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02x02 - In God's House

Posted: 07/14/23 11:32
by bunniefuu

America's top ghost hunters

relive their most

extreme assignments.

[ Door creaks ]

[ Woman screams ]

Something was hunting me

this whole time.

NARRATOR: Hardened veterans

of the paranormal,

these are the cases

that truly tested them.

I don't think I

was ready for this.


In New York, a cemetery haunting

turns into

a spiritual possession.

She was completely insane.

She was crazy.

NARRATOR: And the consequences

could prove fatal.

This was an attack --

a spiritual attack.


In Romania, a creepy forest

hides a terrifying secret.

[ Gasping ]

Can't br--

It wasn't an animal.

I had never seen anything

like that in my life.


And in Ohio, a paranormal

investigation turns sinister

when investigators

turn on each other.

[ Overlapping shouting ]

The whole team!

The whole team seemed like

they were being influenced

by things we could not see.



The city of Troy, in New York,

is home to the old

Ascension church

and the Mount Ida Cemetery.

When the church closes,

the building becomes

a preservation hall

used to house cemetery records.


But records are not the

only things preserved

within these four walls.

[ Footsteps, whispers ]

Witnesses report hearing

disembodied voices and footsteps

and seeing shadowy figures

move among the pews.

[ Whispers ]


In , paranormal

investigator Stacey Horton

is asked to look into

the strange activity.

She has no idea what's

she's getting herself into.


I ended up doing a walk-through

to try to explain

where some of their

hotbed of activity was.


[ Exhales ]

[ Buzzing ]


[ Moaning ]

I had gone up into

where the sanctuary is,

and I went to open the

door into the sanctuary.

[ Moaning continues ]


And I had seen a woman

kind of on the edge of the pews,

towards the aisle.

And she was wearing

a hospital gown...

[ Laughing ]

...and she had

completely blacked-out eyes.

The best way that

I can describe her

was that she was

completely insane.

She was crazy.

[ Laughing ]

[ Screams ]

[ Screaming ]

[ Laughing continues ]

[ Screams ]


NARRATOR: Terrified,

Stacey runs from the church

into the adjacent cemetery.

[ Panting ]


Off the back of where

the church is, there's a gorge.

I just started looking

down the cliff.

And I remember just getting

her in the back of my mind

and saying, "It's okay.

You'll be okay.

Jump. It'll be fun."

[ Indistinct voice ]

Jump over. It's okay.



Jump over.

And I realized that

that was not a thought process

that I would be having.

So I said,

"No, we're all done with this."



Deeply distressed by the

events that day in the cemetery,

Stacey calls a more experienced

investigator for help.


Jack Kenna is a veteran

of paranormal phenomenon

and among the country's

top ghost hunters.

There's little he hasn't seen.


A paranormal episode can

be extremely dangerous

for somebody who really doesn't

know what they're doing.

And you have to be prepared

mentally, physically,

and spiritually for that.

And if you're not, you're

gonna get into trouble.

So this was an attack.

Jump. Jump.

HORTON: I think that it could

have been a possibility

that she would have

influenced me to

jump off the back of the cliff.

NARRATOR: A few months later,

Jack Kenna and his

co-investigator Ellen MacNeil

head to the church

along with Stacey

and her partner, Steve Kulls.


[ Door creaks ]


As they begin

their investigation,

the team are

immediately unsettled.

[ Door creaks ]


Jack, in particular,

starts feeling the effects

of the atmosphere.

[ Labored breathing ]

You okay, Jack?

Yeah, I think so.

[ Creaking ]

Let's split up and cover more

ground that way. Let's go.



The teams splits in two.

Ellen and Stacey

go out to the cemetery,

while Jack and Steve

investigate the church.


We tried to make contact

with this woman Stacey had seen,

which I ended up calling

"the crazy lady."

Are we in the presence

of the crazy lady?

She said this woman was

wearing, like, a hospital gown.

And there had been

a hospital for the insane

actually just across, on the

other side of the river

at one time.

NARRATOR: Keen to provoke

some paranormal responses,

Jack sets up a flashlight,

which he hopes to use to

communicate with the spirits.

Are we in the presence

of the crazy lady?


I said, "Well,

if that's who you really are,

then shut it off."

And they shut it off.

We got someone



[ Banging ]

We also get some

loud bang responses.

It's fairly loud.

There's nobody else around.

We're it.

[ Banging continues ]

That changed my opinion of maybe

what we're dealing with here,

that it's fairly significant.

