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02x10 - One Strike, You're Out

Posted: 07/06/23 15:06
by bunniefuu
[instrumental music]

[theme song]


♪ Meet George Jetson ♪

♪ His boy Elroy ♪

♪ Daughter Judy ♪

♪ Jane his wife ♪♪


[instrumental music]

Ah. Another day, another three million sprockets.

Ms. Galaxy, there's work to be done.

'Uh, let's get to it.'

I'll be right in, Mr. Spacely.


(Spacely) 'Uh, Ms. Galaxy, switch on the morning business news.'

'Uh, there should be news about my'

'increased sprocket production.'

(woman on radio) 'Good morning, all you hotshot executives.'

'This is the Big Bucks News Network.'

'From takeovers to industrial sabotage'

'here is the latest about Bree Enterprise.'

'But first, our selection of the tycoon for the day.'

'A man among managers'

'this executive is the top in his field.'

Hey, that sounds like me.

(woman on radio) 'His company's recent production increase'

'is a model for the entire industry.'

Go on, go on.

(woman on radio) 'The Big Bucks News Network'

'proudly salutes its tycoon for the day..'

Cosmo S. Spacely.

(woman on radio) '...W.Z. Cogswell.'


(woman on radio) 'So join us in congratulating..'

Shut that blasted thing off.

Cancel my subscription, and get me out of this thing.

Well, I see you've already heard

about my being named tycoon for the day.


With my increased production, I expect I'll join

the Fortuners by the end of the week.

I hope this doesn't hurt our friendship.

[laughs] Happy hunting, Spacely.

I want George Jetson here now!



Uh, oh, oh, uh, oh, yes, sir. I'll get right on it.

Oh, oh, hi, boss.

Jetson, starting immediately

everyone works a triple shift.

[laughs] Are you kidding?

There's no such thing as a triple shift.

(Cosmo) 'I just invented it.'

I wanna double our sprocket production by tomorrow morning.

That means I'll have to work straight through the night.

No more sick leave, holidays or weekends off

until I beat Cogswell.

Oh, but I promised Elroy I'd help him

with his school project tonight.

In the mogul-eat-mogul world of high finance

one's personal life can't get in the way of making money

'or joining the Fortuners .'

I hope Elroy will understand.

Sacrifice, Jetson, we all have to sacrifice.

Uh, Ms. Galaxy, hand me a new button.

[yawns] Twenty four hours of pushing buttons.

Can't wait to see my nice, soft bed.

Oh, George, you poor dear.

Wake me up in the next century.

Dad, am I ever glad you're home.

I can't build this robot myself.

What robot?

[chuckles] Well, you know

for my school's Robotic Olympics Project.

- You said you'd help. - 'Oh, yeah, sure.'

I'll read the blueprints and you assemble the pieces.

"The galvanized solid flux

is connected to the fiber optic complex."

And the knee bone's connected to the leg bone.

(Elroy) '"The upper circuit joints'

'are connected to the concussion panels."'

That was close.

What's this?

Dad, wake up.

I'm sorry, Elroy. I dozed off.

You stop that. Leave Orbitty alone.

Oh, no.

Ooh, this is gonna put me days behind schedule.

I'll help fix things up. You can rely on me, son.

Jetson, I gave you exactly minutes to sleep and eat.

Uh, Mr. Spacely, we have a little emergency here

and I intend to stay and help my son

no matter how long it takes.

The emergency is that your regular work day

starts in five minutes, understand me, Jetson?

Well, we wouldn't have gotten much done

in five minutes anyway.

Would we, son? See you tonight.


(male # ) 'Got a second, George?'

Yeah, but not a minute more.

I think you wanna get in on this, George.

You know Spacely doesn't allow gambling pools.

Not since he lost on last year's Super Space Bowl.

This may be a gamble, but not it's not a pool.

It's a little something to brighten old Spacely's day.

Oh, one of those cute greeting cards.

Maybe he'll lighten the workload after this.

He'd better or else..

Alright. What's goin' on here?

I can't relax for one second. Can I, Jetson?

We have a surprise for you, Mr. Spacely.

A little somethin' that comes from the heart.

