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Space Pups (2023)

Posted: 07/13/23 17:29
by bunniefuu
Five more

minutes, Computer.

Warning, ship

entering a meteor shower.


Computer, repeat.

Warning, ship

entering a meteor shower.

A meteor shower?

That's what I said.

Perhaps a visit to

the ship's infirmary

for a hearing test is needed.

My ears

are fine, Computer.

Whoa, so are my eyes!

Computer, take evasive action.


critical hit.

Oh, what are we gonna do?

I have

initiated wake up protocol.

Wait, no, don't

wake up the captain.

And why not?

Captain Ace, Arcee!

You're awake.

What's going on?

Well, I was taking a quick nap

and this media shower

came out of nowhere and...


Arcee, can you get

us outta this mess?

On it.

I'm sorry, I really messed up.

It's okay, Hex.

We'll get through this.

Look, a sh**ting star.

Yeah, that's 'cause there's

a big meteor shower tonight.

I know that, but

how did you know that?

I may have taken a

peek at your star site.

You did, did you?

So this was planned?

Well, I figured this

would be the perfect way

to start our summer

in our new house.

You are so sweet.

Isn't this amazing, Sam?


I haven't actually seen that

many stars in the sky before.

That's 'cause you've

never been out of the city.

Look, another sh**ting star!

Make a wish, honey.


Of course.

I wish that we could all

spend the summer back home

in the city.

Buddy, we're spending

the summer here

so that your mom

can do her research.

I know.

I wish someone would empty

the trailer for me tomorrow.

Mom, you said your wish,

so now that one's

not gonna come true.

Actually, bud, that

wish probably will.

What's your wish, Dad?

Not gonna tell you guys.

Isn't this place the best?

You know, I used to

come here growing up

with Grandma and Grandpa,

looking at these same stars

and exploring the woods.

Dad, you don't go outside.

I totally go outside.

Okay, I'm going inside.

The mosquitoes are biting.

They're not biting me.

Ow, all

right, I'm out.

I told you this

was a bad idea.

This is a great idea!

Come on, Cassie, bedtime.

I wish that I can

make some new friends.

Whoa, just missed that one.

Almost there.

Come on.


You did it!

Watch out!

Hex, thank you.

Don't mention it.

Oh, that's not good.

All this damage caused an

expl*si*n in the power core.


Meaning we are about to crash.


emergency landing protocol.

Buckle yourselves in.

I'm going to attempt

an emergency landing

on that planet over there.

Computer, can you gimme a

rundown on that planet please?

Planet 2224.

Third planet from

this system's sun,

known to the

inhabitants as Earth.

Population 7.8 billion

of these Earthlings.

Did you just say

billion, with a B?


Are you sure a hearing

test is not needed?

Arcee, see what you can do

about avoiding as many

Earthlings as you can.


Earth's outer atmosphere.

Brace for impact!

This is it.

They're here.


Come here.

Just a little closer.

Come to Papa.


Whoa, whoa!

Whoa, hey, are, are you okay?

I'm fine.


Marvin Skerety?

Hey, it's me,

John, John Griffin.

Yes, yes, hello, John.

Nice to see you.

Here, here, let

me help you up.

Nope, no, no.

I'm, I'm, I'm fine, I'm fine.

Thank you.

Yeah, sure.

Well, at least let

me grab your, your...

No, no, no.

I, I can get it myself.

Actually, I, I do think

I need some help up.

Yeah, yeah, of

course, of course.

Thank you, thank you.

So, how are you?

Fine, fine.

When did, when did

you get back in town?

Last night.

We're here for the summer.

Avery, you remember

my wife Avery?

She's here doing some of

her star map documentation.

Obviously, as you know, the

skies here are perfect for that.


Yes, yes.

Well, well, welcome back, John.

I must, I must be going.

I see you're still doing

your, your alien thing.

It's called ufology, okay?

And it's a real thing.

Yeah, of course, of course.

I'm, I'm happy for you.

I, it was great to see you.

We should, we should

get together sometime.

Not sure I can.

I'm very busy.

I got a big lead.

Very, very, very

top, top secret.


Tell Avery I said hello.

Yeah, will do.

Take care, Marvin.

Good old Marvin the Martian.


power initiated.

Are we dead?

It doesn't look like it.

You have

successfully landed on Earth.

Your definition of

successful is very different

than mine, Computer.

Damage report.


damages detected.

Hex, what can you make of it?

Well, we aren't

getting home like this.

But you can fix it, right?

Of course.


After we collect all the parts

that fell off during entry.

Uh, what parts?

These parts.

And thankfully, they aren't

too far away from this area.

Well, let's go get 'em.

Aye, aye, Captain.

Um, Hex, you probably

shouldn't go out there

looking like you do.

And why not?

We don't know if this

planet is friendly.

She's right.

This planet isn't a part

of the explored areas

of the Alliance.

Computer, what do

Earthlings think of aliens?


Running research now.

We're gonna end up

someone's science experiment!

Okay, calm down.

We can figure this out.


