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02x04 - Haunted Hospital

Posted: 07/14/23 11:33
by bunniefuu

America's top ghost hunters

relive their most

extreme assignments.

Something was hunting me

this whole time.

NARRATOR: Hardened veterans

of the paranormal,

these are the cases

that truly tested them.

I don't think I was

ready for this.


In Tennessee, two investigators

are in for a night of horror

at a haunted hospital.

I really, really felt as if

that spirit had it out for us.

It creeped me out big-time.

NARRATOR: In New York,

an evil spirit

terrorizes a teenage girl.

[ Man growls ]

This man had a knife,

and she just screamed

bloody m*rder.


NARRATOR: And in Arizona,

ghost hunters become the hunted

in an abandoned juice factory.

Whatever this is,

they were intentionally

trying to segregate each of us.

It's very creepy,

to be honest with you.


NARRATOR: miles west

of Chattanooga, Tennessee,

stands the Old South

Pittsburg Hospital.

After only years

of operation,

the hospital treats

its last patient in .

Those brave enough to venture

inside report bizarre

and terrifying events

within its walls.

Lots of spirit activity usually

circles around a hospital

just because of sickness,

surgeries, death.


We knew a little bit about the

spirit activity that was there.


We heard about children which

may be attached to the hospital.

We heard about a shadow figure,

a tall shadow figure

that was in the building.

NARRATOR: Locals report hearing

disembodied voices

echoing along empty hallways.



TARPLEY: There are people

that are terrified

to go into

that building, terrified.

NARRATOR: The events

make the former hospital

one of the most

haunted buildings in the state

and bring it to the attention

of Ohio-based paranormal

investigator Annie Tarpley.

I've been on about


throughout the last years.

The paranormal fascinates me

because I want to know

what's on the other side.

Do we stay dead?

Does our spirit live on?

That's what fascinates me.

NARRATOR: Before Annie

goes to the hospital,

she looks into its history.

She discovers something that

might explain the child spirits.

In the s, it had burnt down

and took the lives

of seven children.


Annie also discovers

that there's one spirit

in particular

that patrols the hallways.

[ Laughing ]

TARPLEY: The naughty nurse,

she doesn't like women,

and she likes to touch men

in inappropriate places.

She will come up behind him

and give him a little tap

and say inappropriate things.

Run, run, run!




NARRATOR: Annie travels

to the old hospital

with her coinvestigator

and sister, Mary Beth Motta.

I wasn't fearful

before going in.

I was fearful during and after.

TARPLEY: As soon as I looked

at the building, I felt,

"Why in the heck

did we ever come here?"

Not only physically did it

look dark,

but psychically,

it felt dark.

I could feel the sickness,

the sadness that was in there,

the bad vibrations

that were there.

NARRATOR: Already, Annie senses

they are not alone.


I did feel children in there.

I did in my mind's eye.

I could see quite a few children

in the building.

It was scary.

To me, it felt scary.

NARRATOR: Overwhelmed

by the intense energy inside,

Annie starts to pray.

Be our defense against

the wickedness

and snares of the Devil.

I have a prayer that I say

to Saint Michael,

and then I also pray

on my own with my own words.

So I do protect myself.




Annie and Mary Beth

need all the protection

they can get.

They have plans

to stay the night.

I don't think I was ready

for this.

In here?

MOTTA: I was not happy

about sleeping in there.

I was scared.

NARRATOR: Annie and Mary Beth

set out to explore

the building

and familiarize themselves

with their surroundings.

We did get a tour through

the building

to kind of get the lay of

the land and found a safe room.


The safe room is a room

that you have

the least activity.


Fully oriented,

Annie and Mary Beth

begin their investigation.

It was very dark in that

building, very dark.

I'm telling you,

It's down here.

We were walking to get up

on the third floor,

and we ended up

in a stairwell.

We had no idea where we were.

Mary Beth was there.

We're kind of lost.

MOTTA: As we were going up

the steps...


Here's that stairwell.


...we heard footsteps

along with us.

MOTTA: Okay.

Did you hear that?

TARPLEY: At first, we thought

they were ours,

just the creaky staircase,

but it wasn't.

It was just Annie and I,

so it shouldn't have been

that many footsteps.



We did hear tapping.