"Due to the current unreasonable work overload

"we, the undersigned depressed workers

"demand that Spacely's Space Sprockets hire

more human workers or else.."

Jetson, this is insubordination!

Uh-oh. Uh, t-t-turn it over, sir.

Maybe the greeting's on the other side.

I'll show you what I think of your crummy demands, Jetson.


One more word about this and I'll see

that you never press another button on this planet!

Just calling to remind you

about assembling my robot tonight, dad.

Oh, yeah. I'll try and be home early, son. Bye.

Oh, what else?

(R.U.D.I.) 'Just this, George.'

If Spacely hires more humans around here

I will see to it that every machine shuts down.

We can bring Spacely's Sprockets to its knees.

I want my mother.

Oh, no, mother. That's much too long for you.

Jane, can't you get a robot to do this?

None of them fit my dresses as well as you.

Now stand still.

Just hurry up. I've gotta go to work in a few minutes.

(Jane) George, you've been working day and night, all week long.

You are a valuable employee, not one of his pet machines.

You have rights like anyone else, daddy.

You're a human being.

- A human being with strength. - And courage.

It's time someone stood up to that mini mogul.

Now, now, you're getting too emotional about this.

(Jane) 'And what about Elroy's robot project?'

- I'm gonna get around to it. - Daddy, you're too late.

He's downstairs right now finishing it up.

He had to ask Henry Orbit for help.

Gee, I guess I really did let him down.

Jane, Judy, you're right.

I am a human being with strength and courage.

Go tell Elroy his father is staying home from work today.

(both) Hurray!

- That's wonderful, dear. - Glad to have you back, daddy.

Uh, pardon me, Mrs. Jetson but has George left for work yet?

[imitating Jane] Why, Mr. Spacely, he left over five minutes ago.

[laughs] Good.

I can always depend on your husband to be punctual.

Gee, dad, mum told me you're staying home from work.

Dad? Is that you, Jetson?

Oh, uh, uh, hi, Mr. Spacely.

(Spacely) 'I'm duckin' you a day's pay for every minute you're late.'

- 'Now hop to it!' - I know, sir. Push, push, push.

George, you promised Elroy.

(George) 'He understands, don't you, son?'

- Yeah. Sure, dad. - 'And one more thing, Jetson.'

I don't care how you dress at home

but don't come to work like that.

[sighs] I have nightmares of sprockets chasing me.

You're complaining? I'm too tired to sleep anymore

unlike Georgey there.

Huh, uh, what?

George, why are you looking' at me so funny?

We've got to do something soon before we burn out completely.

Who are you kidding? Spacely won't listen to us.

Why not? Don't forget we're valuable employees to him

and not his pet machines.

We have rights just like everyone else.

We're human beings with strength and courage.

We've got to stand up to that mini mogul.

I know just what you're driving at, George.

- And we're for it. - Right.

Then it's all settled. We go out on strike.

Strike? Oh, wait. I didn't exactly mean--

(female # ) 'We're behind you all the way, George.'

We'll get pamphlets and signs and..

Well, with a mouth like yours, you don't need any enemies.

R.U.D.I. told us about you, Jetson.

If Spacely hires another human worker

this is the beginning of the end for Spacely Sprocket.

Yow! Let me out of here!

Cosmo Spacely unfair.

Boycott all sprockets.

Can't we talk this over?

Ah, looks like Spacely's

having a little labor trouble, eh, Jetson?

Oh, Mr. Cogswell, I wouldn't worry.

I doubt if it will last very long.

Good for you. I like that.

Optimism in the face of overwhelming odds.

No matter what tomorrow brings, dark clouds, financial ruin.

Oh, Mr. Spacely wouldn't let that happen.

Of course, he wouldn't.

Mr. Spacely is a man of conscience, goodwill.

And hopefully, that thought will sustain you

through the months and years ahead.

Months and years?

(Cogswell) 'Well, it's a matter of semantics, my boy.'

'Uh, it might only be five years.'

In any case, I want you to know

if you ever need it, there is a home for you

'at Cogswell Cogs starting tomorrow.'

Is it a deal?