This planet doesn't

exactly welcome aliens.

What if we weren't aliens?

Say what now?

Computer, is the

morphing tube operational?


We're gonna blend

in as something else.

Ace, you're a genius!

That's Captain Genius.

We're too small to

pass as Earthlings.

Computer, run a search

on the creatures in

this sector, please.

Wow, there's so many.

What about those?

Naked mole rats.

Oh, they are so cute.

Uh, no.

Computer, what is this

region's most popular creature?

Something cute and adorable.

This region's

most popular creature is known

as a dog or canine.

Also known as man's best friend.

Man's best friend?

They're perfect.

We'll change into them.

Kids, breakfast!

You guys are going

to love this food.

Sandy's is the best.

This is good.

Don't talk with

your mouth full.

Yeah, don't talk

with your mouth full.

Don't encourage him.


Oh, I have missed

Sandy's so much.


Don't talk with your mouth full.


What do you guys

got going on today?


My phone is dead.

Good, you can

take me exploring.


In the woods.

That sounds fun.

It does?

Here, give this a shot.

What's this?

A solar powered charger?

Yeah, well, with

the power out,

figured this would

help charge your stuff.


- Thanks, Dad.

- Yeah.

Wait for me!

Is that really helpful?

Baby steps.

Plus, have you ever seen him

that excited to go outside?


Oh, you know who I saw today?




Remember, the kids used to

call him Marvin the Martian?

You used to call him that too.

All right, maybe I did.


How's he doing?

He's fine.

He's still doing

the alien thing.

Anyway, he said to say hi.

Oh, that's so sweet.

Oh, this is so good.

Come on, Sam.

Hang on, I'm trying to get

some sun to charge my stuff.

But we have to go this way.

What's that way?

You'll see.


How do I look?


How do you feel?

Furry, smaller,

and a little itchy.

Your turn, Arcee.

How's everything feel?

Everything good?

A little strange, but yeah.


Look at this tail!

Ah, I can't stop wagging it.


It's gotta be

around here somewhere.


How about you keep

looking around?

I'm gonna stay here for a

few minutes, charge my phone.

Fine, but you're

gonna miss it.

Don't go too far.

Where are you?

There you are.

Are you sure you

don't need me to go too?

I already have my

dog form picked out.

I think it's better

that you stay here

and continue to repair the ship.

No one does it

better than you.

You got it.

Good luck, Hex.

You too.

All right, team, listen up.

The quicker we can collect

the pieces we need,

the quicker we can get home.

All right, let's go.

Watch out for Earthlings!





I have to say, I'm really

enjoying this dog form.

Oh, watch this.

- Woo!

- Hey.


Huh, that was interesting.

Let me try.



Great job.


I found this over there.

It's an Earthling child.

What do we do?

I don't know.

Stay put.

Maybe she can't see us.

I can see your tails.

Quick, what do

dogs sound like?

I don't remember.

Wait, I think I got it.


Meow, meow, meow, meow.

Um, dogs don't meow.



That's a cow.




You're an alien, aren't you?


We are just highly trained dogs.

I don't think so.

Pretty sure she's

on to us, Ace.

Maybe not.

I saw your ship land last

night, but don't worry,

your secret's safe with me.

I'm Cassie.

I'm Renkanavi Cion.

But you can call me Arcee.

Well, I guess there's no use

in the charade any longer, huh?

Captain Ace Beadlock

of the Briox Alliance.

Nice to meet you.

Just so you know,

dogs don't talk.

They bark.

Oh, that's right.


I think this is yours.

The flex ionizer?

You found it?


Thank you.

Well, at least we

recovered one of the pieces.

Do you need help finding more?


We lost several

pieces of our ship

when we entered your

planet's atmosphere.

We need to recover them

so we can return home.

My brother and I

would love to help you.

Your brother?

Sibling unit, sir.


Yes, perhaps we could

keep our presence a secret

from your brother.

The less your kind knows

about us, the better.

Okay, I won't tell him.

Cassie, Cassie.


Cassie, we are in danger.


Where did these

dogs come from?

I found them in the forest.

They're my new friends.

Captain, Captain!

An Earthling saw me!


I mean, bark.

Uh, oops.

Is he dead?


Well, what happened to him?

I think he fainted.


Do all Earthlings just

fall down like that?


Sam, are you okay?

What happened?

You fainted.

It was amazing.

Oh, oh, is he gonna do it again?




Looks like the

cat's outta the bag.

I thought we were dogs.

I'm calling Mom and Dad.

You can't.

Why not?

Because they're

our friends, Sam!

How do you know that?

It's true, Sam.

We are friends.

I'm Arcee and this is Ace.

Captain Ace.

I'm Hex.

We met back at the ship.

That was you?

You look different.

Yeah, that was my true form.

We became dogs

to try to blend in.

It's not working very well.

They need our help.

Help with what?

To take over the world?

No, no, nothing like that.

Actually, a bunch of

pieces fell off our ship

and we have to find them.

Do you know where they are?


Our collars are locked onto

their last known trajectories.

