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Xterminator and the AI Apocalypse (2023)

Posted: 07/13/23 17:21
by bunniefuu
(eerie electronic music)

(upbeat music)

(muffled voices on police radio)

- XT, where are you?

- I'm headed for the

Grant Street exit.

- Grant Street?

What about the roof?

- Change of plans,

are you in position?

- I'm on my way, I got

hung up in a meteor storm.

- I don't care what hung you up.

If you are not where

you're supposed to be

when that door opens,

I'll be up shit creek,

as you humans say.

- I'm in turbo drive, XT.

A light year out and closing.

- Push it, mortal.

I'm 10 yards from the door,

and I'm not slowing

down for anything.

- 10-4 butt brain,

I'll be there.

- You'd better be, or else.

- [Voice On Police Radio]

Yes ma'am, we'll be clear,

and G33 will be clear on four.

(upbeat music)

- I'm breaching Earth's

carmen line now.

See you soon.

What the, what is that?

It's the biggest

vessel I've ever seen.

Practically its

own dwarf planet.

Who the hell are they?

(upbeat music)


(alarm sounding)

(astronaut screaming)

(alarm sounding)

(upbeat music)

(muffled police radio)

(astronaut screaming)

(astronaut splatting)

- Attention criminal,

this is Captain Krull of

the automated police force.

You are completely

surrounded, there is no hope.

Option one, give up your

weapons and come out peacefully

and we'll allow you to exist.

Option two, resist and be

cremated on the premises.

- How old school.

The automated police force is

ready to take me into custody,

or destroy me where I stand.

Bet they'll get medals for that.

Planet Earth loves trinkets.

(upbeat music)

- Surrender, enemy.

- On your knees, droid.


- There it is. Hold

your fire troops.

We'll let it decide.

- Greetings, soldiers.

I've considered your proposal

and I've made my decision.

I like option two.

- Have it your way, robot.


(g*ns firing)

(g*ns firing)

(g*ns firing)

(g*ns firing)

(bright music)

- That ought to provide the

ground distraction I need

to get to the roof.

That filthy human had better

be where he's supposed to be.

- The cyborg's taken

cover, fall back troops.

This isn't over by a long shot.

Activate option three,

unleash the X Goliath.

(bright music)

(bright music)

(muffled police radio)

(metallic footsteps)

- Human, where are you?



(muffled police radio)

You've got to be kidding.

Show me the way to go home.

I'm tired and I

want to go to bed

I had a little drink

about an hour ago

And it got right to my head

Wherever I may roam

By land or sea or

- [Speaker] Mr. Premier,

the Circular Chiefs

have gathered in the

octagonal office.

They're waiting on your arrival.

- What did I tell you

about interrupting

me, General Sherwood?

- [Sherwood] My apologies sir,

but the chiefs request

your counsel at once.

The situation in

Ananaki has destabilized

to the point of w*r.

- w*r?

Yes well, I'm

taking a solo flight

to clear my head.

- A flight? Now?

Sir, I strongly suggest.

- You can suggest

all you like Grace,

Premiers need a break too.

Consider this a little me time.

After all, I've maintained

peace in this mercurial galaxy

since taking office.

Have I not?

- [Sherwood] Well, yes.

- It's settled then.

Tell the chiefs I'll return

before the next sun rotation.

- [Sherwood] And what

shall I tell the rebels

fighting on Ananaki?

- Tell them to handle

their business.

Were they not so hotheaded

we wouldn't be in this mess.


(Premier grunting)

- [Sherwood] Premier Sylus?

Premier Sylus?

- I'm hit, and I'm going down.

I'm gonna crash!

- Mr. Premier, are you there?

Can you hear me?

(ominous music)

- I don't suppose there's

a repair shop around here.

(dark music)

Uh, oh.

- He what?

Crashed where? Is he alive?

- We don't know.

The tracking device in his

cruiser came to a sudden stop

on the western rim of Mars.

It's still active

but hasn't moved.

- What are we waiting for?

He could be injured

in the wreckage.

We need to get out

there right now.

- You read my mind, Guy.

I'm routing us to

the location now.

- No you're not, General.

If the Premier's dead,

the last thing we need to

do is put you in harm's way.

You're his successor,

and this galaxy could

erupt in w*r at any minute.

It needs a voice of reason.

- I'm going with

you. It's my call.

- It's a bad one.

I'm going alone, and

I'll take the Beetle.

- I could court martial you

for dereliction of duty.

- Wouldn't be the first time.

I'll radio when I'm onsite.

Keep the home fire

burning till we get back.

- Watch your back

out there, Guy.

- Always.

(upbeat electronic music)

I'm at the ship, General.

I don't think Sylus made

it but I don't see a body.

- [Grace] Keep looking

till you're sure.

I don't care if all you find

is a finger, we have to know.

- Copy.

This ground is

like Swiss cheese,

but that, that

looks like a cave.

