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02x08 - All Enemies, Foreign and Domestic

Posted: 07/06/23 07:53
by bunniefuu
This one guy I knew, this gangster

we called him the Violin Man.

He was born into nobility

and he played
from when he was like 2 years old.

No one plays the violin
when they're 2 years old.

Sure they do.

They don't make violins that small.

To a baby like that,
it'd be like playing a f*cking cello.

2, 3, whatever.

The point is, his family
was k*lled off in the revolution

and he wound up out on the streets.

Turned out he could scrap
like a m*therf*cker.

He joined a Tong.

After a while, his hands
got so f*cked up from the fights

he couldn't play anymore.

So he pulled the strings
off of his violin..

- His tiny violin.
- No, he was older now.

You guys are f*cking up my story.

Anyway, he pulled the strings
off his violin

and he would carry them with him.

And when he k*lled people

he would choke them out
with the same violin strings

he used to play f*cking Mozart with.

Hence, the Violin Man.

How did we get on this topic?

You asked him
why he fights with that rope.

Oh, yeah.
What's the connection?

It's my trademark, man.

The Violin Man had his strings,
I have my chain.

Did you play Mozart on it?



- Then I don't get it.
- Me either.

f*ck you guys!

"The Rope Man."

Come on.

That doesn't have
the same ring to it.

It's not a rope, it's a chain.

Rope Man, you tell
any Fung Hai still breathing

they work for us now.

I don't think
anyone is still breathing.

That works, too.


Nice and sharp.

There you go.

No! No!

You get the hell away from me!

Damn it.
Someone get something in his mouth!

We're trying to help you.

Get off me! Don't!
Don't, don't, don't, don't, don't!

No, no!
Don't take it! Don't! Do..

Please, don't!

Don't take my leg!
Don't take my leg!

- Please!
- I'm sorry.

I-It's too far gone.

- No.
- It will be over soon.


I promise.

Mr. Buckley.

Mr. Buckley, wake up!

What is it?

The police are here.

How long ago?

An hour, maybe two.

Neighbors heard shouting.

They saw someone
running away from the house.

Sent a footman to the station.

What a mess.

Has Mrs. Blake made a statement?

Not yet.

I thought it best not to press her
until you arrived.

You did the right thing.

Mrs. Blake, are you hurt?

Can you tell me what happened here?

Your husband
has been k*lled, Mrs. Blake

and you've clearly
been in a struggle.

I'm gonna need you to speak.

Did you k*ll your husband,
Mrs. Blake?

He was drunk.

He att*cked me.

So you were defending yourself?

He was strangling me.
I-I couldn't breathe.

The thing is, Mrs. Blake

your husband was hit
on the back of the head

with a poker, by the looks of it.

You couldn't have hit him like that
if he was strangling you.

I don't know.

It all happened so quickly.

Perhaps, your sister saw
what was happening

- and came to your aid?
- No.

She tried,
but he threw her into a wall.

So, if not her..

- It was Jacob.
- Sophie! - What's this now?

I'm not letting you go to jail
for something you didn't do.

She's confused.
She hit her head.

Samuel was trying to k*ll her!

Jacob, he hit him,
but he was defending her.

- That is not what happened!
- Excuse me!

Mrs. Blake, what are you doing?

Jacob's not a m*rder*r.

The Mayor of San Francisco
has been k*lled in his own home.

Someone is gonna be arrested
for m*rder.

Now it can be you

or it can be the man
who actually k*lled him.

Or maybe it wasn't him.
Maybe it was your sister.

- No.
- Is he still in the house?

Search the house to be sure

but I suspect we'll need
to track down this Chinaman, Jacob.


- He was just defending me.
- Of course, he was.

But fleeing the scene
isn't helping his case.

I think we should leave
Mrs. Blake and Ms. Mercer to recover.

They've been through
a terrible ordeal.

I'll leave a man on the door.

Chief Flannagan,
may I speak to you for a moment?

So, what do you think?

I think it's clear.
The Mayor was m*rder*d by a Chinaman.

You say it like that

we'll have pandemonium
in the streets.

And that's why
we're gonna stay ahead of it.

We're gonna search
every inch of Chinatown.

Can we pull policemen
from other beats?

I suppose that's up to you now.

You're the acting Mayor.

Yes, I suppose I am.

Every badge you can muster,
first thing in the morning.

I want a large scale
and very visible manhunt

already underway
before we announce the Mayor's death.

- Do you understand?
- Do you want me to put on a show?

A big one.

I wanna keep the city calm
and catch a m*rder*r.

That'll take some doing.

For one thing,
we don't know what he looks like.

Just get it started.

It's important that the people know
we're on top of things.

- Even when we aren't?
- Especially then.

I don't understand
why we don't just burn

this f*cking place to the ground,
send a message.

