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05x30 - Heavy Weather (1)

Posted: 07/14/23 07:39
by bunniefuu
Weather Report!

When did you take it from me?

Was it when Jolyne blasted you?

Give it back immediately.

It belongs to me.

You don't understand what you're doing.

He's starting to remember.

Look, he's here.

Rainbows. There are rainbows!
The devil's rainbows!

It's Heavy Forecast!

Weather, what's the matter?

What are you doing?

What's your problem, punk?

I was sitting here first.

Don't touch me, I'll k*ll you!

Hey! You can't take
an injured person's seat--

Stop fussing.

You want him to sit, do you?

He can sit on you then.

Weather! What are you doing?

He's not an enemy!

He's just a nurse!

Now, sit all you want, crutch guy.

I've never felt better.

Wait up!

Weather, where do you think you're going?

Weather? Don't Weather me.

So I go by Weather Report now.

Not a bad name.

What happened to him?

It's as if…

he's gained an entirely new personality!



Rainbows are closing in on us!

Jolyne, we have no time to waste!

This looks serious!

It's over!

Meet your end!

-What the hell?

What just happened?

-Was it an illusion?
-This is bad.

Your life is in danger, but so is mine.

You untied yourself.

I'm warning you.

Don't touch those rainbows.

Those are Weather Report's rainbows
Father Pucchi sealed up!

Weather Report's Stand ability
controls the weather.

Do you understand what this means?

With his memory restored,
he can even destroy the ozone layer.

The ozone is even higher than the sky.

What could come
from messing with the ozone?

I can only say that it won't end well,

but we're all in danger.

The survival of humanity is at stake!

It was a risky sacrifice,

but I used Weather Report
to save my skin!

What did the ozone do to my Kiss?

Answer me. Do these rainbows mean
that Weather's memory is back?

The rainbows come out
from his subconscious.

Weather Report's Stand
has an a*t*matic attack.

The weather is a complex phenomenon.

His ability manifests in ways
he doesn't realize.

His memory should never
have been returned to him.

I'll tell you this.

To stop the rainbows,
you must k*ll Weather,

or extract his memory again.

Jolyne, can you k*ll Weather?

If not, then humanity may end
before the new moon.

Though, I won't end here.

You shouldn't let Versus escape.

Versus fled, Jolyne!

There are two women here!


This is…

Was the hole this shallow?

He deactivated Underworld and took off!

Where did they go?

Did you see two men running off?

Which way did they go?

Before we get to that,

I've seen your faces…

On a wanted fugitives list!

Rainbows. Just what is going on?

It's everywhere!


What's going on?

You two!

You're the escaped convicts!

Don't go anywhere!

Get over here!

-Don't touch the rainbows!
-Stay away from them!


What do we do?

This is terrible!

What is going on?

Anyone who touches a rainbow
secretes snails!

I've seen Weather rain down
frogs in a storm.

But these snails are entirely different.

How does this phenomenon relate
to Weather Report

and his ability to manipulate the weather?

Not only that,

once infected by the snails,
people are losing their minds.

You can't run!

What is going on?


Jolyne! Are you okay?



Compared to normal people,
Stand Users may have a tolerance

to this kind of phenomenon.

So Jolyne,

who should we target?

Who do we need to defeat?

Is Weather Report an enemy,

or do we keep going after the priest?

Tell me, who do we get rid of?

Weather Report, with his memories,
is our enemy!

No! Weather Report is our ally.

He's not our enemy!

We have to find Versus.

Just like the priest said,

we can't let Versus go free.

His ability is to excavate memories.

Maybe we can unearth
Weather's memory disc,

and stop this bizarre phenomenon.

I like your line of thinking.

But first,

we need to get out of this hospital!

Hey! Where are you headed, Weather?

Is that where Jolyne is?

Tell me!


I want it.

I want that power.

I need to get it before the priest!

The power to attain heaven.

I want to live a good life!

What should be my next course of action?


Found it.

The memory of the ground
when these two arrived at the hospital.


Now is our chance,
when we go after Father Pucchi.

So don't worry.


My father's disc can be sent
to the Speedwagon Foundation,

while we have Father Pucchi's attention.

Emporio will not fail.

Father will finally come back to us.

So Emporio is the ally's name
whom Jolyne was calling.

I have to find him.

It's someone
even the priest wasn't aware of.

I don't know what Emporio looks like,

since I haven't dug up a memory of him.

But with all this commotion going on,

Jotaro Kujo's disc must still be with him.

He hasn't gotten it to this foundation.

Jotaro's disc gave the priest
the idea of getting into heaven.

If I get a hold of that disc,

even I can go to heaven!

The rainbows are my chance!

Jotaro's disc belongs to me!

These snails are multiplying so fast,
they've covered the entire floor!

They won't stop reproducing!

Snails are asexual.

They pierce each other with love darts.

Both snails then give birth
to dozens of baby snails!

Good grief.

They have sex with anything
that comes their way?