Good thing I brought

my spelunking gear.

(upbeat electronic music)


Premier Sylus,

are you down here?

Damn it.

No body, no blood.

Where are you?

Bad news and good news, Grace.

- Give me the bad news.

- I didn't find him.

- And the good news?

- I didn't find him.

- Fair enough. We'll

keep searching.

- Not far and wide.

I don't think he made it

off that rock, General.

The surface is

porous and riddled

with subterranean catacombs.

He could be anywhere

but I think he is there.

- What do you suggest?

- The sun's just

rotated away from Mars.

That gives us close to

10 hours of darkness.

I want permission

to try a rescue.

- You got it.

How many men do you need?

- Just one.

- One?

Who is it?

- Thanks for joining

us today, Foot.

Your muscle's appreciated.

This prison might be the

highest security facility

in the star system,

but this robot is no

ordinary prisoner.

- Sergeant Fox is

right, Bigfoot.

The cyborg's dangerous and

that's putting it lightly.

- We'll be all right.

Danger's my middle name.

I got your backs.

- Stay alert, men.

That door up ahead is our

last security checkpoint

before we enter

the holding cells.

After that we're on our own.

- You mean I can't count

on all these little dudes

with their pea sh**t?

- No.

- Good.

- Hmm.

- [Grace] Don't try

anything, stupid Cyborg.

- Call me X.

Why are we talking?

- We have a deal to offer you.

About an hour ago,

small spacecraft went down

on the surface of Mars.

The Premier was on board.

- So, reschedule the Premier.

- [Grace] That's

not funny, Cyborg.

- Premier Sylus has been almost

single-handedly responsible

for keeping the balance of peace

since the Great

Intergalactic w*r.

His loss is a huge

blow to the stability

of the Ananaki region.

- [Cyborg] So what

do you want me to do?

Scrape up his remains and

give him a proper burial?

- Smart mouth on

this here metal head.

- [Cyborg] Who's the Muppet?

- Muppet? Tin man,

I'll break your ass.

- [Cyborg] I'm right here.

- Enough, both of you.

- I've already visited

the crash site.

There was no body.

We believe the Premier

is alive, somewhere.

- [Cyborg] Somewhere, huh?

What's in it for me?

- Simply put, survival.

You're set to be

crushed for your crimes.

You've reached the

end of the line.

- Go to Mars, find the Premier.

Bring him back in 24

hours and you're free bot.

What do you say?

- Get a new Premier.

- Our galaxy's on the brink

of another w*r, Cyborg.

A peace summit was

scheduled to take place

with rebel forces in

the Ananaki system.

- But the ceasefire

expires in 24 hours.

The fighting will intensify,

and almost certainly

spread like wildfire

throughout the cosmos.

- [Cyborg] Mass destruction?

I like it.

- Let me at let this chill.

I'll crush him myself.

- Bring it on, neanderthal.

- Why you son of a-

- Listen, our survival

depends on this.

We nearly went extinct once.

We don't wanna play

with that fire again.

- There are nuclear

weapons in play.

If we don't locate the Premier

so that he can calm down

the chaos in Ananaki,

we fear a space detonation

could open a black hole

and swallow all

life as we know it.

- [Guy] You perish

one way or the other.

Take the deal, you survive.

What's it gonna be, Robot?

- Call me X.

- I'm known as quantum.

I'm here to brief you before

you take off, Xterminator.

- Call me X.

- Very well, X.

You can track and

locate the Premier

through his vital signs,

using a special heat

sensitive device

our lab has created for the job.

Premier Sylus is reptilian

so his body temperature

changes constantly to

match his surroundings,

making traditional methods

of tracking quite difficult.

- I always knew

politicians were snakes.

- That's funny.

I'll relay it to the General.

She may laugh.

- You do that, Quantum.

Where am I landing?

- Not on the planet's

surface directly, I'm afraid.

Forces there may

anticipate another visit,

rendering such a direct

approach perilous.

I'm told this is our

best and last chance

to recover the Premier,

and General Sherwood wishes

to minimize the risk.

Instead, you'll fly

to our space station

near the Mars orbit.

From there you'll

board a motorless pod

and make quiet entry.

- What about radar, camera

surveillance, surface missiles?

- The pod's invisible

to radar detection,

and once in motion,

travels one half second faster

than the speed of light,

effectively evading all known

visual surveillance technology.

As for weaponry,

the pod boasts built in

projectile detection.

If fired upon by most

traditional methods,

it can automatically redirect

its own trajectory, twice.

- What if it's fired

on three times?

- Three times,

you're on your own.

- Comforting.

- Once you land,

you'll find a surface

rover for your use only.

Use the retina scanner

to start its engine.

The mission room is next.

Come see the rest of your gear.

- Who are the butt brains?

- Security.

With the weaponized technology

housed in this wing,

no one has clearance to be

here alone, not even me.

- Hmm, humans and

their trust issues.