[ Tapping ]

We were totally still

at that point,

and we heard a tap,

and we asked,

"Can you tap again?"

[ Taps ]

And it did on command.

Do it again...please.

[ Tapping ]

This other guy

is playing tricks on us.


And I even hear the voices

down the hall,

and I say,

"Is that somebody scaring us?"

We thought the people

from the hospital

might have come to see

how we were doing or whatever,

so we said,

"Are they trying to scare us?"

We get to the top of the stairs,

and there was no one

in the hall.

There was no one...

that was on that floor at all.

I was very concerned

at that point.

Did you feel that?


Both Annie and Mary Beth

can't shake the feeling

that they're not alone.

It was very dark in there.

I couldn't see my hand

in front of my face.

I had a night-vision camera on.

MOTTA: We were walking away,

and we heard the clicking.

Annie was still

recording something,

and we heard a clicking

sound and turned around,

and a door closed behind us.

I got that on camera,

and I just kind of, "Whoa."

It was behind us.

[ Woman screams ]


Outside Chattanooga, Tennessee,

ghost-hunting sisters

Annie Tarpley and

Mary Beth Motta

are investigating reports

of a ghostly nurse

at a former hospital.

Before long, they get proof

that they are not alone.

We heard a clicking sound

and turned around,

and a door closed behind us.

I got that on camera,

and I just kind of, "Whoa."

It was behind us as I had always

felt something behind us.

NARRATOR: Annie and Mary Beth

want to find out

who or what is following them.

We decided it might be a good

time to pull out the Spirit Box.

The Spirit Box is basically

an AM/FM radio

that's been altered to scan

through frequencies,

and the white noise

will typically pick up a spirit

if they feel like

they want to be heard.

NARRATOR: They set up in

the operating room,

said to be one of the most

active areas in the hospital.

MOTTA: Is there anyone

here with us?

I thought it might be fun

and exciting

to use Mary Beth

more as a trigger object.

A trigger object is an object,

a person,

something that you could use

that would entice a spirit

to come talk to us,

maybe trust us.


Annie starts the session.

Who are you?

What's your name?

And they pick up activity

right away.

What we were asking was things

like the normal questions.

Who are you?

What is your name?

We got the answers of Timmy.

We got an answer of Lisa.


It was a child's voice.

We want to talk to them.

We want to find out who they

are and why they're there.

Is anybody else here

with Lisa?


[ Indistinct voice ]

What was that?

NARRATOR: But something sinister

interrupts them.

TARPLEY: I felt as if something

was entering the room.

I felt it had bad intentions.

Is there anyone

here with us?

Who are you?

I said, "Who is sitting

next to you?"

And Mary Beth

was the one sitting.

Who's sitting

next to you?

A clear answer was, "A whore."

It's in here with us.

Is there someone here

with us?


You whore!

And I said,

"What did you call me?"

I think it was the naughty nurse

that called her that.

We were there by ourselves,

and she did not like Mary Beth.

Go get back to the safe

room, quick.


Shaken by the encounter,

Mary Beth and Annie

leave the room,

but there is no escaping

this spirit.


TARPLEY: The whole time, I did

feel something behind us.

Almost always,

there was some presence there.

I started seeing a shadow

at the end of the hall.

It really scared me.

It really got to me,

and I said to Mary Beth,

I said, "Come here.

Take a look at this."

And down the hallway

was a shadow figure.

We, at that point,

had some cameras going,

and you could see it moving

back and forth

at the end of the hallway.

TARPLEY: And I really, really

felt as if that spirit

at the end of the hall

was actually...

had it out for us.


I can see it.

-Do you see that?

-I can see it.

It didn't feel right.

It didn't feel good.

NARRATOR: Suddenly, the activity

gets painfully physical.

I got one of my pounding,

vise-gripped headaches

that I get when I feel like

there's something around,

and it's...

the top of my head feels like

it's gonna blow off.

Told Annie I was having

one of my headaches

and needed to lay down

for a little bit.


Almost there,

we're almost there.

TARPLEY: We decided that we

would go back to our room,

call it a night.


MOTTA: Well, I wasn't real

thrilled about sleeping there

after what we had

seen and heard,

but we had no place else to go.


Their night is far from restful.

We left the bathroom light on

and started hearing footsteps.

