09x15 - Secrets

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "NCIS". Aired: September 2003 to present.*
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The cases of the Naval Criminal Investigative Service.
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09x15 - Secrets

Post by bunniefuu »

I'd like to order roses, a dozen.

Just put: "I had a great time last night" on the card.

Don't sign it.

Actually, is there anyway to get someone to put a lipstick kiss on the gift card?

That sounds interesting.

More like contagious.

She sends almost one a week each time to a different guy.

Is that the last one? I'm itching to get going tonight.

Rough day at work I need to burn off some steam.

Just one more.

I'm calling to order flowers for a funeral.

I just need something simple on the card.

Hope it's not "I had a great time last night".

Just put: "Did you and your friend think I wouldn't find you, Murphy?

Told you I'd get you when you least expected it.

If that's a joke...

NCIS Season 9 Episode 15 Secrets


You finally saw The Crying Game?

No! I got a speeding ticket.

You know what that means?

The system works.

I was barely going over the limit.

Let me see.

It says you were doing 80 in a 40.

Not the entire time.

You tell you're a federal agent?

Excuse me?

Sometimes, if they know, they look the other way.

"Oh, that's not my wallet."

Wait. You do that often?

With one notable exception. I haven't gotten a speeding ticket in 17 years.

Or paid for parking, football games...

It's a gray area.

Sometimes I even get my donuts and coffee for free.

I do not think Gibbs approves.

What Gibbs doesn't know won't hurt him.

What don't I know, DiNozzo?

Ziva got a speeding ticket.

And I... sometimes get coffee for free.

But I tip big.

All right, let's have it.

Let's go. Dead Navy Captain.

Do you ever get the feeling that he enjoys being smacked in the head?

I'd rather not think about it.

Two sh*ts.

Yep. They must have made some noise.

They did.

Several... witnesses heard the g*nshots.

Found the brass in the street.

No one called the police?

g*nshots aren't exactly news in the this neighborhood, Ziva.

Cleaning lady found the body.

She call the cops, they called us.

Safe's picked.

What are these? Fingernails?

Somebody was nervous about something.

Sorry I was late.

Been waiting for Mr. Palmer to return from an errand.

I had to leave without him.

What errand?

Brrrreena called.

The wedding caterer they planned on using had gone out of business.

The sobs almost woke the dead.

She pretty upset?

She wasn't the one crying.

What do we have here?

You got Captain Jack Wallace and, our friend here is Dexter Murphy.

Looks like an open-and-shut robbery.

Do I suspect a "but"?

But this.

I'm calling to order flowers for a funeral.

I just need something simple on the card.

Just put: "Did you and your friend think I wouldn't find you, Murphy?"

Told you I'd get you when you least expected it.

A man of his word.

So I can see.

The preliminary cause of death is obvious, but I think I will... reserve judgment.

What do we have here?


Holy undergarments, Duckman.

Is that what I think it is?

His name is Captain Jack Wallace.

He's a decorated Iraq veteran, and he's also a Real-Life Superhero.

That's what they're called.

By who?

By themselves.

They don't claim to have actual superpowers.

Right, 'cause that would be weird.

No, they're really just community activists.

They put on costumes and do neighborhood watches, community service, sometimes even fund-raising.

Pretty cool, huh?

Do they do birthday parties?

Neighborhood watches were Solanum's specialty.


Dexter Murphy, the store owner his Superhero name was Solanum.

Captain Wallace went by Captain Code.

His specialty: building-code violations.

I found them registered at EarthSuperHeroUnion.com.

They have a Web site, too?

There's Web sites, there's community groups, there's even talk of creating a sanctioning body, like the NBA.

Of course, being an RLSH can be dangerous, too.

Especially if you're getting involved with the criminal stuff-going after graffiti taggers, muggers.

So, when these guys get in trouble, they call the cops?

Some do, some don't.

So, they're like vigilantes.

Nerd vigilantes.