I'm a bit jealous… I mean, that's creepy.

-Got it.


Stone Ocean!

No User has two Stands.

Weather Report can only
control the weather.

But this is entirely different.

Just what is going on?

STAND NAME: Weather Report
STAND MASTER: Weather Report

Back when life first began to emerge
in the form of plants,

oxygen began to form.

Oxygen is made up of O ,

which bonds with a third oxygen molecule.

Ozone consists of O molecules.

The ozonosphere occurs
at altitudes of kilometers

to kilometers.

If this ozone layer
were compromised in any way,

what would become of life on Earth?

Humans cannot predict
irregularities in weather patterns.

We can only analyze past weather patterns

collected over decades.

I'm going ahead!

Where is he? He has to be here.

He must be close by.

I'll find him and seize the disc,

before it's handed to that foundation!

He'll probably head to the hospital

because he won't abandon Jolyne!

The one who goes in to find Jolyne
must be Emporio!

He'll be the one who's going
opposite everyone else.

Dammit! I refuse to lose!

I'm going to live a happy life!

Jolyne, I wish I could help.


I have to go deliver this disc
to the Foundation's messenger!

I promised Jolyne to get
her father's disc to the Foundation.

The Foundation rep said
to meet in five minutes!


What the hell?

No one is headed toward the hospital!

He has to be in the area.

I just know it!

Hello? Jolyne?


I got you now.

Thanks, Underworld.
The earth never fails me.

The memory of Jolyne had his number!

Emporio relayed the survivors'
seat numbers to Jolyne

using his cell phone!

Meaning, Jolyne knows his cell number!

Who would've thought
Emporio was a little boy?

Even the priest
didn't know about this kid.

What's this? He doesn't have the disc.

Moreover, he doesn't have his
phone either.

He had it a moment ago!

Hold on, I need to keep my head cool.

I can excavate to learn
what he did with the disc.

I can watch him put it away!

Oh, shit.

It's them!

-Are you sure he came this way, Jolyne?

I feel his presence over here.

I'm sure I saw Emporio going this way.

Wait, do you think he's after Emporio?


Even the priest doesn't know
about Emporio, so how can Versus know?


Watch out! Jump!


These are real, all right.

Not illusions.

So slimy and gross.


Jolyne, go without me.

Go find Emporio!

That was definitely him getting dragged.

I don't know how he found out,
but Versus is after Emporio.

Stone Ocean!


My rope!

My movements are slowed to snail's pace!


If you can hear me, pull on my rope!
Grab onto it!

Forty-five, sixty!



This is Florida.

I dug up memories about the Superbowl.

Jolyne Cujoh,

the quarterback will carry you
all the way to the touchdown line.

My thread!

You are too slow to do anything.

Bye. You're too far away now.

Yikes, I shouldn't touch these snails.

I wasn't wrong.

He had Jotaro's disc just moments ago.

A second later,
his disc suddenly disappears.

He must have used his Stand ability.

He's able to stash things
with his ability.

Then where did he put the disc?

I should check again.


Where's Jolyne?

She's a snail. She can't move quickly!

Unbelievable, she caught up to him.

She rolled over!

She squeezed into a streetlight pole
that broke in half.

Now that her body has turned gooey,
she can easily fit in a metal pole!


I didn't expect you to roll yourself over,

but this doesn't change a thing.

You are still powerless
against my Underworld!

I excavated a certain memory.

Memory of ocean water
evaporating and leaving salt!

Snails and slugs can't stand salt!


Shit, where is it?

I know you have the disc somewhere.

You've hidden it somewhere.

Where did you stash it?

I see, so our Stands work similarly.

His Stand controls
the memories of objects.

I did it!

I found Jotaro's memory disc!

It's mine now!

I win!

And now, finally,

I'm a step closer to the heaven
that priest is after!


I'm sorry, Emporio.

I used you as bait.

You touched me,

and he touched you.

Feeling the sensation… All at once…

I'm so slow!

Damn right, he's ours now!

Nice going, Jolyne!


It's no use.

The Speedwagon Foundation's messenger
can't enter the city limits.

He's just standing by.

Is that right?

Nicely done.

You got it, carjacker.

Let me set things straight.

I've never stolen a car.

I'm messing with you.

You're coming with us.

Don't even think about running again.

I know.

What's this?

Are these the driver's shells?

But why just shells?

Shells here too.

Okay, I'm catching on.

I don't know what Weather did
to transform people into snails.

But I do know what lies ahead of us.

The snails' natural enemies
which feed on them.

Snails can only move slowly,

so they often die like this.

These beetles stick their heads
inside the shells

and devour the snails!

That's why these beetles are called
snail eaters!

These buggers!

Hey Weather!

I said wait up! Hey!

What's going on?

Did you cause this?

Weather! What have you done?

Silence, Anasui.

He is closing in on us.

He is within a -meter radius.

Him? You mean, Father Pucchi?

He's here.

My sole purpose in life

is to settle my score with him.