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05x36 - Made in Heaven (1)

Posted: 07/14/23 07:43
by bunniefuu

Jotaro Kujo…

It's over.

You have no allies left.

You will be defeated before
the new moon arrives!

You're mistaken, Emporio.

As I thought, fate…

gives me trials, yet sides with me.


pick up the g*n and sh**t him.


Star Platinum: The World!

Once the time starts again,

the harpoon will impale you.

The harpoon missed.

He dodged during my time stop.

That priest…

He's unharmed.

The Space Shuttle is in the air!

The priest is inside
the exhibition Shuttle!


he's not only trying to get away.

Don't tell me…

he learned something
that he shouldn't have,

a condition that will allow him
to complete his Stand!

It is you who brought
this Pucchi to heaven.

All this time, even in prison,
my allies were you.

Father in Heaven,

guide me!

Watch over me,

that I shall not stray from my path.

I give myself to thee!

Yes, I feel it!

The position! It's here!

EPISODE : Made in Heaven ( )

I felt the power surge at the position
where I dodged Jotaro's harpoon.

You, the Joestar bloodline,
helped me reach heaven!


It's Anasui!

He's found his way
onto the Shuttle's outer shell!

Eat this! Diver Down!

My ability is no longer C-Moon.

At last, the time for heaven has come.

My ability is complete!

The power of gravity

radiates throughout my body!

Rot in hell,

you scumbag!

It's news at noon.

The incident on the State Road
at Cape Canaveral

has accounted for , casualties.

It was originally believed to be
caused by road cave-ins,

however, there seems to be
other underlying causes.

Helicopters have crashed,
and rescue missions have failed.

We will continue to report
after the break.

Where are we?

What was that?

Where's Anasui?

What is going on?

Where's Anasui?

Are you worried about me, Jolyne?

I'm touched that you care about me.

But first, we need to find the priest.

He was engulfed by light,
and I lost sight of him.

We have to find the Space Shuttle, now!

The Shuttle is right over there.

The Shuttle hasn't moved,

but we have.

We shifted about meters
from where we were.

Just a moment ago,

we were on the other side
of that building.

I hate to point this out, Jotaro,

but I didn't feel any impact
moving us here.

Did anyone see anything?

We must have been blasted to this side
by the reversed gravity.

The direction of gravity
went back to normal a moment ago.

Besides, Pucchi said
he no longer has C-Moon.

Jolyne, where is the priest?

Can you sense where he is?

I can sense that he's close,
but that's about it.

His location and direction
are undetectable.

I can't tell.

What bothers me more

is how Pucchi saw my harpoon.

He eyed the Star Platinum harpoon
in stopped time.

He saw the harpoon, so he evaded it.

But how?

I get it now.

The priest was just talking nonsense.

The time of heaven,
completing his Stand, whatever!

He was just bluffing.

He just used trickery to deceive us,
so that he can hide.

He thinks he can completely lose us now.


it's in your best interest
not to step in there.

-Stay in an open area.

This rain will soon…

I'm… drenched.

What's going on, guys?


What are you doing?

It's this a*t*matic door!

It's super fast!

What the hell?

It's snapping shut like a hydraulic press!

I'm dry.

I was soaked a moment ago.

What the hell is going on?

Watch your head, Ermes.


It's time for the evening news.

We have a developing story

on the State Road incident
at Cape Canaveral.

Oh? Um, my apologies.

I almost skipped the break.

Wait, the break ended already?

The sun…It's dusk!

Well, can I have chocolate nuts, caramel,

strawberry chocolate chips, and mint?

Oh, and top it off with orange vanilla.

That'll be six dollars.

What the…


Wow, look at this rookie go!

He's been named our MVP!

Oh, am I actually that good?

The tissue hardened.


It's stuck to my nose!

Barry, go grab
a -kilogram chunk of meat.

On it, boss.

He finally got a hit!

Unfortunately, it's a pitcher's fly!

What happened?

He's bleeding like crazy!

How did his blood get everywhere?

We lost control!

We're crashing at top speed!

But the readings are all within range!

We're dead.

Pull up!

What was that?

What in the world is happening?


It wasn't a bluff.

The priest wasn't just telling lies
to get away.

And my blood…

I haven't stopped bleeding,

but my blood is already dry.

Fresh blood is drying up!

Jolyne, look at the blood on your face.

It's drying up and crusting!

You're right.

What could be causing this?

This can't be…

It must have started at that moment!

The priest has been executing his ability
since he was in the Shuttle!

All things are moving
at an incredible speed!

Everything in this world,

not only man-made things,
but things in nature too!

The sun is already down!

The stars are beginning to come out!

Is this his completed ability?


