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02x05 - Not for a Drink, a F*ck, or a G**damn Prayer

Posted: 07/06/23 07:50
by bunniefuu
BILL O'HARA: You and me,

we have
some unfinished business.


I was working for them
Fung Hai, collecting.

You have pain?
Then come with me.


They will know it was you.

I want them to.

Zing, maybe he is swordsman.

-Will you take her?
-I have some land in Sonoma.

Why don't you come with us?

You do nothing!

You contribute nothing.

There's a back entrance
to my father's factory.

I've had nothing before.

And I've sacrificed too much
to ever have nothing again.

We are warriors.

Every hundred feet, yeah?



[engine revs]

[spaghetti western music]

♪ ♪

- [breathing rhythmically]

♪ ♪

[grunts quietly]

♪ ♪

[exhales slowly]

♪ ♪

Did I wake you up?

- No.

- [exhales deeply]

You don't sleep enough.

- [scoffs softly]

You don't need
to worry about me.

- You're troubled.

I feel it.

- I'm not.

The peace is holding.
Our prospects are good.

I know you don't approve of
our alliance with the Fung Hai,

but it's necessary.

- That's not what's
keeping you up at night.

Ah Sahm...

[soft dramatic music]

♪ ♪

- What about him?

- You feel guilty

for ordering his death.

- And you judge me
for doing it.

- Mai Ling, no.

- Because what kind of person
would k*ll her own brother?

- That's not what I meant.

- Good.

♪ ♪

Because you have no idea
what he did to me.

♪ ♪

The things I endured.

[sorrowful music]

You're right.

♪ ♪

I think about it.

Over and over again.

I see him...

lying there...

bloody and beaten,
and he's looking up at me.

And suddenly,
there's no tournament,

no tongs...

nothing, just...

just a boy

crying for his sister
to help him.

I can't undo what's happened.

- He is your family.

Don't you think
he could forgive you?

- I wouldn't.

I haven't.

♪ ♪

spaghetti western music]

♪ ♪

[rubble settling softly]

[debris clattering]

- Miss?

- Jacob.

What is that awful smell?

- It's opium, miss.

- Opium?

[indistinct conversation]

What is it doing here?

- There were boxes of it hidden
in the storeroom.

There were bodies too.

Hop Wei.

[indistinct conversation

- My source in Chinatown says

the Fung Hai are back
to business as usual.

So tonight's the night, boys.

No one leaves
after their shifts.

Not for a f*ck, a drink,
or a g*dd*mn prayer at church.

If you got business
to take care of,

you take care of it today,

because tonight,

we show these heathen bastards

what happens when you f*ck
with San Francisco cops!

[cheers and applause]

Where the f*ck have you been?


you look like a puddle of shit.

- Did you tell the men
why the Fung Hai att*cked you?

- And why would I do that?

You want to unburden yourself?

Be my guest.

But we both know it won't make
a damn bit of difference.

f*ckin' hell, Lee.

You were there.

They had a knife
to my boy's throat.

What makes you think
they'll stop coming?

These animals need
to be put down.

- Oh, so--
so that's what this is.

- You're damn right!

And after what they did to you,

I'd think you'd want
a piece as well.

- They didn't do this
to me, Bill.

You did.

All of this is because of you.

[tense music]

- Look,

I don't have time
for this right now.

We are going in there tonight.

And if you are anything less
than stone f*ckin' sober

we are gonna have a problem.

Am I clear?

♪ ♪

- Is that an order, Sergeant?

- Yes, it is a f*cking order!

♪ ♪

- Penny.

Penny, I...

came as soon as I heard.

- And I guess
that makes sense,

considering the amount
of opium you had stored here.

It's gone, by the way.

All of it.

- [sighs softly]

I'm sorry.
I didn't have a choice.

- I trusted you.

And you used me.

The worst part is I actually
paid you to do it.

I also paid you
for protection.