Our colors
on the Fung Hai headquarters

is the message

one Mai Ling
has to live with every day.

The longer she waits to retaliate,
the weaker she looks.

- But she can't retaliate because..
- Because of the Six Companies.


Either way, she's f*cked.

It makes sense.

But I didn't ice out the old man

just to wait around for someone else
to make the first f*cking move.

This is the move.
Get me?

When did you get so smart?

I don't like to show-off.

Well, we both know that's not true.

Okay, we'll try this.
See how she reacts.

But I'm not gonna keep us
in a stalemate forever.

I underestimated him.

You think this was Ah Sahm?

Father Jun wouldn't authorize
a direct attack right now.

They hit the Fung Hai
when they were at their weakest.

This was strategic

but it was also personal.

He's provoking me,
daring me to break the treaty.

I didn't think they'd move
so quickly after Zing.

Because you weren't looking
at the bigger picture.

So what do we do?

There are other avenues.

People who aren't
the least bit concerned

about our little treaties.

The bigger picture.


What's this?

A celebration.

We took out the Fung Hai
and f*cked the Long Zii hard

without breaking the treaty.

And how many of your brothers
did you lose in the process?

At least I did something.

You're right, you did.

And I'm sure
it was a hell of a scrap.

But you've been in-charge
for, what, two days?

And you're already waging w*r.

- The Fung Hai needed to go.
- Of course, they did.

But maybe
there was a smarter way to do it

one that wouldn't have cost you
good men.

You've always been too impulsive.

I tried to teach you patience.

Maybe that's something
that can't be taught.

Maybe that's something
you have to learn the hard way.

All right.

I don't need to tell you boys
what we're up against here.

Every second that goes by
without that Chinaman in handcuffs

only increases the chances
that we'll never see him again.

And if that happens.

God help us.

Chinatown is closed.
Effective immediately.

I want every filthy,
god-forsaken corner in that sh*thole

torn to shreds
until this Jacob is found.

Someone gets in your way,
get him out.

Someone doesn't wanna open the door

- kick it in..
- Buckley pulled in every cop in the city.

Should be a hell of a show.

Christ, Lee.
You even up for this?

Up for what?

I reckon when push comes to shove

you'll just pin it
on the first Chinaman you find.

- Right, Sergeant?
- All right.

Get it done, get it done fast.


Lee. Hey.

- I thought we were past this shit.
- You planted that watch.

Yeah, you planted it
and you made me believe.

You made me a part of your lie.

What are you talking about?

I spoke to Timmons' widow.

You had a problem with the Fung Hai,
so you framed him.

Keep your f*cking voice low.

What, are you telling me
he didn't deserve to go down?

For God's sake, Bill.

We lost men.
McLeod, Donnelly, Gallahue.

You think I don't know that?

They died in the line of duty.

You say that
like you almost believe it.

Oh, you sanctimonious, little prick!

I don't know who it was that told you

that the world
was black and white, Lee.

But, believe me, they didn't do you
any f*cking favors!

- At least I know where to draw the line.
- Yeah?

And which side of that line
does k*lling your own kin fall on?

f*ck! You are picking up
some bad habits, Lee

and throwing punches at me
is top of the f*cking list!


That's enough, g*dd*mn it!

- What the hell is going on here?
- He's lost his f*cking mind!

- Georgie, good morning.
- Mr. Leary.

Morning, William.
How's the family?


I'm sorry to hear that.

It's not nearly enough, I know,
but maybe it'll help.

I don't want a f*cking handout.

I want a job, like you promised.

What the f*ck do you think
I'm doing out there, huh?

Day in and day out?

I'm fighting for you.
I'm fighting for all these men.

Change doesn't come overnight.

So you say.

And so you've been saying.

But we're all still here

watching the g*dd*mn chinks
ride past us every day

on the way to our jobs.

I pay my dues, we all do

on what little we make.

- And I'm tired of f*cking waiting.
- He's right!

We need work!

Settle down, all of you!

You all heard the Mayor's speech.

He's taken our side,
gonna force the coolies out.

Any day now, you'll be back to work.

And who do you think
put the f*cking screws to him?

It was my boot on their f*cking neck.

I delivered the message

that you take our jobs
at your own f*cking peril.

If you think you can do better,
be my f*cking guest.

Maybe you're right

but that's just words right now.

And a politician's promises
won't put bread on my family's table.


What happened?
Who the f*ck did this to you?

- Blake.
- The Mayor?

He's dead.


He att*cked my sister. I..

Oh, he was insane.

I-I tried to stop him,
but he was too strong.

Oh, my God, he's dead.

It's okay.

It's okay. It's okay.

It's okay.

Just breathe slow and easy.


are you saying
it was you that k*lled him?

