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05x33 - Gravity of the New Moon

Posted: 07/14/23 07:41
by bunniefuu
Ermes, call a doctor.

-The doctors should be back to normal.


The wind has stopped blowing.

The rainbows are gone, Jolyne.

He was truly happy the last few days.

Weather was already saved!

I wish…

I wish we can talk just one more time.

I want to talk to you
in the warm breeze again.



Weather Report…

He didn't want me to despair,

and wanted to tell me
to keep going after the priest.

So he used Pale Snake's ability

to leave his own ability in a disc.

If I insert this disc into my head,

would I be able to use his ability?

But the priest is already
on his way to Cape Canaveral.

We don't even have two days
until the new moon.

It could well be

that this is already out of my hands.

What should I do?

Despite the snail commotion,

my father's disc is now in
the Speedwagon Foundation's hands.

My father will wake up sooner or later.

He would know what to do.

Should I wait for him?

But the priest may take drastic measures
in Cape Canaveral before Dad wakes up.

What should I do?

Dad, tell me.

Had I not gotten in the car,

would Weather still be alive?

No, I have to keep moving forward.

I have to go to Cape Canaveral.

I have to defeat the priest.

Dad, tell me.

What can someone like me do?

What can I do?


How cute.


She looks adorable.

Jolyne fell asleep on my shoulder!

That's right.

I finally found you.

There's something I meant to tell you

if I managed to break out of prison
and find you.

I don't have time to waste.

If I don't say this now, then when?

My feelings are honest and true.

I spent a fortune buying this ring
from the prison scrounger.

Once you wake up,

please accept my love for you.

Hey, look!

Alligators! They're this far inland!


They may be a protected species,
but they sure gave us hell in prison!

Seriously? Whoa, massive alligators.

Take this, dumbass!

Woo-hoo, I got one!

They reacted! They're startled!

They're not moving, but they're scared.

Don't mess with us, you overgrown lizards!


You couldn't have…


What did you throw just now?

Show it to me. Show me your hand!

What's with you?

What's all this shouting?

I said, open your hand!

What the hell?

Anasui, why are you excited?


You couldn't have! You can't have!


-Can you do me a favor?
-What is it?

I want to see the map for this area.

Can you hold onto this for me?


When you say map, you mean GPS, right?

This is such an old computer.

This is our current location,
Cape Canaveral.

North latitude, degrees minutes,

west longitude, degrees minutes.

Cape Canaveral is on the Florida Peninsula
by the Atlantic Ocean.

It's a vast area of , hectares.

It's a sandbank formed by nature
over a long time.


It's a geological feature
formed by sand deposits.

This is our destination.

The Space Center.

There are no trains or buses.

You can only access the facility
by car, either owned or rented.

This is where they launch
rockets, satellites,

and test space shuttles.

That's the space shuttle assembly factory.

Over here is the launch site and lookout.

Each facility is
more than five kilometers apart.

That's how big this place is.

We will enter through the Visitor Center.

All general admission
has to come in through here.

We'll buy the tickets,
pass through security,

and then hop on the tour bus.

The other areas are off-limits,

so this must be the same route
the priest would take.

I don't know what he wants to do here,

but I believe he will spend
the remaining days until the new moon

somewhere inside the Space Center.

No more.

Due to security concerns,
we are limiting the number of visitors.

Please wait in line.

Oh, but he's with me.

You'll let him slide, right?


Now, come along.

You would've had to wait
another minutes.

Are you a pastor? Or a priest?

I'm trying to do small acts of kindness
in my everyday life.

Are you a tourist?

Do clergymen have an interest in rockets?

You just seem out of place.

Actually, I kind of understand.
God and space.

How symbolic.

Would you be offended if I asked
if God was an alien?

Do I have to tolerate
your incessant questions?

You did a good deed,
so you can leave me alone now.

If you're bored of waiting in line,
go waste your time somewhere else.

I didn't come here
just to rush for minutes.

Gravity is the biggest obstacle
when launching a rocket.

Ideally, a rocket can launch most easily

if there is less
gravitational pull upon it.

That's why launching a rocket
along the equator

gives it an advantage over gravity.

This is because
the Earth's centrifugal force

causes gravity to weaken
along the equator.

Athletes may be able to break
their records near the equator.

Something's wrong. I don't feel well.

In addition,
the sea level of Cape Canaveral

has a unique characteristic.

The sea level is described as "zero mark"
when measuring elevation.

However, recent studies have revealed
that the sea's surface is not always zero.

For example, in the Indian Ocean
by the Maldives Archipelago,

the sea level curves down
by about meters.

On the other hand, the Sea of Japan
curves up by meters,

and Cape Canaveral is
meters above the zero mark.