So...job well-done there.

Your men are dead.

Don't worry; Jacob took them
away before the police arrived.

- [groans softly]

Thank you.

- Believe me,

I didn't do it for you.

My fault, really.

I knew what you were
when I hired you.

- Yeah, and what does that
say about you?

- [stiffly]
You need to leave--now.

because if you don't,

it's very possible
I'm going to scream.

[breathing heavily]

[indistinct chatter]

- Chief Flannagan.

Please, have a seat.

- No need.

I won't be long.

- It's been a while since
we broke bread together.

I was starting to feel
a little forgotten.

- I gather you've heard about
Mercer Steel.

- It's right here.

So a fat city contract goes
to Mercer,

and now it turns out
he's the mayor's father-in-law.

[chuckles dryly]

And that doesn't strike anyone
as rotten?

- It struck somebody
as something,

because they
went and blew it up.

- I don't know anything
about that.

[clears throat]

And neither do you,

or I'd be in cuffs right now,
wouldn't I?

- This stops now, you hear me?

There'll be no more bombings,
no more att*cks.

- Like I said,
I don't know anything about it.

But if I did,

do you really think
coming in here

and talking at me
like some uppity schoolmarm

would change a f*ckin' thing?

- Then I'll talk to you
more directly.

If this keeps happening,

no one on my end will
give a shit about due process.

They'll be calling
for your head,

and they'll turn
a blind f*ckin' eye

to what it takes to get it.

- Hmm.

There's the Irishman.

Good for you.

So, as long as we're
just two Irishmen talking,

I'll be equally clear.

Your people at City Hall
created this mess

by starving their own citizens

to line the pockets
of friends and relatives.

Now those citizens
are fighting back,

as hungry men will.

The fact is,
it's out of my hands.

Things keep going on the way
they're going 'round here,

this city is gonna burn.

And when it does,

the blood'll be your hands,
not mine.

You and the f*cking politicians
that pay your wages.

[ominous music]

♪ ♪

[ethereal folk guitar music]

♪ ♪

- Welcome to Sonoma.

I'm so glad
you decided to come.

- [speaking Cantonese]

[birds singing]

[indistinct Cantonese

- It's beautiful.

- It is, isn't it?

[speaking Cantonese]

- [speaking Cantonese]

- The harvest is over,

but we're getting ready
for next year.

There's always work to be done.

We have rooms over
in the bunkhouse

and cows and pigs in the barn.

The girls are never bored.

- They look happy.

- Good morning, Fen Hua.

- Morning, Miss Nellie.

- I found Fen Hua
just over a year ago.

She was in a crib brothel
on the Barbary Coast

under the
m-most awful conditions.

Her hair
was missing some patches,

and she'd bitten her fingers
right down to bloody stumps.

She thought that if
she made herself undesirable,

then her captors
might release her

or maybe just...

- k*ll her.

- Most of these girls come
from places like that.

You know, some of them
were kept in cages.

Beaten, r*ped,
every day for months.

From the moment they set foot
on our shores,

they've known nothing
but suffering.

But I want to give them
something else.

You know, the thing
that brought them here

to begin with:


And that's what America's
supposed to be, right?

That's why you came.
That's why everyone comes.

Come on.

There's so much more to see.

[workers talking indistinctly]

- Samuel.

What are you doing here?

- The damage is extensive.

I can't imagine anyone
buying you out at this point.

- I have no intention
of selling.

And if you're here to gloat,
can you do it later?

I'm a little busy right now.

- Penny, dear...

You must know this rift
between us brings me no joy.

How long to rebuild?

- A month.

Six weeks at most.

If you're worried about
our ability

to fill the city's order...

- Well, not to put
too fine a point on it,

but yes, I--I am worried.

- As I told you,

our contract
is legally binding.

- Of course.

As long as you anticipate

no interruption in deliveries,
no late shipments.

Because the contract
is only binding

if all parties adhere
to the terms.