We really should give Mr. Spacely time

to meet our demands.

He'll try to run the place by himself before he gives in.

Oh, that's where you're wrong, sir.

He might be a lot of things, but Mr. Spacely is not stupid.

Ms. Galaxy, I'm not stupid.

I started Spacely Sprockets as a one-man operation

and I can still run it by myself.

Forget that instructional manual.

I can run this equipment by sheer intuition.

Pure child's play, Ms. Galaxy.

clang clang clang


Maybe you should read a few instructions slowly.

[doorbell rings]

I'll get the door, Jane.

Morning, Mr. Jetson.

Taking the day off from work, eh?

No, I'm on strike, Henry.

Ah, the life of leisure, eh, Mr. Jetson?

Jocko and me came to pick Elroy up

for the Robotic Olympics.

Who's Jocko?

Only the finest robot athlete ever assembled.

Yes, siree. We're going for the goal today.

- Let me try him out, Henry. - Uh, be careful.

Uh, Jocko is a mighty complicated bucket of bolts.


(George) 'How many RPMs does he have?'

(Henry) 'No! No, Mr. Jetson!'

(George) 'No harm done, Henry?'

Glory be! H-he hadn't warmed up yet.

(Elroy) 'Is that you, Henry?'

[gasps] Elroy. Quick, help me. We can fix it.

But it took us a week to put him together the first time.

Elroy will never forgive me.

Wait, I'll squeeze inside the robot body

and complete this Jocko myself.

It's bad enough Jocko's in pieces

don't you go to pieces too, Mr. Jetson.

Look, I've already let Elroy down too many times not to try.

Uh, Mr. Jetson, uh, those other robots

are automatically powered.

You haven't a chance.

No matter what, you promise to keep this a secret, okay?

(Elroy) 'Be right with you, Henry.'

Quick, help me into this thing.

(Spacely) Ms. Galaxy, are you pushing any buttons?

This stuff is all Martian to me, Mr. Spacely.

(Spacely) Just push the stop button.

(Galaxy) 'I was hired as an office management specialist'

not as one of your grumpy button pushers. There.

I'll show'em. I could run this place

with one hand tied behind my..

glub glub glub

[crowd cheering]

Jocko has lost every single event.

Well, maybe he's just nervous, Elroy.

Is that why he keeps waving' at me?

(male announcer) 'Representing Little Dipper Elementary'

'at the space hammer throw, Jocko.'


He mighty graceful

flipping through the air like that.

He's also disqualified.

(male announcer) 'A new Robotic Olympic record, pounds'

'lifted by King Crusher.'


'We all can't be built like Jack LaLanne.'

Mr. Jetson's line is still busy, Mr. Spacely.

Keep trying. This is an emergency.

Oh, someone's calling in now, sir.

You're calling in for George, Mr. Spacely?

Yes. Uh, would you call poor George to the phone, Jane?

He isn't here, Mr. Spacely.

Is there any message?

Uh, yes. Tell him I wanna relieve his, uh..

All of their suffering just as soon as I can.

Uh, do you understand, Jane?

Yes, I think so.

They've got you boxed in.

Jocko has been dead last in every event.

Well, there's still the obstacle course left.

Oh, dear, I was hoping George would be here.

What's wrong, Mrs. Jetson?

I've got to find him. I think Mr. Spacely's ready to give in.

What makes you think dad would be here?

He was too busy to even help me with my robot.

Well, there's been a crisis at the plant, Elroy

and your father could settle it if I could get him over there.

Well, there's a crisis here, mom.

This is the last event and my last chance to win.

Henry, you've got to help me.

Do you have any idea where George could be?

Well, ma'am, I hate to tell secrets, but, uh, he's in..

Come on ,Jocko.

Little Dipper Elementary is depending on me.

(male announcer) 'For our final Robotic Olympic event'

'the obstacle course.'

'On your marks..'

Well, I got down. Now can I get up?

(male announcer) 'Get, set.'

[starting p*stol fired]

- Come on, Mr. Jet, uh, Jocko. - Tell me when it's over.


I never was much of a swinger.


Look, El-Elroy, I'm catching up.


