01x15 - Help Me, Rhonda

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "90210". Aired: September 2, 2008 – May 13, 2013.*
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Follows the lives of several wealthy students attending West Beverly Hills High School in Beverly Hills, California.
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01x15 - Help Me, Rhonda

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on 90210:

I'm pregnant.

I just need some time to think,all right?

Ththe doct is gonna want to know who the father iS.

Guess who?


Some things you say have the power to hurt people,you know?

Yeah,I think I do.

So I'm gonna break up with you.

You should audition,too!


Come on.

Otherwise,we'll never get to see each otheR.

I'm really not up for the cast-and-crew dinneR.

The whole point of me doing this play was so we could hang out together.

You go ahead.

I changed my minD.

All right.

Be there in two.



We already go down this hallway?

I think we already been down this one.

Mom,I can't,okay?

What if he's not okay?

Hang on,hang on.We are looking for ethan ward.

He would have been admitted about an hour ago.


Ethan,oh,my god,you're okay!

Are you okay?

You look okaY.

Yeah,I'm fine.

I'm so,so g laD.

Are you in pain?

Just when you squeeze that tight.

Oh,I'm sorrY.

You had us worried,buddY.


yeah,I'm sorry.

No,it's okay.We're just happy you're all right.

I am.

Just bruised and shaken,but the woman in the other car,

rhonda kimba I guess is her name,she's in surgery.

And ifhe doesn't make it.


I'm sure she's gonna be okay,too.

Do you mind if we just wait here until she's out of surgery?


That's fine,yeaH.

Of coursE.

It's gonna be ok

you have to tell ty.

He's responsible,too,a I'm just waiting for the right moment.

Yeah,well,the right moment was about two hours ago.

And two lamb schwarmas agO.

Stop eating that crap.

Hey,I'm eating for twO.

I'm aware of that.

Tell him.


There's my leading lady.

Umdo you have a sec?

For my queen?

Come on.

So,what's going on?

There's no easy to say this.

I'm pregnant.

And it's your baby.



I though you were,you know,on the pill?

Well,yeah,sometimes I took those pil sometimes I took other pills.

You'll jusT.

get it taken care of.

It's too late for that.




Anyway,I thought you'd like to kn

this can't be happening.

I can't believe I didn't see that stop sign.

Hey,it happens.

That's why they call them "accidents."

I-I wasn't paying attention,and I was on the phone.

With mE.

I shouldn't have calleD.

Okay,stop it,you two.

This isn't helping anybody.

I'm looking for the family of rhonda kimb

At's uS.

Your daughter has a collapsed lung.

She'll make a full recoverY.

She's stabilizing noW.

Looks like she's gonna be o

you ready to head home?

Uh,you guys go.

My mom's on her way,so I'll just wait for her here.

We'll wait with you theN.

Actually,I wouldn't mind having a few minutes alo

I have to apologize to rhoI gotta figure out what to say.


We'll see you lateR.

Well,call me after you talk to her,okay?

Oh,I'm sorrY.



hey,uh,is he okay?


Spooked,but finE.

Thank goD.

Guess there's,uh,something in the air tonight or somethi

what do you mean?

Uh,just really hasn't been a good nig

you want to tell us what it is or should we play charad all righT.

Me and silver broke up.



I don't want to talk about iT.

Oh,honey,I'm sorry.

It's-it's co you know,I'M.

Really not into that whole unrequited love thinG.

You know?So I had to get out before one of us got h or more hurt.


I don't want to talk about it,so that's it.

I'm glad ethan's okaY.


And I'll see you guys tomorrow.

All right,buddy.

Good night.

- Night.- Good night.

It's a proven fact that male brains mature slower than female brains.

Trust me,ty's,like,11 in girl years.

I don't know what I expected him to say ooh,are you gonna finish that?

ade,you gotta tell your mom.

Listen,if perez hilton has taught us anything,it's that you can't hide a baby bump forever.

I'm not gonna hide it foreveR.

Just until I figure out what I'm gonna dO.

Well,maybe she could help you.

My mom?


She could surprise you.

She'll surprise me if she doesn't kick me out.

I'm practically her personal atm.

And something tells me I'm not gonna be booking a lot of parts once I start to s

that's totally gonna sucK.

I don't know what's gonna be worse,like,my mom finding out or everyone at sch

oh,everyone at school.