TARPLEY: Little, tiny footsteps

outside our room.

We heard them tap, tap, tap,

tap outside the room,

like, kids running around.

Oh, no, no.

Oh, no, no.

I don't see anything.

I don't see anything.

MOTTA: And voices.

You could hear talking, but you

couldn't understand any words.


We kept hearing whispers.

We kept hearing...

I don't know if it was children.

I really don't know.

I looked out the door to see

if there were any spirits

outside the door,

if anyone physically

was outside the door.

There wasn't anybody.

There's nothing here.


The activity seems to relent,

but the exhausted investigators

are not safe yet.

I started to fall asleep.

My eyes were closed.



Something catches Annie's eye.

TARPLEY: I looked in the corner

of the room,

and I saw the biggest,

baddest, worst shadow figure

I have ever seen.

[ Screams ]

They found us.

TARPLEY: I think it was

the naughty nurse.

So it was within feet of us.

I felt like it was gonna come

rushing towards us.

NARRATOR: An investigation

of a former hospital

outside of Chattanooga,


turns horrifying for

two paranormal investigators.

Throughout the night,

an evil entity st*lks them.

Now they are under threat.

I was just almost out

when Annie sat up

and screamed...

"Get out of here!"

And I hollered it very loudly.

Mary Beth sat up in bed.

She goes, "What is going on?"

I said, "It was here.

It was in our room."

She said, "Is it still here?"

I said, "I don't know.

I think I scared it away."


NARRATOR: Annie and Mary Beth

run for their lives.

We got to get out of here.

We got to get out of here.

TARPLEY: We just put our coats

on, grabbed our equipment

and we hightailed it

out of there.

I just want to get the hell

out of here.

MOTTA: Enough was enough.

We ran out of the building and

were happy to get out of there.

Once we got out of there,

it almost felt like the weight

had come off my head,

our chests.


They're out of harm's way,

but this experience

haunts them still.

TARPLEY: I think it could've

gotten very ugly, yeah.

I think it could've

gotten dangerous.

I thought, "You know,

I'd like to experience

maybe the naughty nurse,

the shadow figure,

the kids running in the hallway.

I'd like to experience that."

Be careful what you wish for.


NARRATOR: Still to come,

spirits at an old juice factory

strike fear into the hearts

of veteran investigators.

JAY: He came running

up the stairs,

yelling and acting strangely.

I am not going back down there.


But first, t*rture and torment,

as a menacing entity

terrorizes a teen girl.

An entity was taking over her

and punishing her.

[ Screaming ]



In a small town in New York,

nestled along a river,

sits a -year-old house.

It's home to Julie and her

teenage daughter, Amanda.


I love you.

However, their peaceful life

is shattered

when they begin

to hear unexplained voices.


Then terrifying visions

start to appear.

Julie told us Amanda had seen

this apparition of a girl.

She was soaking wet.

NARRATOR: The activity

focuses on Amanda

and gets frighteningly physical.


She was asleep one night.

Something grabbed her

by the legs, woke her up.

[ Screaming ]

She went running from her room,

and she saw this man, older man,

standing in the hallway,

had a knife in his hand.

-[ Roars ]

-[ Screams ]

Then she just screamed

bloody m*rder.


The best thing her mother could

think to do was grab the Bible.

They just sat down

and started praying.

They hear all this banging,

loud footsteps.

All this is going on while

they're praying

for all this activity

to stop and go away.

NARRATOR: In sheer terror,

Julie calls paranormal

investigator Jack Kenna.

With more than cases

under his belt,

Jack is among the top ghost

hunters in the U.S. Northeast.




Knowing how scared they are,

Jack meets with Julie

and Amanda right away.

Do you feel anything?

A little bit.


When I walked into that home,

there was a lot of negativity.

Anybody could feel

that energy in the home.

We wanted to find out more about

what was really happening there.


Knowing evil spirits prey

on the weak and depressed,

Jack asks Julie and Amanda if

anything in their personal lives

could make them targets.

Amanda was going through

some tough times at school.

She was being bullied a lot.

Julie was having issues

herself with her boyfriend.

Other personal problems started,

and then a couple weeks later,

all this paranormal activity

seems to begin.

Negative energy and

that negativity in the home

can feed to that.


