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01x17 - To Tell the Truth

Posted: 07/08/23 08:06
by bunniefuu
♪ Wake up in the morning, let's start the day! ♪"

♪ Wimzie!"

♪ Everybody's coming over to play! ♪"

♪ Get up mom and dad the kids will be here ♪"

♪ At wimzie's house!"

♪ At wimzie's house!"

♪ Go to grandma's room, is she still in her bed? ♪"

♪ She's already in the kitchen baking bread! ♪"

♪ Forget the stairs use railing instead! ♪"

♪ At wimzie's house!

♪ At wimzie's house!

♪ Spend a day with wimzie, her family and friends! ♪"

♪ Welcome to a place where the fun never ends! ♪ (Door bell rings)"

♪ Everybody here is waiting for you ♪

♪ At wimzie's house!

♪ At wimzie's house!

♪ Because we're laughing and we're learning ♪

♪ We're singing a song (door bell rings)

♪ If you learn to trust your feelings ♪

♪ You'll never go wrong

♪ And you know that we will always belong ♪

♪ At wimzie's house! (Door creaking shut)

♪ At wimzie's house!

♪ At wimzie's house!

♪ At wimzie's house!

♪ At wimzie's house!

Today's story on wimzie's house:

To tell the truth!

Oh yes, julie.

No, julie. I understand.

I really have to go now, julie.

Yes, of course, you're right.

Yes, right, julie.

(Giggling) julie, julie!


Yaya: yes, yes, of course, julie.

Well, I'm sorry, but I really have to go now.

Talk to you later. Goodbye now, julie.


Yaya: it's incredible!

That's the third time julie called this morning.

She's a wonderful friend,"

But she really does love to talk."

(Chuckling) now, I'll go and make the beds."


Would you keep an eye on bo for a moment?"

Ooh, yeah!"

Sure. No problem, grandma."




Hmm, I'm still hungry."

Uh...oh, right: cereal."

Yeah, I'll have cereal."

I love cereal."


Oh, man, this is heavy!"

(Grunting) I'm not supposed to lift heavy boxes like this."

The box, box, box!"

(Grunting) oh, but I can do it."


I'm strong now!"


Mess, mess!"


I'd better clean this up and fast!"

(Nervous panting)"

Rousso: what happened here?"

Uh...heh! Here?"


Uh, well, uh..."




Rousso: wimzie,"

You didn't try to pour cereal"

From that big box by yourself, did you?"

Uh, well, i... Uh, well, myself?"

(Giggling) you mean, uh, by my..."

By myself?"


Well, i..."

Rousso: wimzie..."

You know that's a no-no."

You know you're not strong enough yet"

To lift heavy boxes like that."

I didn't do it! Bo knocked it over."


He didn't mean to, daddy."


Oh, of course he didn't."

I know, it was just an accident."



I'll clean it up, daddy."

Oh, thank you."

Thank you, honey."

I'd like to help, but I'm in a rush."

We're getting a new truck"

At the firehouse,"

(Chuckling) and I have..."

I have to check out the engine."


(Siren wailing)"



Box, box!"

Wimzie: oh,"

I'm sorry, bo."

I was afraid to tell him what I did."

Oh. Ah."


(Scat singing)"

(Vacuum cleaner whirring)"

(Yelling) grandma?"

Can I ask you something?"

(Singing and whirring continue)"

It's really important!"

(Startled shriek)"

Wimzie! You scared me."

Why didn't you say something"

When you came in?"

I did!"

But the vacuum was making a lot of noise."

Wait a minute!"

(Yaya clicks off vacuum)"

(Yelling) oh, what do you want, dear?"

Why are you yelling?"

Well, because... (Stammering)"

(Both giggling)"

Uh, is telling a lie such a bad thing?"

Uh, yes."

Lies can hurt other people."

Oh, that's what I thought, grandma."

This morning,"

I did something I shouldn't have done"

And I told daddy that bo did it."


That wasn't very nice."

I know."

Uh, I'd better tell him the truth, huh?"

Yes, that would be a good idea."

Do you think he'll still love me"

If I tell him I lied?"

You should never be afraid"

To tell your parents the truth."

They love you no matter what!"

Yeah, you're right."

So then, I'll daddy the truth when he comes home."

(Giggling) I feel better already!"

(Giggling) and you're going to feel even better,"

Because I made a batch of my peanut butter burples"

Especially for your snack time!"

Oh, peanut butter burples!"

Oh, yay!"

I'll go tell everybody."

Yes, you do that."

Well, now..."