I mean,it'll be a constant barrage of whispers and rumors,and this is not helping.

I'm sorrY.

No,it's true.


it's gonna be totally humiliating.

Like,I just,I just got finished being rehab girl and now I have to be pregnant girL.

I'm just so sick of reading about how screwed up i on the bathroom walls,you know?



I've spent all day picking up after people at the restaurant.

I hope you don't expect me to clean up this mesS.

No,I'll clean iT.



Don't you have a curfew?

I'm staying at the hotel,so,no.

So,did you hear about the toothpaste commercial?

Yeah,I diD.

I didn't get it.

But I got the lead at the school plaY.


That was a national spot.

Well,I-I know.

I tryeah.

I can see all the effort.

Laying around eating mac and cheese.

There's a recipe for success.

Season01 Episode15

Thanks for cominG.

I justanted to apologize for my reaction last nig I was in shock.

And from what I remember,I didn't handle it very we

it's okaY.

I kind of blindsided you.

No,ade,it's not okay.

I should be more sensitive to what you're going thr and how you're feeling.

How are you feeling?

Emotio hungry all of the time.

Well,look,I talked to my parents last night.

You did?

Well,sure,I mean.

we can't get through this by ourselves,right?

Riwhat did they say?

Well,they were shocand mad but after two very dry martinis,

they calmed down a d deancided they'd help us figure it

what did your mom say?

Um,pretty much the same thioh.

Well,my parents want to have you guys over for dinner.

Me and my mom?

Yeah,I don't know if that's really a good id

well,they're very insistent.

They want me to take responsibility and so do I.

We're in this together,adE.

All right.

Now,if I order some chili cheese fr would you share 'em?

Yeahall righT.

I'm starved.

I don't know where I belong.

you know what we got to do to get over lver and adrianna,right?

Yeah,I know exactly what to do.

Find a rogue scientist who's willing to experiment with the whole eternal sunshine thing?


The only way to get over a girl is to get a new gi.

Hell to the yeS.

Oh,man,who am I kidding?

I'm never gonna get another girl.

Dude,dude,what is wrong with you?

I'm bad at the whole dating thing,man.

Nah,no,you're noT.

It took me 11 years to get up the ne to ask out adriannA.

Yeah,that is a little pathetiC.

You know,maybe the whole mind-erasing thing isn't such a bad ideA.

Just,dude,I'm just saying,you kn 11 years?




Ethan ward is here to see yoU.

Look,I know this sounds weird to just come out and say it,

but I'm the guy that hit you,d I'm so sor and I know that doesn't mean anything,

but I just wanted to saywe talked to the police.

And we're not gonna rsue any legal stuff,if that's why you're here.

No,no,it's not,but you could if you wante because it was totally my fault.

I was on the phone and I didn't see the stop sign,and.

you know,the important thing is that we're both all right.

You have a punctured lung.

Honestly,it sounds a lot wo than it really iS.

I promisE.


I should really be thanking yoU.

I mean,you got me out of this k*ller math test on wednesday.


What,what school do you go to?


You're in high school,right?


I go to west bever

I'm in your french class.

Oh,I'I'm really sorry.

Sorry for what?

Sorry for not knowing who I am?

Why would you?

I'm not cool.

I'm not populaR.

You obviously just live in your own little bubble,

where people like me don't even registeR.

That's not true.

When was the last time you talked to somebody

who wasn't running for homecoming queen or didn't play varsity sport?

We exist,ethaN.

And some of us are really interesting people.

I'm not like t

I'm feeling really tired.

You should probably go.


this is adrianna.

Louise collins.

It is so good to meet you.

Please,call me,weezy.

and between you and me,she's a real pill.

Mm,I heard that.


Thanks for coming by.

Well,thanks for having mE.

Where's your mother,dear?

Ah,she wanted to come,but she couldn't get off work last minute.

We'll meet another time,I'm sure.


Yes,make yourself comfortable.

We're still a few minutes from dinne


What does your mother do?


in the restaurant business.

Tough work.

Long hours.

I used to bus tables at the club in high schohardest job I ever had.

Y-y-you were a busboy?

Why is that so hard to believe?

Oh,because neither of us has ever seen you pick up a damn thing in this house.


shall we get down to it?


How are you feeling,dear?


I'm ok good,because that's the most important thing:

You have to take care of yourself.

Do you have a good doctor?

