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05x27 - Sky High

Posted: 07/14/23 07:36
by bunniefuu
Wow, so this is auto-pilot mode.
I'm getting the hang of it.

Don't get carried away.
Didn't you read that helicopters crash?

Emporio, head west. We need to go west.

Why? At this rate, we'll be
in Cape Canaveral in minutes.

It's the priest's presence.

For some reason,
it's now in three to four locations.

It's just west.

I have no doubt that
he is close to Orlando.

-I feel strange.

Ermes, my eye feels weird.

My eyelids! They're closing!

Jolyne, something is off!


My eyelids!

My eyes won't open!

What's going on, Ermes?

What is happening?

I don't know!

But something else is here!


EPISODE : Sky High

Emporio, control the helicopter!

I'm trying to put it back in auto-pilot!

We're under attack.

What did it do to us?

Hurry! We're tilting down to the right!

I can't see anything!
My eyelids won't budge!

There's definitely something in here!

Are you sure?
My web of strings can't detect it.

Yeah! It slid in through the window.

It moves quickly so I didn't notice.

Shit. Its speed wouldn't be a problem
if we can figure out its position!

Can you get rid of it
if we learn its position?

If we knew its direction of speed?

Yeah, I'm certain of it.

All right.


how fast are we going right now?

Is it kph? Or kph?


We're ditching this ride. Emporio!


You're crazy, Jolyne!

We won't survive this height!

I can see it now!
Yes, I can read where it is!

I got it! I smashed it!

That wasn't the only one!

Ermes, we can't drop any lower. Hang on!

Emporio, are you okay?

I can open my eyes.

I can see again.

What happened?

Don't let your guard down.
They're not through with us.

There were dozens of them!

Also, they're not Stands.
They're living organisms!

What are these things?

So the enemy Stand User
can control these creatures?

Wait, I've seen it somewhere.

Until now,

I couldn't even drive a car.

But recently, I'm learning to focus.

I have enough focus to sh**t down
a helicopter out of the air.

I have no doubt.

He is one of the presences I sensed.

You must be the priest's ally.


think of the man named Dio.


Think of your bloodline,

sons who have never known your father.

Both of my eyelids

close shut out of the blue.

I always get like this.

I went to the doctor,

but there's nothing
physically wrong with me.

That's all they ever say.

I was when it started.

I was taking my end-of-year exam.

Suddenly, I couldn't breathe.

The people around me

either pitied or ignored me.

That made me sweat even more.

That was the last time I went to school.

I can't see! My eyelids! I can't breathe!

Goodness, my hands and forehead
are covered in sweat!

This happens when I get overwhelmed.


I don't have an ability!

I'm a good-for-nothing!

But you do. I see it in you.

You happened to never come around to it.

Have you heard of creatures called "rods"?

They are also known as "skyfish."

They are cryptids.

Not much is known about them,
and their corpses are rarely found.

TV crews have attempted
to capture them in the past,

but failed due to their insane speed.

They're too fast for the naked eye,

thus have only been seen on video footage.

I looked into your ability disc.

I found out that these rods

have a habitat here in Florida.

Are you talking about them, Father?

I saw them. Just now!

My eyes are open!

Can I control these creatures,
and that's my ability?

Did one of them touch me just now?

No, it didn't. However…

Rods were around me all this time.

Now get going, Rikiel.

Starting today, your Stand ability
shall be known as Sky High.

Learn about the rods' mechanisms

and use them to your advantage.

Leave it to me. I feel like I'm reborn.

I'm no longer a mutt panting for air.


Yeah. If these are rods,

we can unravel its mechanism
by finding out their sustenance.

No one knows what they feed on.

Rods are able to fly around
without colliding into objects.

The secret lies in their sustenance!

Emporio, stay back.

Come closer,

Jolyne Cujoh and Ermes.

For the rods' attack
to deal precise damage,

I'll just wait for them to close in…

Hey, don't get too close to him.

We have to learn more
about his ability first.

He was willing to expose himself

because the closer he is,
the more precise his att*cks are.

He also chose a confined space
like the helicopter,

because att*cks in an open field
won't be precise.

Calm down.

The range of their Stands
is less than two meters.

They can't strike
unless they're close, either.


I parked my bike on mud.

I have to rev it up and
move it to more solid ground.

Where's my key? Where'd I put it?

The rocks made a curve!

He didn't even try to deflect the throw!

Yeah, I have no idea how that happened.

But Emporio,

the rocks didn't change their course.

One more!

I can't breathe!

My eyelid, it's twitching!

There they are, Ermes.
I can see them clearly.

They're flying all around!

The rods are suspended in air!

He's having a panic attack

and is losing control over his ability!

Turns out you're here
to get a good beating!

There it is! I never took the key out!

My hand!

It was July .

Neil Armstrong made history
as the first man to walk on the moon

on the Apollo mission.

I never understood its significance.

It's engineers and scientists
who fly rockets to space.

Even monkeys can become astronauts.

But the first time
I fully caught sight of rods,

it finally dawned on me.

The first step on the moon
was made by humanity's willpower.

On that same day,
humanity left the earth and evolved.

Mental evolution is invaluable!

My hand! It's rotting away!

It's bloody! My pee is bloody!

I can't feel my legs!

What the hell did you do?

You choose to stand in the way
of the priest's evolution.

My hatred burns hotter than tempered iron,

and I choose to eliminate you all!


Jolyne Cujoh.

You're next,
but I'll finish you all at once.

He targets the inside of our bodies.

