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05x37 - Made in Heaven (2)

Posted: 07/14/23 07:44
by bunniefuu
The sun… It's dusk!

This can't be…

It must have started at that moment!

The priest has been executing his ability
since he was in the Shuttle!

All things are moving
at an incredible speed!

Everything in this world,

not only man-made things,
but things in nature too!

The sun is already down!

Is this his completed ability?

Where is he?

Where did he go?

I can stop time for five seconds at most.

In just five seconds,
I must find him and finish him off.

Time's up.

Time will now start again…


No way. He's using the tree's flexibility!

I will part with this last remark.

Time will accelerate.

I did not obtain this power
to end your lives,

nor does this ability promise me
supreme strength.

This power's purpose is to guide
the human race towards true happiness.

My new Stand, my new ability.

I shall give it a name.

Made in Heaven!

EPISODE : Made in Heaven ( )

You're being eliminated
for the future I envision.

Your impending death

is merely a sacrifice
for humanity to achieve happiness.

g*n ghost!

It's useless, Emporio.

sh**ting him won't do any good.

No, Jolyne.

I shot at the building near us!

Ermes put her sticker on the b*llet.

The b*llet is duplicated!

Emporio, you…

He's coming at us again!

Hold on tight, everyone!

No matter what, don't let go!

It's him! He's chasing us on foot!

My Stand's speed is excluded
from the time acceleration!

He'll catch up in no time!

Emporio, put a sticker on the next b*llet
and sh**t again!

We have to reach the swamp,

to the ocean!

If we're at the ocean,
then we might have a chance!

The priest caught up to us!

He's getting ahead to stand in our way!

sh**t another b*llet,
and change our direction, Emporio!

It's the ocean!
I see the rocks in the swamp!

Aim the next shot at
those protruding rocks!

He's coming for us again!

He's simply too fast!

Listen closely.
He's moving with accelerated time,

but one Stand is all he's got!

Plus, its combat strength
is above average at best!

He can only attack one of us at a time.

That's the key to our victory.

Jotaro, I'll send you a signal
the moment I get att*cked.

Seize that opportunity to stop time
and finish him off!

The moment his attack hits me,
that's when you stop the time.

Do you understand?

Don't do it before I'm hit,
it has to be after.

It'll be a split of a second.

You must be absolutely precise.

Grab him and end his life.

Our only chance is your Star Platinum!

Wait a minute.

We're doing what?

I don't understand.

Smart plan, Anasui.

Although he proclaimed
that you are his first target,

that may not be the case.

It would make most sense
if he targeted me first.

No, I've already submerged Diver Down
into your body,

so that it can protect you
from the inside.

You're not the only one.

Jolyne, Emporio, and Ermes too.

Diver Down has submerged into everyone
given our close distance.

In other words, no matter
who gets att*cked first,

Diver Down will feel the damage.


You will sense my signal
internally through Diver Down.

Remember, don't stop time
until after I'm hit.

Anasui, you're willing
to trade your life for his!

That's absurd!

His next attack will be deadly!

Maybe so.

But maybe I can signal Jotaro
before the blow kills me?

I've been lucky recently.

Wouldn't you say so, Emporio?

I've been lucky since the jailbreak.
At least I haven't died yet!

If I actually live through this,
I might even ask Jolyne to marry me!

I'm just saying.

That's fine by me.

That's fine, Anasui.

Ask me to marry you.

I'm not saying that
because I'm in despair at our situation.

Your idea carries hope.
There's no darkness there.

We may only have one chance.

If there's even a glimpse of hope there,

then I know it's the correct path for us.

There he is!

He's already on that rock! Emporio!

Get close to me!

You need to be closer!

He's coming!

Approaching from the right!

Brace yourselves!

This makes sense. The water gives him away
and tells us his position.

Not yet, Jotaro.

Don't stop time yet.

If you miss him, it's over.

You absolutely have to grab him!

Feel my signal from within.

Oh… wait.

See that? Look at the clouds!

They're zooming by like rockets!

And what exactly is going on?

The sky is brighter to the east!

Why? It's still too early!

It should take two or three minutes
for an hour to pass!

That means it takes to minutes
for the night to pass.

I don't believe this!

The sun is rising
at an unbelievable speed!

Time is accelerating faster than before!

Around the world, birds are flying
at their normal speed.

Similarly, insects and plants
haven't changed their speed.

Flowers aren't blooming faster,
nor are they wilting in an instant.

Look closely.

I have a glass cup in my hand.

When the cup is in my hand,
nothing happens to it.

But the moment I let go,

the cup falls faster than we can see.

It's shattered on the ground
before we realize it.

The only logical explanation
is the acceleration of time!

Everything in the universe is
accelerating except for living things!

