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01x15 - Queen For a Day

Posted: 07/08/23 08:04
by bunniefuu
♪ Wake up in the morning, let's start the day! ♪"

♪ Wimzie!"

♪ Everybody's coming over to play! ♪"

♪ Get up mom and dad the kids will be here ♪"

♪ At wimzie's house!"

♪ At wimzie's house!"

♪ Go to grandma's room, is she still in her bed? ♪"

♪ She's already in the kitchen baking bread! ♪"

♪ Forget the stairs use railing instead! ♪"

♪ At wimzie's house!

♪ At wimzie's house!

♪ Spend a day with wimzie, her family and friends! ♪"

♪ Welcome to a place where the fun never ends! ♪ (Door bell rings)"

♪ Everybody here is waiting for you ♪

♪ At wimzie's house!

♪ At wimzie's house!

♪ Because we're laughing and we're learning ♪

♪ We're singing a song (door bell rings)

♪ If you learn to trust your feelings ♪

♪ You'll never go wrong

♪ And you know that we will always belong ♪

♪ At wimzie's house! (Door creaking shut)

♪ At wimzie's house!

♪ At wimzie's house!

♪ At wimzie's house!

♪ At wimzie's house!

Today on wimzie's house, "queen for a day!"



It's nice to see

You've got your appetite back, rousso.

Rousso: mmm!

These curlcakes are delicious!

(Chuckling) but they'd be better with fruit bumps."


I guess you must be over your flu bug now.

(Humming and munching)

Yaya: you're right.

It was a really nasty flu. Everyone around here had it:"

Rousso, jonas,

Loulou and horace and graziella.

Bo flu!"

That's right, bo. You got it too."

Yes, everybody except-"






I don't feel so good."


Aaah! Oh, look out!"

She's gonna blow again!"


Hit the deck!"



It's okay, everybody. I'm not gonna-"



Looks like you finally caught that bug, wimzie."



Please call the other parents"

And tell them wimzie's sick."

They may not want loulou, jonas and horace"

To come over here today."

Yes, but they've already all been sick"

With the flu."

They won't... They won't"

Get the bug twice in a row."


I know, rousso;"

But it's only right to let them know"

And give them the choice."

Oh, okay, I'll do it."

All right, I'll call."

Oh, come on, young lady."

Let's get you to bed so you can rest, hmm?"

Mom, do I have to?"

Yes, you do... And no arguments."

Come on."


Watch out! She's gonna blow again!"



(Chuckling) that was close."

Uh, question- is it safe to come out now?"

It's all right. Come on, honey."


Achoo, achoo! Achoo, achoo!"


Now, there you are."

But mommy..."


(Stuffed-up voice) I wanna play with my friends."

Well, you'll be able to see your friends"

And play with them again"

After you've rested and gotten better."

All right?"

Yes, okay. I'll rest."


That's my girl. Rest a bit now."



Oh, that's it!"

I'm rested."

Can I see my friends now? Huh?"

You're going to have to rest"

A bit longer than that, honey."

Oh, how long then?"

Until you're all better."



(Door creaking)"

I hate it!"

Being sick is boring, boring, boring, boring!"

(Sniffling) oh, I'm still hot."

This is gonna take all day!"


Aw... (Sniffling)"

Good morning."

Loulou: ah, 'morning."

Jonas: good morning, everyone."

Graziella: hello, everybody."

Good morning."

Your parents said it was okay to come"

Even though wimzie has the flu."

Horace: oh, well, she must have got it from me."

I had it really bad!"

Uh, no. She must have got it from me."

I had it even badder than you."

I beg to differ,"

But I'm sure she got it from me"

Because I sneezed on her!"




Rousso: well, anyway,"

You kids aren't very likely"

To catch the flu again."

You've already had it,"

And so now you've all built up a resistance."

Rousso, what's a re... Resistance?"

Well, uh... It means that..."

That your body's learned how to put up a fight"

Against the flu bug."

It's become stronger, more resistant."

Horace: oh."

So when I have the flu, I become as strong as a boxer?"



Well, you could put it like that-"


But in any case, for the time being,"

Wimzie will stay in her room"

So she can rest and get better."

Right, wimzie?"