(Vacuum cleaner whirring)"

Let's get back to work."


Come on, horace!"

Yeah, throw the ball!"

Wimzie: hey, everybody!"

Grandma made peanut butter burples"

For snack time!"

Jonas, loulou and horace: peanut butter burples for snack time!"


Can I have two?"

Sure, but why?"

Uh, because I told the tooth fairy"

That next time yaya made burples,"

I'd bring her one."

You didn't talk to the tooth fairy!"

Yes, I talked to the tooth fairy."

Nobody sees the tooth fairy;"

She's invisible!"


How did you talk to her if she's invisible?"


Horace is making it up!"

Horace is telling us a...lie!"

No, it's all true!"

I really talked to the tooth fairy."

Boy, this truth stuff isn't easy."

Aw, never mind."

Don't worry, horace."

I told a lie this morning,"

And I'm not proud of myself."

Bye, kids! See you tomorrow morning."


(Yaya moaning)"

What a day."

Oh, I feel so tired."

I just want to sit down and have some peace and quiet"

For ten minutes."


We'll play the peace and quiet game."

(Phone ringing)"


I don't want to answer it."

I'm so tired. Ohh."

Wimzie: maybe it's important."

Ah, yes."

(Phone button beeping) yes, hello?"

(Gasping) oh, it's you, julie."

Oh, dear, I'd love to talk,"

But I'm on my way out the door."

Yes, I'm taking wimzie to the doctor's."

No, it's nothing serious,"

But I have to leave right now."

Yes, I'll talk to you later. Bye, julie."


You told her a lie!"

You told a lie!"


♪ I swear without the slightest hesitation ♪"

♪ Love is what inspires this declaration ♪"

♪ It's love that plays the symphony I am feeling ♪"

♪ I cannot conceal the feeling that I feel ♪"

Rousso and graziella: ♪ what can I do"

♪ My love is true..."

♪ It's love"

♪ That makes life worth living ♪"

♪ Love makes each ordinary day ♪"

♪ Sweeter than the month of may ♪"

♪ Just as sweet as sweet can be ♪"

Rousso: ♪ it's love "

(Graziella giggling)"

Rousso: ♪ it's love that makes my heart keep beating ♪"

♪ Love takes us to paradise"

♪ Love gives everything more spice ♪"

Both: ♪ when you're here in love with me ♪"

♪ And so here's to love"

Graziella: whoa!"

Listen, wimzie."

I know that what I just told julie"

Sounded like a lie, but-"


No, it was a lie!"

You told julie you couldn't talk to her"

Because you were taking me to the doctor's"

And that's not true."


You're right, wimzie."

I shouldn't have said that,"

But I was tired"

And I didn't really want to talk to her again."

Why didn't you just tell her?"


Well, I think that if I tell julie the truth-"

That I don't want to talk to her-"

It might hurt her feelings."

You mean, if..."

If you don't want to hurt someone,"

It's okay to lie?"

No, no."

It's never okay to lie to someone."

I'm confused."

Look here."

I was wrong telling that little lie to julie,"

And after dinner,"

I'll call her and tell her the truth, hmm?"

(Bo babbling)"


Graziella: bo, sweetheart..."

Don't play with your food."

Eat ball! Eat ball ball!"

No, that's not a meatball, sweetheart,"

That's a piece of meat loaf, right?"


(Clearing throat)"

Wimzie: daddy?"

What are you doing with your meat lo-"

Rousso: shhh."

Oh, uh, rousso?"


I think wimzie has something to tell you."




Rousso: yes?"

Remember this morning"

When bo spilled the cereal?"

Ah, yes."

Wimzie: well..."

Bo didn't do it."

I, uh... I did."

And I lied to you"

Because I know you told me,"

"Never pick up a box of cereal;"

It's too heavy.""

I'm sorry."

I shouldn't have lied."

But... No, you shouldn't have."

But even worse than lying,"

You blamed it on your little brother."

Bo! Bo baa."

Rousso: if bo wasn't a baby,"

You could've gotten him into trouble."

I know."

I'm sorry, bo."

Rousso: well, good."

But you did the right thing"

By, uh... (Clearing throat)"

Telling us the truth now."

(Half laughs) oh, grandma, you were right."

Telling the truth feels really good."

Ah, well, that's fine, then."

Who's for seconds of my meat loaf?"

Rousso(panicked) uh..."

Rousso! I see a hungry fireman."

Your plate's empty."

Yes, that's because, uh, I love it so much"

I ate all of your meat loaf."


But daddy, you didn't eat it."

