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01x12 - To Share or Not To Share

Posted: 07/08/23 08:02
by bunniefuu
♪ Wake up in the morning, let's start the day! ♪"

♪ Wimzie!"

♪ Everybody's coming over to play! ♪"

♪ Get up mom and dad the kids will be here ♪"

♪ At wimzie's house!"

♪ At wimzie's house!"

♪ Go to grandma's room, is she still in her bed? ♪"

♪ She's already in the kitchen baking bread! ♪"

♪ Forget the stairs use railing instead! ♪"

♪ At wimzie's house!

♪ At wimzie's house!

♪ Spend a day with wimzie, her family and friends! ♪"

♪ Welcome to a place where the fun never ends! ♪ (Door bell rings)"

♪ Everybody here is waiting for you ♪

♪ At wimzie's house!

♪ At wimzie's house!

♪ Because we're laughing and we're learning ♪

♪ We're singing a song (door bell rings)

♪ If you learn to trust your feelings ♪

♪ You'll never go wrong

♪ And you know that we will always belong ♪

♪ At wimzie's house! (Door creaking shut)

♪ At wimzie's house!

♪ At wimzie's house!

♪ At wimzie's house!

♪ At wimzie's house!

Today's story on wimzie's house is called:

"To share or not to share".


Horace skates down the ice!

Outta my way.

Wimzie: no! It's mine!

Loulou: come on!

Not a chance!

Aw, come on.


I wanna play with it!

And now horace boldly... sh**t the puck!

Wimzie: no! Let go!

Loulou: come on!


Horace: yay! He scores!

Wimzie: no, loulou.

It's my mister tomato head.

I want to play with it!

Give me that!

You're playing with the blocks!

Well, I don't care, it's my toy!


Oh, my word!"

Such a racket in here."

What's going on?"


They're just fighting."


I want to play with mister tomato head now!"

But it's my favorite toy!"

My mommy says we're supposed to share our stuff."

Yeah, my mommy too."

I don't like sharing my stuff."

Are you playing with it, wimzie?"


But I was going to."

Ah. But if you're not playing with it now,"

Maybe you could share it with someone else."

Grandma, do I really have to share?"

Oh! We've talked about this."

Haven't we?"

When we're all playing together,"

It's very important to share."

Ah, maybe. Mm-hmm."

Aww. Okay."

You can play with it, loulou."

Ha, thanks!"

And thank you for sharing, wimzie."

Know what?"

I don't like sharing my stuff."

That's why I'm playing hockey."

(Giggles) be careful, horace!"

Aw, it's not dangerous, yaya!"

There's no puck."

Vroom... Vroom, vroom"

And vroom!"

(Puck whizzes)"

Do you wanna play mister tomato head"

With me wimzie?"

Hm? Huh, you wanna?"

You wanna play?"

No! Thank you!"

I don't want to play!"

I don't like having to share."

Horace: look out, wimzie!"



Oh, yes! He scores!"


Ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh..."

Here you are, bo."

Ah, ah."




How come I always have to share my stuff?"

Why, everybody shares, wimzie."

It's true, it's not always easy,"

But it feels so good when we do it."


It does not."

Every time I share, I feel bad."

Good, good, good."

Oh, and why does sharing make you feel bad, hm?"

I don't know."

Just wanna keep my stuff for myself."

But, if you're not playing with a toy,"

Why wouldn't you let someone else"

Plays with it?"

'Cause it's mine, that's why."


Bo, can I have a little bite?"


There, you see?"

Bo doesn't wanna share either."

Yaya: but honey,"

Bo's only a baby!"

He's too young to know what sharing means."

Wimzie: yeah. He's lucky."

(Doorbell rings)"

Uh-oh. I'm coming!"

Jonas: I'll get it! I'll get it!"

Loulou: I'll get it."

Wimzie: I'll get it!"

It's my house! It's my door!"



(Arguing and shouting over each other)"

Children, children,"

Quiet, now that's enough."

(Arguing and shouting over each other)"

(Blows horn)"


Gee! How does she do that?"

She can do anything."

If you don't know who's at the door,"

Always let a grown-up answer, all right?"

Children: all right!"

Now let me through children, let me through."

Yaya: yes?"


A package for miss wimzie?"


Something for me."

Yaya: yes, she's a personal friend of mine."

I'll take it,"

And thank you mister mailman."


Look! It's a package for you, wimzie."

Wimzie: really?"

A package for me!"


But is it your birthday, wimzie?"

Wimzie: no, I had my birthday."

Jonas: and it's not christmas."

Open it up, come on."

Yes, but uh..."

Why don't we go someplace where there's more room,"

Like in the kitchen, okay? (Giggles)"

Kids: ahhh..."

Loulou: can I open it?"

Jonas: I wanna do it."

Loulou: no, me, me, me!"

