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05x28 - Heaven is at Hand: Three Days Until the New Moon

Posted: 07/14/23 07:37
by bunniefuu

how fast are we going right now?

Is it kph? Or kph?


We're ditching this ride. Emporio!

But the first time
I fully caught sight of rods,

it finally dawned on me.

The first step on the moon
was made by humanity's willpower.

On that same day,
humanity left the Earth and evolved.

Mental evolution is invaluable!

This is nothing

compared to everything else
we've been through.

Compared to finding that priest,

this is nothing.

This bitch!

I'm mentally stronger than her.

I'll k*ll you!


-Jolyne won!

That is why the priest extracted
only his memory

and kept him alive all this time.

Weather Report.

He is the priest's younger brother.

Let's go to Orlando.

We need to go find the priest.







Hurry! Prepare Emergency Room !

Male, eight years old.
He's in critical condition.

My baby, Mike!

He will be okay. Everything will be fine.

Hey, Jolyne.

This is an urgent care facility.

Is the priest really hiding here?

He's here.

I have no doubt.

I don't know why he's here,

but this is where we'll settle the score.



Can you do me a favor?

I want you to deliver my father's disc,
which you've kept safe for us.

Call this number,
and the Speedwagon Foundation will come.

I'm going inside with you.

Of course you are,
but I want you to deliver the disc first.

The priest must know that
I'm closing in on him.

I don't want to be apart from you,

but this is important.

Hold onto this phone we took from Rikiel.

Sorry to bother,
but I'd like your opinion.

It concerns this meal.

I want you to try it,
if only for a single bite.


Try a bite.

Tell me the ingredients.

I can't eat shellfish.

I'm very allergic to them.

This is whitefish.

Flounder, to be more precise.

It also contains sliced asparagus.

The asparagus is incorporated
into some ground crabmeat.

It is then steamed like a flan.

There's no shellfish in it.


I'm not done.

Could I have another bite with the sauce?

I smell something in the sauce.

It may contain ground scallops

mixed in with whipping cream.

Unfortunately, it's just as I thought.
There's shellfish in this sauce.

So your shoe size is cm?

Will you stand up for me?

Take your time so that the g*nsh*t wound
on your leg won't open up.

Height, cm.

Weight, kg even.

Size, .

Watch size is two holes up.



Though I won't be able to enjoy this dish,

you were able to discern
the scallop in the sauce.

We share a similar sense of taste.

Interesting indeed.

Father Pucchi,

what are you hinting at?

I haven't seen my ability yet,

while our enemy draws near by the second.

I want to serve you.

What should I do?

This can't be helped.

That in itself is not a problem.

-Are you okay?

He's really close.

He's around here.

You haven't seen your ability,
but that can't be helped.

Let the power take its course,
and do not try to resist.

Because reaching heaven

means having these factors on our side.

Jolyne may very well forget
to check this room.

Anyway, I ordered this item because
it's supposed to be shellfish-free.

Feel free to eat it.

Father Pucchi.

I… was…

I was…

I was shot.

The ambulance was fun.

But my dad hates me.

My dad is the one…

who shot me!

Honey? Honey!


He got shot!

Honey, no!

This room doesn't look right.

Where is the priest?

What is happening?

This situation…

I've no doubt it's the doing
of his new ally.

But this doesn't seem like
a Stand ability.

He was shot by a real b*llet.

And who is he?

Who is this man?

Why was he shot?

He's an ordinary citizen!

Evacuate everyone on this floor. Hurry!

Y-yes sir.

You two over there, evacuate!

I'll call the police.

I know, the man who got shot!

They were the parents of that boy

who rushed here in an ambulance!

It might be a test shot…

I don't know what the ability is about,

but it could be a newly awakened ability.

If so, the user would want
to know what it is

by testing it out.

What's this?

They're on the move.

The priest is on the run!

He's inside this hole.

I can sense him moving away.

Listen Jolyne.

Don't you dare go down that hole.

Got that? I won't allow it.

This is obviously a trap!

We need to find out the connection
between this hole and the sh**ting.

Until then, stay away from this hole!

The hole goes sideways
to the hospital courtyard.

I can't see any further.

The enemy that's with the priest…

His name is Versus.
Twenty-five years old, male.

Listen, Jolyne.

I'll say this again.
We won't go down this hole.

We'll either wait for them to come out

or chase them out like rabbits.

Yes, this hole is an obvious trap.

But what if the priest

waits three more days in this hole,
until the new moon rises?

Yes, the priest would do just that.

He may even use this hole
to reach Cape Canaveral.

