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05x29 - Under World

Posted: 07/14/23 07:38
by bunniefuu
Keep going.

-Which one are you talking about, Weather?

Is it Jolyne, who you think
is already near the hospital?

Or… do you mean the priest is nearby?

No, it's all three, Anasui.

Jolyne, the priest, and another enemy.

I feel all three of them.

Find them. Where are they?

Are they inside the building?

Attention all passengers.

It is July , ,
and time to destination is : .

This aircraft will crash to the ground.


What the hell are you doing?

Why are you messing with that door?

We can't find the exit on the ceiling.

The fastest way to get out
is to defeat the Stand User.

Ermes, hold onto my thread again.

Grab onto to a fixture.

You, flight attendant,

go change the door to manual mode.

What? Hold on.

Isn't it dangerous to open
the door mid-flight?

Doesn't the air pressure…



She's riding the airflow
to strike the User!


Took a hit from a MiG.

Lost control of the aircraft.

This is coming to a close fast.

Who are you?

Doesn't matter.
Looks like the back seat was compromised.

Check the damage for me, will you?

What's this?



Stone Ocean!

McCoy on the line.

We just arrived at the scene.

This is incomprehensible,
but there's a hole in a patient's room.

Its depth is unknown.

Jolyne Cujoh learned how to fight
in prison.

She foresaw that
her launched attack would fail.

She left the plane for the walkie-talkie.

She waited for the police
to arrive at the scene.

She knew the officers would bring radios.

She will call her ally now.

The frequency on those talkies
can be adjusted to dial cell phones.

Can't you just shut up for a moment?

Does it look like I'm losing?

Tell me, Father. Who's winning?

I grew up not knowing who my father was.

I got sick of my mother and stepfather
who doted on my stepsisters,

so I ran away from home.

I was .

I meant to be gone for a few days,

and I was wandering around,
looking for a place to sleep.

Just then, a pair of spikes
fell from the skies.

They were baseball spikes.

They smelled very nice.

Did someone toss them from a roof?

It made no sense.
The spikes were brand new.

They were sized . cm.

They were too big for my feet,

but I liked the satisfying sounds
they made.

I walked down the street cheerfully.

That's when the cops pulled over
and arrested me.

This is not a trial.

We have questions for you.


Did you steal them?

The shoes were signed
by the baseball player Ichiro.

The pair was originally donated
to children with disabilities.

The collectors would pay
up to , dollars for them.

The theft was all over the news.

I told her the truth.

They fell from the sky.

You should be ashamed of yourself,
stealing from children with disabilities!

Go reflect on your actions
in juvenile detention!

This judge sent me to juvenile detention
based solely on circumstantial evidence!

My parents did not appeal the case.

Four months later,

the actual thief confessed.

He feared Ichiro's spikes
would get traced.

So he tossed them
down a ventilation shaft,

and somehow the spikes fell onto my head.

By the time my innocence was proven,

my body and soul was already hurt.

I couldn't even walk straight.

Somehow, there was a hole
in the facility courtyard.

I tripped on it and fell.

There was a knife inside a plastic bag
buried in the ground.

I stabbed my hand on it.

You've done it now.

I was hiding that knife, dammit.

The next day, a g*ng henchman
who was three years older than I,

beat the life out of me.

A doctor treated my wounds.

Yet two weeks later,

bloody pus and a worm gushed out.

I also almost died from a terrible fever.

Since that day,

I hid from society
and started to live a tiresome life.

One time, I pissed next to a trash bin.

The walls crumbled down,

and a woman's skull showed itself
from the walls.

And now,

I finally understand
the cause of my bizarre life.

It was my ability, Underworld!

Yes, at last,
my ability is under control,

but does this mean
I'm indebted to Father Pucchi?


My father Dio's blood
runs through my veins.

Father Pucchi,

what makes you so much better than me?

I can throw you into that plane.

I haven't had a single slip-up.
Not even one!

He rams through with his decisions,
just like that old hag of a judge.

I'm getting really pissed at him.

I, Versus, am invincible.

Nothing is impossible with Underworld!

What makes him so special?

What if I present myself instead of him
on the new moon?

Can I inherit the power
Dio hoped to obtain?

I have the right too.

I'm Dio's son!

It's Weather Report's memory disc.

How can I use this to my advantage?

I want the power to go to heaven.


Emporio, pick up the phone!


Hey you!
Tell me the model of this fighter jet!

How do I eject?

The seat must be able to eject somehow!

I've seen it in movies.

Tell me how to eject the seat!

There's an ejection lever on the seat.

But I didn't eject, you see.

This jet crashed to the ground
before I could escape.

Those are the facts.

No one can escape this aircraft.

Pulling the lever won't do a thing.

What's wrong, Jolyne?

It hasn't been that long.


I'm inside a hole at the hospital.

Ermes is on a commercial plane
that crashed years ago.

I'm on a fighter jet.
We're about to crash!

Search for ways to help us!


Father Pucchi,

do you have any use for Jolyne's body?

The fighter jet pilot's body
was never fully recovered.

The impact obliterated him.

Hello? Jolyne, take a deep breath.

I can't tell what's going on.

I'll head back to the hospital now.

No, Emporio.

I'm stuck in the memory of the past!

We can't change the crash.

My survival depends on getting out,
but I can't eject!

No, we're out of time.

There's less than a minute left.

The fighter jet will crash
before this plane!

You flew the fighter jet into…

You're right, Emporio.

It didn't explode, Emporio.

I rammed it into the commercial plane,
but it didn't explode!

Of course, it didn't.

The fact is that the planes crashed.

So the planes will eventually crash.

Until then, they won't explode
no matter what you do.

-I'm back!

Emporio, what should I do next?

Let me see.