Jonas: why?"

It's my gift!"

Loulou: you never wanna share anything."

Yaya: oh, loulou!"

The gift's for wimzie."

She should be the one to open it."

Go ahead, wimzie."

It's not fair."

Wimzie: sure it's fair."

It's my gift."

And I'll open it myself."

I know how you feel."

I really hate sharing."

Oh, grandma?"

There's a card."

Yes, there is."

Can you read it for me?"

Let's just see."

Who's it from?"

Oh! From your uncle ernest."


He's a great archeologist. (Laughs)"

Jonas: archeologist, huh?"

Boy, that's what I would love to be,"

You get to dig and dig,"

And there's nothing but dirt and bones"

Everywhere you look."

Dirt, dirt, dirt..."

Yaya: uh, shall I read the card?"

(Clears throat) it says, "my dear wimzie,"

Merry christmas!"


(Laughs) from uncle ernest who loves you very much.""


That's over."

But uncle ernest lives far away."

It took a long time"

For the package to come this far."

I wonder what's it."


Open it."

Yeah. Let see!"

You do it."

Well, here I go!"

Go, go, go, go, go!"

I'm so curious."


Oh my! Oooh!"


My own camera."


Oh, this is so cool,"

All my life I've wanted one."

Loulou: ahh...."

Can I try it, wimzie?"

Jonas: oh!"

Me too, me too, I wanna try."

Bo try, bo try."

Now, I don't mind sharing."

Oh, it's always good to share."

I told you. Wimzie, let me try."

Wimzie: no!"


Yaya, tell her she has to share her camera with us."

I really can't do that."

It's up to wimzie to decide."

What do you think?"

Uh... No."

It's my gift, and I don't wanna share."

Boo: aww!"

All: ohh..."

Um, does this work the same way"

That other cameras do, grandma?"

Well, let me see."

It says here that you're the proud owner"

Of a musical camera."

Ah, wow, that's so neat."

But grandma, what's a musical camera?"

Well, take a picture, and we'll see."




(Camera makes musical note)"

Yaya: well, wimzie, it would be nice"

If the picture were a little bit clearer."

♪ One two three"

♪ Smile for me I'll take a photograph ♪"

♪ One two three"

♪ Smile for me"

♪ Pictures make me laugh"

It's my turn."

It's my turn."

Not yet, look over here."

It's my turn."

It's my turn."

Not yet. It's still my turn."

♪ One two three smile for me ♪"

♪ I'll take a photograph"

♪ One two three smile for me ♪"

♪ Pictures make us laugh"

Ah! It's my turn."

It's my turn."

Not yet... Look over here."

No, it's me."

It's my turn!"

Ah, not yet! It's still my turn."

♪ One two three smile for me ♪"

♪ I'll take a photograph"

♪ One two three smile for me ♪"

♪ Pictures make us laugh"

It's my turn."

No, it's my turn."

Not yet, look over here."

It's my turn."

It's mine."

Okay. All together then."

All: ♪ one two three smile for me ♪"

♪ I'll take a photograph"

♪ One two three smile for me ♪"

♪ 'Cause pictures make us laugh ♪"

All: fruit bumps! Fruit bumps!"

Fruit bumps! Fruit bumps!"

Oh! Why, where's wimzie?"

She's gonna miss her fruit bumps!"


She doesn't care,"

'Cause she's too busy taking pictures"

With her musical camera."


(Camera makes musical note)"

Bwaaah! Bwaaah!"

Oh, fruit bumps are coming right up, my dears!"

Loulou: (giggles)"

There you are!"

Bwawaah! Bwaah!"

Uh. Yaya, question."

Yaya: fire away."

I think I've got room for..."

Two fruit bumps."

Help yourself, horace,"

They're on the table."

Jonas: oh, these are so good."

Loulou: mmm..."


Yaya: yes, horace?"

Do you think I could have three fruit bumps?"

I don't see why not."

Wow! These are the yummiest fruit bumps you ever made."

Hey, yaya, question."

Yaya: yes, horace?"

Do you think I could have four"

Of those fruit bumps?"

Yaya: horace,"

You may have as many fruit bumps as you want."

Ah! Yes! All right!"


They're all gone."

Oh! But horace, dear,"

You spent so much time asking questions,"

That jonas and loulou ate 'em all."

Jonas: and they were tasty."

Loulou: oh, they weren't just tasty,"

They were tay-yay-yay-stee!"


(Camera makes musical note)"


Baa waa waaa! Baaa!"

Oh, wimzie's certainly taking a lot of pictures"

With her musical camera."


Yes, horace?"

Are there any more fruit bumps?"

Oh, something told me"

We'd have a snack emergency today."

(Camera makes musical note)"

Here you go."

(Excited) oh, thank you, thank you, yaya!"