Surely your lawyer
must have told you that.

On your advice, I sought
some legal counsel of my own.

- [shakily]
We'll deliver.

On time.

- I don't see how,
given the state of things.

And while, as your husband
I would like nothing more

than to help you...

as mayor,
I'm afraid my hands are tied.

- [softly]
Samuel, please.

[soft, dramatic music]

♪ ♪

I'm begging you.

♪ ♪

- I know it's disappointing.

You gave it your best.
I'll give you that.

But anyone can see this
is where the road ends.

It'll be good to have
you at home again, dear.

♪ ♪

[music darkens]

♪ ♪

- I say we go dice
these Mick c**ts right now.

- There are dozens of them
and two of us.

It's su1c1de.

- We've got a f*cking tong,

- [clears throat]

[other patrons grow silent]

- [quietly]
f*ck, f*ck, f*ck, f*ck, f*ck.

[patrons resume
indistinct conversations]

Father Jun's gonna take
our f*cking heads--

- He doesn't know anything.

He doesn't have to, ever.

- You don't know what you're
talking about, man.

Father Jun may be checked out,

but you better believe
he watches the f*ckin' books.

Even if we had the chop to
place a late order to China--

which we don't--

we'd never get it in time.

We're gonna start
missing deliveries in a week.

- I'll go see Happy Jack.

Get some more stuff
to hold us over.

- No way he's gonna front you.

He made that
pretty f*cking clear.

- Nah.
That was before he knew us.

We're a good long-term prospect
for him.

I'll work something out.

[western guitar chord]

- I'm in.

♪ ♪

- What the f*ck
is he talking about?

- I have no idea.

You don't know what the f*ck
we're talking about.

- Well, not the details.
I'm too damn fresh for that.

- Damn right.
- Yes, you are.

- Sounds like you started
scoring molasses off the books

from a local supplier
to boost your margins,

but your shipment
just got fried

and now you don't have
the chop to replace it.

You take more chop,
Father Jun will notice

and you're f*cked.

If you don't,
you'll miss deliveries,

Father Jun will notice,
and you're f*cked.

All roads lead
to some kind of

major fuckery.

- Look,

I don't know what kind of
f*ckin' story you're spinning,


- Hey.

You're not getting me.

I'm not looking
to sink your shit.

I just wanna help.

- Why?

- You guys stood up for me.

I didn't need you to,
but I appreciated it.

You're my best
American friends.

[suspenseful rock music]

- Okay.

- This onion's batshit crazy.

- [chuckles]

- Hmm.

♪ ♪

We can work with crazy.

[western guitar chords]

♪ ♪

[indistinct conversation]

- They eat dinner together?

- It creates a sense of family,

something these girls
desperately need.

[women speaking Cantonese]

- So many girls.

- And it's grown faster
than I even dared hope.

[exhales] I'm gonna open
a second winery soon.

- How you pay for all this?

- My husband left me
a substantial fortune.

But the wine we make,

that pays
for the land and the food.

Even after I'm gone,
these girls will have a home.

Come on. Let's eat.

[soft, dissonant music]

♪ ♪

- [breathing shakily]

- Ah Toy?

What's wrong?

- [swallows]


This place remind me
of my grandmother.


She had beautiful garden
in China.

Very peaceful.

We grow tomato together.

I not think of her
in a long time.

- Do you know you found

my favorite place
on the entire property?

- [sniffles softly]

- Here?
- Yeah.

Well, this is where
the transformation happens.

Everything in these barrels
starts out as grape juice.

It's sweet, but unrefined.

Drink too much,
it'll give you the trots.

- [chuckles]

- But,
with a little patience

and care...

it becomes something else.

Go on. Try.

Go on.

- It's good.
- Yeah.

It'll get you drunk too.

- [chuckles]

[takes deep breath]

- God, you take care
of so many people, Ah Toy.

But who takes care of you?