Question is, did it get them k*lled?

The voice mail clearly indicates the k*ller was seeking revenge.

For what?

The phone records.

A commanding officer.

E- mails, G-mails, Twitter.

So, do we have a deal or not, Ms. Miller?

That's gonna depend on your agent.

That doesn't sound good.

I'd like you to meet...

Still working for the Evening Tribune?

The Globe.

You two know each other?

Please tell me that you weren't married.

But we go back.

That should make things easier.

Or worse.

I'll manage. Shall we?

Captain Wallace called me at my paper two days ago, wanted to meet.

About what?

Wouldn't say.

But that superhero costume sure says something.

I didn't tell her.

I am a reporter, remember?

So, what's the story?

Wallace ran a classified program out of the Department of Energy, securing rogue nuclear materials in hot-spot areas.

There's a big demand for old Soviet uranium.

File's classified, Leon.

That file is hers. It's not mine.


Press is gonna have a field day with this one.

I'm sure you can imagine the headline.

"Navy officer in charge of nukes found dead in superhero costume."

Wordy, but I like it.

I don't.

However, Ms. Miller has agreed to hold off till you conduct your investigation.

Your director hopes that you'll find something that paints things in a more, shall we say, favorable light.

In exchange for first dibs on any info we do uncover.

Plus a liaison from NCIS to keep me in the loop.

And you're that liaison, Agent Gibbs.

I trust that you'll handle the matter professionally.

Abby, do you mind if I hide down here?

McGee is driving me crazy with all...

What's new, pussycat? I guess you heard.

About the Real- Life Superheroes?

Hello! I've been trying to meet Catatonic for, like, months.

He rescues animals, mostly cats.

And he's like a rock star in the shelter community.

Right now we need a rock star in the forensic community.

I am making some progress on the chewed fingernails that you found at the safe.

Maybe, like, some... some nervous m*rder*r trying to pick a lock I'm running the DNA now, but... my big find was online.

I noticed this insignia, and it looked familiar.

And then I remembered where I knew it from.

There was a bar fight uploaded to CyberVid six months ago.

I don't want any trouble!

You don't want any trouble?

Too bad 'cause you found it!

No, punk, let him go!

Let go of me, you freak!

Wallace and Murphy stopped the bad guy.

So, the video went viral, and they became local heroes.

The drunk idiot...

Looks like a drunk idiot.

Maybe he's holding a grudge. You got an I.D.?

I haven't had any hits on facial recognition.

So, who shot this video?

It was uploaded by a user called ICU.

Had trouble tracking that back to an actual person.

Whoever did this went to a lot of trouble to keep his identity hidden.

Keep looking.

There you are.

There you are.

What are you doing there?

Agent Gibbs assigned you to be my liaison on the Wallace case.

What do you mean, "liaison"?

You're a reporter now.

We don't... liaise with reporters.

You do now.

Gibbs didn't say anything to me about this.

Gibbs wanted me to tell you that...

What do we do now?

I'm not happy about it, either, Tony, but I expect you to be professional.

Always. It's not like we're enemies.

Exactly. I did invite you to Christmas brunch, and at one point in our lives, we were engaged to be married.

I'm Abby.

Wendy the ex-fiancée.

Boss! Can I talk to you for a second?

Wendy, conference room is just through that door, there at the end. Thanks.

I'm Wendy's liaison? What were you thinking?

You were there when it went south.



Aren't we professional.

That's what we are.

Okay, let's start with the basics.

Have you ever spoken with Wallace before?

Have any idea what his call was about?

Why'd you invite me to Christmas brunch?

Thought it might be nice to see you. I may have been wrong.

My turn.

Your turn what?

I get to ask some questions.

My deal with Vance.

Does Captain Wallace have a history of mental illness?

Was the Navy aware that he was moonlighting as a... Superhero?

Since when did you start wearing thousand-dollar suits?

Since when did you stop teaching 4-year olds how to sing "Puff the Magic Dragon" and start channeling Lois Lane?

