungry!

Wait. I'll fix it.

Let's see.

Just gotta find the right place to begin.

Oh, it's hard to open.

I'm gonna shake it open.

Here, here, Franny. I can show you.

-Thanks, Bailey.

Um, just... yeah...

Do this and like this!


Ah, thank you for showing me, Bailey.

You're welcome, Chef Franny!


-Oh, boy!
-Time to eat!


[Kip] Oh, boy!


[all] Oh! Oh!

[narrator] Clickety Clock is here
to tell us what's next.

What time is it, big kids?

[drum roll]

[big kids] Time to play!





Ooh, hey,
what if we had our playtime outside?

-[all three] Outside!
-Great idea, Kip!

[chuckles] Let's ask the big kids!

♪ Pretty please with a cherry on top ♪

♪ And a kiss, kiss, kiss ♪

♪ And a hop, hop, hop ♪

♪ And a happy dance from east to west ♪

♪ We hope that you'll say yes, yes, yes ♪

♪ Please, please, please ♪

♪ Please, please, please ♪

♪ Please, please, please ♪

♪ Please, oh, please say yes, yes, yes ♪

Can we please play outside?

[big kids] Yes!


♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh, you told us yes ♪

♪ Big kids, you're the best, best, best ♪

♪ We have some words we want to say ♪

♪ Before we jump and hop away ♪

♪ Thanks, thanks, thanks ♪

♪ Thanks, thanks, thanks ♪

♪ Thanks, thanks, thanks ♪

♪ Thanks for saying yes, yes, yes ♪

♪ Thanks for saying yes, yes, yes! ♪

-Thank you!
-Thank you, big kids!

[Kip] I'm gonna catch you, Franny!

You can't catch me!


-Cheetahs are super fast!
-Well, so's a wallaby!


I'm so sorry I chased you, Franny.

Oh, it's okay, Kip.
We were just playing.

Um, I'm fine, but...

I have a little owie.

[gasps] Oh, no!

Franny, you need help.

[gasps] I help Wanny!

Oh, boy.

I am Dr. Lulu!

[chuckles] Doctor my job.

Doctors help people who are sick or hurt.

Yeah! I have boo-boo ice!

Oh, there make it all better! Doo-de-doo!

-Doo-doo, dah-dah, dah-dah-dah.

This isn't helping, Lulu!

[narrator] Lulu wants to be a good doctor,
but she doesn't know how.

Here, Lulu. Here. I'll show you.

Okay. Like this.

Uh, I go here.


-Gentle. See?

Ahh... That feels better.

Ah, I do it!

-I do it!

Here, thank you, Bailey.

Okay, I do gentle. Ah...

I doctor.

Thank you, Dr. Lulu.

Thank you for helping her, Bailey.


Ooh, maybe now you should rest
under my favorite tree.

[gasps] Good idea, Bailey!

Ow! Ooh!

But my knee is still a little owie
when I walk.

Hey! I know!

I can be a bus driver,
and drive Franny to the tree!

Uh, bus driver?

Oh, yeah, well, you see, bus drivers
drive big buses

to take people
to lots of different places.


Oh. Um...

I think I need a bus!

Oh, oh, Kip, I have an idea!


Where's he going?

-[Kip] I don't know.
-I don't know either.


You... you can use this as your bus.

Oh, cool!

Oh, bus!

[Franny] Wow!

Can I have a ride, Mr. Bus Driver?

You sure can!

Climb in, Franny!


Let's get this bus moving!

Good helping, Bail-Bail.

Oh, thanks, Lulu.

I love to help.

Beep, beep!

Okay! I'm Kip.
I'm driving 'cause I'm the bus driver.

[Franny] Yay!

Bye-bye bus! Oh, wait! I want to come!

[Kip] Beep, beep, beep!

Vroom, vroom, vroom.


First stop, tree!

-You did it!
-Yay for Kippie!

Thank you, bus driver Kip.

Oh, well, thank you, Franny!
And you're welcome.

I love being a bus driver!

And I love being a chef.

I love to be doctor.

Yeah, well, they're all very good jobs.


-Hooray for jobs!
-[cheering and laughing]

Oh... oh, you know...

You all have jobs today, but I don't.

I kind of wish I had a job.

[gasps] Bailey, you are really good
at helping us learn how to do things.

Like, you showed me how to peel a banana!

And show me boo-boo ice!

Very gentle.

[laughs] And, and you helped me!

-You helped me find a bus.
-I did!

So maybe you could be a helper person.

Ooh, what is that called?


Oh, maybe we should call Word Wally?

-Yeah! Good idea, Bailey!

See? You helped us again!


[all three] Word Wally!


-There he is!
-I'm gonna get you!

-Come back here!
-Word Wally!

Hey! Come on!

Now I need your help!



[narrator] The babies are here
to learn the words for different jobs.

And, and you can help me!

Yes! Let's go!

This person cooks food.

What job is that?

-[drum roll]
-[big kids] Chef.

Franny is a great chef!



That my job! What that?

-[drum roll]
-[big kids] Doctor.

Yes! I Dr. Lulu!


Oh! That's my job!

Beep, beep, beep!

[chuckles] What is it, big kids?

[drum roll]

[big kids] Bus driver.


Oh! That's the person
that helps people learn.

What do you call that person, big kids?

[drum roll]

[big kids] Teacher!

[all] A teacher!

-That's your job, Bailey! A teacher.

I would love to be a teacher!

[all three] Yay, Teacher Bailey!

Okay, class, Teacher Bailey says

it's time for a word party!

Yay! I love word party!

-♪ Hey have you heard? It's a word party ♪
-♪ Word party ♪

-♪ Learn new words for a word party ♪
-♪ Word party ♪

♪ Spin while you spout them
Feel good about them ♪

♪ We love words
And it's your turn to shout them ♪

[big kids] Chef!


Bus driver!


And these are all words
for different kinds of...

[big kids] Jobs!


[all] Jobs!

-♪ Hey have you heard? It's a word party ♪
-♪ Word party ♪

-♪ Learn new words for a word party ♪
-♪ Word party ♪

-♪ Hey have you heard? It's a word party ♪
-♪ Word party ♪

-♪ Learn new words for a word party ♪
-♪ Word party ♪

[cheering and laughing]

Okay, class, who can tell me what this is?

-Ooh, ooh, ooh!
-I can!

-Pick me! Pick me!

Thank you, Teacher Bailey!

Uh, that is a square.

Very good, Kip.

You did so well.

Do a rectangle next!


-He's so good.

[Lulu] Ooh!


-What shape is th--

Oh, Franny!

-Good job, Franny!
-[Kip] Franny!

[narrator] The babies had fun
doing different jobs today.

And you helped Bailey be a teacher.

Thank you, big kids.
You're a good teacher, too.

-Oh, Mr. Teacher Bailey...
-Is it snack time, yet?

Could you do a circle next?
'Cause I can guess that one.