It's got a lot of energy to it.

It's got a lot of power to it.

So we might want to be a little

careful of what's going on.

[ Door creaking ]


Meanwhile, out in the cemetery,

Stacey and Ellen

are trying to record

ghost communications, or EVPs.

HORTON: When we started

doing our EVP session,

right behind the cemetery,

the gravestones,

I saw this huge,

tall, big, black mass.


Didn't necessarily have a

shape to it, but it was huge,

and it blocked out

everything behind it.


The black mass was just kind

of moving among the trees.

[ Breathing heavily ]

But I wasn't sure if I was

really seeing what I was seeing.

MacNEIL: Stacey!


[ Panting ]


what's wrong?

[ Whispering ]

There's something out there.

It's -- I...

[ Gasping ]

Jack! Jack!

Yeah, go. It's Jack.

Something's wrong with Stacey.

I'm gonna bring her


[ Groans ]

All right, send her in.

I'll be right there.



Shaken, Stacey returns to

the church to collect herself.

HORTON: Going back to the

church the second time,

after we'd been in the cemetery,

it had a different feel to it.

It was a lot more heavy.


Fearing for her safety,

Steve insists on

remaining with her.

Meanwhile, Jack and Ellen

team up outside.

As I enter into the cemetery,

I just feel like I'm drawn

to the back section.

NARRATOR: Once again,

Jack attempts to make contact.

So I actually left the

flashlight completely on,

and we asked whatever

spirit's there

to shut the flashlight

off for a "yes" response.

Is this the crazy lady?

Turn the light off.

Are you someone else?

Turn it off.



Mount Ida Cemetery in New York,

paranormal investigator

Jack Kenna is searching

for the spirit of the

so-called "crazy lady,"

who took partial possession

of a fellow ghost hunter,

Stacey Horton.

Jump. Jump over.

And using a flashlight

to communicate,

Jack thinks he might be

about to make contact.

KENNA: Is this the crazy lady?

Turn the light off.

Are you someone else?

Turn it off.

NARRATOR: Though thrilled to

make contact with the spirit,

Jack's not certain that this

is the one he's looking for.

KENNA: At this point,

with this spirit

we're communicating with,

I don't think it

had anything to do

with the one that had

taken over Stacey.

But there was very strong energy

there within that cemetery,

and this spirit was able

to communicate with us.

NARRATOR: Despite the setback,

Jack is determined

to keep searching for the

entity that possessed Stacey.


I spot something in the woods.

Looks like it's walking

right towards us,

or coming towards us.

It started off very small,

almost like a size...

I would say a raccoon.

But as it kept coming

towards us, it got larger.

It was almost morphing.

I could see these two

glowing eyes on it.

As it keeps coming up, it morphs

into the size of a man,

of a person about foot tall.

And these red glowing eyes.

We actually did catch it --

the eyes at least -- on camera.


NARRATOR: Jack watches

the entity approach,

certain it's the same one

that frightened Stacey.

I wanted to see what this thing

was, and I yell at it.

Who are you?!

[ Hissing ]

And it just turned and took off

and -- boom -- was gone.

[ Panting ]


Back in the church, Stacey's

nightmare is far from over.


[ Laughing ]


The crazy lady is back, and this

time, stronger than before.

[ Laughing continues ]

I can hear her laugh,

and in turn, it starts

to channel through me.

KULLS: Mary of God, all the

saints preserved...

NARRATOR: Afraid he's losing

Stacey to the entity,

Steve has no choice

but to perform an exorcism.

...out of this woman!

[ Indistinct prayers ]

[ Banging ]

[ Shouting ]

Steve's efforts have worked.

Stacey is shaken, but free.

[ Panting ]

Jack, Jack!

Come in, Jack.

[ Breathing heavily ]

What is it?

There's something wrong

with Stacey.

We're in the church.

Get in here now.

Copy that.

We'll be right there.


we're heading back.

HORTON: When an entity

is trying to use you

for whatever purpose it has,

you don't generally

have time to think.

When you realize that something

has that much control

over what you say

and what you're doing,

it's absolutely terrifying.

NARRATOR: Not wanting

to risk further att*cks,

Jack calls an end to

the investigation.

We decided just to --

all right, this is enough.

It's time to wrap it up and go.


NARRATOR: With the investigation

closed and Stacey's ordeal over,

Jack finally has time to reflect

on what he saw that night.

KENNA: I had never seen

anything like that before.