People change.

Yes, they do.

I wasn't wrong.

It is nice to see you.

It's nice to see you, too.

I invented that.

We just wanted to let you know that Abby's still unable to identify the user who uploaded that fight video.

Gibbs wants us to canvas the neighborhood.

See if anyone knows who the drunk idiot is.

I don't know him, but that video was shot by a man name Clarence Tobett.

Local trust-fund baby, runs an anti-g*ng outreach program.



He's always calling the paper, trying to drum up publicity.

Thank you.

Let me know what you find.

She is cute.

Stop it.

Your ex-fiancée's really cute.

But I would expect no less.

Must be strange seeing her again after all these years.

Especially with her divorced?

Almost as strange as you not talking.

I'm working. You should try it. Thank you.

Clarence Tobett?

Who wants to know?

We're looking for the man who shot this video.

How'd you find me?

I work very hard to keep my true identity a secret.

You're one of them!

If you mean Real-Life Superhero, then, yes.

Let me guess.


That's right, 'cause that's where you go if you mess with me.

Since we're... coworkers, you will have my complete cooperation.

Yes, I shot the video.

I came upon the fight when I was out on bait patrol.

Bait patrol?

Yes, it's a standard crime-fighting tactic.

One of us... No, no.

Acts as bait, and waits for someone to cause trouble.

When they do, we give it to them.

What did I tell you about borrowing Tom?

Miss Peyton said you're from NCIS.

What did he do now?

Nothing, Dad.

In fact, if you'll excuse us, this is business.

No, no. Business is what I do.

I buy real estate, you just take it up.

Acting like you're five, instead of 25!

What did he do?

He was actually helping us identify someone.

I remember him.

I don't have a name, but I got his license plate when he fled.

Well, some of it.

All right, I've heard enough. No more Tom!

The guy's got a Bronze Star, for Pete's sake.

He's a real hero.

He's just pissed because I refuse to go into the family business.

I can relate.


License plate?

Three numbers.

I guess super memory isn't one of your superpowers.

Make all the fun you want, but what I do is important.

I talked a kid out of a g*ng just last week.

I know the costumes seem silly, but they're just a gimmick.

They help defuse tense situations.

Look, I don't know Captain Code's true identity.

It's best that we keep them secret, even from each other, but I did hear a rumor that something happened to him.

I don't know if this helps you, he had mentioned that he was onto something.

He didn't say what, but it... had him worried.

Here's my card.

I have T-shirts, too, if you want them.

We had our own real-life superhero in my youth.

He called himself "The Fox", one of the first environmentalists.

Once, he collected 50 gallons of sewage that was destroying a lake broke into the offending corporation's offices, and dumped it in their lobby.

Every child fantasizes about growing up and becoming a superhero, but you actually did it.


Not the word I would have chosen, Duck.

What do you got?

I think we can assume that both victims died of their g*nsh*t wounds.

Not surprised.

Yeah, well, the surprise came from the number of injuries I found on Captain Wallace.

He broke his jaw twice.

He has scars from numerous knife wounds and even has a b*llet graze.

Doing a little street fighting.

Well, presumably.

He took his role as a vigilante quite seriously.

Come on, Duck.

I take it, you do not approve?

Duck, it's not their job. They could get hurt.

Jethro, most of them already have been.

Aside from their love of comic books what most of these crime-fighters have in common is being victims of violent crime themselves.

Or abuse or tragedy. I mean... take a look at Captain Wallace.

His wife died in childbirth.

And then, his daughter died when a balcony collapsed in a shopping mall.

McGee said his specialty was building-code violations.

Well, hardly a coincidence.

Whereas others might have succumbed to depression or drug abuse, these men and women have channeled their angst into something positive.

Who's to judge?

Though, the one thing I might judge you on is your choice of Tony as liaison to the press.

What are you up to, Jethro?

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. You can all hold your applause.