It was Jacob.

Our valet.

- The Chinaman?
- She didn't want me to say anything

but I couldn't let them
arrest her for it.

She hates me now.

The Mayor is dead.

Someone's gonna swing for it.
You did the right thing.

If Blake's gone,
who the f*ck is in-charge?

Raise your right hand
and repeat after me.

I, Walter Franklin Buckley..

I, Walter Franklin Buckley..

Do solemnly swear..

Do solemnly swear..

That I will support and defend

the Constitution
of the United States..

That I will support and defend

the Constitution
of the United States..

And the Constitution
of the State of California..

And the Constitution
of the State of California..

Against all enemies,
foreign and domestic..

Against all enemies,
foreign and domestic..

That I will bear
true faith and allegiance

to the Constitution
of the United States

and the State of California..

And that I will bear
true faith and allegiance

to the Constitution
of the United States

and the State of California..

That I take this obligation freely

without any mental reservation
or purpose of evasion..

That I take this obligation freely

without any mental reservation
or purpose of evasion..

And that I will well and faithfully

discharge the duties
upon which I am about to enter..

And that I will well and faithfully

discharge the duties
upon which I am about to enter..

And during such time

as I hold the office
of the Mayor of San Francisco.

And during such time

as I hold the office
of the Mayor of San Francisco.

Congratulations, Mr. Mayor.
The city is yours.

Have you seen this man?

Have you seen him?
This man, have you seen him?


Come with me.

Down with the chinks!

You've seen this?

If it's any consolation, it bears
almost no resemblance to you.

I don't give a damn
about the quality of the rendering.

Where are we in the search?

We're looking for a Chinaman
in Chinatown.

- Could be a while.
- I don't have "a while."

And neither do you, if you hope
to remain Chief of Police

- during my tenure.
- Sir, if you want a Chinaman

I can get you one this morning,
but not the Chinaman

not the one who m*rder*d the Mayor.

I can't just yank him out of a hat.

Put a curfew in place.
And road blocks.

No one comes or goes from Chinatown
without talking to a cop.

I take it you'll approve
the extra hours for the men.

I want the entire force
on the streets

I don't care what it costs.

Nobody sleeps until we have our man.

Mr. Mayor.
Just the man I was looking for.

Acting Mayor.

Sorry to hear about Blake,
God rest his soul.

He may have been
a twisted son of a bitch

but he was a friend
of the working-man.

Is there something
I can do for you, Mr. Leary?

I'm in a bit of a rush.

It's okay, I think I can keep up.

These are dark times.

First, they attack a cop
in his own home

and now
they've assassinated the Mayor.

They're straying from their pen
more and more.

Some might get the idea
that our local government

has lost all control
of the Chinese situation.

If there's a point
you're trying to make..

You don't have nearly enough men
to find the chink who did this.

I have one of the most highly-trained
police forces in the entire country.

That may be, but you're still
outmanned 100 to 1.

I can tip the odds in your favor.

And yours, presumably.

The important thing
is to see justice served.


Especially for a brand-new Mayor.

Show them he's up to the job.

Demonstrate his will and whatnot.

And how is it
you propose to help, exactly?

Deputize one working-man
for every cop you've got looking

until the search is over.

You'll double your reach.

I'll get you
the sharpest fellas we got.

$3 a day ought to do it.

Even if that was
a reasonable suggestion

which we both know it isn't

the city's budget won't accommodate
anything close to that.

$2, then.

A small price to pay
to keep these men occupied

tensions being as high as they are.

We wouldn't want to see vigilantes

roaming the streets
on your watch now, would we?

I mean, how would that look?

You weren't able to intimidate me
when I was Deputy Mayor.

What makes you think
you're gonna intimidate me now?

There's more to lose, I guess.

Before he went tits up,
Blake made a speech

promising the working-men
would be taken care of.

It would be a big f*cking mistake

for the man who succeeds him
to forget that promise.

Mayor Blake never gave a speech
I didn't put in his mouth.

It could be I will have use
for your crude tactics down the road.

Until then, you and the working-men
will have to wait in line.

I have more urgent matters
to deal with.

San Francisco Police Department!
Everybody stay where you are!

Easy there, big fella.
We're not here for a fight.

Ladies and gentlemen,
we are looking for this man.

The sooner you help us find him

the sooner
we can get out of your hair.

Harrison, start upstairs.
Search every room.

- Ah Toy.
- This man not here.

Then you've got
nothing to worry about.

Too many cops not good for business.

Well, I've got more bad news for you.

It's curfew,
means everyone's shut down

until we find our man.
Including you.

Look who's back from the dead.

Remember me?

Hard to say, you all
kind of look the same to me.

Well, it's a wonder
you're here to crack wise

after that beating you took.

You saw that?