Yes, once again,"

Super yaya has come to the rescue."


Ahh. Bwawaa!"


Wimzie: grandma!"

You'll never believe all the pictures"

That I took!"

Well, we heard every one of them, wimzie."

Hey, you guys!"

Let me take a picture of you."

Say cheese!"


Not right now."

I'm kinda busy."

Jonas, give me a big smile."

Uh uh!"

Aw, jonas, stop it!"

Let me take your picture."

No way."

Not if you're not gonna share your camera."

Too bad for you."

I'll just take loulou's picture instead."



Oh, don't make that face."

Make a nice one."


'Cause you're being mean."


You won't share your musical camera with us."


Come on, loulou, let's go play by ourselves."


But... Ahh!"


How come they won't let me"

Take their pictures?"

They're mad because you won't share"

Your camera with them."

Aw! It's my camera."

Why do I have to share?"

It's not fair at all."

Oh wimzie, I'm sorry."

You feel sad, don't you?"




She's crying."



Wimzie's crying."

Did she fell down?"

She's crying because you won't let her"

Take your picture."

Wimzie's being really mean to us."

That's for sure."

She's keeping her new camera she got"

All to herself. Hmpf!"

I know that."

But I don't like when wimzie cries."

I don't like to see tears."

Yeah, well..."

Look at loulou, she cries all the time."

No, I don't."

Oh yes, you do."

Not true, no, I don't."

Oh yes, you do."

Horace: I think I'll go now."

Um, I'd rather hear crying"

Than listen to this."

Yes, you do."

I do not, jonas."

Yes, you do."

Big potato."

Takes one to know one."


(Sniffing) they all hate me."

Oh, no they don't, wimzie."

Oh yes, they do."

Oh, I still like you."

Yeah. You see?"


I like you too, horace."


Oh, I don't like tears."

Me too."

Can I take your picture?"


Sure. Why not?"



Say cheese."

(Camera makes musical note)"

Wimzie: (giggling)"

(Camera makes musical note)"

(Camera makes musical note)"

Thanks, that was fun."

Yes, thank you, horace,"

That was very nice of you."

Oh, it's 'cause I don't like crying."

Would you like to try out"

My musical camera?"


You'd-you'd really let me try it?"

Your own very special camera?"

Wimzie: yeah."

Oh boy! Oh boy!"


Oh boy!"

Wow! Gosh! Thank you!"


(Camera makes musical note)"


That was so cool."


Well, I'm going out to play."


Well, it was very nice of you to share, wimzie."

You made horace so happy."

Yeah. (Giggles)"

It feels good to make somebody happy, doesn't it?"

Hmmm, I guess."

Well, see you, grandma."



Both: (laugh)"

Wimzie: hey, you guys!"

Guess what?"

I changed my mind about sharing my camera."

Who wants to try?"

Oh! I do, I do, I do."

Loulou: ahh. Me too, I wanna try!"

Not me."

I'm playing with my hammer."

Well, I answered first,"

So I should be first!"

And then it's my turn!"

Yes sir!"

Wimzie: okay, here, jonas."

Thank you!"

Thank you, wimzie!"

Oh boy! So now, uh..."

Everyone come here."

This way please."

Yeah, yeah."

Oh, I want you too, horace."

Nah. I'm too busy."

Loulou: ahh."

(Camera makes musical note)"

Well, okay."

I want it back now."

Aw, come on,"

Let me do one more!"

Me too!"

I wanna have my turn."

No, I'm finished sharing now."

I want it back."

No, no."

Wimzie: give me! Yes!"

No, no, ahh!"



Wimzie: ahhhh."


Loulou: uh-oh."

Ohh... No!"

My musical camera's broken."

Ahh! Grandma!"

♪ If this is mine it's just for me ♪"

♪ And so it's not for you"

♪ Let go 'cause it's just for me ♪"

That's not fair."

That's not fair."

♪ I have some toys I really like ♪

♪ They're mine they're just for me ♪

♪ If I don't wanna share at all ♪

♪ That's how it's gonna be

♪ If this is mine

♪ It's just for me

♪ And so it's not for you

♪ Let go 'cause it's just for me ♪

That's not fair.

That's not fair.

♪ Remember when I let you share ♪

♪ My favorite doll that day ♪

♪ So if next time you ask for her ♪

♪ I'll turn to you and say ♪

♪ If this is mine

♪ It's just for me and so it's not for you ♪

♪ Let go 'cause it's just for me ♪

It's not fair.

Both: yes, it is.

♪ What if we decide to share our toys ♪

♪ Each time we play

♪ That way we'll have twice as much ♪

♪ To play with every day

♪ If this is mine I'll share with you ♪

♪ And you can share with me

♪ That's how it's gonna be

That's more like it.

♪ That's how it's gonna be


Wimzie: argh!