For what are we not applauding?

I got a hit.

On the DNA from the flower-shop safe.

His name is Felix Quintero.

He was a small-time hood but seems to have cleaned up his act recently.

So, what's he doing now?

You're gonna love this.


His license plate matches the partial you got from ICU.

Looks like he's our drunk idiot.

Pick him up.

On it.

This case may be wrapping up soon.

You will be free from your ex.

I'm fine, Ziva.

You do not seem fine.

You seem pensive.

It's the chili I had for breakfast this morning.

You know, you've never actually told me how it ended between you two.

Okay, forget I asked.

We're being followed.

I had a feeling, a pensive one.

U-turn confirmed it.

Let's move.

NCIS! Hands on the wheel!

Watch out!

What is going on?

Great day for a drive.

What are you doing?

Tracking down a lead.

No, we're tracking down a lead.

You're following us.

What? Is that a crime?

Technically, it is.

Look, I am just making sure I'm in the loop.

I told you that I would let you know.

Let's just say you don't have the best track record doing things you say you're gonna do.


Are you kidding?

I'll call the fire department.

Even your car doesn't like you.

I just got that car. It hasn't had a chance not to like me.

Your car may like you, but someone does not.

It's a b*mb wired into the fuel line, timed to go off when the car hit 50.

Made out of cardboard.

Yeah, so the evidence would burn in the crash, but it was a rush job.

Wendy's quick stop jarred it loose and the accelerant leaked onto the fuel block making it catch on fire. Lucky for her.

Lucky? Someone was trying to k*ll her.

I'm just trying to be positive. Maybe it was Tony.

Not positive.

Afraid we got a little more of that.

We found this.

It's Wendy's notes.

From our current case, but there's also some stuff from old newspaper stories of hers.

Remember she said she didn't know Captain Wallace?

According to her notes, she's worked with him several times in the past.

Which means...

She lied to us.

Miss Miller, I'm only gonna ask you once.

How long did you know Captain Wallace?

I told you, I didn't.

According to your files, he was a source on three prior news articles of yours.

I am a reporter! These are privileged documents!

You have no right to look through my notes.

Your notes are evidence in an attempted m*rder, Wendy.


I was doing an exposé on wasteful military spending.

Wallace was a source. If I told you I knew him you'd figure that out. Reporters do not reveal their sources, dead or alive.

Is she telling the truth, Agent DiNozzo?

I'm sorry. What?

Just found out about your history with Miss Miller.

And we'll talk about that later.

I figured you might have some insight.

She's telling the truth.

Why did Wallace call you before he was k*lled?

I assumed he had a lead on another story.

But I really don't know.

I didn't lie about that.

You obviously know something. There was an attempt on your life.

I noticed. You got a suspect?

We're staking out his apartment.

Until we find him, we can...

Place me in protective custody.

And keep me as far from this story as possible?

Forget it.

I got a place to lay low. I'll be fine.

I don't doubt that, but I'm going to have to insist on sending an agent to escort you to your destination.

Agent DiNozzo, given the circumstances, if you like, I can assign Agent David.

No way in hell.

It's okay. I got it.

You thirsty?

Can I get you something to eat?

Not hungry.

Since when are you not hungry?

People get not hungry. It happens.

Not to you, it doesn't.

Okay, I can tell.

There is something on your mind.

Are you still pissed at me because I followed you?

Just curious about something I read in your notes.

Notes you weren't supposed to read.

You were doing a story on a Navy contractor.

Your notes said that you needed some inside info.

Then you invited me to a Christmas brunch. Coincidence? I don't think so.

You didn't want to see me. You wanted to use me.

Squeeze me for some info on your guy.

Do you really believe that?

Tell me I'm wrong.

You're not wrong.

That's not cool.

You blew me off and that's not cool.

I haven't seen you in nine years.

We haven't spoken since the night our engagement ended.

All the more reason to catch up.

You didn't want to catch up.