This is all my assistants' fault!

I'm the top-selling manga artist!

A genius like me drawing
no more than one page a night?

That's absurd!

The ink dries before
I can draw a single line!

What in the world am I supposed to do?


What? One artist is still
meeting deadlines?

Who is he?

Who the hell is he?

It's Rohan Kishibe.


I can't see the waves
because of the accelerated time!

We can't tell where he is!

Where will he ambush us from?

Get ready!

Stone Ocean!


Jotaro, hold off on your ability.

Wait for my signal!

Now! Stop the time--

Star Platinum: The World!

You're mine!

Meet your end, Pucchi--

How is this possible?

Pucchi made Jolyne's Stand
attack Anasui!

I'm one step behind!

Four seconds left.

If I don't k*ll him now,

he'll vanish
in the accelerated time again.

It'll be over if time starts again!

I must end this fight
before time restarts!

Three seconds left.

Two seconds!

Knives, suspended in air!

The priest had already thrown the knives,
just as Dio once did!

You were two steps behind.

STAND NAME: Made in Heaven

The Joestar family,
through their bloodline,

have seized victories by
drawing strength from honor and courage.


Your bloodline is also your weakness.

Jotaro Kujo,
your weakness is your daughter.



I stole a car…

on the way home from school…

at a supermarket parking lot…

I stole a car… Why did I do that?

But… I knew that you'd come and save me.

You'd do whatever it takes… to save me…

Dad, you…

I must bring all loose ends to a close.

I do not feel remorse,
nor can I let you run freely.

I must settle every matter.

After all, I am the one
who k*lled your mother.


Yes, sh**t.

At least you may die a martyr's death.

Your fate ends here, Emporio!

Jolyne Kujo!



Do you think you can escape me?

You swim even slower than you run.


I caught a dolphin with Stone Ocean.

Yes, time may be accelerating,
but living things are unaffected.

Now, Father Pucchi…
you're against this speed!

How long will it take for you to catch up?

The distance is at play here.

Had we been closer,
you may have been able to catch up.

But how far can you swim?

Is it meters, or ?

Can you stay underwater

and swim longer than a dolphin
without letting out?

Time acceleration doesn't affect

the distance you can swim,
or the stamina that you have!

Moreover, can you swim this distance
back to shore without drowning?

You will not escape!

I shall end your life!

I refuse to carry this feud
into the future!

Jolyne, the rope!

Hurry, come to the dolphin!


Because Anasui sacrificed himself
to protect my father,

I'm still alive, though barely.

Because Ermes gave her life
to attack the priest,

I had enough time
to grab onto the dolphin.

When a dolphin lets a human ride
on its back,

it swims to shore
in the safest way possible.

Hurry, please!


Why is the rope getting longer?

That dolphin will take you to safety.
I know it will.

What are you saying? Hurry and join me!

Emporio, I can't join you.

The priest can sense the Joestar in me.

No matter where I go, I sense him,
and he senses me to track me down.

If I'm with you, you can't get away.

Emporio, you have to face
the path that lies ahead alone.

But don't worry.

I know you can finish
what we set out to do.

Those who wished for your escape
were Anasui, Ermes,

and my father, Jotaro Kujo.

You have to survive. You are our hope.

I told you, I don't understand!

No, you can't…

Stop, wait! Jolyne!


Pull the rope!

He ought to be tired out by now.

I'll hold him off!

Face me, Father Pucchi!

Stone Ocean!


What's that in the sky?

Could that be the sun?

It's already morning!

The sun isn't round.
It looks like it's stretching out!

The needles on my watch vanished…

No, it's ticking so fast,
I can't see them with my eyes!

It's night time again.


It's night again!

What's happening?

It's accelerating.

Time is accelerating even more!

Oh, damn!

We need canned foods!

Raw foods are rotting away.

Hoard whatever canned food you can find!

We're running out of food!

Dust is collecting!
The window frames are rusting!

My implants!

I just got these done the other day!

What is happening to the sky?

Where's the sun?

Is that gleaming light the sun?

Is it night, or is it day?
What year are we in?

What is today's date?

I feel cold.

The seasons are changing!

What is that?

The waves are eroding the rocks away!

Is there no way to stop
time from accelerating?

How much more?

Is there an end to this?

The land formation changed!

Where am I?

There are only live organisms here!

I can't breathe…

What the hell? Why are you naked here?

Huh? But I was just…

Hurry up!

Put your jumpsuits on!

Why don't I have clothes on?

Wait… what was I doing?
Time got faster and I…

Crap! I'm on camera!

It's going to get misunderstood!

This is…

This place…

I know where this is!

This is Green Dolphin Street Prison!

This is the hallway
by the visitation room!