NARRATOR: When Jack returns to

start the full investigation,

he brings along

seasoned ghost hunters

Sharon Kugler

and Ellen MacNeil.

It's gonna be okay.

Amanda -- your heart

just broke for this girl

because you knew what she was

going through emotionally,

physically, mentally.

NARRATOR: Ellen and Sharon set

out to explore the basement.

MacNEIL: It was just creepy, and

it was very dark, dank basement.



It's not long before they get

their first taste

of the activity.

[ Footsteps ]

We heard footsteps,

and we were standing still,

so we knew we're

the only ones down there.

So we looked around,

looked around,

see if somebody

was hiding down there.

We couldn't find anyone,

and the footsteps stopped.

And all of a sudden, we saw

this shadow, Godzilla shadow,

this monster shadow go by.

[ Woman screams ]

NARRATOR: In New York state,


are hunting entities

terrorizing a young girl.

It's not long before they get

a scare of their own.

MacNEIL: And all of a sudden,

we saw this shadow,

Godzilla shadow,

this monster shadow go by.

It seems very large,

and they see it moving,

and it starts to freak them out.

And I very rarely jump,

and I'm very rarely scared,

but to go down

into this nasty little basement

and to see this huge shadow

on the wall,

and have no idea what it was,

that was scary.

We both jumped a foot,

and then we realized...

-[ Cat meows ]

..."Oh, it's their cat."

NARRATOR: But their relief is

short-lived after they capture

something deeply disturbing

on their recording device.


A male voice saying...

...effing cat.

I think it actually said

something, like,

"k*ll that f'er."

That is very, very unsettling

when you realize that

something intelligent

was just down

in the basement with us.

It's scary when you hear that.


Who are you?

NARRATOR: Despite their fear,

they start asking questions

to learn more

about the voice.

Are you a man?

Are you a man?

But the activity ceases

almost as quickly as it began.

We had no other noises,

no movement, no footsteps,

so we decided

to go back upstairs.

NARRATOR: The team heads

to Amanda's bedroom.

She said she saw

shadow figures in there.

She said different

activity happens

where she got her leg pulled.

NARRATOR: Jack asks Amanda

to help them make contact

with the entity

that torments her.

I wanted Amanda there because

I wanted to see

if the entity would interact

with her more.

We decided to have

a K-II EVP session.

Now, the K-II is

an electronic device

that can light up

if a spirit interacts with it.

You can have it light up for yes

and don't do anything for no.

Then Amanda asked the question,

you know,

"Is there a reason

you're interacting with me?"

Go on.

-Why me?

So we started asking a bunch

of different questions,

and some of those questions

were, like, well, you know,

"What happened to you?"

Do you feel sad

because you were different?

You do feel sad.

The K-II flashed

indicating a yes response.

Did you try

to hurt yourself?

Did she drown?

[ Beeping ]

Is that it?


Is that what happened to you?

Did you end up

k*lling yourself?

We actually

asked that question,

and we got a yes

response to that.

WOMAN: Oh, geez.

MacNEIL: The house, it was right

near a river.

When they saw the apparition

of a young girl drenched,

sopping wet, that was what

they thought the connection was.


She may have jumped in the river

and drowned herself

out of depression.

So at this point,

I'm getting the idea

that this particular spirit

had a connection to her

because of what Amanda herself

was going through.

I can see you.

WOMAN: No one should have to go

through that.

Is there something else

you'd rather talk about?



That lit up over there.

NARRATOR: The spirit has

a specific message.

I love you, Amanda.

When I heard that EVP,

I was actually kind of

very surprised by that.

It was not a frightening voice,

and it was calm,

and it seemed to have

an emotion to it, like,

"I love Amanda."

MacNEIL: Whoever it was seems

to have connected

and picked up on the

insecurities that Amanda felt.

They both had a lot of sadness.

NARRATOR: The entity's words

make him worry

for Amanda's safety.


This was a desperate spirit.

It had a definite,

I would say almost unhealthy

connection with Amanda.

Maybe that spirit

doesn't want to be alone.

Maybe it loves Amanda.

It wants her to be with her.

So it might influence her

in a way

it's not really meaning to

to commit su1c1de herself.

NARRATOR: All of a sudden, the

atmosphere of the room changes.