You were after a story, like some hard-boiled word-slinger from a Howard Hawkes movie.

I had a job to do.

What happened to you? You used to be such a sweet, innocent kid.

Me? What about you?

You used to be a hopeless romantic.

And now you're like George Clooney from Ocean's Eleven.

You like George Clooney?

I think he's a bit of a cliché.

Golden Flower.

I love it when you wear that.

I know.
Hi, Mom.

Hi, baby.

You remember me telling you about Agent DiNozzo?

He's going to help take us to Grandma's.

Agent DiNozzo, this is my son, Fred.

And his nanny, Tina.

Tina, you could help me pack?

We'll be down in a minute.

Don't take too long.

Moms, right.

Tina seems nice.

It's a good name.

Tina Turner. Tina Fey.

You like that Harry Potter?

He's pretty fun, with his wand and the magic stuff.

If you had to pick, which would you say is your favorite Harry Potter?

The one where Harry wasn't kissing my mom.

You saw that?

Don't let it happen again.

Here you go.

I miss anything?

Well, no sign of Quintero.

Man, am I starving.

You didn't get yourself something?

Not hungry.

Since when are you not hungry?

People get not hungry!


Sorry. I just...

I'm just...

Really pensive.


Why? 'Cause you made out with your ex-fiancée today?

What? What are you talking about?

Lipstick. Her color.

Eagle eye, McGee.

So what's the problem?

She's divorced. You're single.

Problem is, been there, done that. Crash-burn.

That bad?

NTSB's still looking for bodies.

Yeah, what happened?

That's a good question, McGee.

You always ask the good questions.

So what do you want to happen?

Cue the subject change.

You know, that woman's been standing over there for quite some time.

It's pretty cold out. I'm gonna go talk to her.

Hey there.

You have the time?

My watch is on the fritz...

What's the matter with you?

It's no good running away. Come back here! McGee!

Going somewhere?

Come on.

Guess you've never heard of NCIS.

We're cops. Look at our badges.

There it is.

Look, man, we were just...

Bait patrol. Yeah, I know.

I'm going to arrest all of you.


We're coworkers!

Do you see what was on his neck?

If you're talking about Soulless's tattoo, yeah.

You guys heard of me?

Or should I say Felix Quintero?

Come on, man. There's a reason it's called a secret identity.

What are you, in the third grade?


It's not a secret identity.

That is a good outfit.

Thank you.

All right, let's move. Ladies and gentlemen of the evidence garage, I bring you Whipcord.

Spandaxia, looking good.

Check this out...

That's not a toy.

It's a sonic diversionary w*apon.

Used to disorient the enemy.

We're here to help.

We'd appreciate a little professional courtesy.

You are not professionals.

Hey, Boss.

I don't need this.

Before you judge, just remember, if things had gone differently, this could have been McGee.

Where's the suspect?

Dorneget brought him up to interrogation.

We'll be debriefing these guys in the conference room.

You must be in charge.

I'm Spandaxia.



Hand over the bullwhip and the bolt cutter, before you go upstairs.

Remarkable straight face.

Laugh all you want, but the streets are a dangerous place.

All you do is investigate after something happens.

Since we've been patrolling, crime in our area is down 50%.

We make your job easier.

Actually, Ziva would make our job easier.

Where is she? We could use her help with interviews.

She's bringing in the reporter to see if she can ID Quintero.

Ziva's alone with Wendy? That's not good.

Are they here? Are they here?

Real-Life Superheroes.

Can I get a picture with you guys?

Of course.

Come on.

Great costume.

This isn't my costume.

These are just my... clothes.

See, this I could do without.

I did not know Tony got motion sick.

You would if he wasn't on his meds.

How's things?

Good. You?

I will...

I'm going to go.

Because I need to get back to Fred. Who says hello, by the way.

I think he likes you.

Okay, let's hear it.

Hear what?

I'm sure she said something.

Is there something to tell?