And stopped it, too.

See, that pause there
is where you thank me

for saving your life.

That's a lot of cops for one man.

Well, a Chinaman k*lled the Mayor.

We take that sort of thing

- Mayor Blake?
- That's right.

Caved his head in with a fire poker
and then went underground.

No one's seen him since.

I don't have to tell you this doesn't
bode well for your people.

The sooner we catch this guy,
the better for all concerned.

Maybe you know him?
Name's Jacob.

We don't all know each other.

Well, maybe.

But he was Mrs. Blake's manservant.

I know you know her.

- Barely.
- Barely?

Well, in the meantime,
no one gets in or out of Chinatown

until we find our man.

And my men will not stop
tearing this place apart.

- So, if you know anything..
- I don't.

Would you tell me if you did?


Well, then

f*ck off.

And tell your friends
to stay off the streets.

Today would be the wrong f*cking day,
do you hear me?

Evening, Mr. Mayor.
Come to check up on us?

Something like that.

- Any action?
- None to speak of.

But we'll get him, sir.

Let him through!

All right.
Yes, sir.

Move along.

It's been a while, Mr. Buckley.

I was beginning to think
you'd forgotten me.

- I've been busy.
- So I hear.

Congratulations on your promotion.

It's funny.
When I came to San Francisco.

I never imagined I'd be granted
an audience with the Mayor.

Well, let's see if we can make it
worth your while.

I need to find this m*rder*r, Jacob,

That won't be easy.

Chinatown may not be long or wide,
but it's very deep.

True. But anything's possible
with the proper motivation.

If you don't help me
locate this criminal

it'll mean the end
of your opium supply

and the beginning of a new era
in Chinatown

one in which the Long Zii
are no longer immune to prosecution.

So, not the carrot, but the stick.

I cannot stress
how not in the mood I am

for repartee.

I can find your Jacob.

But I'll want something in return.

- I already told you my terms.
- And now I'm telling you mine.

It's simple, really.

I want my enemies to be your enemies.

And when the time comes

your cops will help me
crush the Hop Wei.

Do we have a deal?

Find the coolie.

It's me.


Come in.

I heard about the curfew,
I was worried.

Oh, it wasn't easy
getting into Chinatown.

The police were everywhere.

Have they given you any trouble?

They close business.

But I'm okay.


You must think me ridiculous
checking up on you.

It's very kind.

I'm gonna head back out
to the vineyard

I thought maybe you might
wanna come with me.

- Now?
- Yeah.

With things in Chinatown how they are

I thought it might be good
to get away for a few days.

And, well, to be honest

it would be nice
to spend some time together.


Can I help you?

Is there anyone else in here tonight?

Just us.

Ma'am, you need to leave now.

Excuse me?

There's a curfew in effect.

It's okay.

Sergeant O'Hara already come.

He sent us back.
Surprise inspection.

I don't care who sent you.

You can't just barge in here
without a proper..


Get back here, you whore!

Stay down, bitch.

Get it over with.




Ah Toy.

You must go.

I'm not leaving you here like this.

You need medical attention.

Not safe for you here.

Don't be ridiculous.

- We need to get you to a doctor.
- I said, go!

You don't know me.

And you don't belong here.

No place for a white woman.

Now, go!

I asked you a question, slant.

What's your f*cking name?

It's Wang Chao.
And he's not your man.

You shouldn't be out here tonight.

- It's dangerous.
- Dangerous for everyone.

I told you, he's not your man.

Now get on with you,
or I'll feed you that f*cking stick!

You save that cop's life.

And here I thought
I was saving yours.

Forget about him. It's probably
his first time in Chinatown.

Well, I see him again,
it will be his last time.

Well, help me find this Jacob

and we can get all these cops
out of here.

I give you Zing and the Fung Hai.

I help you with your swordsman.

How many time I do your job
for you, Sergeant, hmm?

Maybe you give me badge.

I'll make it worth your while.

Until next problem.
Then you shut me down again.

I got you up and running
as fast as I could.

I don't know this man.

You sure?

I know who I know.

Well, if you hear anything,
you know where to find me.

Of course.

I am friend to police.

Good night.

And stay off the street.

I am sorry
about shutting you down, Chao.

Ah Toy?

My God.
What happened to you?

You try to k*ll me.

What are you talking about?

I-I've been home all night.

Dear God.

Oh, no.

I don't understand.

Who are those men?

Did they do this to you?

You sign.


Sign what?

You sign, or you die.

Make choice.

Surely you don't think
I had anything to do with this.

I would never hurt you, Ah Toy.

Lie again

your children die in their beds.

Finish sign.

You go far away.

I ever see you

you dead man.

I'm sorry.

Who are you?
What the f*ck do you want?


Help me.

Please, help..

Help me.