KENNA: Something turned,

something switched,

and things,

I believe, became more negative.

Amanda started to feel ill,

sick to her stomach.

Her and I felt this cold chill

take over the room.

An entity was taking over her

and punishing her

for having us there.

KENNA: Now, that I don't think

was the same female spirit.

I believe whatever this other

negative entity

that's in the home,

this male spirit,

whatever it is,

was trying to physically attack

her at that point then

to stop that conversation.

She started to get a headache,

and at a point where she

really felt physically ill.

So that was enough to say

we just needed to get her

out of the situation before

something else does happen.

Come on, come on, come on,

come on!

-It'll be okay.

-Out, out!

Okay, okay.

And once she got outside,

she immediately started

to feel better.


After the attack on Amanda,

Jack and Ellen fear

for her safety.

She was terrified,

and she felt very threatened.

The whole investigation

was very, very stressful.

It was a very emotional night.

These people are hurting.

We got to set this up.

KENNA: The male spirit,

I think he was just trying

to cause havoc within the home.

If we kept going, we might make

things worse for this family.

The negative male spirit,

he just needed to go

one way or the other.

NARRATOR: The team begins to

cleanse the home through prayer.

Bind every evil spirit

that is in this room.

Command them

to flee right now.

Our Father who art in Heaven,

hallowed be thy name.

But there is resistance.

...the Lord

Jesus Christ...

The male spirit

does not want to go.

KENNA: So while we're doing

the blessing,

we started hearing

some footsteps.

MacNEIL: He just suddenly showed

up, had evil intent.

[ Man roaring ]

NARRATOR: Paranormal

investigators Jack Kenna

and Ellen MacNeil

are facing down an evil spirit

that has terrorized

a young girl.

She was terrified.

Their family was in danger.

NARRATOR: But he isn't leaving

without a fight.


We're doing the blessing.

We started hearing

some footsteps.

You could feel that energy.

It almost made you, almost kind

of nervously shake a little bit.

[ Man growling ]

KENNA: We don't necessarily want

to stay there

when this is happening,

but we have to,

and it's significant.

It's telling you

there is a spirit there.

We did the prayers in the house

and did blessings,

prayed and prayed and prayed.


...that is in this room,

and command them

to flee right now.

KENNA: They don't like

what we're doing,

but we just keep pushing

through it until it's done. and go wherever the

Lord Jesus Christ assigns them!

But as we kept going,

everything starts to quiet down.


The activity stopped.

There were no footsteps,

no knocking, nothing,

and that made us feel

that we had made a big,

big breakthrough that night

in cleansing that house.

We don't know who he was.

We don't know why he was there.

We're just grateful that he did

no harm to the family,

and he didn't stay around.


With the evil spirit gone,

Julie and Amanda now have peace.

KENNA: That anxiety feels like

it's gone.

The heaviness is gone.

The rooms feel lighter.


They're very happy now.

They feel safe in their home.

Things had gotten much better.

Amanda was sleeping much better.

Actually, things were getting

better for her

in school as well.

She was starting

to make more friends.

Julie and her boyfriend,

they ultimately broke up,

which was probably

for the better as well.

MacNEIL: My hope for both of

them is that they both heal.

When you've gone from something

so horrible and so negative,

and you've changed it

so these people can say,

"You know what?

We are gonna be okay,"

that's very rewarding.



Paranormal investigators

at a deserted building

find themselves

among very sinister spirits...

JAY: You feel

you're being watched.

You get a feeling of discomfort.

NARRATOR: ...that taunt

and thr*aten them.

There's something there.

There's something dark.

They wanted us

out of the building.


NARRATOR: In Mesa, Arizona,

stands a historic

citrus-processing factory.

Built in the s,

this sprawling

,-square-foot facility

squeezed its last orange

in .

WOMAN #: Oscar!



It sits vacant for five years

until a new owner acquires it.

He plans to repurpose the

factory but hits a big problem.

The owner talked to me

about numerous sightings

of paranormal activity.

Weird things were happening.

Hello? Hello?

[ Loud bang ]

JAY: There were noises,

things getting thrown.

They were seeing a shadow

lurking around a corner

in a particular area

in the basement.


The activity gets so bad,

the construction grinds

to a halt.

JAY: They were having issues

keeping that crew.