Do you know

these locations?

No, we just moved here.

But hang on.

Maybe if I...

Yeah, there we go!

It seems like a lot of

your pieces are close by.

Two of them are

right by our house.

Your house?

As in your dwelling?


Yeah, do you wanna see it?

Yeah, I would love to.

We should probably keep them

outta sight of Mom and Dad.

Mom and Dad?

Parental units.

No problem.

I was the top of my class

in stealth abilities.

I will be as quiet as a vop.

It sounds like vops

aren't very quiet.

That was my stomach.

We haven't eaten

for several cycles.



That one was me.

Mom can make us lunch.

Let's go.

Yeah, hello?


Power's out.

Oh, is that the power company?

Yeah, I'm on hold.

I've got lunch.



It looks like Mom has some food.

Great, I'm starving.

You three stay

here in the garage.

The garage?

Yes, just try not

to touch anything.

We'll bring you back

some food when we can.


We will anxiously

await your return.

What do you think

all this stuff is for?

I believe they are the

Earthlings' version of tools.

How do they fix

anything with these?


It's the missing

rotator coupling.

Oh, I'm still on hold.

Come on, is lunch ready yet?

It is actually.

I got us barbecue.


Guys, save

some of that for us.

Oh, watch out, that's spicy.

Hey, we're gonna

go eat outside.



Country's great.

Love you, Mom, bye.

Would you look at that?

What, you don't

think that's weird?

I think it's two kids

enjoying the great outdoors.


I think they're up to something.

Oh, they're 100%

up to something,

but at least they're

doing it outside.


That's spicy.

I told you.


I'm still here.

I think I got it.


Hex, are you okay?

Mission accomplished.


Dad's coming, hide!



Yeah, sorry, I thought I

heard a noise in my garage.

Yeah, yeah.

The box is over here.

Yep, I see the switch.

It's in the off position.

Uh oh.

Uh oh?

What do you mean, uh oh?

Oh no, the food's too spicy.

Something is

wrong with my mouth.

You're gonna give

away our position.

Turning it on now.

Hot, hot.

Hot, hot, hot, hot!

Yes, I'm fine.

The power is on.

Thank you.

Somebody there?

Hey, honey?

In here!

The power's back on.

I know.

I fixed it.


My mouth is on fire!

Here, drink this.




Shall we eat?


And do you have any more

of that spicy sauce?

Is there something I

can help you with, fella?



sir, sorry to bother you.

Marvin Skerety.

I'm with the AIA and I

have a few readings here

that suggest you may have

some extraterrestrials.

Extra what?


No, sir.

I don't know what

that fancy piece

of equipment is telling you,

but I can assure you we

don't have any terrestrials,

let alone extras.

I've got a couple chickens.

You know, I've got a cat.

No, no, no, I think

you're confused, sir.

The AIA is the Alien

Intelligence Agency.

You know, the little green men.

Little green men?

Don't you think there could

be little green women too?


You never thought about that?

I, I don't, I...

Sorry, sorry.

Look, can we rewind?

I believe something

alien may have landed

on your property last night

and I'm trying to recover it.


Follow me.

When I woke up this morning,

there was a hole in my roof

and this thing was

laying in the dirt.

I didn't touch it or nothing

because I'm afraid of

radiation or something.

Oh, it is definitely alien.


Well, Mr. Anderson,

thank you for your time.

As a member of the AIA,

it is my duty to take

this off of your hands.


You like the FBI?

Sort of.

We just aren't a bunch

of hacks held back

by a bunch of red tape

and bureaucratic nonsense.

They wouldn't hire you, right?


But they will, once I

prove that aliens exist.

Good luck with that.

You have done a great

deal for your planet, sir.

Unfortunately, you are going

to forget that I was ever here.

What was that

light supposed to do?

It was supposed

to make you forget.

Did it work?

No, sir.

Darn it.

The internet these days.

What about 40 bucks?

Would that make you forget?

Forget what?

It is only a matter of time

before your owner

comes looking for you.

I can't say I've ever

eaten anything quite like...

What do you call that again?


Barbecue, yes.

It was rather delicious.

The item should be right

around here, Captain.

Is that it?

Yeah, good eye.

I'll get it.

He must do that a lot.

I've never seen him climb

a tree before in my life.

You're doing great, Sam!



Whose idea was this?

You're almost there.

Be careful!

Yeah, I know.

Got it.

What just happened?

We caught you

with our collars.

They manipulate

electromagnetic waves.

Oh, cool, cool.

Yeah, cool.

Oh, he did it again!


Sam, are you all right?

Come on.

What happened?

You fainted again.

Oh, I thought I was done for.

Wait, couldn't you just

have grabbed this thing

using your collars?

Yes, but you climbed the

tree before we could use them.

You seemed happy to do it too.

I thought it was fun to watch.

Yeah, next time when you

have some amazing powers

that can avoid my

impending doom,

please feel free to stop me.

This request

has been received.

Perhaps we should

begin the repairs

with the parts we have.

A fine idea.