Not yet.

But I went to a clinic,and everything looks fine.

First thing,we'll have to get you a doctoR.

And don't you worrY.

We'll take care of the cost.

Oh,don't argue with him,dear; he's very stubborn.

We want to help you,adrianna.

You're only 16; you shouldn't have to deal with this al

dinner is readY.


Shall we?


Tous ensemble,s'il vous pla?T.

Je vaiS.

Je vais.

Tu vas.

Tu va.

Il vA.

Il vA.

Elle va.

Elle vA.

Nous allonS.

Nous allonS.

Vous allez.

Vous allez.

Real insight into character isn't found onstagE.

It's found in rehearsaL.

Therefore,you will only be allowed one absence.

Oh,I'm sorrY.

You guys are using this room.

I-I forg


I'm passing out schedules.

Please commit them to your brains and your blackberri any conflicts,

say them now or forever hold your pea

so when are you meeting my mom?

In an hour.

Will you call me aft.


do you think I should talk to her or no?


Miss cas I-I want to ask her what I did wrong in-in the audition,

but I'm afraid that if I ask her,she'll think that I tho that I should get the lead,

which,which I did not thi and I don't want her to think that I though

what do you think?

I think that you're overthinking iT.


Should I send her balloons?

To miss casey?



I mean,to apologize for yesterday.


What's wrong with balloons?


Um,just kind of impersonaL.

Well,how am I supposed to get her something personal?

I don't know her.


I'm dr.Klein.

Nice to meet you.

And you must be her mother?


My mom had to work,so she couldn't make

I'm a close friend.


It says here,there's a history of drug abusE.

Um,yeah,but I'm clean noW.

Even so,I'd like her to have an amnio,though.

What's an amnio?

Under local anesthesia,we run a thin needle into the amniotic sac and extract a little fluid.

And from that fluid,we can test the fetus for abnormalitieS.

Normally we don't do it for a girl your age,but.

with your history,I really think it's a good idea.

I mean,god forbid anything's wrong,we'll know.



First things first.

You need an ultrasound.

Lift up your shi.

Okay,adrianna,there's your babY.

Those are the legS.

And the arthat's the nosE.

And an ear.

It just.

it just...didn't seem real bef

I know.



Thanks again for all the maternity classeS.

You're welcome,honeY.

Before you go,I wanted to give you this.

"Peaceful vista"?

It's in new mexico.

Once you to start to show,you can go there,and stay until you deliver the baby.

It's supposed to be gorgeous.

A friend of a friend's went,a friend of a friend's went,and she said it was like a spa vacatioN.

It looks beautiful.

Oh,and this is for your mother,dear.

It's a legal contract just laying out the terms of our financial commitment.

It says we'll pay for your stay,and after,we'll arrange for the adoption of the child.

The adoption?

Well,there are a lot of deserving people who can't have kids,and what other choice is there?

I guess I hadn't really thought about it.

Well,I guess it's time to start.

Have your mother look it over.

And if the terms are agreeable,which I'm sure they will,then that will be that.



what are you doing here?

Well,last time I was here,you were watching but there was nothing on,

soI'm loaning you my dvd player.

But then I ran into a problem when I was trying to pick up movies

because I didn't know if you would like action-adventure or.

come or romance,or horror.

or,uh,romantic hor which isn't a popular genre,

but apparently,it does exist,and apparently,the swedes have mastered iT.

And oh,I wanted to get you snacks,because movies without snacks suck,

but I didn't know if you like sweet or salty,so I got you pretzels and.

chocola I also got chocolate- covered pretzels in case you like sweet and salty together.


What is this abo

I'M...I'm just trying to get to know y

so,what's it going touh,mission impossible or the wedding planner?

Uh,the wedding planneR.

And maybe some chocolate-covered pretze

want to stay and watch?

Oh,you have somewhere to be.

Just play rehearsaL.

But we're.

we're allowed to blow one off,so yes,I'll staY.

As long as you're okay with the occasional "this-is-such-a-lame- chick-flick" commentarY.


"When you meet a girl,you need to passively insult her,"

thus actively demonstrating your disintere

"which has the effect of elevating said girl's interest in yoU."

Are you kidding me with this?

That book worked for my cousin,avi.

He's swimming in chickS.

And he is funky-lookinG.

Uh,all righT.

Mm,I'm gonna give it a do your thing,bro.