They wouldn't work

a full day's work.

They would just take off.

They were scared.


With nowhere else to turn,

the owner calls

in paranormal investigators

to try and calm the staff.

Jay Yates, a former

preacher and jail guard,

is the founder of the Crossing

Over Paranormal Society.

He has two decades of experience

as an investigator,

but his encounters with

the supernatural date back

even further.

My first paranormal experience

would be back

when I was a child.

I would experience dark

shadow figures,

children showing up in my room

with wounds on their body.

It was terrifying.


Jay works with his wife, Marie.

Together, they make up

one of the most respected

investigative teams in Arizona.

I want to be able to answer

questions for other people.


NARRATOR: Jay and Marie bring

in their team

to investigate the factory,

but they're put on high alert

as soon as they arrive.


It was kind of ominous.

There was definitely something

out of the ordinary there.

You weren't alone.


Those feelings intensified

as they explore the basement,

the area with

the most activity.


There was no light down there,

so you're going straight

into the darkness,

and it makes you feel like

there's something heavy weighing

on your shoulders, very creepy,

to be honest with you.

NARRATOR: The factory has

a notorious past.

Many deaths have occurred

across the property

over the years,

some of them violent.

In one corner, the team

finds a makeshift memorial.

MARIE: No one knows exactly

who set it up,

but it's a little hole in

the wall with a little flower,

a candle for a lady.

Whoever that memorial was for

is actually one of the spirits

that are in this juice factory.


And almost immediately,

that spirit makes herself known.

Help me.

And I kind of felt, like,

a brush against my ear,

and it was kind of

like a soft touch,

and then I hear, like,

this female voice...

...almost, like, whisper, like,

something in my ear.

Help me.

Did you guys hear that?!

I kind of jumped, like,

a schoolgirl screaming,

when it happened.

We were kind of trying to chase

whatever that was,

and that leads us deeper

into the basement.

Is there anybody here that

would like to talk with us,

or me personally?

We start trying to engage

the spirit.

Probably want to come out.

Last chance.

And one of my first comments

out of my mouth

is kind of joking,

and that is for them

to come out, and I mention,

"I'm kind of a big deal, guys."

I'm kind of a big deal

around here.

Directly right after I say it,

he says, "I'm sick of him."

Kind of a big deal.


What is it?

What'd you get?

Kind of a big deal.

Like, "Wow." Like, "Okay.

That's interesting."

So this person is, like,

already sick of me

and we just showed up.

NARRATOR: Jay decides

to head upstairs

to investigate with Marie

while the rest of the team,

Ryan Marsh and Jesse Matthews,

continue to explore

the basement.

Jesse and Ryan both kind

of wanted to stay down,

you know,

get some more evidence.


Okay, door.

NARRATOR: Jesse and Ryan conduct

an EVP session.


When did you die?

Were you in pain?

They begin hearing noises

circling around them.


Then they see something, too.

[ Metal clangs ]

JAY: These bolts getting

thrown around,

this metal hitting the wall.

There is, like, something is

really going on down there,


these things are moving around,

metallic objects

being thrown.

They described it as they felt

like, you know,

that there was people

or some people,

like, around them, like,

just throwing these things,

and they were just kind of

lurking off into the shadows.

NARRATOR: It's enough to spook

these veteran investigators.

Let's get out of here!





I am not going back down there.

I'm not doing this.

MARIE: The team members felt

very uneasy

being down in the basement.

NARRATOR: Ryan's reaction

surprises Jay.

He wants to see this activity

for himself.

When I did arrive down

in the basement,

the activity had ceased,

but when looking

around the room,

we did find multiple bolts

and, like, large, like, chunks

of brick or rock down there.

I think you have a combination

of multiple spirits.

Just some bad energy

just surrounding that area.

My opinion would be that

they were trying to scare them,

trying to get them

out of the basement,

trying to get them

out of the building.

NARRATOR: Jay and his team press

on to the upper floor,

but there's no escaping

the activity.

Whatever was down

in the basement

decided to follow us

back upstairs.

JAY: Then I snapped

multiple photographs.

[ Camera shutter clicking ]


In one of these photographs,

I get what looks like a shadowy

figure of a person literally,

like, standing right there

within maybe feet of me,

walking towards me.