Never saw that before

in my life.

NARRATOR: As for conclusions,

Jack has a theory

that links the black

shadow figure in the cemetery

to Stacey's encounter

in the church.

My impression was that,


this shadow figure

and that crazy woman

were the same entity, based on

what I could sense from it.

And I think it was trying

to create more energy

and keep a stronger

hold on Stacey

while Steve was trying

to pray over her.

But when I ran into it,

I interrupted it,

and I broke its connection.

NARRATOR: And for Jack,

every case closed

is a lesson earned.

My advice to people who either

take paranormal activity lightly

or they just truly

don't understand it --

they're out there to

get a thrill out of it --

Don't do it.


NARRATOR: Still to come...

an investigation turns sour

when investigators

turn on each other.

[ Overlapping shouting ]

There was something

up there with us,

and it made us all act


NARRATOR: But first,

a Transylvanian forest

reveals some

deep, demonic roots.


We asked about Vlad Dracula.

Had he come through the

forest at some point?

[ Growling ]

We heard "da" -- "yes."

[ Growling ]



The Hoia Baciu Forest in Romania

is said to be the world's

most haunted forest.

And even

in darkest Transylvania,

home to the legend of

Dracula and Vlad the Impaler,

this dense woodland strikes fear

deep into the hearts

of locals and visitors alike.

Regarded as Romania's

Bermuda Triangle,

witnesses have reported seeing

strange lights, apparitions,

and unidentifiable creatures

among the trees.

Visitors have been known

to become hopelessly lost,

returning bruised

and scratched --

if they return at all.


One local legend

tells of a small child

who became lost in the forest

and vanished without a trace.

It's said that the girl

reappeared five years later,

dressed in the same clothes,

having remained the same age,

as if no time had passed at all.

It's stories like these

which sparked the interest

of paranormal investigator

Michelle Desrochers.


I do tend to have a sixth sense.

That would be that

feeling where you get

the butterflies in your stomach

or the hair on the back

of your neck goes up.

But I am definitely

intuitive, a medium.

NARRATOR: And for Michelle,

a visit to the Hoia Baciu

is a fascinating prospect.

The haunted forest is literally

a flagship destination

for most researchers.

The forest is just

one of those locations

that have been on

my bucket list.

And to go there was an

overwhelming experience for me.

NARRATOR: Little could

Michelle have guessed

that her dream trip could turn

into her worst nightmare.


In , Michelle and

her investigative team,

Melissa McLennan and Romanian-

born Adriana Fierastrau,

travel to Transylvania

to uncover the truth

about the haunted forest.

Considering the

Hoia Baciu Forest

is very known for its activity,

I was very excited to see

what it would sort of give up.


Despite their intrigue,

Michelle knows that

the location provides

some logistic

challenges for the team.

DESROCHERS: We're used to

investigating locations

that are more confined.

This was a very large space.

We were in a forest,

a very dense forest.

People disappear

in these forests.

NARRATOR: The team's

investigation will focus

on a strange clearing

in the woods --

a near-perfect circle

where nothing ever grows.


The circle in the forest

is where people

tend to get att*cked.

This is where people

see the light anomalies.

This is where they hear

growls and disembodied voices.


Reaching the circle safely

will be the team's

first challenge.

Do you hear that?

What's that sound?


this low, droning sound.

It was almost like a humming,

and it was very unusual.

We had no clue what it was.


We finally arrived

to the circle,

and we felt right away

that we were not alone.



In Transylvania, Romania,

Michelle Desrochers and

her team are exploring

the mysterious

Hoia Baciu Forest.

But as they reach the epicenter

of the forest's

paranormal activity,

the team realizes that things

are starting to feel very wrong.

We could sense that

we were being circled.

It felt as though

we were being watched,

almost as though the trees

had a different sort of life.

And Adriana worded it perfectly.

She said, "It feels like

the trees are watching me."

NARRATOR: Taking this as a sign

that there are spirits nearby,

the team starts setting

up their equipment.

Adriana sets about gathering

electronic voice phenomena,

tangible evidence of

spirit voices in the forest.


DESROCHERS: Adriana is Romanian,

so we thought we would

have her start asking questions

in Romanian.

FIERASTRAU: I was asking

all about the forest

because it was still a

mystery to us at the time.

I was asking if anyone

wants to say anything.

[ Speaking Romanian ]

We wanted to know

if there were any spirits

that were watching us,

because we felt like

we were being watched.