I can see you and I are a lot alike.

Both men of action, few words.

Captain Jack Wallace.

Dexter Murphy.

Your DNA was found at the crime scene.

And your voice was on the answering machine making threats.

You think I'm the k*ller?

This is nuts!

Why on Earth-616 would I k*ll my fellow superheroes?

I don't want any trouble!

You don't want any trouble?


Too bad 'cause you found it!

Let him go!

Appreciate the honesty.

That is something Wendy mentioned about you.

That you were one of the most honest people she knew.


To others.

She said the only person you lie to is yourself.

Which she says you do a lot.

That was awesome.

But you got it all wrong.

That video was staged.

Captain Code and Solanum hired me to fake that attack.

Nobody knew, not even the cameraman.



They wanted to start their own superhero league.

Everyone's got a league these days, there's no unity in the community.

That's a great league name. Unity in the Community.

I like Leavenworth.

They never paid me for the video.

I didn't know their real names, so I tracked them down, and I left that message.

Then I came back later to get my money.

Wallace and Murphy were already dead.

You robbed the place.

Technically, the money I took was mine.

Why do you think I call myself Soulless?


I am not a k*ller.

I was halfway across town when I left that voice mail, and there's 50 grandmas at Toln Retirement Center that can vouch for me.

I didn't k*ll anybody.

The administrator at the retirement center confirmed Quintero's alibi.

Soulless does a magic show for the residents on Tuesday nights.

He's not our guy.

We should look at other superheroes.

Someone was getting jealous of all the attention Wallace was getting.

Link was the reporter.

I don't know, Boss. I can think of a bunch of other angles.

Okay, the link is the reporter.

Let's keep talking about her.

We know she was working on several whistle-blower stories with Wallace.

Maybe they blew the wrong whistle.

Or were about to blow a different one.

Wendy said that Wallace called her the day before he was k*lled.

Perhaps he was onto something new.

Ziva, talk to his C.O. again. Get me those old news stories.

I'll put together a file.


Go through Wendy's phone records and talk to every guy she's spoken with in the last six months.

No. I got that.

Ducky called. Go and see what he wants.

Thank you, Boss.

I was expecting Gibbs.

He sent me. What do you got?

I've been e-mailing, a few fellow M.E.s. about our case.

They've provided some pertinent information.

Hard to believe they're so small sometimes.

What's on your mind, Tony?

You sound a little pensive.

I am not pensive!

What is it with everyone and that word?


I'm just...

Would you care to talk about it?

You ever had something terrible happen, you put it all behind you, but then the terrible comes back and it's more terrible than it was before?

I'm confused.

So am I.

Tony, it was very clear to me from the very first day that I met you that you were a man in pain.

I'm sorry, You have me confused with someone else.

No, your pain was as clear to me as Jethro's.

He lost Shannon, the one love of his life, and you lost faith in yourself for so many reasons.

Jethro coped with his pain by repeatedly marrying the wrong woman, thus insuring that ultimately he would be alone and safe from heartbreak.

You repeatedly chase the wrong woman.

You're alone because you never did, as you just said, put it all behind you.

When Wendy told me the night before we were supposed to get married that she was calling it off, I didn't take it very well.

We hadn't spoken in nine years, until yesterday.

Perhaps fate has given you another chance at closure.

Or something else.

It's not fate, it's Gibbs.

Dude set me up.

What did the M.E. have to say?

We exchanged notes on the Real-Life Superhero movement.

It turns out, one was k*lled in the next district several months ago.

I did some checking and found another was m*rder*d sometime before that.

Ergo, either these are the result of a very dangerous line of work, Or...

Somebody's k*lling Superheroes?

Talk to me.

We compiled the case data on the different murders.

Four victims, three crime scenes.

At first, it looks like nothing to see here, folks.

The witnesses said that the first two victims were k*lled in the line of duty.


Lord of Karma was shot trying to foil a burglary.