Rousso: wimzie!"

What are you doing down here?"

(Stuffed-up voice) I need a hanky! My nose is blocked."


Back to bed! Go rest, young lady."


Yeah, that's my flu bug, all right."

I'd recognize the sneeze anywhere!"


You can't come downstairs, wimzie."

You have to stay up here and rest!"

But what if I need something?"

Just call for grandma. There, good."

(Stuffed-up voice) call grandma? Okay."


Dad and I are off to work now."

Now, remember:"

You'll only get better"

If you stay in bed and rest, hmm?"


(Sniffling) yeah, yeah."

(Door creaking)"

If I need anything, just call grandma."


I'd better practise, then."

Grandma! Hey, grandma?"

Yeah, that's great."

I need something."

(Sniffling) grandma!"


It's your turn, jonas."

Yeah, okay."

In order to follow the scientific method,"

I need complete silence."


All right?"


Shh, shh."

(Sniffling) grandma!"

Hey, grandma!"

Be careful..."

Huh? You'll lose if you make it fall."

I know, I know!"

Just be quiet, okay?"

Loulou and horace: uh-huh."


Hey, grandma!"

Hey, you guys, did you hear something?"





Wimzie(screaming) grandmaaa!"



(Plate clatters)"


Loud! Wimzie loud!"

You can say that again, bo!"





Here I am."


What took you so long?"


I was yelling for hours!"

It's hard to hear you all the way downstairs."

What do you want?"

You know, now I forget!"

You just took too long!"


Now, here's an idea."

Next time,"

Next time you need me up here,"

You just blow into"

This handy moose call, wimzie."

And then I'll be sure to hear you."

But only if it's important, hmm?"


(Inhales deeply)"

(Moose call sounds)"

(Chuckling) what is it?"

Wimzie: ah."

I was just testing."

Ah, just testing. Ah."

Testing's important, right?"

Uh, yes, yes. (Chuckling)"


(Door creaking)"

♪ I've been sick in bed all day and night ♪"

♪ Here in my old big bed by myself ♪"

♪ But I'm bored to tears and I must find a way ♪"

♪ To get over this cold and get well ♪"

♪ I sniff and I sneeze and then I sneeze again ♪"

♪ I'm really sick of being sick ♪"

Others: ♪ la-la-la la-la-la-la-la"

Wimzie: ♪ I'm doomed to stay alone in my room ♪"

♪ I'm sick- achoo!"

♪ Of being sick"

♪ Sometimes somebody comes into my room ♪"

♪ They bring me hankies and hot cups of tea ♪"

♪ But I don't need more pills or medicine ♪"

♪ I just need all my friends here with me ♪"

♪ I sniff and I sneeze and then I sneeze again ♪"

♪ I'm really sick of being sick ♪"

Others: ♪ la-la-la la-la-la-la-la"

Wimzie: ♪ I'm doomed to stay alone in my room ♪"

♪ I'm sick of being- achoo!"

♪ I'm sick- achoo!"

♪ Of being- ah, ahh, ahhh..."

Others: bless you!"

Wimzie: ♪ sick!"

Yaya(chuckling) there you are, bo."

(Bo babbling)"

Yaya: tell me, kids, hmm?"

Would you all help me to take care of wimzie today?"

Oh sure, yaya. We'll help you."

What can we do?"

Well, uh, if she calls,"

Just go and see what she wants."

Oh, I'll go! I'll go."

Horace: but..."

How will we hear wimzie?"

Well, whenever she wants something,"

She'll blow in the moose call."

Oh, that's what that was."

She was the one doing..."

(Imitates moose call)"

We thought a great big elephant had come into the house!"

No, no, no, no, no!"


Jonas: got it."

If we hear her, we'll go."

'Kay, let's go back and play."



Ahh, ahhh..."

(Moose call sounds)"

Loulou and horace: oh, no!"

Jonas: who'll go?"

I'll go up."


Hi. What do you want?"

(Stuffed-up voice) you're not grandma!"

Um...yaya's busy."


Could I have a glass of orange juice, please?"

Orange juice?"


Comin' right up!"

(Vrooms lake a race car)"

(Brakes squeal)"


What took you so long?"


I had to squeeze the oranges."