This could be due
to inconsistencies in gravity.

Cape Canaveral is one such location
with weaker gravity.

When tides are taken into account,

it is said that sea level may rise
by upwards of meters.

Cape Canaveral

is the most suitable location
on Earth for a rocket launch.

Yikes, it's cold.


What the… What happened to my cola?

STAND NAME: Diver Down

So, Jolyne.

What is your plan?

Do you want to wait for
the Speedwagon Foundation and Mr. Jotaro?

Or do you want to keep
going after the priest?


Yes, we'll find him now.

Sorry, but we don't know
if your father will come in time.

He may not even come for two days.

Weather left the priest in shambles.

His allies are all down.

The timing is impeccable.

The only thing for sure
is that if we don't hurry,

then we'd miss our chance.

Hey Emporio, what are you doing?

Cut that out.

Why did you stop the car?

I'm not trying to.

Hey! I said get the car moving.

This is a stolen car.

We are wanted criminals.
That hasn't changed.

-Also, a kid is in the driver's seat.
-That's not it.

The car's acting up!

-What is it?
-I don't know, it suddenly slowed down!

Ermes, switch with him.


What are those things?

What's going on?

Brace for impact!

What's happening?

Cars! What the hell is going on?

Did a bad crash cause an expl*si*n?

Emporio, pedal to the metal!
We need to go!

I can't!

It won't move!

The road is collapsing!

No, the road is fine.

It's not collapsing,
and the guardrails are intact.

There's no wind from an expl*si*n!

You might think
I'm messing around, Jolyne,

but I'm holding on for my life.

This car… This is bad!

Get out! You need to go!
This car isn't safe!

At this rate, we're going to fall!

We aren't falling down, but sideways!

What do you mean, we're falling?

The other cars fell already.

They slid down this road
as if it's a cliff!

The car is shaking!

The front tires are in the air!

Everyone, get out of the car!

Is this the priest's ability?

It's not the new moon yet.
How could this be?

It's growing stronger,
the force is pulling us sideways!

Get out of the car, hurry!

It's going to flip backwards!

We're falling not down, but sideways.

How far will we fall?

Jolyne! Don't let go of Emporio!

Diver Down!


Stone Ocean!

How far did you fall, Ermes?

How far did you go?

Jolyne, we're going to fall!

At this rate, we'll get hit by debris!

Jolyne, forget Ermes for now.

If she survives, she'll find us.


We've almost reached him,

but you'd rather retreat than find him?

That's enough.

Jolyne, your body won't last!

How is this possible?

I can't believe this.

How can we fall sideways?

Don't we have the ground
because of gravity?

This is what the priest
hoped to accomplish.

This is the power my father sealed
in Egypt years ago.

This is what the priest called "heaven"!

Some trees aren't being uprooted.

Looks like the Visitor Center
is still in one piece.


You said this is "heaven,"
but this might just be the beginning.

I have this feeling that
things will turn for the worse.

The priest is waiting for the new moon.

It plays a vital role in gravity,
and the new moon is only hours away.

Listen, Jolyne,
Weather left the priest in a bad state.

I know firsthand that he's hurt.

Now's our chance to strike.
He's the one who's cornered.

Let's climb this guardrail
up to the Visitor Center.

You're sure the priest is this way?

Yes. He's up ahead.

Go, Jolyne.

Of course. My mind is made up.

That's right. Those eyes of yours, Jolyne.

Your face as you stare
far into the distance.

That's what makes my heart race.

Let's go, Emporio.


Right now, your heart

burns with the resolve to stop the priest.

At the same time, you're hoping
your father will come to save you.

I'm the one who can protect you,
not Weather, nor Jotaro.

In time, you'll begin to wish
that you were in my arms.

In the beginning of all matter,
there was gravity.

Even for this earth,

gravity was its beginning.

Gravity keeps the planets revolving.

Where shall I head on this earth now?

What is going to transpire?

To my body and mind…

and to the end of all things?


Someone, save us!

What in the world is going on?

What is happening?


Someone, come save us!

-They're going to be all right.

No need to help them.

My phone doesn't have service.
It can't reach a tower!


I can't even begin to guess.

Maybe my phone is busted.

It could also be caused
by this gravity thing,

but I really don't know.

Anyway, I have no idea
what's going on in other places.

Are rescue teams on their way?

This is the ticketing office box, Jolyne.

That's the entrance

to the Visitor Center.

Jolyne, the priest is still here, right?

Yes, he's close. He's almost within reach.

It's as if he was just here.


This thing… it can't be!

But why? What happened to it?

Pale Snake.

No, The Green Baby!

The priest's Stand evolved!



My right hand!

I came to finish you off now,

if you can't wait two days.