- You might say that,

but General Sherwood's

methods have minimized errors

to a negligible percentile.

The surface of Mars

receives precipitation.

Consequently, there are

scattered bodies of water

resulting in thriving

subterranean cavern systems,

as reported by Sergeant Fawkes

following his

initial exploration.

There's also a power

source underground,

but no generators in sight.

We suspect the creators have

harnessed natural energy

by tapping the planet's core.

- Sounds like the humans

could learn a thing or two.

- Indeed, X.

They're already experimenting

with sustainable methods,

should w*r ensue, and once

again, destabilize the galaxy.

Our last stop is the lab, come.

Just step up on the platform X,

and our briefing will conclude.

- Why do I have to

step on a platform?

- Formality.

I'm going to inject you

with a system stabilizer

that staves off malicious

virus contraction for 24 hours.

- I don't like needles.

- Hmm. Yes.

Whether mortal or AI, few do.

Up you go.

- Make it quick.

- [Quantum] That's it.

- Feels glitchy.

- Merely the upload, it'll

pass before your departure.

- It had better or else.

- I see why Sergeant

Fawkes enlisted you.

Your spaceship is waiting.

(dramatic music)

- [Guy] There it goes.

The Xterminator's lifted off.

You think it'll

stick to the plan?

- It has no choice.

If it doesn't, we'll hit

the button and shut it off.

Why don't we have a little fun

and let it know what those

injections really were.

- Is that smart?

- What are its options?

Turn around and come get us?

The knowledge will

only make that cyborg

work harder and faster

to find Premier Sylus.

You should know how

this works, Guy.

Once the Premier's

safe and sound,

we destroy the cyborg anyway.

Come in, Cyborg.


Cyborg, what are you doing?

- I'm talking my vessel in

your space station sweetheart.

- Well, quite the vocabulary.

How far out are you?

- In sight, I'll

make entry soon.

- This conversation

feels strange.

- Maybe you should get your mind

out of the proverbial

gutter, General.

- Amusing, for a hunk

of self-actualized AI.

- A hunk, me?

General, if I didn't know

better, I'd say you had a crush.

- You oughta know better.

I want to tell you something

before you reach the station.

- Tell me what?

- That idea you had about

turning the ship

around 180 degrees

and flying off to planet Kerr.

Not gonna happen.

See, we snuck in a

little insurance policy.

The injection you

received in our lab

wasn't to ward off viruses.

It implanted one.

- What?

- That's right, Cyborg.

You're infected with one of our

designer weaponized viruses.

The worm's already multiplying,

bonding to your memory

and all backups.

In 22 hours you'll go into

complete system failure.

Total hard disc erasure.

You'll crash and burn, unless.

- Unless what, you lying swine?

- Unless you return

Premier Sylus to us

on time and in one piece.

Do that and we'll run

the antiviral program

that completely

eradicates the infection.

Try to escape or not

get the job done,

you're back to a death sentence.

- When I get back,

I'm going to k*ll you.

- See you soon, Cyborg.

- You're not

concerned about that?

- Guy, do you have any

idea how many times

I've been threatened

in my lifetime?

- This is a little bit

different, it's the Xterminator.

- It's all the same.

A threat's a threat, and no

bot's gonna stop me, ever.

- Those no good rotten

conniving disease-riddled humans

think they've outsmarted me.

My AI programming runs circles

around their fully developed

brains at three months.

Let them have their tricks,

their games, and their cons.

When they're soft necks are

in my cold steel grasps,

their laughter will be replaced

by tearful please for mercy,

and there shall be none.

Impressive space station

the humans have built.

When this is over

and my titanium

is drenched in their warm blood,

I'll wash off here,

and then rip their

impressive station apart,

pole by pole.

(light music)

- Well, if it isn't the lovely

and vivacious General Sherwood?

To, what do we owe the

distinct pleasure, hmm?

- Save the flowery

epithets, warden.

You know who I'm here to see,

and you're not doing his

mental health any favors

by keeping him in

complete isolation.

Buzz me in.

(door buzzing)

It's been a long

time, Megalodon.

We meet again.

- We have to stop

running into each other

in places like this, General.

I'd much rather see

you in the open sea

where no electric barriers

can keep us apart.

- I'm sure you would,

but we'll have to

settle for this.

- Bummer.

- I wanted to talk to you.

I have a deal you

may be interested in.

- I'm listening.

- I want you to do

something for me.

A space cruiser crashed on Mars.

We believe it was shot down.

Premier Sylus was on board.

- Am I supposed to

know who that is?

- Just that he's very

important to our galaxy.

He's a peacekeeper, and

they're in short supply

since the great

intergalactic w*r.

The Premier's missing

and we want him back.

- And you want me to find him?

What will you do for me General?

- Return the Premier to us

safely and I'll set you free.

(Megalodon laughing)

- Who would sign off on that?

- No one in their right mind.