Unless the attack is internal,

a physical blow wouldn't
twist her up like that.

The inside of our bodies?

This imprint!

I'm starting to understand.

Jolyne, our body heat!

Rods feed on our body heat!

Bloody urine is caused by kidney damage.

Jotaro's disc kept one kidney safe,

but the other side is cool to touch
from losing body heat!

When I was at the ghost room,

I read something from a book
on the second row of the shelf.

A damaged body part

is colder than the rest of the body.

If your hand is robbed of heat,

the fingers curl and eventually rot.

Chill the eyelids and they droop.

Chill just one kidney,

and blood enters the urine stream.

The rods,

they convert body heat from others
into their own energy!

They come close, but they never touch.

You don't realize what they've done,

until an illness takes a toll on you.

You little know-it-all.

He's right,

but I don't cause the illness to k*ll you.

I only meant to immobilize.

To strike you on a specific body part,
that is!

Cooling this certain body part is fatal.

The body part which controls
each and every organism.

It's the brain stem!

I will now steal your body heat
from your first vertebra.

Now, strike!

Jolyne, the water!
Get your head under water.

No, Emporio. Give me your lighter.

The ghost lighter.

Give it to me.

This is too reckless!

This is nothing

compared to everything else
we've been through.

Compared to finding that priest,

this is nothing.

This bitch!

I'm mentally stronger than her.


Find it,

find a target to finish her off!

-What the…
-She got him!

A star-shaped birthmark.

I don't know who you are,

but I guess you can tell us
about the priest.

After we give you a good beating, that is.

Think of your bloodline.

That's right, I've changed.


Rods cannot focus on one body part

when the target is covered in flames.

But if I'm also covered in flames,

I would know exactly.

I can find your vulnerable spot

through my own senses.

My heart soars like Apollo .

Jolyne Cujoh, I will surpass you!

Jolyne, hurry up and finish him!

What are you doing?

He's behind you!

You can't see me now, can you?

I found your weakness
by setting myself on fire.

It's the mouth, left open to breathe!

The thalamus is a relay station
for all sensory information.

It sits above the upper jaw in your mouth.

Rods enter through your mouth

and rob your body heat away.

The rods targeted your thalamus.

Your eyes can't register me anymore!

Victory is mine!
I won't have any more panic att*cks.

I will reclaim my life!

I am Apollo !

I don't need my sight.

The rods are targeting my mouth?

Then I won't breathe either.

Rikiel first came after the helicopter.

Just as I sensed
The Green Baby's position,

and just as the priest sensed
that I've broken out…

I will ask what you are.

Next, I will ask

what the priest is planning.

Her resolve is stronger than ever before.

Jolyne's determined to reach the priest.

She inherited the conviction
from her father Jotaro Kujo.

Is this the same Jolyne
who used to cry over nothing?

You won.

But it is I, Rikiel, who will help
the priest get to Heaven.

Rods have already infected my body.

The nerves in my head and body
have been cut off.

I'm now numb to any pain or shock.

I will fight until I die.

Take my life in exchange for yours.

Will you defeat me first?

Or will the rods rob your body heat first?

My palm extinguished the flame
covering your first vertebra!

I'll k*ll you!

Get her, rods!




What is this?


I intentionally subdued the fire
covering her neck

so that the rods can rob her body heat.

My hand… dammit.

My hand is numb.

My fingers

kept her neck safe!


-Jolyne won!

Did you mean to keep my hand on your neck
before you beat me down?

Or was it all a coincidence?

It was a fluke.

I was desperate.

An answer I hoped for. How kind.

Do you mean it?

What are you?

Why did you go to the priest?

Listen. I'm content right now.

Before, I couldn't even ride a car.

Now, I can breathe just fine.

The priest filled a hole in my heart.

That's why I gave up my life for him.

Running through the priest's veins

is the conviction of a man named Dio.

Dio's will draws the sons to the priest.

We are merely pawns of fate
who help the priest reach heaven.

Jolyne Cujoh,

you are no exception.

You reaching Cape Canaveral
will only serve the priest's purpose.

I now understand.

You said so yourself,
it was a coincidence.

You didn't mean for my hand
to stay on your neck.

Nothing but luck.

It doesn't matter whether I win or lose.

I understand now.

The priest needs your luck.

Coincidences that tilt in your favor.

That is what he wishes for!

You have the strongest fate
out of anyone else.

Is it me?

Or is it you?

The priest needs the one
with the stronger fate.

The strongest power of this universe

isn't attained through calculations.

Fate gathers and takes shape.

That man also has a unique fate.

That is why the priest extracted
only his memory

and kept him alive all this time.

Weather Report.

If that man breaks free,

then it's not to help your cause.

He will carry his powerful fate
to the priest.

When a new star-shaped birthmark
emerged on Father Pucchi,

the same must have appeared
on Weather's shoulder.

He is the priest's younger brother.

Don't waste your time listening
to his nonsense.

My sister was k*lled

by Sports Maximum,
who revived Dio's bones.

Was that also for fate's sake? Bullshit.

The priest exists
so that I can beat him to a pulp.

Let's go to Orlando.

We need to go find the priest.

Was it really a coincidence that
Jolyne didn't move Rikiel's hand?

Or was it intentional?

Jolyne didn't say a word
until the very end.



Under Florida's transportation law,

bikers are not legally required
to wear helmets.

Though tragic fate may befall a biker,

an individual's right to keep
the head uncovered is prioritized.

They are free to choose for themselves.

They have been free since long ago,

and they will continue to
enjoy such freedom.