What in the world is going on?

This is caused by
the priest's new ability.


The stars and the clouds are drifting

like special effects in a movie!

Is this the priest's
fully developed ability?

There's more.

Time. It's accelerating!

Time is passing faster and faster!

In this situation, is he the only one?

What if no one else can function

in the flow of this accelerated time?

That's highly likely.

When he dodged my harpoon,

he may have done so unconsciously.

But what if he can keep up
with this accelerated time?

What if he realized what he's capable of?

Jolyne, we can't stay here.

It's dangerous.
It's not safe to be here like this.

-Do you sense him too, Jolyne?

-Do you sense his presence?

Where is he?

He's on the move.

I can't tell his exact position,

but he's approaching us from the shadows!

This is bad, we need to go.

Everyone, get moving! Quickly!

Star Platinum: The World!

My ability's duration is shortened!

This is bad!

This way, Jotaro!


-Your name is Anasui, correct?
-That's right.

My Stand is called Diver Down.

It can submerge into various surfaces.

Let's go look out at the other side.

Yeah. But considering his speed,
being on the lookout may not help much.

By the way, Jotaro…

I will do everything I can
to protect your daughter.

Yes, things may seem desperate,

but we'll make it out of this fight.

So please, allow me
to take your daughter's hand in marriage.

What did you just say?

I said, please give me your permission.

Jotaro, let me marry your daughter.

I know this isn't the right time,
but all I want is your blessing.

If only I had your permission,
then I can be at peace.

I don't really believe
that Jolyne would marry me.

It's true that I've been
sentenced for m*rder,

and I also know that
Jolyne would never fall for me.

But the strong drive and mind
that she inherited from you

sheds light into the darkness of my heart.

She lightened my heart,
which was on the verge of collapsing!

Please, I need it now.

Just one word will do.

Say you'll allow me.

Please liberate my heart.

If we make it out of this alive,
allow me to marry her!

I don't understand.

Have you lost your mind
from all this madness?


We need to stay together.

Everyone, don't wander off.

We made it up on the roof,
but now we have nowhere to run.

Besides, he's on the move.

But I can't sense his movement.

I barricaded the area with my strings,
but who knows what good it'll do?

Though the priest succeeded
in completing his ability,

he has no intention of letting us live.

He wants to settle his score with us.

He is determined

to settle the score
with the Joestar bloodline.

I get it,
but his Stand is too unpredictable!

How are we supposed to fight against it?

Jotaro, allow us!

Everyone, listen closely.

It may appear as if we are cornered,

but coming up to this roof
gave us an advantage.

The priest's ability accelerates time.

He's the only one who can move inside
the accelerated time.

However, we can still see him.

Judging from my watch,

it takes about two minutes
for an hour to pass.

This is what it means.

If he runs at kilometers per hour,

he'll appear as if he's moving
at the speed of a b*llet train.

It sounds fast, but our eyes
can observe a moving b*llet train.

Stay calm and observe.

You will be able to tell
that he's moving, at least.

Try to sense his movements.

He's times faster than us.

A car going kph would be , kph,

and a car going kph would be Mach . .


However, the priest is wary

and remains cautious
in coming to this rooftop.

He knows that I can stop time,
though only for a few seconds.

There's also the unknown factor.

We don't know
what his ability will become.

He himself is yearning to see it evolve.

Star Platinum: The World.

Where is he?

Where did he go?

I saw something move under that table.

He's closing in on us.

I can stop time for five seconds at most.

In just five seconds,
I must find him and finish him off.

Good grief, he's nowhere to be found.

Did I just imagine a flickering shadow?

Time's up.

Time will now start again…

The palm tree!

He hid behind the leaves!


No way. He's using the tree's flexibility!

My ability is at its limit.
Time will start again!

He'll catapult himself using the tree!



Jolyne, behind you!

He's coming again!


You submerged your Stand into my body.

You took damage in my place.

You served as armor
to mitigate the damage.

And yet…

It's too short.

Five seconds just isn't enough.

I can't activate
my Time Stop ability consecutively!

Once Star Platinum stops time
for five seconds,

it can't launch for a brief moment.

Our only chance to defeat the priest
is for me to get in range.

And only when the time is stopped!

I'm at the limit.

Time now starts again.

Dad! Anasui!

My first target is no longer Jotaro,
but Anasui.

Yes, I will finish him off first.

Listen closely.

This may be beyond your comprehension,

but I will part with this last remark.

Time will accelerate.

I did not obtain this power
to end your lives,

nor does this ability promise me
supreme strength.

This power's purpose is to guide
the human race towards true happiness.

My new Stand, my new ability.

I shall give it a name.

Made in Heaven!