In three days,
the priest will attain the power

that he calls "reaching heaven."

As of now, the priest's ability is limited

to Pale Snake, which manipulates memories.

We can still win.

This is our only chance to stop him.

We'll put him out of commission,

or if things turn bleak,
we may even have to k*ll him.

Hold on to this.

Don't ever let go.

Hey, Jolyne!

What are you doing? I'm coming with you!

If you come with me,
then who's going to pull me out?

Wrap my thread around your body.

I'll send a signal if I'm in danger.

In that case,
do whatever it takes to pull me up.

This is crazy. It's Jolyne's thread.

How far can she actually go
while emitting this from her body?



Why won't you answer me?


This place…

STAND NAME: Underworld

This place…


What's going on?

Look, it's her.

She's tied to her thread.

I'll go cut it.

What is this place?

Ermes, it's not looking good.
Can you hear me?

Pull me up!

Hurry, Ermes! This is bad.

Get me out of here. They'll cut my thread!

Ermes, what's taking you so long?

Hurry, Ermes!

Pull me up!


You should be able to hear me!

Dammit, what's going on in there?

She hasn't gone too deep.

Ermes, faster!

Pull me up with all your strength!

I welcome you here,
even with your outside shoes on,

and even if you didn't greet me.

You may enter my hole as you wish.

However, make sure to bring
all of this tightened rope with you.

Stone Ocean!

Hey Versus, are you hurt?

Unlike you, who just
awakened to a Stand ability,

Jolyne Cujoh has become an adept fighter
at The Green Dolphin.

You could say she's a hardened fighter.

She won't hesitate to nick a pen
from a passenger.

Don't bother with Jolyne.

You've done excellently, Versus.

If Jolyne wants out, let her leave.

She won't try to set foot
in this hole a second time.

For the next three days,
we will bide our time in this hole.

That will do.

Can you hear me, Ermes? I see the light!

I'm close to the exit. Pull me up!

I can hear you, Jolyne!

I caught a glimpse of you just now.
Are you hurt?

What did you find down there?

The enemy is looking up at me from below.

But I also saw the priest down here.

We have to think of other ways
to enter this hole.

I would've been dead
if they cut off my thread.

Now talk to me, will you?

Huh, Ermes?

How do you feel right now?

You buried me alive
in a prison sewage pipe.

How did it feel when
you finally avenged your sister?

Sports Maximum!

What's going on, Ermes? Get it together!


The Earth records the past.

It's like a magnetic tape,

or a digital camera.

It remembers the little boy

who fell to the ground
after being shot by his father.

Where the hell did you come from?

It remembers a gangster
who was buried alive in a pipe.

It also remembers every detail
of July , seven years ago,

when a commercial flight crashed
into the ground.

Ermes, what're you doing up there?


Let go, jerk!

This is Versus's ability.

Underworld excavates.

It unearths memories!



Attention all passengers.

It is July , ,
and time to destination is : .

This aircraft will crash to the ground.

Please turn off all electronic devices,

and fasten your seatbelt
at your lower waist.

Also, the face of the passenger seated
at the rear gets lodged in my stomach,

by the crash impact.

What's going on?

Dammit, where is it?

Search for the exit, Ermes.

What is this place? Is this an illusion?

It was on the ceiling earlier.
Find the hole where we came from.

The walls feel just as hard
as the inside of a real plane.

We have to find the exit!

Did anyone come to the hospital room?

There was commotion
over the little boy's father,

so the police should've come.

Didn't you see them?

I don't know, but even if they're there,

I couldn't hear you outside the hole.

Are we in a commercial plane?

I didn't see anything like this
from above!

Please do not punch the ceiling.

Please sit and wait quietly.

We will crash in less than three minutes.

I want to speak with the pilot.

Have him land the plane immediately.

Take us to the cockpit!

It's no use.

We couldn't make an emergency landing.

That's why we crashed.

What's wrong with her?

We all burned to death.

When the plane crashed,

there was an expl*si*n.

My body…

Excuse me, I asked you to turn off
your electronic devices.

This can't be.
I remember hearing about this incident.

Flight , en route to Dallas.

This plane crashed close to Orlando
six or seven years ago.

Are they ghosts…

We're memories,
merely the facts of the event

recorded by the Earth.

Are we seriously about to crash?

Can't you speed up the crash?

I've been feeling
Weather Report's presence.

They are really close to this hospital.

Cut the chatter. You confuse me.

Are you talking to me?

Underworld unearths memories.

The time of the crash was set at : .

And please don't forget

that I managed to drag Ermes along.

I did it all for you.

Leave this to me.