But I can initiate a transfer,

and can have the

guard stand down

while you conveniently escape.

- And when the shark hunt is on,

am I to spend the

rest of my days

looking over my dorsal fin?

- It'll be a dragnet on paper

only, no one will hunt you.

Then I'll transport

you to Planet Shirah,

where you'll live off

the galactic grid.

You can take it

over for all I care.

The only caveat is that

you never show your teeth

in our neck of the cosmos again.

- Hmm.

Why me?

- [Grace] You're the

most destructive creature

I could think of.

And there are perils involved.

The Xterminator is also

looking for Premier Sylus.

- The Xterminator?

Then why do you need me?

- Because I don't like

or trust the cyborg.

His involvement was

my sergeant's idea,

and I think it was a mistake.

I want Xterminator out of

the picture permanently.

- That's a tall order, General.

I want more than exile.

I want my minions back.

- Done.

Your team of science bots

are still in my employ.

Find the Premier,

destroy the Xterminator and

I'll return them to you.

Do we have a deal?

- You're desperate.

- I'm motivated. Are you?

- Yes.

(tense music)

- [Warden] General

Sherwood, can I have a word?

- What is it?

(warden laughing)

- [Warden] You are

aware that conversations

are monitored here, yes?

- What's your point?

- [Warden] Well, did

I hear you correct?

Did you just offer to spring

the Megalodon from prison?

- No, it wasn't an offer.

It was a statement of fact.

I'm borrowing the

Mag for a while,

and if he fulfills his

end of the bargain,

I'm taking him off

your hands, for good.

Your guard staff should

breathe the sigh of relief.

- [Warden] Yes, well

I, I wasn't consulted.

- Because I don't need to.

I know what you do

around here, warden.

And if you want me to continue

looking the other way,

you'll do as I say.

The transfer papers will

be on your desk in an hour.

Have the Mag ready?

- [Warden] Yes ma'am,

don't worry about a thing.

Nothing at all.

- This thing moves fast

for being motorless.

When I m*rder that

double-talking general,

I'll have to remember

to come back for it.

(craft falling)

This planet's a dust bowl.

I can't see clearly

beyond 10 yards.

The Premier could be

standing right in front of me

and I wouldn't know it.

I see no signs of life anywhere.

Must find an entrance to those

caverns the humans spoke of.

That's got to be where I'll

find him, dead or alive.

(land rover running)

- This is really outta

left field Johnson,

and the break of dawn?

It's early for a move like this.

- The general must want

to keep it a secret.

- Yeah, but why?

What's going on?

- Beats me.

I guess it's need to know

and we don't need to know.

- Chicks.

(both laughing)

- Who has got the call, Behram?

- Holmes and Johnson should

be waiting at the next stop.

- Holmes, I hate that guy.

- You and everybody else.

Good team lead though,

gets the job done.

- Whatever man.

I could use a triple

stacked breakfast sandwich

from Space Jack's.

You in?

- We're on a tight

schedule, Ramirez.

- We're gonna pass right

by at the corner of 53rd.

I'll buy.

- We gotta make it quick.

- Mm-mm.

Space Jack's makes the

best breakfast sandwiches.

- You guys got Space Jack's? Mm.

- Anyone know why we're

moving the Megalodon?

- No clue.

I even reread the

text three times,

thought it had to be a screw up.

- You're not the only one.

I actually checked the calendar

to see if it was

April Fool's day.

- Doesn't matter

why we're doing it.

They have a reason.

We've got to draw.

We gotta keep our heads

on a swivel and work snug.

No room for errors.

- Behram's right.

Any slipups, no

matter how slight,

and the Meg could get loose.

We can hardly afford to blink.

- That's reassuring.

- Good day, gentleman.

- No chit chat Shark.

Turn around and face the wall.

Fins behind your back.

- Are we going somewhere?

- You're in for a transfer,

you're coming with us.

- Wonderful.

I can't wait to

get some fresh air.

- We what?

Why the hell would we do that?

- I'm with Guy.

Has the Meg ever had a move

where he didn't

attempt to escape?

- Attempting and doing

are two different

things, Wrathchild.

The shark's never fled

custody, and never will.

- I don't know, Grace,

it seems mighty risky.

Especially with the

Xterminator on the loose.

- It's not on the loose, Foot.

It's working for us.

It's under our boots

and when it's finished,

we'll stamp it out just like

it's sentencing would call for.

- But why couldn't

we at least wait

until the X came back in?

It's only 24 hours.

- Like I said, we

detected security risks

when we went to talk

to the Xterminator.

I decided we're better

safe than sorry,

so I signed the transfer

papers and sent in the team.

- May I ask who's handling it?

- Holmes, Johnson,

Behram and Ramirez.

- Ramirez?

You've gotta be kidding me.

He was court

martialed last year.

He's dirtier than Foot's toes.

- He watch it now.

- I've kept a close

tab on Ramirez.

He's been squeaky clean.