(male announcer) 'Ladies and gentlemen, up till here'

'it looks like a three-way tie.'

Come on, Jocko. You got it. Run.

[crowd cheering]

You sure gave it your best shot, Mr. Jetson.

Where's Elroy?

He, uh, h-he wanted to walk home alone.

Oh, I guess my idea was a bust.

He'll probably disinherit me as his father.

Well, if he does, he isn't much of a son.

Let's go, Mr. Jetson.

Say, cutie, new model in town?

beep beep

Jane, you've seen Elroy?

George, was that you inside there?

It still is.

Mr. Spacely's been calling you.

They're waiting for you at a strike meeting.

Jane, I'm stuck in this thing like a space sardine.

How do I go like this?

Rosie, have you any ideas?

Yeah, you've had years with George.

Give me minutes with Jocko.

(Jane) 'Rosie!'

Okay, you take the head, Mrs. J

and I take the feet and we pull.

Oh, how-how are we doing, George?

Just fine if you want a tall, thin robot

who will sing soprano.


- Where is Jetson? - I don't think he's coming.

George will be here, depend on it.

He lead us in to battle, he'll lead us to victory.

(Galaxy) 'Mr. Jetson is here. At least I think it's him, sir.'

Now we can settle this matter once and for all.

That's you, George?

George, how could you? Siding with the robots.

Are you making fun of us, George?

I say we shut this place down.

Now calm down, everyone.

What's the meaning of this, Jetson?

Well, it's kind of funny, sir.

[laughs] You see, what I really wanted was to help my son.

- 'And you did, dad.' - Elroy.

Mom told me you were inside Jocko the whole time.

I still am.

- Sorry, I lost, son. - So what?

I thought you didn't care about my project or about me.

Boy, you make a lousy robot

but you're the greatest dad, dad.

Wait. I get it.

Jetson dressed like a robot as a symbol.

Not really, Mr. Spacely.

Shut up.

Maybe I can get us out of this mess.

Uh, Jetson here wanted to show us

how humans and robots work together for the common good.

'We need each other.'

Well, the robots do let me work five times faster.

Well, the humans do all the programming

not to mention our mid-day loop jobs.

Yeah, but it takes you robots about a second

to calculate something that would take me years.

Well, I like humans.

George is the best friend I ever had.

You see? We can all go back to work now.

What about the triple work shifts and no weekends off?

(R.U.D.I.) 'Yeah.'

We'll take Cogswell's job offer if we have to.

What? He offered you jobs?

(all) 'Yeah, he sure did.'

Excuse me while I, uh..

...consider your demands.


Mr. Cogswell, what brings you here?

Concern, boy.

And how miserable I know the negotiations will be going

and to offer something more tangible than my condolences.


Well, we haven't decided anything yet, Mr. Cogswell

but we appreciate your offer.

Maybe we should consider it.

Good. The quicker, the better.

My personal limousine is here to escort you to your new jobs.

(Spacely) 'Not so fast, Cogswell.'

Uh, we have a deal.

Regular hours and weekends off starting right now.

Couldn't handle the pressure, eh, Spacely?

I'll still outproduce you.

Yeah, we'll see about that.


I think this call's for you, Cogswell.

Oh, you better hurry back here, boss.

All the computers have shut down.

(Cogswell) 'Well, what is it, a power failure?'

Worse, someone called the robot foreman and tipped him off

'about you hiring more humans from Spacely Sprocket.'

Spacely, if you were the one who called, so help me..

(Spacely) 'Sorry, Cogswell.'

With a full shutdown, you haven't a chance

of joining the Fortuners .

But there's always next year.

Uh, one last thing.

Uh, this won't affect our friendship, will it?


- Hip-hip! - Hurray!

Come on, speech, speech.

[clears throat] There's still seconds in the work day.

Uh, back to your posts pronto.

[sighs] I'm glad everything's getting back to normal.

Oh, where did you get such a nice gleam

to your metal look, cutie?

All the better to reflect you, gorgeous.

Hey, that's my girl you're flirting with, you hordes.

I'm shutting down for the rest of the day.

Yup. Everything's back to normal.

[theme music]

[music continues]