Would you like to see our ship?


Here we are.

I don't see anything.

Computer, deactivate

cloaking device.


Welcome to the X76.

This is crazy.

Would you like to come inside?





Hello, Computer.


back, Captain.

I see you've brought guests.

Yes, and some parts.

I'm gonna start working

on some repairs.

These are our new Earth

friends, Sam and Cassie.


Sam and Cassie.



This is the bridge.

That's where Arcee

pilots the ship.

And this is where I sit

to command the ship.


Well, is there anything

we can do to help?


Let me show you.

All right, baby.

Come to Papa.

Is everything

ready, Hex?

Yes, Captain.

We have installed all the

parts that have been found.

Okay, what's next?

Commencing hover test now.

Hover test?

Initiating hover mode.

It's so quiet.

That's because it's riding

electromagnetic waves.

Well, thanks to you, our

hover systems are back online.

So you can go home now?


It's enough for us

to move the ship,

but not enough to leave

the planet's atmosphere.

But it's a start.

It's Mom and Dad.

We have to go.

- Bye, Computer.

- Bye, Computer.

Nice meeting

you, Sam and Cassie.

We really appreciate

your help today.

If you want, we could

take you guys to town

and find the rest of your parts.

If it isn't any trouble.

No, we wanna help you.


Let's make it so.


unidentified human approaching.

Initiating security protocol.

Oh, hello there.

I thought I heard voices.

Walking your dogs?

Oh, yeah.

Sorry to bother you,

but you haven't by chance seen

any strange things out here,

have you?

Strange man with

a strange device?


Oh, no, no, no,

I'm cool with that.

I'm just looking for some

unusual metal pieces.

Have you seen any?


Nope, just some

garbage here and there.

Hmm, anything like this?

You mean like alien pieces?


What, what makes you

think this is alien?

It's glowing, just like-


Just like what?

Just like his video games.

Yep, yeah, just like

my alien video games.

Looks like I...

Looks like I have something.


What was that?

Did you feel that?

Yeah, crazy wind, right?

What, what in the world?

Well, we better get going.

Good luck with your alien stuff.


Just curious, I thought I heard

some other voices out here.

Excuse me?

You know, like adult voices?



My brother was on the

phone with our parents.

They want us to go home,

so we better listen.


Yeah, don't wanna

get in any trouble.


Hey, if you happen to find

any, you know, alien pieces,

give me a call.

I'll even pay you.


Sounds good.

Thank you.

Come on, dogs.

Sam, slow down!

We can't!

He might be following us.

Did you see that, Captain?

He had our gyroscope stabilizer.


But we have to get

them back to their ship.

Captain, I don't

know who that guy is,

but I think you should

spend the night with us.

I agree with this plan.

But what about

Mommy and Daddy?

Yes, but what about

Mommy and Daddy?

You let me worry about them.


We're staying in an

Earthling house tonight?

Yes, so you'd better

behave yourself.

Hey, I always behave myself.

What about that

time on Meko 50?

That wasn't my fault.

And the time with

those throttle trops?

They started it.

Two words, urchin arena.

Oh yeah.

That was totally my fault.


Cassie, is that you?

Yeah, Mom!

Perfect timing.

Come eat dinner.

Mm, dinner.

Hex, shh.


You three just

wait here for a bit.

I'll bring you dinner later.


how long is later?

I don't know, whenever

we finish dinner?

Kids, you heard your mom.

Come on.

Oh, there you kids are.

Come on.

Mm, looks really good.

A lot easier now that

the power's back on.

Where were you two today?

Just out.

We met some new friends.

New friends?

That's great.

How old are they?

Um, we don't know, but

they're really funny and nice.


Hex, what are you doing?

I am making us dinner.

Sam told us to wait.

He doesn't need to know.

Hex, I order you to stop.


But try this first.


Hex, I order you

to keep cooking.


I can't help

it, it's delicious.

What was that?

Just the wind?


I'll go check it out.

Me too.

Now I really know

they're up to something.


What are you doing?

What is going on in here?

Let me guess.

Your new friends?


Oh, the father figure

looks pretty upset.

What's he saying?

Hang on, hang on.

I'm an expert at reading mouths.

I really like dancing

around the lake

with noodles on my head.

That's not what he's saying.

Yes, it is.

Step aside, okay?

Your mouth reading skills

are not as in tune as mine.

Tomorrow, I want you

to go to Casablanca

where you will find

the odors of the dudes.

No way.

Mine made more sense.


Dancing around the lake

with noodles on my head?

That made more sense?

Yeah, maybe that's his thing.

I don't judge.

Um, pardon me, Captain.

But the biological makeup

of this dog form has

very acute hearing, so I've

been using it to listen in.

Mr. Griffin is very upset

that the children tried

to hide us from them.

But good news is he said

that we can stay here

for the evening.

Oh, well, that's great.

And tomorrow, Sam and

Cassie have to go into town

to find our owners.

Wait, they're coming.

All right, everybody in.

All right, you three.