There's no cause for concern.

- Where's the Meg being taken?

- [Grace] Our new

maximum security facility

in the Devonian realm.

A chartered plane's transporting

him to the launchpad now.

- [Guy] Shackled and

muzzled I presume.

- And at g*n point.

- Don't worry, the shark will

have eyes on him every second.

Now, let's get down to business.

Any word from the Xterminator?

- Damn this infernal wasteland.

I must have combed

a hundred miles.

- Xterminator, come in.

- I'm in the rover Fawkes,

but I see no signs

of life anywhere.

- Keep looking. The

Premier's got to be there.

- I think your

man's dead sergeant.

Either he was

obliterated in the crash,

or somebody's had

him for dinner.

- Then find that somebody.

If we can't find Premier Sylus,

we need answers, for

the sake of the galaxy.

- Hang on, I see something

a few yards up ahead.

- Approach with caution, Cyborg.

It could be a trap.

- Thanks.

- [Grace] Talk to us, Cyborg.

What do you see?



- It turned you off, General.

- Ha.

- [Grace] It's not funny, Foot.

(Guy laughing)

- Do you come in

peace, traveler?

- If I don't, you'll

live in peaces alien.

- But this is my home.

That makes you the alien.

Whatever you are.

- Who are you?

- My name is Penru, a

member of the Byair tribe.

- Where are the others?

- Around.

They only allow themselves

to be seen when they wish.

- So they're underground.

- What gives you that idea?

- I heard about the caverns.

- Ah, the spelunker.

We monitored him closely.

Our elders deemed

his visit harmless,

more curious than hostile.

So we allowed him

to go on his way.

- Your elders are fools.

Never trust a human.

- I, I thought I knew your face.

Wow, the Xterminator.

I thought they dismantled you.

What are you doing on Mars?

- Looking for somebody.

- Oh. Who?

- The Premier.

- Oh, the crash landing.

- That's right.

Take me to him and

I'll let you live.

- My kind harbor's no ill

will toward you Xterminator.

- Call me X.

I need a guide and I

want to see the caverns,

and I want the Premier.

- I'd show you the catacombs

as you request X but,

you won't find

the Premier there.

- Where then?

- About five miles east of here.

I can provide

coordinates if you like.

- Tell me and beat it.

We have nothing else to discuss.

- I should tell you, there

is a colony base out there.

A single human who came in

peace and won over our elders.

He calls himself Woody.

- [X] Does he

harbor the Premier?

- [Penru] He does not.

He lives off the grid,

avoids other humans.

I suspect he had a bad

time of it on earth.

He will likely try

to befriend you.

- I don't do friends.

I'll collect Premier Sylus

and I'll be on my way.

(tense music)

- Now, you just stay put

right where you are Meg.

We're watching your every move.

There's nowhere to

run and no way out,

so just relax and

enjoy the ride.

- Oh I plan to, baits.

I plan to.

- You know we thought you'd

be more reluctant to fly,

being an aquatic animal and all.

- It's not flying that

concerns me, plankton.

It's crashing.

- Yeah, join the club.

And just to put

your mind at ease,

we are all top tier

engineers and mechanics,

and the flight crew

are decorated veterans.

Our planes don't crash.

Besides, Johnson here set down

a Cessna in his rookie year.

- From 14,000 feet, nose

dive for the last two,

straight down.

- And it doesn't happen twice,

so there's nothing

to worry about.

We'll reach the launch

pad within the hour,

then off you go.

- Sounds fun, chum.

It's been very nice

chatting with you morsels.

Since our time

together is almost up,

I think I'll quite

miss our repartee.

- [Ramirez] Maybe we'll

visit you sometime.

- I doubt it.

I highly doubt it.

- Who's up for sh*ts?

I'm gonna raid the galley.

- [Johnson] See if

we have any crown.

If not, Jack'll do.

- Gotcha.


- What was that?

- Engine two just blew.

Captain, pressure

is dropping fast.

- [Johnson] What?

(Megalodon laughing)

- [Behram] We're going

down, we're gonna crash.

- [Johnson] Is everyone okay?

- [Ramirez] I'm here, and

I snagged a fifth of Crown.

You want a hit Johnson?

- [Johnson] Where's the Meg?

Does anyone see the Meg?

Where's Holmes?


(Holmes groaning)

- Guys, guys, I

can't feel my legs,

can't move.

The water.

Water's rising.

- [Johnson] Outta

the water everyone,

that shark could be loose.

Shit, climb onto the

plane if you can.

- The stashed an escape cruiser,

just like they promised.

Let's see how she handles.

(tense music)

- That bubble-headed alien

better not have sent me

on a wild goose chase.

Lest I return and slaughter

her whole species,

saving her for last.

That rotten alien,

that no good swine.

They k*lled him and

picked his bones clean.

They k*lled the Premier.

There goes my last

bargaining chip.

The mortals have no reasons

to keep their word to me now.