NARRATOR: And they soon discover

that they are not alone.


appeared to be a shadow.

[ Branches rustling ]

And all of a sudden, the shadow

moved across very quickly.

And Melissa looked at me. She

goes, "Did you just see that?"

And I went, "You saw that?"

[ Rustling ]

NARRATOR: Trying to pinpoint

the cause of the activity,

Adriana drifts away from the

relative safety of the group.


[ Rustling ]


[ Gasping ]

[ Choking ]

All of a sudden,

I was feeling short breaths.

I'm feeling

like I can't breathe,

just feel like something

just sat on my chest.

[ Gasping, coughing ]

Can't br--

We could see immediately.

I mean, she was pretty vocal

about how she was feeling,

saying, like,

"I don't feel right.

I feel a heaviness in my chest,

like something's pushing on it."

All of a sudden,

she kind of went [Gasps],

and whatever it was

seems to have released.

She was no longer feeling

the pressure in her chest.

Okay, we're getting

out of here.

[ Gasping continues ]


Terrified for their safety,

the investigators run

from the clearing.

[ Crashing ]

[ Screams ]


I believe that it was a

very malevolent presence,

possibly a demonic

presence in the forest,

that connected with Adriana.

[ Gasping ]

-Oh, my God.

NARRATOR: But once they've

caught their breaths,

the team is determined

to press on.

Even though we were experiencing

such a varied degree

of phenomenons,

we just decided to stick it out.

We had brought with us

a mini ghost box,

which is essentially

a modified radio.

This is meant to allow spirits

to ride the radio waves.

We were trying to literally see

what's out there -- anything.


They don't have to wait long

for the spirits to make contact.


Out of the box

comes the word "da,"

which is "yes" in Romanian.

[ Speaking Romanian ]


We asked about Vlad Dracula --

Had he come through the

forest at some point?


And we heard "da" -- "yes."


I do not doubt that he

would have gone through

the haunted forest at some point

in his many years of rule.

NARRATOR: But the communication

soon turns sinister.

[ Indistinct voice, snarls ]

There were different voices

coming through the spirit box,

and one voice came up

and said, "Go now."

[ Voice continues ]

That's it. Conversation is done.

[ Voice continues ]



In Transylvania, Romania,

investigator Michelle Desrochers

has successfully made contact

with the spirits in

a haunted forest.

[ Overlapping groans ]

[ Gasps ]


But communication seems

to have taken an ominous turn,

leaving Michelle

and her team fearful

that they might be

in terrible danger.

[ Indistinct voice ]

DESROCHERS: All of a sudden,

we turn around...

and the tree line

is doing something

that I have never seen before.

The trees seemed to be moving.

It looked as though

the tree line was going down.

It was folding onto itself.

FIERASTRAU: It was like

nothing I've ever seen before.

It looked like something was

sort of just walking over.

It was, um...

It was definitely an experience.

[ Low growling ]

NARRATOR: Terrified,

the team decides

to leave the forest immediately.

[ Snarling ]




[ Screaming ]

[ Rustling ]

We could hear something

beside us.

It was like crunching

in the leaves,

and it sounded to us

like footsteps.

And whatever it was,

it was keeping up with us.

We looked back,

and there's eyes.

There's two glowing eyes.

It wasn't an animal.

I have never seen anything

like that in my life.

[ Overlapping shouting ]

It was definitely...

For me, it was probably the

scariest thing that I've seen.

[ Snarling ]

-Go, go, go, go!


[ Growling ]

[ Rustling ]

NARRATOR: Michelle and her team

make it out of the forest

and head as quickly as

possible back into town.

[ Screaming ]



We got back to the hotel.

Adriana went to her room, and

Melissa and I went to our room.

I think that we had had a

really long, exhausting day.

It was probably about

: or : in the morning

at this point,

and we were

just trying to get some sleep.

NARRATOR: But the night's events

aren't over yet.

I probably went to sleep for

about an hour, two hours maybe.

And all of a sudden, I wake up.

I had an eerie feeling.

I don't know what's going on,

and I'm looking around the room.

And I'm looking, and there's

this shadow figure there.

[ Screaming ]

I want to get out of there fast.

I definitely think

it was from the forest.

NARRATOR: Terrified,

Adriana bolts from the room.

But for Michelle, the

appearance of the shadowy figure

is very significant.

That tells me that

whatever is in that forest

is completely powerful.

It's more than what I had

come up against before,

and I've been up against

some pretty nasty things.