You guys went and broke my camera!

No, we did not!

It was horace.

My camera's broken!

And you did it!

Not on purpose.

It was an accident.

It doesn't matter,

You broke my new musical camera.

No, I didn't.

I wasn't even playing with it.

It was an accident.

Oh, my goodness me,

What is all the commotion?

Bo can't get to sleep!

They went and broke my camera.

I shared it, and they broke it.

That's why, I shouldn't share,

My stuff just get's broken.


Horace honey, don't cry!

Oh, it can't be that bad, can it now?

I didn't mean to break her camera.

I know you didn't mean to.

I'm gonna try and straighten this out.

Horace: (sobs)

Yaya: but why're you crying?

I thought you didn't like tears.

That's just when someone else cries.

It's okay for me.



(Phone dials)

Hello? Rousso?

It's yaya.

Listen, we have a little problem here.

Yes, and I think I could use your help to solve it."

Oh! And so then, grandma said,

That sharing made you feel good,

And so, I decided that I would share

My new musical camera.

And now my camera's broken.

Hmm. Broken!

That's right.

That's the last time I'm ever gonna share my stuff."





Oh! You seem pretty angry.

Huh! Yes!

You said,

That it was good for us to share.

And so, I shared

My brand-new musical camera,

And it's broken!

Yaya: huh, wimzie,

I'm really sorry about what happened, but...

It was an accident.

I don't care.

Now it's broken!

Yaya: yes, that's true,

It is indeed.

I'm always sharing all my stuff,

All the time!

All my toys!

Everyone plays with 'em.

I share my television with everyone.

I share you with everyone!

I share mommy.

I share everything!

It's not fair!

You know what I think?

I think you're absolutely right.


You do?

I do, and maybe I made a mistake.

You... Made a mistake.

Grown-ups make mistakes all the time.

Maybe it is all right

Not to share things sometimes.



Well, when something is very, very special,

Like your musical camera.

I'm gonna work something out.

Out! Out! Out!

Yaya: (laughs)

Oh, you're sleepy, bo.

We'll let you finish your nap in peace, hm?

Wimzie, come with me.

I've an idea.


Well, we've had quite the day, huh kids?

Kids: yeah...

Oh! And we cried alot too.

Well, you know,

Maybe we can do something about that.

I'm gonna make a new rule on the subject of sharing."

My mommy says that we're always suppose to share."

Ah! And my mommy too.



We have the same mommy, you're my sister.

I knew that. Hmph!

Yaya: listen everybody,

I'm giving each of you a box,

A non-sharing box.

Every day, each one of you

Is allowed to put three special toys

In your box, and...

Those will be the toys

That you don't have to share.

Kids: ahhh...

I like that.

That's a great idea!

I want a pink box.

All right, wimzie,

Put three toys inside this box.

Three toys that are special to you,

And you'll be the only one

Who can play with those toys.

Well, okay,

Mister tomato head can go in

And-and my cosmic puzzle, and...

(Tuts) maybe you should wait before you decide"

On the third one.

How come?

You will soon see.

All right now.

Here are the boxes for each one of you.

You may put three things into your box

That'll be just for you.

Loulou: ohh...

I'll put in my dirt collection,

And my microscope,

And my secret decoder outer space pin.


I'm gonna put in my three dolls.

So, we're all agreed there's to be no fighting

About sharing the toys in these boxes, okay?

All: okay.

(Doorbell rings)

I'll get it.

Kids: no, no, no, no!

I'll get it!

Wimzie: no, only a grown-up can answer the door,"

When you don't know who's there, right grandma?"

Right you are, wimzie.

But this time I know who's there,

So, you can answer it if you want to.


(Gasps) daddy!

Hello miss wimzie.

Why'd you ring the bell?

Oh, well, because I haven't come here

As wimzie's daddy!

No, not at all,

No I'm just a delivery person.

Yep. Mm-hm.

And what're you delivering, mister?


Tada! (Chuckles)

A new camera!


A special musical camera,

And it's exactly like the other one

That got broken!

Oh, thank you, daddy!


Hey, you guys,

I got another camera!



Oh, will you let us try it out?

Can I take one picture?

You're supposed to share, you know.

Wimzie: uh uh! Not my camera.

Um, grandma?

Wimzie: this is my third special toy.

Yaya: ah, well then,

Just put it in the box.

Wimzie: so, it's all mine to play with.

Loulou: oh! That's not fair at all!

Yaya: oh, but I told you, loulou,

We changed the rules.

You don't have to share everything you have.

But yaya,

You always said we have to share everything.

Yaya: ah, well,

I made a mistake.


But grown-ups never make mistakes.

Rousso: oh yes, they do, horace.

It happens all the time, you know.

All: ahh!

(Camera makes musical note)

Loulou: (laughs)

All: (laugh)