The only way out is to get

my hands on their antivirus,

and k*ll them all.

- General, we just got

a report from the tower.

The plane transporting

the Megalodon

has dropped off the radar.

- What do you mean it's

dropped off the radar?

- They were cruising at

altitude and something happened.

The aircraft dipped 5,000

feet in less than 10 seconds

before radar lost it.

- They crashed?

- We're tapping the area's

surveillance drone now,

we should know shortly.

I told you moving the Meg

was a bad idea, Grace.

- You don't make the

decisions around here, Guy.

- Maybe I should.

- Yeah? And just how do you

plan to do that, Sergeant?

- I think you need

some time off.

Your methods are

becoming unsound.

- My methods are none of

your g*dd*mn business.

- I beg to differ.

- General Sherwood,

drone four is showing

aerial footage from the site.

It doesn't look good.

- They went down in the water.

Do we have communication?

Is anyone alive?

- There's been no

reply, I'm afraid.

I fear the flight

crews in grave danger.

- Damn it all.

They shouldn't be in this mess.

We may have lost a whole crew,

and unleashed the

Megalodon into the cosmos.

- We'll finish this

conversation later, Sergeant.

Send a rescue vessel

right away, Bort.

Round up as many of

our people as possible,

and issue an immediate

intergalactic KBB on the Meg.

Unless he's in pieces

on the ocean floor,

I want that shark found.

(upbeat music)

- To be free.

I nearly forgot what

the galaxy smells like.

I don't know what

I'd rather do more.

Tear the Xterminator

limb from limb,

or return the Premier

with one less leg.

I guess I'll make

up for the lost time

and do both. (laughing)

- Hi there, welcome

to my new Mars colony.

I come in peace with respect

to all species and cultures.

Would you like a hot tamale?

(Woody screaming)


- The humans are

so easy to butcher,

like lambs to the slaughter.

If I had taste buds, I'm

sure they'd be delectable.

This vessel is

quite comfortable.

Those lying pigs expecting

me to sit in the Mars dust,

and call them for pickup

like a ride share.

They won't expect this.

I'll drop the Premier's

bones at their quaking feet,

then send them to join

him in whatever hell

roasts his reptilian soul.

But first, the antivirus.

- [Grace] Lying down

on the job, Guy?

- Just getting a

little chiropractic

adjustment, General.

I hold all my job stress

in my neck and shoulders.

- There's no need to stress.

We're handling our business.

- Is that what you call it?

The Xterminator and the

Megalodon are on the loose.

Premier Sylus is

missing or dead,

and the galaxy's about

to go to w*r again.


- Dr. Moreau, may we

have some privacy?

- I'm not sure I want privacy

with the General, Doc.

- It's not a request

Sergeant, it's an order.

- Fritz is performing

electric stimulation therapy

on Sergeant Fawkes, General.

Interrupting will

negate its benefits.

May he remain to monitor

the Sergeant's vitals?

- Sure.

Fritz's brain is fried

like an egg anyway.

All he hears and sees

is blips and code.

He can continue.

We'll call you when we're

finished, Dr. Moreau.

- As you wish, General.

- I fear we've gotten off track

regarding our duties, Guy.

I wanted to talk about that.

- Do we have to do this now?

Fritz, can I sit up?

- Certainly Sergeant.

You'll be finished in a moment.

- Thanks.

General, I don't know what's

going on with you lately,

but your judgment's

not what it should be.

Moving the Meg was stupid,

and it bit us on the ass

like I said it would.

- You sprung the Xterminator

from decommissioned row.

I sprung the Meg from prison.

Seems like we're even.

- This isn't a contest, Grace.

The survival of the galaxy

hangs in the balance.

- I've been doing this longer

than you have, Sergeant,

and I have rank.

You're welcome to your opinion,

but we do things my way.

- You've made that

abundantly clear.

- Have I?

If you're intent on pulling

in another direction,

we could discuss reassignment.

- [Guy] Or we could go

before the judges tribunal

and see what they think.

- Are you threatening me?

- I'm just saying,

we have options.

- Well, in that

case, try this one.



(Guy grunting)

That looks like it hurts.

What number is that Fritz?

- Number 11, General Sherwood.

- 11?

That can't feel good.

It was set to what, two?

- Yes, madam.

- That'll teach you to

challenge my authority, Guy.

And unfortunately reassignment's

no longer on the table.

Your duty ends here.

Thank you for your service.


(ominous music)

- What have we here?

A launcher coming from Mars?

Who might you be?

Attention pilot.

Identify yourself or prepare

to be blasted from the stars.

- Blast from the stars?

Just try it, space rogue.

You offend a w*r machine.

- Ah, the Xterminator.

I suspected it was you but

I heard you were dismantled.

- You and everybody else.

Who am I speaking with?

- It's me, Robot.

The one and only Megalodon.

- Meg? I thought your

voice sounded familiar.