You put it in your napkin!"



Uh, yes?"

Was something wrong with my meat loaf?"

No, no. Really, dear,"

I love your meat loaf."

Oh, but then why did you put it in your napkin?"

Well, i, uh..."

You really wanna know the truth?"

I do."

Well, all right. Here goes."

I don't like it."

Why didn't you tell me before?"

Because I didn't want to hurt your feelings."

Well, then,"

The next time you want to eat meat loaf,"

You can get somebody else to cook it!"


But graziella, my little meat loaf..."

(Stammering) my darling, don't get mad!"

You asked me to tell you the truth!"


Boy, this truth stuff isn't easy."

(Birds chirping)"

Good morning, everyone!"

Ready for a brand new day?"


They aren't talking to each other."


That's because they're still a little angry"

About the meat loaf."

But daddy told the truth, right?"

And everyone says"

We should always tell the truth!"


That's right, wimzie."

Then why did you get mad at daddy"

When he told you the truth about the meat loaf, hmm?"


I know I was, uh, I was wrong."

I shouldn't have gotten angry."

I'm sorry, rousso."

Uh, and i..."

I'm sorry I didn't tell you the truth before."

From now on, let's always tell the truth."


You know, you're right."

(Chuckling) uh, graziella?"

Uh, your coffee..."


It tastes like dishwater."


(Rousso laughing)"

I'm only kidding!"


(Laughing) oooh, everything's back to normal!"

And everybody told the truth."

I guess the truth is okay after all!"


The mail's here, everyone."


Anything for me? Anything for me?"

Well, let's see."

Uh, here's one for your dad."

Here's one for me."

What? Oh."

And, ooh! This one's for you."


Yaya: look!"

Oh, can you read it for me? Hmm?"

Yaya: of course, honey."


Now, um..."

"I'm such a smarty I'm having a party."

You're invited to my birthday. Signed, goliath.""

Ah, a party!"

A party!"

Oh, that's marve-luper- super-fantastic!"

(Doorbell ringing)"

The kids are here!"

Oh, I can't wait to tell them"

About the party! Yahoo!"


Hello, everyone!"

Jonas and loulou: 'morning."

Guess what?"


Goliath is having a birthday party!"


We know."

And he didn't invite us."


He's not our friend anymore."


Yaya: oh, dear, oh, dear. I don't think"

You should say that."

Maybe goliath had a good reason"

For not inviting you to his party."

Er...well, uh,"

Maybe his house is too small for a big party."

His party's outside... In the garden."

There's enough room in his garden for the whole world."


Did he invite you, wimzie?"


Uh, did he invite me? Invite me?"


Wimzie: you mean, like, uh,"

Did he, like, did he invite me?"

Oh, that all depends"

What you mean by "invite.""



He invited me."

And are you going?"

Am I going? Am I go...well,"

That all depends on what you mean."

Now, wimzie... Hmm?"

Yes. I'm going."


Well, wimzie, you're not our friend anymore either!"

Horace and loulou: mm-mm!"


How come when you tell the truth"

People get so mad?"




♪ Attention everyone let's all have some fun ♪"

♪ It's true-or-false this brand new game ♪"

♪ It's true-or-false its name ♪"


Here we go, question one!"

♪ Summertime it always snows a lot, true or false ♪"

It's false!"

It's true!"


No, I mean,"

It's true that it's false!"


Here we go for question two!"

♪ At night the sun shines bright ♪"

♪ And warms us up, true or false ♪"

It's false!

It's false!


That's right, it's false!

Everybody's right.


Here we go, question three!

♪ You are all my friends

♪ My good good friends true or false ♪

It's true!

It's false!


You're not just my good good friends,

You're the bestest, most wonderfulest friends

In the entire world!

Ha-ha! Ha-ha!



Why do people get so mad when they hear the truth?"

You see,

Well, sometimes it's hard for people

To hear the truth

Because it makes them feel bad.

Do you understand?


Maybe I shouldn't tell the truth.

I don't want anybody to feel bad.

(Chuckling) wimzie,

Your friends are hurt

Because goliath didn't invite them to his party."

But you know, honey, the truth is,

He can invite anyone he wants.

But if I go to his party, my friends will be mad at me."

Well, they shouldn't be.

It's not your fault

You got invited and they didn't.

Yeah, but I don't have to go.

But wimzie,

Don't you want to go to the party?


But I don't want my friends to be mad at me.

I'm going to call goliath to tell him I'm not coming."

(Phone buttons beeping)

Are you sure about this, wimzie?