We've decided that you can stay,

but no more craziness like we

just saw in the kitchen, okay?

Pretty smart dog.

You two make sure you find

their owner tomorrow, okay?

- Okay, Mom.

- Okay, Mom.

All right, go

ahead, head up to bed.

Good night.

Come on, pups.

Is that us?

Yes, you.

Come on.

I made a nice little

place for you to sleep.

Thank you, Cassie.

Ooh, it's so soft.

So tomorrow, Mom and Dad

are going to take us to town

to find your owners.

But this is perfect

'cause it gives us time

to find the rest of

your ship pieces.


I like this plan.

Shh, they're coming.

All ready for bed?

- Mm-hmm.

- Mm-hmm.

John, don't you think maybe

you should take the dogs out

for a little walk

before we go to bed?

Yeah, okay.

Pups, come on.

Mush, mush, this...

Come on, this way.

Let's go.

Goodnight, kids.

All right, dogs.

Do your business.

Come on.

It's getting, getting late.

Do your thing.

Come on.

Go ahead.

Come on, let's go.

You better do this now.

I'm not gonna get up in

the middle of the night

to take you out again.

I give up.

You were gone for

like 30 minutes.

They did not go

to the bathroom.

They just stared at me.

Maybe they didn't have

to go to the bathroom.

It was the weirdest thing.

It was like they

didn't know what to do.

He wanted us to what?

Go to the bathroom.


Is that how humans do it?


I'm gonna have to

watch where I step.

No, we do it inside

in the toilets.

But dogs do it outside.

If you don't mind,

I will not be going outside.

Me neither.

Uh-uh, nope.

Hey, you guys need to

keep it down in here.

I can hear you

through the walls.


We have a big day tomorrow.

Get some rest.

Sam's right.

Everyone, let's get some sleep.

Good night.

- Good night.

- Night.


Sorry, sorry, sorry,

sorry, sorry, sorry.

No more snacking before bed.

Okay, you put up flyers

so that Mom and Dad

think we're looking

for the owners of the dogs.

It looks like there are a

couple of ship pieces nearby,

so let's go.


The aldidinator should

have been right here.

Maybe someone took it?

Yeah, maybe that weird

guy from yesterday.

We gotta find the

other parts fast.

It looks like it's over there?


Should be around here somewhere.

I don't see it.

I think

it's up on the roof.

I see it.

I got it.

Wow, it's really stuck.

Here, let me help.


What's happening?

Let me down, please.

Let me down.

Put him down!

What's, what's happening?


He dropped it.

How did you do that?

How did...

Hey, hey, kids.

Hey, where, where are you going?

Kids, wait, wait.

Hey, kids, come back!

Hey, kids, kids.

Come back here.

Kids, where you going?

Come back.

In here.

I just wanna talk to you!

What is this magical place?

It's an ice cream shop.

Do you wanna try some?

Does a mildridop

have eight arms?

Uh, yes?

That was the most pleasant

experience of my life.


What was your favorite flavor?

Oh, the one at the bottom.

You mean the cone?

Yes, the cone was delightful.

Wait, wait, where you going?

Kids, wait, wait.

Hey, kids, come back!

He's chasing us!


Was that Marvin?

Yeah, it was.

You know that guy?

Yeah, we went to

high school with him.

Do you know him?

- No.

- No.

He had a huge

crush on your mom.

No, he did not.

Yes, he did.

Why do you think you guys were

in all the same

classes together?

Because we both loved space.

Mom, can we take the

dogs out for a walk?


Be back before dark.

Come on, doggies.

Good luck with that.

We're not gonna see

them for a while.

Those dogs don't go to

the bathroom outside.

They're trained

to use the toilet.

You are talking nonsense.

I saw it with my own eyes.

Like that?

That ought to do it.

Okay, Arcee, try it now.

Computer, initiate

flight systems.


flight systems.

Systems initiation failure.

It's no use.

Without the pieces Marvin has,

we aren't gonna be

able to make it home.

Too bad we can't distract

him for a few hours.

Wait, I got it.

All we have to do is

convince Mom and Dad

to invite Marvin

over for dinner.

While he's over at our

house, you'll go to his house

and collect all of

your spaceship pieces.

Isn't that stealing, Sam?

Not when he took something

that was already yours.

I like this plan.

So I downloaded the

blueprints from Marvin's lab.

It seems that this is

the best way going in

through the air duct here.

So Arcee, if you could go

here and just go through here

and get about here, you

could use your collars

to float down and

get all your pieces.

That doesn't sound too bad.

It shouldn't be.

We'll stall as much as we can,

but don't spend too much

time looking around.

Get in and get out.

Got it?

Got it.

Now all we have to do

is convince Mom and Dad

to invite Marvin

over for dinner.

Okay, here's the plan.

I will go search up some alien

websites on Dad's computer

to get Marvin's

AIA ads popping up.

Cassie, you will go ask

Mom about her space classes

in high school with Marvin.

Marvin, Marvin, Marvin.

And Hex, you will drop

Marvin's business card

where Dad can find it.