Do my thing,bro.

Hey,what's up?

Not much.

You know,you'd be really beautiful if you didn't have that bad hai

get lost,dweeb!


I wish I had it on video,so I can put it on youtube.

Shut up.

What was that all about?

Um,well,navid has a bodude,don't sell me out.

The credo?

You did not read this disgusting,insulting book.

- No.Navid,have you met christina?- No.

Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you.

So you're trying to meet a girl?

Well,if you want to meet a girl,don't trust th you know,

you should trust someone who kind of knows how a girl thinkS.


Oh,you two are really clueless.

You need to come to my friend's party.

Hot band,hot girls-- I'll hook you up.

I don't need your help with no ladies.

Believe me,if dixon wants a girl,

dixon gets a g

and not if "dixon" talks in the third person like a t



Fair enough.

Hot stone massages.

They have hot stone massages.

Have you looked at this?

No,not yet.

Ooh,they have,like,a ski resort,like,half-hour away.

I don't think you'd be doing a lot of skiing during your third trimesteR.

You might be right,but I would be doing a lot of seaweed mud masks,though.

Sure,you'll just have to "sign away all rights to said issuE.

" There e a lot of deserving people who can't have kids.

Yeah,I know.

I saw juno,toO.

Look,this has a nondisclosure agreement.

This says you can't talk about the fact that ty's the father.

I guess that's okaY.

It also says that you can't talk about the

"events and circumstances leading up to and including the pregnancy and birth of said issuE."


Basically,what we're doing now-- totally illegal.

I'm sure that'justverzealous lawyer talk or somethi

I don't know,adE.

This thing reads like a friggin' gag order.

I mean,it has seriouses amagif you don't comply.

What is your problem?

Okay,this is a plan,finallY.

Why do you have to be so negative?

I'm not being negative.

I don't want you to be taken advantage of.

Yeah,well,the collinses aren't like that.

What are you doing?

I'm gonna clear things up.

Hey,ty,it's ade call you're probably in a fierce game of dragon fury right now.

But if you could tear yourself away for just a minute,that would be greaT.

Uh,there's just some things in the contract that I find a little weird.

Um,not a big deal.

I just want to clarify them,so,um,give me a caand yeah.

Oh,say hi to your parents for me.


Don't-don't push yourself,okay?

Who are you,usain bolt?

You just had surgery.

I got to pass the old guy.

Ah,the competitor kicks in.


No,his gown keeps opening and I'm sick of seeing his ass.

Oh,all right.

Yeah,no,you're right.

All right,let's pass him on the outside,

and pretend it's like the last minutes of the game,okay?

I should tell you that sports talk is pretty much lost on me.

I've never been to a game or a match or anything sports-related.

So,uh,maybe I'm not the only living in a bubble then?

You're right,but no more.

What,all sports all the time?

All new experiences all the time.

You know how they say your life flashes before your eyes in an accident?

Well,mine did,and all is saw was a bunch of jazz band rehearsals.

Ye,all I saw was one long sportscenter reel

there's so much more out there.

There's things I haven't tried,things I haven't even thought about trying.

Yeah,I always wanted to learn to play the guitar.

Then you shoulD.

And go skydiving?

Let's sign uP.

I've always wanted to go campinG.

Oh,that's easy enough.

I know,I just.

I always assumed there'd be time,you know?

But I'm not going to live like that anymorE.

I'm going to live like there's no time and that every day could be my last.

Carpe diem.


miss casey.

I just wanted to say that I'm sorry that ethan wasn't at rehearsal today.

He must have lost track of time.

Oh,it's finE.

Everyone can miss one.

Is that all?



it's not that I expected to get the lead in the play,

because I absolutely did not,but I love acting,

and I really want to get betbecause this is really what I've always wanted to dO.

Well,your passion will certainly work in your favor,

and an acting clwill help as welL.

You have talent,annie.

It's just that acting is crafT.

You know,just like anything else,like blacksmithing.

You know,you're not born knowing how to be a blacksmith,right?

You have to study,learn your craft.

I'll make you a list of some good acting classes,o

have a good night.

Thank you.



What are you.

doing here?

Well,ty said you called with some concerns.

So I thought it was time to sit down with your mother.

I was going to leave her a note with my number,

but I saw her car,and i thought perhaps she was home.