Some things want

to be left alone,

and they have a very long reach.


NARRATOR: Paranormal teams

are a united front

against evil spirits.

But when those spirits

thr*aten to divide the team,

all bets are off.

[ Overlapping shouting ]


Lake County, Ohio --

home of Madison Seminary.

Built in as a

religious school for adults,

it later became a refuge

for vulnerable women.

At the turn of the last century,

scores of w*r widows live and

die within the seminary walls,

mostly alone and long forgotten

by their families and friends.


By the mid-s,

the sanctuary closes,

and the building

stands largely unused.

The decaying property

gains a reputation

as one of Ohio's

most haunted locations.


People have seen shadow figures.

People have heard

disembodied voices.

Doors slam on their own.

[ Door slams ]

[ Indistinct whispers ]

It's really just

everything you can imagine,

rolled up all into one.

NARRATOR: Eric McGill is one of

several paranormal investigators


in the alleged haunting.

He's been pursuing ghosts

for over years,

overseeing hundreds of cases

across North America.

McGILL: I've always been

fascinated with the paranormal.

And I realized that strange

things were happening around me,

and I wasn't able

to explain them

through conventional methods.

NARRATOR: He believes that the

activity at the Madison Seminary

sounds like the work

of a trapped spirit.


I had heard that there were

shadow figures that were seen.

They say that people

have been hit,

people have been scratched,

and people have

literally been pushed.

[ Banging, thud ]

[ Gasping, clamoring ]

[ Footsteps departing ]


NARRATOR: And so, in ,

Eric decides to conduct an

investigation of the building.


I would believe that

most of the activity

would be related

to some of the women

who have lived

their whole, entire lives there.

Once their husbands

had passed away,

they were sent here

with their children,

their possessions that they had,

into these tiny, little

living spaces.

And I just feel like all their

sadness, all their emotion,

may have became trapped

within those walls.

NARRATOR: Eric assembles

his top investigative team --

Amber Wellman, Shawn Gilmore,

Ray Goosby, and Tom Javorsky.

Investigator Tom

is immediately struck

by the atmosphere

inside the seminary.


There was a feeling of

tightness in my chest,

like maybe there was

a presence nearby.

All right. Let's start

setting up.


Let's start down here.


NARRATOR: With the seminary

spanning several floors,

the investigators have

a lot of ground to cover.

But it quickly becomes clear

that someone -- or something --

is expecting visitors.

[ Whooshing ]

[ Laughter ]

McGILL: We started a

walk-through in the basement,

where we found a doll.


It was really weird and

a little creepy.

And we set up our equipment

and left to continue

the investigation.

[ Laughter continues ]

And suddenly we heard

this loud sound...

[ Crashing ]

...coming from the doll's room.

We went back into the room

to investigate.

[ Laughter continues ]


NARRATOR: In Lake County, Ohio,

an old seminary has

captured the attention

of paranormal investigator

Eric McGill and his team.

But before the investigation

even begins,

Eric and his team are in

for a chilling surprise.

McGILL: Suddenly,

we heard this loud sound...

[ Crashing ]

...coming from the doll's room.

We went back into the room

to investigate.


Something had taken the head

off of this doll

and put it

in the center of the room.

[ Faint laughter ]


We were shocked.

We never touched the doll.

We had no idea how the head

come off of that thing.


[ High-pitched noise ]

NARRATOR: Meanwhile,

Shawn and Amber head upstairs --

formerly the living quarters

of the women housed

at the seminary.

McGILL: Shawn and Amber

were in the kitchen,

setting up one of the

stationary cameras.


[ Low droning sound ]

Did you hear that?

[ Low moan ]

We captured the EVP of what

sounds like a raspy moan.

[ Low moan ]

When we get activity like this

early on in the night,

it's very exciting for us.


Pleased to have captured

signs of activity so early,

Shawn and Amber

head up to the fourth floor.

When Sean and Amber

had reached the fourth floor...

-[ Humming ]

-...Amber started humming.

Amber is a sensitive,

and she has the ability to

see and hear and feel things

that not everybody can

see, hear, and feel.

NARRATOR: The mysterious humming

now becomes audible

to the whole team.

[ Humming continues ]

-You're hearing that, right?


We heard this hum.

It was disembodied.

We were on the fourth floor of

an area that used to house

patients who were

considered mentally insane.

Try to be quick.

The source of this female hum

could have been

one of the patients who

were there at one time.

[ Humming continues ]

-Where is everyone?