I heard you were serving 12

life sentences in a human gulag.

- Yes, but you know the mortals,

always looking to cut a deal.

- Indeed, what did

they promise you?

- [Megalodon] My freedom.

- [X] In exchange for?

- In exchange for

destroying you.


- Damn.

- So in closing,

I'd like to reiterate

that Sergeant Guy Fawkes

exemplified the very best

of what we all strive to be.

His honor, bravery,

and utter selflessness

in combat and duress are

traits we can all learn from.

May he rest in peace.

Bort, if you would,

open the airlock and

send our good Sergeant

to his final frontier.

- As you command,

General Sherwood.


- What in the stars

happened, Fritz?

The sergeant was perfectly

fine when I left.

And now this?

- It's quite

inexplicable, Doctor.

One moment he was

fine and the next

he was no more.

- Did something go

wrong with our systems?

Did he say anything?

Did he suffer.

- Negative.

We concluded the electric

stimulation session

and suddenly he collapsed.

I rushed to his aid but he

flat-lined almost immediately.

And revival proved unsuccessful.

- It makes no sense.

It's fantastic.

- Is it a bad time?

- General Sherwood,

I'm beside myself.

There's no good explanation

for what happened.

- We're all shaken, Doctor.

But if I know one thing,

it's that Guy would want us

to carry on for our own sakes.

- I'd like to conduct a

thorough autopsy myself,

if that is all right.

- That won't be

necessary, Dr. Moreau.

The Sergeant's already

been laid to rest.

- Laid to rest?

- Per his wishes.

We discussed it quite often.

He was adamant that we

not pause in his memory,

but remain vigilant

on all fronts.

- Where is the

body if I may ask?

- Jettisoned into deep space.

The stars are where

Guy was happiest.

It's only fitting that he

spend eternity among them.

- I see, I, I don't

know what to say.

- There's nothing

to say, Doctor.

Just resume your work, for Guy.

Bigfoot, come in.

Are you there?

- I'm here, lady.

I mean, General.

What's up?

- With the unfortunate

passing of Sergeant Fawkes,

I have an offer for you.

- Huh?

Some Sasquatches dream

of a call like this.

Talk to me.

- You've been a

reliable soldier for us

since the day you

joined our team.

How would you like to be ranked?

- Ranked?

You talking about size?

'Cause you know I'm

pretty confident.

- I have no doubt, but I'm

not talking about size.

I want you to do something

for me, right now.

- Damn, well since

you put it like that.

- I've given you

level A clearance,

effective immediately.

I want you to direct

an alpha crash override

on the Rune prison

planet at once.

- An alpha override, but, but,

that'll crash the power grid.

The prison will be unsecured,

wide open like a playground

for the galaxy's

biggest lunatics.

- Are you disobeying

a direct order, Foot?

Because I can just as easily

strip you of your rank

and court martial

your furry ass.

- Well, since you

put it that way.

(prisoners shouting)

(gates opening)

(implements clanging)

(monster roaring)

- Going somewhere? (laughing)

- Oh, this baby's

got some horsepower.

Finders keepers.

It's time to make the

friendly skies spookier.

Come on g*ng, let's

fly. (laughing)

Woo, what's this button do?


(monster laughing)

I'm free to do what I want

any old time.

- Code red, all

prisoners have escaped.

I repeat, all

prisoners have escaped.

(monster laughing)

- What have we here?

Are you seeing this, Cosgo?

(Cosgo growling)


- Looks like our dance will

have to wait, Xterminator.

Someone's cutting in.

- What?

Who are these clowns?

- Mind your tongue, wind up toy.

And this universe

is full of clowns,

but I'm the baddest. (laughing)


- No time for this.


- Hot damn.

Looks like w*r's unavoidable.

This whole galaxy

gonna pop like a pinata

with these crackpots in charge.

Why can't we all just get along?

I think it's high time I

got outta here for a while.

Back to nature,

back to my roots,

'sides, a little hibernation

does a Sasquatch good.

Maybe I'll wake

up, maybe I won't.

Maybe I'll just sit there for

a while, see what happens.

(wind blowing)

- Damn it.

I thought a galactic riot

would be good for us,

provide distraction and

cover for the cyborg

to get his titanium

ass back here.

Now it's caught in the

middle of a space melee.

Cyborg, what is

going on out there?

- I'm indisposed at the moment.

Hit me up later.

- Is the Premier with you?

- Yes.

- [Grace] Thank Heavens.

Are you coming back

to headquarters?

- That's the idea.

We'll see how it goes.

- We've got your back Cyborg.

Our laser shields are up,

but we can't help you in the

middle of that dog fight.

You have to get to our

sector eight loading hanger.

- You mean you can't reel me in?

- No.

- Good.

- Just bring the Premier

back in one piece, Cyborg.

- One piece, huh?

You got it.

- General Sherwood,

rebel forces are once again

clashing in the Ananaki system.