NARRATOR: In Mesa, Arizona,

Jay Yates

and his team of investigators

are made to feel very unwelcome

at an abandoned juice factory.


I'm kind of a big deal.



Spirits haunting the building

make it clear

they want them out,

and they do anything

they can to intimidate them.

JAY: A shadowy figure

of a person literally,

like, standing right there

within maybe feet of me,

walking towards me.

Super large,

definitely shocking.

NARRATOR: Marie, too, senses

yet another presence.

MARIE: At the same time, I

actually started hearing steps,

like, footsteps going almost,

like, in the same direction

where he was actually

seeing the shadow.

JAY: And she walks off

to investigate.

The juice factory being as large

as what it is,

with so much activity going on,

it's almost like

whatever this is,

is, like, intentionally trying

to segregate

each individual one of us.

NARRATOR: For safety,

the investigators

usually stay paired up,

but now Marie

is alone and vulnerable.

MARIE: Whatever is in

the juice factory,

it wants your attention.


JAY: She ends up seeing a beam

of light

sh**t across the factory

from the other side.


Flashlight started blinking,

and I started blinking mine.

I would click the flashlight

one time.

They would click back once.

If I clicked it twice,

it would click back twice.

I even did it three times,

and it clicked back three times.

I get on the walkie, I'm like,

"Hey, what team member is over

there messing

with the flashlight?"



Is there anyone with us?

Everybody is like,

"No one is upstairs."

JAY: And she says that she

thinks that someone

has broken into the building,

and that she would like for me

to go up to check it out,

and we search for probably

a good minutes or more.




Nobody is down here.

JAY: There's no possible way

that if it's a physical person,

they could've gotten away

in this particular area.

There's just no way.

I believe what Marie saw

was that of a spirit of a worker

that may have worked there

in the past.



you have the Ovilus?

Yeah, right here.

NARRATOR: They use an Ovilus,

a device

that translates energy

from the dead into words.

We know you're here.

Why don't you

just come out?

You've been playing with us

all day.

On command, the spirit

sends a message.

Whoa, Jay.

You got to see this.

This device says, "Marie sick,"

and, like, no way,

like, that's crazy.

Marie is not sick.

NARRATOR: The message makes

no sense to Jay...yet.

Meantime, Marie, still alone,

hears something chilling.

I heard a scream.

[ Screams ]

It was, like, a bloody,

loud woman scream.

[ Woman screams ]

I kept looking and flashing

my light to see

where this, you know,

scream was coming from.

[ Screams ]

All of a sudden,

I felt this overwhelming feeling

like my stomach was, like --

almost like somebody

went into my gut

and started twisting it,

and I felt like

I had to throw up.

NARRATOR: Intense pain

sears through Marie

as another presence grips her.

At that time, I felt a lady

touching my shoulder.

I heard the lady

whisper at the same time.

NARRATOR: Marie manages to break

free from her hold,

but the experience

rattles her.

I need you down here, Jay.

I am calling Jay

over the walkie,

"Hey, I don't know

what's going on,

I mean, I'm getting sick.

I need you up here."


Jay rushes to Marie and realizes

what the Ovilus

told him earlier was true.

[ Vomits ]

Okay, okay.


And then she was sick.

Something intelligently

was literally using this device

to communicate a message

to this side.

I actually started

throwing up again.

My head was pounding.

It almost felt like somebody

took a hammer

and just, you know,

bashed it against my head.

JAY: The female spirit

that's in the building

seems to want

to get our attention.

I think she might have been

the person

that might have passed

away in the building.


What the hell happened?

What happened?

Let's go.

JAY: There's not just

one entity there.

There's multiple.

There's something there.

There's something dark.

MARIE: They wanted us out

of the building.

It scared me.

JAY: With Marie being sick

and not feeling well,

I decided it was best for us

to just call it a night

and just get everybody

home safely.


NARRATOR: Jay and Marie suggest

that they cleanse

the building of the entities,

but the owner declines.

He said he really

didn't want to.

Whatever is in the building

was there first,

so he doesn't

want to remove it.

He's happy that we were able

to go in there

and identify exactly

what is going on.

I just recommend to him

not to be aggressive

with the spirits

in the basement,

not to challenge them,

not to incite them or anything.

I think as long as you respect

the dead,

they will respect you.