Everybody good?


Hey guys, hope you don't mind,

but your mom and I invited

our friend Marvin over

for dinner tonight.

Oh, you did?


So we're gonna need you guys

to be on your best

behavior, okay?

- Okay.

- Okay.

Oh, and maybe leave

the dogs in the garage?


So do I still need

to bring the card in?


so good to see you.

- Oh yeah.

- Come on in.



All right, Marvin's here.

Go, go, go.

Come on.


Marvin, how are you?

- Good, good.

- Good to see you.


Our guest is...

We're right here, Mom.

You snuck up on me.

Marvin, these are our

children, Sam and Cassie.


Nice to...

Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you too.

Shall we eat?



Somebody lives in this place?

Captain, do we

have to go in there?

Yes, we have to go in there.

Come on, guys, we can do this.

All right.

Gotta fit.

Oh, excuse me.

That's my home alarm.


Everything okay?


Yes, it looks like a

few raccoons are trying

to get into my trash, yes.

Thankfully, I have

a few traps set up

for situations like this.

Look, there's the

opening up there.

I'm on it.

Okay, Hex, keep watch.

Once we're in, we'll

open the door for you.

You got it, Captain.

Which way was it?

Two lefts, then a right.

That's right.

Everything's going as planned.

Hey, looks like you

left the door open.

How about that?

Are you sure

everything's okay?


Yep, yep, everything's

going according to plan.

So Marvin, where

are you living now?


Do you remember the

old science facility?

Oh, those dome buildings?

Yes, yes.

I live out there.

Wow, I loved those buildings.

Yeah, you know,

after it closed down,

I got it really cheap.

You know, it's really secluded.

Lots of space.

That's so you.

I'm gonna get the dessert.

- Let me help.

- Okay.

Hey, kids.

Wanna see what I'm watching?

Let's see here.

Oh, there's our parts.

Hey, Arcee!

Hey, Captain!

Hex, how'd you get in here?

The door was open.

And look, it's all of our stuff.

No, Hex, wait!

Uh oh.


All that work

for nothing, huh?

Oh, yeah?

Uh oh.

What's that?

Got it.


Oh no, Arcee!

I, I can't hold on!

Hold on, Arcee, maybe

I can push you up.

I got her.

Oh no, my collar isn't working.

What happened?

I figured out

your friends were manipulating

electromagnetic waves.

My buildings were

made to block EMPs,

so now they're

pretty much helpless.

They're going to get hurt!


But you all chose to

break into my house

instead of just asking me

for the metal pieces back.

Why are you doing this?

Because all my life

people have laughed at me,

saying that aliens don't exist.

Well, I'm going to

prove them all wrong.

And soon people will

finally believe me

when I tell them that

there are aliens out there.

What makes you think

they'll believe you this time?

Because this time I'm calling

my contact from the FBI.

Oh, it's breaking.

Arcee, hold on!




I didn't mean for

that to happen.

Who wants dessert?

Cassie, wait!

Actually I'm...

I'm pretty, pretty stuffed.

I better get going and take

care of those intruders.

Thanks for dinner.


Dessert doesn't look

that bad, does it?



Didn't I tell you if you

ever call my phone again,

I'd have you arrested?

Yes, yes.

You did, Agent Bridger.

So I must have a good

reason to be calling you.

You always claim to

have a good reason.

Ah, but this time is

a really good reason.

I am sending you

videos right now.

Lemme guess,

more alien conspiracy videos.

Oh, I knew you still

watched my videos.

What can I say, Skerety?

My kids think you're hilarious.

This isn't a joke!

I just apprehended three

ETs disguised as dogs

and they have the ability

to manipulate

electromagnetic waves.

There are aliens among

us, Agent Bridger.

These videos are proof.

So you either do something

or I call the CIA.

All right, now

calm down, Skerety.

I'll have my crew

take a look at it.

We'll be in touch.

Yes sir.

Yes, yes!

Oh, my time is finally here.

FBI, here I come.

Agent Dawes.

Yes sir.

Get ready to move out.

Everything good, sir?

Yeah, everything's fine.

Looks like Skerety

finally paid off.

Marvin the Martian, huh?

Who knew?

Oh, and Dawes.

Have a dissection

crew on hand too.

It looks like he has some

live specimens for us.

Roger that.

Let's move out!

Cassie, you all right?

No, we have to do something.

I know.

But what?

We could tell Mommy and Daddy.

Tell 'em what?

That our dogs were

secretly aliens

and their weird

friend kidnapped them,

so now we have to go to

his house to save them?


You know what?

I guess it doesn't

sound that weird

when you say it out loud.

All right, let's go.

Arcee, Captain?



Where's Ace?

Did anyone get the name

of the ship that hit us?

Ace, you're okay!

So are you.

Oh, wow.

How are you, Hex?

I'm fine, but I'm pretty

sure Marvin will be back soon,

so you two better

get out of here.

No, Hex, we aren't

leaving without you.

It's okay, Captain.

Please, you take the

pieces, get to the ship.