It's Flight to Dallas,
a crash incident from six years ago.

Miraculously, two passengers survived.

I'm looking it up on my ghost computer.

Go find those two seats!

You may not be able to leave the aircraft,

but the ability runs
the exact course of events.

You can survive by sitting in those seats.

Emporio, hurry and find out
the seat numbers!

That's Jolyne Cujoh.

She forges her own paths.

Do you still think
you can finish her off, Versus?

Shut up!

Who does he think he is?

Found it, Jolyne!

A newspaper article published
the seat numbers of the two survivors.

They're Economy class, D and F.

It's at the very rear.

It also says that
the plane crashed at : .

It's all true!

Run, Jolyne!

The enemy Stand is here!

It wants to get ahead of us
and destroy the seats!

Thirty-two seconds left until impact.
This is a minor setback.

I only have to destroy the seats.

That's all it takes
to obliterate the fact.


Secure the seats!

We only have to sit in those seats
and survive the crash.

Then, we can face the Stand User!

Let's make it out of this alive

and defeat the Stand User!

The seats are still intact,
but their attempt is futile.

There's only seconds left.

I'll say this again.

The only safe seats are D and F.

Don't sit anywhere else!

According to the article,

all other seats were destroyed
in an expl*si*n on impact.

It was a fluke caused
under miraculous circumstances.

The two seats were in an air pocket.

Once you sit down, buckle up.

Guard yourselves with your Stands,
or you won't survive!

Move! I'm taking this seat!

What are you doing--

Shut up and scram!

You are nothing but recorded facts.

No more than memories of survivors!

You're not the people nor their souls.

The real old man is alive and happy.

Get out of my way.
Jolyne, we don't have time.

Let's buckle up--

Move, brat!

You're in our seat!

Hold on, Ermes.

Where the hell did you come from?

This isn't my room.

Where am I?

I'm supposed to take my medication
after my nap.

You came down from the ceiling!

Don't tell me you're…

This can't be!

They're not illusions, or even passengers!

Where's the nurse?

She's a real girl!

The assh*le pushed these kids
down the hole!


No need to destroy the seats.

Jolyne Cujoh.

Don't forget to buckle up.

Go on, push them out of the way
and take a seat.

That way, you two will survive.

Physically speaking, that is.

Once you crawl out of that plane alive,

you won't be able to bear the guilt.

Guilt that you sacrificed children's lives
to save your own.

Will you be able to fight me
with so much guilt on your shoulders?

You won't be so cocky then.

Underworld may not be
suitable for combat,

but it can deal enough damage
to finish off such guilt-ridden fools.

Jolyne? What's going on? Hello?

What's happening? Who are you talking to?

Dammit, the plane is beginning to shake!

We'll put each child in our laps.

No, we'll all die.
Each seat can only fit one person!

And there are three children!

Are we in your seats?

It takes me a second to stand up.

Sorry, we'll get out of your way.
You can have your seat back.

It's time. Two seconds,

one second, brace for impact.



The victory is yours, Versus.

But I saw three children.

That's one too many.

Don't you feel guilty?

No, it wasn't my fault.

I was forced to do this
because Jolyne called her ally.

Jolyne kept resisting
by finding the survivors' seats.

Not to mention, I did this for you,

Father Pucchi.

Look, Versus.

That's Ermes's sticker.

The surviving old man.

The fact of the matter is
that the survivors didn't die.

That's Ermes's sticker.

She copied the survivors

and kept the children safe
inside their bodies.

Ermes! That means…

Where is Jolyne Cujoh?



She lodged herself
in the body of the other survivor!

Dammit, Ermes!

But Jolyne is dead!

Jolyne has nowhere to turn!

If I were you,

I'd think this through more carefully.

assh*le, whose side are you on--

Jolyne unraveled her body into threads
as much as she could.

She then hid inside my body,
surviving the crash.

Good grief.

Jolyne Cujoh isn't filled with guilt,

but rather coming at you,
burning with wrathful justice.

What will you do now, Versus?


You won't be digging a hole

or excavating memories any longer.

You're finally ours,

Father Pucchi!

Can I finish off the priest?

Or should we do this together?

Unfortunately, Versus,
it looks like you lost.

Jolyne Cujoh's gravitational pull to me

was much stronger than yours.

Let's finish him off, Jolyne!

This groundhog is done for!

Weather Report!

What the hell? What did he just do?

Jolyne, finish him off!

When did you take it from me?

Was it when Jolyne blasted you?

Give it back immediately.

It belongs to me.

You don't understand what you're doing.

Sorry, but I'm not going to die here,

Father Pucchi.

My ability finally awakened.

I've never had anything to live up to.

I'm finally starting to understand
why I was born.

You don't understand anything.

His memory must stay with me,

at least for another three days.

I won't end here!

I have the right to become happy!

What are you saying?

What are you guys talking about?


finish him off already!

It's too late.

You can't finish me.

He will regain his memory.

I know it because I read his memory.

He's not the ally you think he is.


Is he talking about Weather Report?

Did he throw Weather's disc?

Weather Report is more than
a convict with amnesia.

He doesn't remember how his ability works.

His brother, Father Pucchi,
sealed away his demonic powers!

He is the priest's younger brother.

So Rikiel was telling the truth,
they really are…

Weather Report and Father Pucchi?

So you used Underworld

to read the disc's recorded facts.

You are nothing but a thatched hut.

You have no place in the grand purpose
Dio and I have fought for!

He's starting to remember.

Look, he's here.

Rainbows. There are rainbows!
The devil's rainbows!

It's Heavy Forecast!

Weather, what's the matter?

Where's Jolyne? Why are you crouching?

Weather, what's wrong?

What are you doing?

What's your problem, punk?

I was sitting here first.

Don't touch me, I'll k*ll you!