NARRATOR: The humming seems to

be having a strange effect

on the investigators.

[ Humming continues ]

Amber? Amber!


This is when it all started.

This is when the emotions

started to run high.

What -- What is wrong

with you?!

-And you can shut up, as well!

-You're being ridiculous.

McGILL: And I didn't really

know what the source was

for all this irritation.

Things were starting to

get a little strange.

Occasionally, maybe one person

has an attack of some type.

But as a...

The whole team!

The whole team seemed like

they were being influenced

by things we could not see.

-You want to fight?

-Yes, I do!

-All right, come on!

-Hey, hey hey!

Everyone relax!

Let's go downstairs

and clear our heads.


I'm literally embarrassed by

the way that we were behaving.

There was something

up there with us,

and it made us all act


[ Humming continues ]

One thing that I think

we can all agree upon

is that a spirit with

this kind of ability

certainly must have a

decent amount of power.


NARRATOR: Deeply unsettled

but determined to continue,

Eric and his team move to

another part of the seminary

to begin EDI, or electronic data

interchange readings,

with a view to make indirect

contact with the spirits.

Is there someone in

the room with us?

McGILL: What we do is

we ask questions,

and if we can get a response,

we'll know if there's

a spirit present

and causing that electromagnetic

disturbance to be detected.

McGILL: If there is,

can you give us a sign?

We're here

to help you.

Is there someone in

the room with us?

[ Beeping ]


NARRATOR: In Lake County, Ohio,

the spirits

at a disused seminary

have divided

a close-knit paranormal team.

[ Overlapping shouting ]

-Hey! Stay out of this!

NARRATOR: But, putting their

differences to one side,

the team is determined to

make contact with a spirit

before the night is through.

McGILL: Is there someone

in the room with us?

[ Beeping ]

-I'm getting something, guys.

[ Beeping continues ]

During our EDI device session,

Ray noted

what appeared to be a figure

standing outside in the hallway,

just moments after our

EDI device started to alarm.

JAVORSKY: This figure was

the size of a man,

and Ray says it darted

from left to right.

[ Beeping ]

GOOSBY: Who are you?

[ Beeping continues ]

What do you want?

Can you give us a sign?


We were actually quite excited

because we were getting

direct responses.

What Ray saw was validated

by the device going off.

[ Rapid beeping ]

One of our static cameras

picked up an EVP.

It called out the name Jack.

We have no idea who Jack was,

but somebody wanted

to talk to him.


With contact established

and the visit proving fruitful,

the investigators are keen

to continue their work.

[ Multiple devices beeping ]

But team member Amber begins

to feel a strong presence,

and it's very close.

McGILL: Suddenly Amber felt like

she was being touched.

[ Raspy voice ]

-[ Screaming ]

[ Screaming, panting ]

[ Beeping ]

Guys, something

just touched me!


As the activity intensifies

and more team members

are affected,

panic starts to set in.

It felt to her like

something was kind of

going through her hair.

[ Panicking ] There's

someone touching my hair!

[ Screaming ]

It's touching my hair!

It's touching me.

Amber described the feeling

as cobwebs.

And it's not uncommon

for investigators to feel

this cobwebby-type feeling

on an investigation.


And we knew there was something

trying to communicate

with the team,

and it was very eager

to be noticed.

[ Banging ]

McGILL: We heard something loud.

[ Banging continues ]

It sounded like something

had been thrown...

[ Banging continues ]

...and not gently.

[ Banging ]


None of us know

what was going on.

[ Banging continues ]

Everyone pack up.

We're out of here.

[ Banging, shouting ]

[ Objects clattering ]

At this stage,

we had just reached our limit,

so we decided to pack things up

and just get out of there.


We started rushing,

just trying to get out of there.


Grabbing the remaining gear,

the investigators run

from the building.


McGILL: Getting outside

of Madison Seminary

after that kind of


after that kind of activity,

I felt a lot better --

so much better.

It was like a burden

lifted off you, you know?


But despite their experiences,

Eric and his team are left with

more questions than answers.

JAVORSKY: When you go

into a building like this,

with this high level of energy,

you come away with

sometimes the feeling that

your energy has been drained.

It may take several days

to recover.

And you would like to know more,

but maybe you'll never

have those answers.



I'm not sure what entities

are actually

at the Madison Seminary.

We assume that it was likely

some of the former patients.

But one thing that

we all agree upon

is they're very, very powerful,

and they have the ability

to influence your emotions

and your actions, as well.