Oh,you know,it's just.

it's not really a great time right n

you must be consta

Sorry to just drop in on you out of the blue,

but I thought we should talk about the situation the kids are iN.

Especially since it is rather pressing,don'you agree?

Certainly seems that way.

it is pressinG.



Because the baby is due in five months.

Naturally,I was a little surprised when adrianna said she had some concerns about the contra

remind me about your specific conce um,

well,the collinses have been so nice.

They've offered to pay for the entire stay at peaceful vi and the place looks greaT.

And from what i hear,new mexico.

seems nice.

It's just not being able to talk about what happe that part of the contract seems kind of severe.

Adrianna,you and ty have your whole lives in front of this is not something we want to follow you around.

I mean,do you really want everyone to know what you've do


But I'm not exactly sure what "done" is going to be yet.

I mean,I'll probably give it up for adoption


You're a 16-year-old girl.

What other choice is there?

Let's look at the facts.

You had a drug problem.

You got yourself pregnanT.

Then you put us all into a position where it was too late to terminate.

Do you really think you're responsible enough to be a mother?

That's not fyes,

I did those things,but that's because I was using,not because of who i aM.

I'm actually really responsiblE.

Adrianna,stop talking.

My daughter is someone who has been bringing home a paych since she was five years old.

Someone who didn't know how to ride a bicycle,

but when the role demanded that she ride she learned in an hour.

And yes,she had a drug problem,but she also kicked that drug problem,

and cleaned herself up,and stayed in school and got the lead in the play.

So let's just be clear.

She is very responsiblE.

And listen to me: This is not your choice.

It's herS.

Please,spare me the supportive mother acT.

You didn't even know she was pregnant five minus ago.

Adrianna,sweetheart,don't be foolish.

Don't you want your child to have a better life than you hav

that's it.We're done.

Pardon me?

Take your notes and your contracts and your superior attitude and take a hikE.

Wow,that waS.

I just need some time to thi

- What can I get - um,a turkey burger.

Hey,is dixon working today?


Is that for here or toto go.

Mom,I'm so sono,I'm sorry.

That woman was right about one thinG.

I've been a pretty crap no,you haven'T.

I mean.

you have sometimes,buyou've done good stuff.

You ught me a sled.


And you said there wasn't going to be any snow.

So I begged and begged for it,and for christmas,you got me a sl

yeah,well.I could have taken you to where there was some sn

sledding in grass was

it's just sometimes it's like you don't see me as a daugmore like a cash machi

you got to understand it's been ha raising you alone not how I wanted to do it.

And when you started acting--

I mean,you liked it,and things just got so much easier once you booked jobs.

Doesn't matter.

Just trust me,I understand why you didn't want to tell me.

I wanted to tell you.

I just.I thought you'd kick me ouT.

Yeah,well,you are not going anywhe'cause you and mE.

- We're in this together- really?

And at first,you know,I was all insulted.

I mean,blacksmithing?

But-but then i got over myself and I looked at the classes she suggested

and they're actually taught by all these incredible teacherS.

So anyway,I filled out the application last night,an

- annie,there's more to life than theat- yeah,I know thaT.

But I love it.

Yeah,but I mean maybe you'd love other things,toO.

I don't want to love other thin ethan,where is this coming from?

I've been talking just with rh about how short life is,

and how there are so many options out there.

Knyou ow,things we never even consider doing

because we pigeonhole ourselves at such a young age to.

yeah,well,I like my pigeonhole.

All right,that'S.

that's finE.

Then I won't talk to you about it.

- No,you can talk to - it's just the accident.

it changed thingS.

I mean I feel like it woke me up or somethinG.

Like it jolted me out of my bubble.


The bubble that I'm still in.

Come on,annie.

I'm just saying.

I feel differe but good different,though.


Well,I'm glad that you feel good differeanD.

But anyway,um,I got to get to play practice.

So I'll see you at 6:30 for the eunuch scene?


Yo,how'd your friend get carolina liar to play?

Her sister dates eric the bass play

so,you two see any ladies you're interested

I'm looking.I'm looking.Don't rush mE.

She looks pretty.

And not pregnant.




I meant she has a good bodY.

Uh,do you know her?

Oh,nika raygashe's cool.

Talk to heR.

And be yourself.

Trust me.

I can't do that.

That's why i have the booK.


You can do thiS.

All right?

Hey,if I can do this,I need a wingman.