I'll be fine.


Don't worry about me.

We'll be back.

I know you will.

Hi there.

And how is our little guest?

Yes, very cute,

but the jig is up.

I already know

your little secret

and soon the whole

world will know it too.

So there's no use in

continuing with the charade.

Uh, what's a charade?

I knew it, I knew

you could talk!

I knew it.

You got me.

But what's a charade?

It means pretending

to be something you're not,

like an alien

pretending to be a dog.

Oh, you mean charade.

Oh, I understand.

I don't need English

lessons from you.

Actually, I think it's French.

Okay, enough of that.

Let's check in on your

friends, shall we?

Where are your friends?

I dunno.

It's fine, it's

fine, I only need you.

And that, that fancy

collar of yours.

That's what lets you manipulate

electromagnetic waves,



Let's document this, shall we?

All right, world, the moment

you've all been waiting for,

proof that I am not a quack!


Should I have told you

that was gonna happen?

Sorry, not sorry.

So let me get this straight.

The three dogs that you

brought into our home are

really aliens from

another planet?

- Yes!

- Yes!

And now we have to go to

Marvin's science complex

to save them.

- Yes!

- Yes!

Even if this story is true,

you came up with a plan

to break into another

person's house.

Do you have any idea

how bad that is?

It's really bad.

Really, really bad.

I know.

And it's my fault, not

Cassie's, but we need to go.

You two aren't going anywhere.

I'll go over to Marvin's house

and ask if he has my kids'...

Alien dogs?

Hey, look, he fainted.

Like father, like son.

You're okay!

Yes, we're fine.

But Marvin still has Hex.

We need to get him.

I'm pretty sure Marvin

already called the FBI.

The FBI?

The FBI hurts aliens.

We better hurry.

Shall we, Mrs. Griffin?

Uh, sure?

Okay, let's go.

Come on, honey.

What's going on?

We're helping alien dogs.

- We are?

- Uh huh.

Yes, and we really

appreciate this.

Captain Ace, at your service.


Nice to officially meet you.

Nice to meet you.

Is this a dream?

Uh, not unless we're

having the same dream.

No more letting the

kids play outside.

Wanna try for three?


What the...

Where are the ship pieces?

Did your, did your

friends take them?

We're not finished here, mister.

Agent Bridger, hello.

My crew's validated your intel

and we are headed

to your location.


I mean, perfect, perfect,

I'll see you there.

I mean, here.

And Skerety,

don't mess this up.

No, sir.

No, sir, absolutely not.

I've got it all...


He hung up.

Okay, Arcee, Sam,

and Mrs. Griffin,

you head to the ship and

finish with the repairs.

Mr. Griffin, Cassie, and I

will go to Marvin's complex

to save Hex.

Got it?

Got it.

Whoa, isn't this a bit much?

John, it's gonna be fine.

You save their friend, I'll

meet you back here later.

Are you sure?

I have been staring at

the stars my whole life,

waiting for a moment like this.

It's gonna be fine.

All right, good enough for me.

Let's go.

All right, time for us to go.


You mean I don't

get to stay here

in these fancy accommodations?

No, I have something

even fancier.

And before you get any ideas,

I've added a few upgrades

to this here carrier

so you can't use your

little superpower.

So don't even think about it.

Come on, little doggy.

How you doing with

that stabilizer, Sam?

Almost got it.

Oh, is there anything

I can do to help?

You're doing

great, Mrs. Griffin.

Got it.

Hello, Computer.


Hey, Computer.

Welcome back, Sam.

This is Mrs. Griffin.


Mrs. Griffin.


You can call me Avery.

Greetings, Avery.

I am Computer.

This is amazing.

It is not too far from

what I always imagined.

Computer, status report.

Systems check.

Stabilizers are online.

Ship is ready for operation.


We did it.


What do you mean, although?

A short

has caused some loss

to the star charts,

and we still don't have full

access to the power core,

making it impossible

to leave this planet's

gravitational pull.

Oh no.

We're gonna need Hex

for the power core,

and I don't know

what we're gonna do

about these star charts.

Star charts?

I am the queen of star charts.

Computer, what are you missing?


They're beautiful.

As you can see,

I am missing several sections

of this galaxy's charts.

That's all?

This is what I do.

Sam, my boy, watch

your mama work.

Yeah, way to go, Mom.

Any moment now, my

life is going to change.


And mine is too.

I sure hope it was worth it.

You know how many doctors

my parents brought me to

because they didn't

believe I saw aliens?

I don't know, two?

A lot.

It was a lot.

But I thought none

of this matters

because the aliens

promised they'd come back

and when they did, it

would make it all better.

But they didn't.

They didn't come back.


So, I'm sorry you

have to be the one

to make it all worth it.

But that's just the

way it has to be.

You know, there's a

lot of us out there.

Some aren't as

advanced as others

and space travel

takes a long time.

It's possible they just

haven't made it back here yet.

Or maybe they just got lost.

The universe is a big place.

Yeah, well, it's too late now.

All right.

Let's go save your friend.