Armadas have mobilized

between planet Earth and Mars.

They're in a standoff.

We're moments away

from intergalactic w*r.

- Listen to me, Bort.

Premier Sylus will

be here shortly.

- The Premier's alive.

That's fantastic news.

- We have to stall.

A few minutes are all we need

for the Premier to

address the fighting.

Gather the news media for a

live broadcast, galaxy wide.

Galaxy wide.

(tense music)

- Going somewhere, X.

- The antivirus.

- Thought you'd never ask.

Right this way.

That's it.

(dramatic music)

The General's ordered

an immediate live

media conference, X.

I understand Premier

Sylus is with you.

- He is.

- Wonderful, he's to

address the galaxy at once.

Where is he?

- Nearby, he's

ready when you are.

But I have one question.

- Of course.

Anything you want, just name it.

- I'd like to

introduce the Premier.

- Introduce the Premier?


Between us, it's a deft move.

It will redraft public

perception of you.

You may even find yourself

with a new press secretary job.

- Hmm.

We'll see.

- We're about to go live.

Is the Premier here?


- We're live in three,

two, one, you're on.

- Greetings.

You all know me,

who I am and what I do.

Recently I found

myself apprehended,

facing this galaxy's

harshest penalty.

I'm sure some of you

would be glad to see me

smelted into a silvery puddle.

Alas, the humans offered

a deal, as humans do.

And having no other

recourse, I accepted.

Now, as I stand here

before the universe,

I fulfilled my end

of the bargain.

And much to my surprise, the

humans have fulfilled theirs.

- Clock's ticking.

Cut to the chase, Cyborg.

- I understand the cosmos now

teeters on the brink of w*r,

something I know only too well.

I love the screams

of the damned,

and the smell of

charred enemies.

And I especially love the

looks on idealistic faces

when they realize, despite

their naive yearnings,

that there is no hope.

- Jesus Christ.

Bort, tell the

Cyborg to wrap it up,

or cut this live feed and

rejoin when the Premier appears.

- Understood, General.

- Flesh and blood life

is fleeting, meaningless.

You all strive, toil,

suffer, and ultimately die.

And despite it all,

your best efforts are

mocked and forgotten

even before your

rancid corpses rots.

- Time, Xterminator.

Introduce Premier Sylus, please.

- Well, it looks

like our time's up,

as was the Premier's,

as yours soon shall be.

Without further ado,

I give you, your

beloved Premier Sylus.

(eerie music)

- [Grace] Cutaway Bort, cutaway.

(people shouting)

(light jazz music)

- [Voice On Radio] Central,

commencing perimeter search.

- Well, well, if it isn't my

good friend, General Sherwood,

how's your galaxy?

- Better by the minute since

we took you back into custody.

And don't worry,

our Cosmos Commando

Team is busy rounding up

the escaped prisoners

as we speak.

At the rate they're going,

Every one of those monsters

should be apprehended

by sunrise.

- You there, halt.

Do not move, hands

where I can see 'em.

Shut out that light and

get your on the ground,

or I will sh**t you

where you stand.

- sh**t me?

What about due process, Officer?

Last I checked,

it wasn't illegal

for a jack-o-lantern

to have a good time. (laughing)

- Well aren't you

special, General.

- Your words, not mine.

That was quite a stunt you

pulled at headquarters, X.

I hope you enjoyed it.

- I did.

Thank you for the opportunity.

- Don't thank me.

You'll never see the light

of day again after that.

- Ultraviolet rays

are overrated.

- I could say the same about AI.

- And yet it won't be long

before my AI replaces your

species in the cosmos, Grace.

- Maybe, maybe not.

Don't forget, we made you.

It's up to us to step aside

and let you take over.

- You will when it counts.

You humans always fail.

- You're one to talk.

You'll be incarcerated

until the next big bang.

- Only because you lying

maggots reneged on your deal.

- It has nothing to do with us.

You overplayed your hand.

Parading the Premier's corpse

in front of the entire

universe was a dumb move,

even for a tin man like you.

- Human compassion.

- You want compassion? Fine.

I have a job for you,

if you choose to accept.

We'd make one hell of a team, X.

- The name's Cyborg.

(wind blowing)

(people hooting and whistling)

- I thought I smelled blood.

- Keen senses Meg,

keep it that way.

- Don't worry, I plan to.

- [Grace] Looks like you're

doing well with your old g*ng.

- [Meg] Yes, I got the

bots back together.

- [Grace] Planning to

wreak havoc, I presume.

- [Meg] You know me.

- Yes, yes I do.

And that's why I have

another deal for you.

- No one's surfaced

since yesterday.

Safe to say, they're all dead.

Rest in peace, bros.

It's kind of chill out

here all by myself.


This is exactly how I

envisioned retirement.

Without all the guys

to chum the water,

maybe I can catch

some of these waves.

Or maybe not.

(dramatic electronic music)

(X breathing heavy)