Iffine.I'm going,then you gotta go,too.

Come on.



I'd like you to meet navid and dixoN.

They're friends of minE.


What's up?

I'm really uncooL.

Excuse me?

I-I've been racking my brain back there to think of something cool to say,

but,uh,christina right here told me to be myself,so the truth is I'm just really uncool.

So,I'm not the kind of guy who's gonna say some sarcastic,ironic comme right?

And i don't even know the best restaurants,right,buddy?


And I might even drop an occasional world of warcraft reference before I remember that,

not,you know,everybody plays massively multi-player online role-playing gaso,

I just want you to know what you're getting yourself intO.

So,that way,if you do decide you want to talk to --me well,us.


U ca,yon adjust your expectations accordin

as long as I get to be a seventh level mage,I'm

- marry me.- Okay.

Come in.

Door's open!


I thought you were the dishwasher repairman.

Yeah,not so much.

- Um,is annie h
- no,she's noT.


I think she went to some party at a cheerleader's hou

oh,no,you know what?

That w dixokay.



Okay,last time: Catch the clap!


After five rounds,it's still funoh.




Let's just dive into the next scenE.

Where's my.

where's my eunuch?

Ethan ward?

Has anyo seenethan wa

all right,here we gO.

Okay,just give me onsecond hput that up therE.

All ri



I'm sorry I'm so pathetiC.


You're a trooper.

Just get some rest and.

I will be here fors long as it takes for you to get better.



So,what gives?

I thought you were the pro at picking up gi

oh,um,I am.

I am and I wilL.

When the mood strikes.

Not over silver,h

I mean I want to be.

That girl,man,she'S.

- all kinds of troub- well,don't rush it.

I knew you weren't a lesbian.

Excuse me?


She was just pretending,so you could cozy up to hiM.

Dixon,get your girl.


'Cause I'm not his girL.

Because he dumped me.

Out of the blue.

Why would you do that?

I mean,what kind of "love" just stops like that?

And doesn't call or-or-or even care?

I mean,you go to parties like it never even happe


um,I should.Go.

Just gO.


Silver,what was that?

I don't know.

NothI don't know.

I just.

- it's too m
- what is?

Seeing you here,with a girl.

she's just a friend.

Yeah,okay,maybe she is.

But someday,someone's not going to be,and I'm gonna have to watch you and I can't handle it!

And then what?

This being in love stuff-- it's making me cra

so.you love me?

- I didn't say t - yes,you did.

You said this beg in love stuff is making you crergo,you love


well,I ergo you,

so I'm so

I just don't get why you're doing t

are you tryi to ruin my life,ade?

Yeah,I'm trying to ruin your life.


Assuming it's mine.


Oh,come oN.

Obviously,we're testing for paternity.

That's why we insisted on an amniO.

My parents want to make sure they're paying for my probleM.

Well,it's definitely your "probleM."

What happened to this all,like,"we're in it together" stuff?

It's hard when you're fighting us.

My parents are trying to help make it go awaY.

No,this is what you're n getting.

It's a way for me to go away,not for "it" to go a

if I go to new mexico,

I'm still going to be pregnant with "it."

I'm just going to be pregnant with "it" in new mexicO.

I'm going to give birth to "it" in new mex"it'll" always be a part of

but the ntract doesn't allow for that,like I'm not.

going to even be able to talk about "iT."

What's there to talk about?

It's humiliating.

Yeah,it iS.

But it's also happeninG.

I have to deal with the situati and luckily,

I'm getting pretty good at dealing with humiliatjust ask your.

Sorry to interrupt.

Um,I was hoping I could get your help with somethina

so,look,I don't really want to spend any more doing things that I'm not intO.

And this whole play thing,I don't know.

- It's just.it's just not me.- Okay.

Uh,but it wasn't about the play,right?

It was about us spending time together.

And we wilL.

Just not on a strict miss casey schulE.


It's adrianna tate-duncan,and I have something to announce

because you will all know soon enoand I really can't deal with all the behind-the-back whispering.

So this way,you can all be shocked at once and hopefully,

you'll be able to deal with li d I'moi


I'm pregnant.

And yes,it happened during my drug period,whicyou all clearly know about.

So that's about it,folks.

Oh,and as for the father there isn't onE.

It was an immaculate conceptioN.

Okay.I'm do

Yeah.I know.

Thank yoU.
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