Oh, no."

(Moose call sounds)"


I want it in a cup!"

A cup?"




(Vrooms like a race car)"

(Brakes squeal)"

Oh, boy."

(Impatiently) I'm waiting..."


Sorry. Had to wash the cup."



Oh, oh!"

(Moose call sounds)"

(Brakes squeal)"

What is it this time?"

I'd like a straw, please, horace."

What? A straw?"


A straw?!"


(Groaning) a straw!"


(Vrooms like a race car)"

(Brakes squeal)"


(Horace groaning)"

Huh, huh."

Huh? Ah."



Sorry I took so long, wimzie."

I had go out and buy the straw."


(Moose call sounds)"

What now?"

Uh, the straw you gave me is red."

I wanted a blue one."


I bought all the colours just in case."





Well, that should keep wimzie quiet"

For a little bit."



(Moose call sounds)"



Yes, dear?"

Wimzie's moose-calling us every single minute!"

We can't play anymore."


And when she goes... (Imitating moose call)"


It's beginning to really hurt my ears."

Yes, and I've been running up and down"

The stairs a lot."

(Sighing) wimzie's resting is making me tired."

Jonas and loulou: mm-hmm."

She isn't really resting, is she?"

(Moose call sounds)"


All: oh!"

Yaya: well!"

That does it!"

I'll just go upstairs and talk to her, hmm?"




It's taking so long."


Where have you been, grandma?"

Oh, wimzie!"

You can't possibly rest"

Blowing that thing every minute."


But I'm so bored!"

There's nothing to do here."

I've counted all the flowers on my comforter"

And all the yellow things on my shelf."

(Sniffling) I've even scratched my nose with my toenails,"

And now, I'm really bored!"

(Sniffling) can't I go downstairs"

And play with my friends?"

No, honey."

You have to rest in bed so you can get better."



Well...could i, could I at least"

Play with bo?"

He's little. He won't make me tired."

No, wimzie, no."

You can't play with bo either."



Grandma says you can't stay!"

Ah! (Giggling)"

Aw, oh!"


Oh, you little scamps!"




Aw, I'm bored!"


(Softly) the hardest thing about making a souffle, bo,"

Is not making any noise."


Otherwise, the souffle will fall flat."

Oh. Shhh."

That's right."

We have to be so very quiet."

Aha! Ahhh!"




(Moose call sounds)"



The souffle looks just-"

(Moose call sounds)"

Both: ahhh!"

(Panicked) oh-oh-oh-oh!"


(Moose call sounds)"

All: aaah!"


That does it!"

Enough of that moose call noise!"

She can blow in that thing"

All she wants; I won't go up."

Loulou and jonas: me neither! Hmph."

♪ She can blow that thing a lot ♪"

♪ But I'm not moving from this spot ♪"

♪ Yeah, she can blow it till she's blue ♪"

♪ But I'm stickin' right here just like glue ♪"

♪ Wimzie's sick and feeling sad ♪"

♪ But she is treatin' us oh-so-bad ♪"

Jonas, loulou and horace: ♪ and we're not takin' any more ♪"

♪ No, no more

♪ No, no more!

♪ Sometimes friends can make you mad ♪

♪ Sometimes friends can make you sad ♪

♪ But if friends make you feel bad ♪

♪ Talk about it oo-wah

♪ Be willing to bend

♪ And I'm sure you'll have your friends in the end ♪"

♪ Sometimes friends can make you mad ♪

♪ Sometimes friends can make you sad ♪

♪ If your friends make you feel bad ♪

♪ Talk about it oo-wah

♪ Be willing to bend

♪ And I'm sure you'll have your friends in the end ♪"

♪ And we're sure you'll have your friends in the end ♪"


(Giggling) coochie-coochie-coo!

Jonas: yaya? Yaya!

What is it?

Wimzie is driving us crazy!

That's right. Look at this!

My hands are shaking.

We can't have fun anymore!

Bo: bo!

(Imitating moose call)


She is overdoing it, isn't she?

And she is certainly not getting her rest.

(Moose call sounds)


All: oh!

Yaya: ohhh!

That's it!

I'm gonna speak to her right now!

(Moose call sounds)


(Moose call sounds)


(Moose call sounds)

That is enough, young lady!