Feverblister was stabbed trying to stop a carjacking.

Very different MO's.

But you noticed a pattern.

And you noticed that we noticed. And that is why we all get along.

Now, every time you move into a new area with a cell phone, it pings the local cell tower.

Bottom line, the same cell phone shows up in each neighborhood where a m*rder took place.

Which means, so does the same person, at almost the exact same time.


Our winner is...

Clarence Tobett!

Aka ICU.

Looks like Tony was right.

I think he's been k*lling the competition.

I don't.

You are not going out of this house in that outfit!

Not in the day!

Yes, I am.

As soon as I finish my Mook Yan Chong kata!

No, actually, you're not.

Dear Lord, what did he do now?

We found a cell phone belonging to the m*rder*r.

It's registered in your son's name.

I'm offended by insinuation...

Don't you say one more word.

Call our lawyer.

No, we'll call for you.


Agent Gibbs, I put plenty of people in the ICU, but I assure you they all...

Shut up!

You didn't put anybody in the ICU.

All you do is give toys to sick kids in hospitals.

You're pathetic.

That's me.

Must have dialed the wrong number.

What number did you dial?

The m*rder*r's.

Let me guess.

Company phone?

A company you keep in your son's name for tax purposes, right?

Don't you say one thing, Tom.

That's actually okay with us, because you have the right to remain silent.

Not quite the ICU, but...

Works for me.

Nice job.

Wayne Tobett was a slumlord.

His specialty was buying cheap buildings in crime-ridden areas.

More crime, the better.

Property values were lowered.

The last thing he needed where he was looking to buy was a community watch program on steroids.

But that's exactly what the Real-Life Superheroes were.

Crime was down, property values were going up.

They were making a difference.

Sounds like you've had a change of heart.

Guys are good guys, Leon.

Yeah, bad guys are bad.

Figured they'd go in and k*ll the Superheroes, the crime would go up, then they go in and buy cheap.

Why'd they try to blow up the reporter?

Wendy had done a fluff piece on real estate in the DC area.

Agent Gibbs noticed that the areas where a lot of cheap buying was going on were the same areas where Superheroes were being m*rder*d.

Of course he did.

Buyer's Wayne Tobett.

We think he started getting nervous.

Wendy would make the same connection we did.

Nice work.

Especially you, Agent Gibbs. Or should I say Cupid?

It is Valentine's Day, after all.

Boss, what's he talking about?

Look at you.

When I heard Director was letting you take pictures, I had to see it to believe it.

When he heard I changed my story from crazy naval officer to evil slumlord that k*lled a dedicated community activist, he got very agreeable.

Really like those boots.

Thank you very much.

That's your cue to leave.

Thank you, sir.

That guy.

Maybe we should take turns.

Ladies first.

I lied to you, Tony.


Why I invited you to brunch.

You were wrong, I was not trying to get information for a story.

I invited you because... I wanted to see you.

Your turn.


Because we're taking turns, and now it's your turn.

No, that is not what I meant, and you know it.

You want to know why I left.

I want to know why you said yes to me when the answer was really no.

I want to know why you... waited until the very last minute to tell me the truth.

But most of all, my runaway bride, I would like to know why.

Would it make a difference now?

I mean, if you weren't so sad and so lonely, you wouldn't even be wondering.


Sad and lonely?

You have me confused with Bosco.

You like to see my little black e-book?

Show me what you'd like, but it's not gonna change what I see with my own eyes.

You should tell her how you feel, whoever she is.

A) That's not gonna happen. B) Get out of my head.

And C), answer the question.

I left because I wasn't ready to meet the one, okay?

And you were the one.

That doesn't make any sense.

Are you sure?

'Cause from what I see, you've spent the last nine-and-a-half years avoiding real relationships.

I was just broken first.

Which is why I left my hero cop and married a stockbroker who cared more about money than people.

I wasn't ready to meet the one when we met, Tony.

But I sent you that invitation because...

I am now.
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