Roger that.

Hey, Marvin.

What, what

are you doing here?


We're just here to talk.

Don't come any closer!

Do you think we're just gonna

let you give Hex to the FBI?

Who's going to stop me?

I am.

I wouldn't do

that if I were you.

Oh yeah?


You didn't think

I planned ahead?

One push and your

friend gets zapped.

Don't hurt him!

Then tell your little

alien friend to put me down.

Put him down, Captain.

Now, everybody,

everybody back up, please.

Yeah, that's right,

that's more like it.

Get outta here,

there's nothing to see!

Leave, go home.

Yeah, I'll give you 10 seconds

or I'll push the button.

Get out.

Mr. Martin?

I'm really sorry we

broke into your home.

And you were right, we should

have just asked for your help.

Please don't be mad

at our alien friends?

They just wanna go home.

It's okay.

Let's go, come on.

Cassie, I'm sorry.

She gave you Rumpelstiltskin.

That's so nice.

And that button you

were going to push.

Wasn't that just

your car remote?

Quiet, you.

There he is.



Nice to see you, Skerety.

You too.


have what we came for?

Yes sir.

Go for dissection team.


You, you brought

a dissection team?

Just a precautionary measure.

See what you have.

What is this, Skerety?


What happened?

It must have transformed

into a stuffed animal.

What is this,

some kind of joke?

Sir, we have a vehicle

leaving the perimeter.

That's them!

Hold on to your cowboy hats.


I'm not

wearing a cowboy hat!

Move out!

Cancel dissection team.

You're done, Skerety.

Oh, I was hoping that

wouldn't be your response,

but I understand.

All right, Sam, do

you see some tubes?

Yes, tubes, got it.

Connect those into the goo.

How far?

Until it lights up.

Got it.

Okay, now what?

Now do that five more times.

Come on.

What you get on those plates?

I found an address, but

it's in New York City.

All right, see what

else you can find.

Come on, can't

you go any faster?

Yes sir.

But is the point to catch them

or follow them to

the destination?

Odds are they're headed

to the alien ship.

Well, if you catch them,

I can force 'em to tell

me where their ship is.

Yes sir.

Oh, they're gaining on us.

Captain, I've got an idea.

Would you mind if

I tried something?

Go for it.


Okay, everyone, hold on.

Agent Bridger,

I found a local address

for those plates.

Let me hear it.

That was awesome.

Those guys gonna be okay?

Oh yeah.

It's only temporary.

They'll grow back

in a few minutes.

Good, because I can't

have the FBI after me.

Hurry, to the ship.

To the ship.

Okay, last one.

Okay, it worked.

Sam, you did it!


power core activated.

Thank you for fixing

the maps, Mrs. Griffin.

Glad to help.


Computer, set a course home.

Setting course.

Course complete.

Captain Ace approaching.

They're back.

Oh, honey.

Hey, guys.


All right, we

better make this fast.

Is everything good to go?

Yes, Captain.

Thank you all so

much for your help.

Yes, thank you.

We really couldn't have done

any of this without all of you.



You're quite the leader.

Your plan saved the

day several times.

Who knows, maybe one day you'll

become a captain yourself.

Are you hearing this?

Hear this?

I saw it.

Thank you, Captain Ace.

I learned a lot from you.

Bye, Arcee.

Bye, Cassie.

Oh, I'm gonna miss you.

Bye, Sam.

Oh, I'm sure gonna

miss all that food.

Bye, buddy.

Take care, everyone.

Bye, Cassie.

Be good.

I will.

Bye, Mrs. Griffin.

Bye, Sam.

Hex, I'm gonna

miss you so much.



Is it okay if I

say goodbye too?

Of course.

I'm sorry I was

going to turn you in.


I know you are.

And I knew you weren't

gonna go through with it.

You did?


So, this is your ship?


Was it here the whole time?

Uh, yep.

I knew

I wasn't crazy.

And you never were.

Always remember that.

I will.

Is now a good time

to remind everybody

that the feds are gonna

be here any minute?

Ah, yeah, that's more like it.



Thank you!



Stop them, stop them!

I'm not sure how, sir!

You all are in

so much trouble.

Oh, no, we aren't.

What are you

gonna do with that?

My alien friends left me

this shrinking technology.

So if you mess with me

or this family again,

I will shrink you.

This time, permanently.

You wouldn't.

Try me.

You haven't seen the

last of me, Skerety.

Let's go.

I look forward to our next

encounter, Agent Bridger.

Marvin, you really came

through for us today.

Yes, you did.

Thank you.

It's nice to have

people believe in you.

And kids, my wish came true.

What's that?

My wish on the sh**ting star.


I wished that you guys

would have a good summer.

I think that came true.

- We did.

- Mm-hmm.

Ah, quite an adventure.

Yes, it was.

Do you think we'll

ever see them again?

You never know.

I hope so.

Me too, Arcee, me too.

Computer, take us home.

Affirmative, Captain.


Marvin, is that you?

You came back,

after all these years.

You finally came back.