If you don't stop blowing that thing...


I'll take it away from you, hmm?

Oh, grandma, don't do that!

What if i... If I need you?

Hmm. Well then, honey,

Use it only in an emergency, okay?

(Sniffling) okay.

You've got your colouring books, you've got your drink"

And your blue straw, your hankies,

Your pillows are fluffed up,

Your comforter is tucked in...


You have everything you need.

The one thing you need the most

And are not getting enough of is a good rest!



(Sniffling) I'm sorry, grandma.




I'm bored.

I wanna do something fun!

Well, we can't.

Uh, the minute we try to do something,

Wimzie blows that silly moose call

And ruins everything.

Horace: hmm,


I bet you the second

I start playing with my race cars-


She's gonna start blowing and making a noise,

And my cars will go right out the window.


(Imitates engine revving)

(Imitates brakes squealing) ka-pow!

Loulou: yeah,

And if I started coloring,

I'd be right in the middle of trying to get to the edge,"

Then I'd suddenly hear... (Imitates moose call)"

I'd scribble all over the page!

(Sighing) well,

So what can we do, then?

(Sighing) nothing.


Oh, well, bo.

Should I make another souffle or not?

Oh, yeah! Ouffle, ouffle, yeah!

Oh, I can't do it!

The minute my souffle is in the oven,

Wimzie will blow her moose call, and...

Oh! Pfft pfft pffft pfft.

Yaya(giggling) oh, yes!

You're right. A very flat souffle!




She's been awfully quiet.

Yeah, right. Much too quiet!

She's supposed to be resting.

Oh, why is she teasing us like that?

Ugh! She's driving me crazy!

I know that any minute now,

She'll just start making that awful noise!

(Loulou whining)

What are you kids doing?

Horace: nothing.


We're afraid to start anything,

In case wimzie wants something

And blows that silly moose call.

Oh, I know what you mean.

I wonder why she's not doing it anymore.


Oh, I just can't stand it!

Hey! I have an idea.

We could bring wimzie

Everything a sick kid wants

So she'll finally stop blowing

On that horrible moose call!

Yeah! After we do,

We could play without worrying.

Yes, great idea!

Let's think

What you want to have if you were sick in bed?

Uh... An apple.

(Excited) uh, lots of comic books!

My teddy bear!

And a lot more comic books!

A tape player and a game, too!

Loulou: and soapy water

To blow bubbles!

Jonas: oh!

And what about my dirt collection?

Oh, jonas...

Nobody wants your dirt collection.

Oh. Well, okay.


Maybe we could help her start a dust bunny collection!"

There's lots of them under the table.

What good ideas you have.

Let's take her all those things, okay?

Come on, quick...

Before she starts blowing that thing again!



Horace: oh, she's asleep.

Yaya: good.

Don't wake her up!

Let's leave all the goodies quietly.

Jonas: yes!

Hey, this is great.

Now we can play all we want!

I can get started on another souffle.



Told you we should have brought her

Some dust bunnies.

She's already got quite a collection under here!"

Come on out, quick.

(Door creaking and closing)


Well, the souffle is in the oven

And it looks like it will be just right.

Oh, it's so lovely to have this quiet.

Ah, yeah!

I can finally hear myself think!

(Moose call sounds)


Aaah! Uh-oh.


Oh, my souffle collapsed again!

Horace: you made my tower fall down again!

Jonas: aw, we brought you all this nice stuff..."

How come you called us?

(Blowing nose)

I wanted to say something.

Yaya: what?

Thank you.

Jonas: what? Thank you?


And that's why you blew your silly moose call?

Wimzie: yes.

And I wanted to say I'm sorry for being such a pest!"

(Blowing nose) you guys are the best in the whole wide world!"

Huh. It was nothing at all.

That's very nice of you, wimzie.

And now I want to give you something.


Take it. Take it, grandma.

Ooh, thank you.

I also want to promise

Not to ask for anything else

Unless it's really important.

I'm going to lie here in bed

And rest to get better quickly!

Well, good. Get some more sleep, honey.

We're going to go back-

(Moose call sounds)

Yaya: what was that?


What was that?


(Moose call sounds)