(Phone ringing)

Hello, goliath?

This is wimzie. Yeah.

I got your invitation. Thank you, but...

I'm not coming.

Why is that?

Well, I'm going on vacation...yeah!

But happy birthday and thanks anyway.

(Gasping) wimzie!

After all we said about telling the truth,

Why did you just go ahead and lie to goliath?

I was gonna tell him the truth,

But then I thought he'd get mad at me!

And 'cause my friends are already mad at me.

Well, I was scared to tell him.

Oh, I know.

Oh, wimzie,

I know that telling the truth is scary sometimes."


Hey, everybody!

Guess what?

We aren't talking to you.


You don't have to talk, just listen!

I'm not going to goliath's birthday party.

Horace, loulou and jonas: yay!

You didn't really want to go

To his stinky old party anyway!

Yeah, guess not.

Hey, maybe we can have our own party!


All: yeah!



Yaya: oh! Something smells wonderful.


Rousso: yum yum yum yum! I'm hungry.

Okay! You can open your eyes now.


Hey! Oh.

A meat loaf.

Yaya: ah, well, now.

A eat ball!

You'll have some, bo.


Honey, you don't have to eat it

If you don't want to.

Uh, no, no, no.

You made it, darling, and I'll, uh, um...

I'll eat it.


(Munching) it's delicious.

It's really delicious!

(Babbling excitedly)

Daddy, don't tell lies.

Rousso: hmm?

You hate mommy's meat loaf!

But, uh, this one doesn't taste at all

Like your mom's meat loaf.

You're right! It looks extra good.


I get it!


You ordered takeout from mister meat loaf!

No, dear, I really cooked it myself.

Thanks to you, I realized

I was making the meat loaf wrong.

I had always left out

An important ingredient!


(Chuckling) yeah, the taste.


Bo: uh-oh...


Bo eat ball!

(Imitating an airplane sound)

(Horace and loulou chuckling)

Hey! 'Morning, everybody.

Horace, loulou and jonas: 'morning!

Horace: should we tell her?

Jonas: oh, yeah!

Tell me what?

(Giggling) loulou, you tell her.

Okay, I'll tell her.

When we all got home last night,

We all had invitations for goliath's party!

And we're all gonna go!

Horace: mm-hmm.

That's not fair!

I said I wasn't going

Because you guys weren't invited!

Boy, that was silly.

Now I'll be the only one not going!

Well, call him and tell him

You've changed your mind.

Yeah! Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.




(Giggling) I knew it.

(Sighing) what should I say to goliath?

You remember the excuse you gave him?

Yes, I told him I was going on vacation.

Well, then, it's time for you to tell him the truth."

But he'll know I lied to him.

Well, you were brave enough to tell your father"

That you lied to him.

It's ringing.




Yes, it's wimzie.


Uh, about your party...

You know when I told you

I was going on vacation?

Well, my vacation has been cancelled!

(Gasping) wimzie!

(Stammering) actually, that's not true.

I wasn't going on vacation, no.

I said that 'cause the other kids

Didn't get invitations to your party

And they felt bad.


And they didn't wanna be my friends if I went;

You understand.

So, I lied to you.

But now, they got invitations

And uh, I'd like to change my mind.

Can i, please?

Oh, I can?


(Giggling) thank you. Bye.



That was really hard.

Oh, I'm very proud of you, sweetheart.

Yeah. Thank you.

Oh, my gosh!

What am I gonna wear to the party?

My red vest? No, the blue one.

Or maybe the pink one!

(Both laughing)

(Phone ringing)

Yes, hello?

Oh, hello, julie.

Er...yes, julie.

You must be kidding!

(Whispering) hey, hey, hey!

Are you gonna tell julie the truth?

Uh, yes. Yes, I'll do it.

You know, julie, uh...

You know, uh, I have a confession.

Uh, the other day

When I told you I was taking wimzie to the doctor?"

Well, uh, that wasn't true.

I was very tired and I didn't feel like talking,"

So I made up an excuse.



Well, julie, to tell you the truth, you...

Come on, tell her! Come on!

Yes, it's that you kinda like to talk a lot.

(Julie babbling over phone)


You talk a lot because you think I like to talk a lot?"


I guess we both had earaches

Because we didn't tell each other the truth!


Well, then,

Talk to you tomorrow?

That's all right.

(Chuckling) goodbye, now.

(Phone button beeping)



Oh, well.

That wasn't as hard as I thought.

Anyway, grandma,

I'm very proud of you.

And I'm proud of us, wimzie!