It must be lonely.

[soft, dramatic music]

- Sometimes.

♪ ♪

[wood splinters]

- I thought you said
you couldn't deliver.

- I said it would be difficult
with all the heat on me,

not that I couldn't do it.

- Where'd you get them?

- I didn't get them.

I had them made--

to your exact specifications.

to control quality that way.

Where do you want the rest
of 'em?

- Bring them back.

[men grunt softly]

Your fee.

- It's more
than we agreed upon.

- For your trouble

and a down payment
on our future endeavors.

[apprehensive music]

♪ ♪

- This is, I'm not a bank.

I don't hold money
I didn't earn.

You want to put in
another order, that's fine.

But my loyalty's not for sale.

♪ ♪

- What if that
isn't good enough for me?

- All due respect,
but tough shit.

- [chuckles]

I like that.

Big talk.

Chest puffed up
like he's got a pair.

[henchmen laugh]

Except you're trying
too hard, Chao.

♪ ♪

And when a guy like you
overplays his hand...

a man with a reputation

for being unshakable...

I wonder if something is...


♪ ♪

- [grunts]

Let's go.
Come on.

- [coughs]
- Let's go.

- [coughs]

[tense music]

♪ ♪

Hide the bodies.

- Yes, sir.

[grunts, groans]

- So how about it?

You got something you want
to get off your chest?

- Okay.

You want the truth?
Here's the truth.

I don't like you, Zing.

I don't like your tong,

and I don't like
your bullshit threats.

And if you can't respect
my independence,

we got nothing more
to talk about.


If you want to do business,

you know where to find me.

[apprehensive music]

- Here's the thing, Chao.

When we do business,

we do it with family.

You're Fung Hai,
you're Fung Hai,

and that's it.

We'll k*ll for you

or die for you.

♪ ♪

But if you're not...

♪ ♪

- [grunts]

- That's a problem
we gotta fix.

- [hissing]
What the f*ck's taking so long?

- Relax.

My man'll signal us
when it's time.

- What's the signal?

- Soon as Chao comes out,
we go in.

- Get the f*ck off me.

- Hold him.
- [struggling]


[henchmen laughing,
Chao gagging]

[laughter continues]

- [chuckles]

- [sputtering and coughing]

[laughter continues]

- Was that so f*ckin' hard?

[henchmen laugh]

A toast

to our new brother.

- [panting]

- Big f*ckin' balls and all.

[henchmen cheer]

[approaching laughter]

- He's so f*ckin' sick.

- What is this?

- Hey, the f*ck you doin' here?

♪ ♪

- I'm with Chao.

♪ ♪

[dissonant notes]

[groans softly]

[blade swishes]

[intense music]

♪ ♪

- [coughs]

- [chuckles]

- [panting]

To the Fung Hai!


The itchiest m*therf*ckers
I know!


- This m*therf*cker's Long Zii!

[dramatic percussion]

[apprehensive music]

- [grunts]

- Where's the other one?

♪ ♪

Hurt him badly,

but keep him alive.

I wanna know
what he had planned.


♪ ♪

- [huffs angrily]

- [grunts]

[coughs and pants]

spaghetti western music]

♪ ♪

[men grunt]

[music heightens]

♪ ♪

[henchmen cheering
and laughing]

♪ ♪

[henchmen exclaim]

[both grunting]

[all shouting]

[both groan]

[all shouting]

- [screams]

♪ ♪

- [gasps and groans]

♪ ♪

[suspenseful music]

- Li Yong.

♪ ♪

- Let's see how those big balls
handle steel, m*therf*cker.

[henchmen laugh]

[p*stol hammer clicks]

- What was that?
- That's our cue, boys.

Let's go! Let's go!

- Move! Let's go!

- Let's go, let's go, let's go!

♪ ♪

- [shouts]

- [pants]

- [grunts]

You're out of b*ll*ts,

[p*stol hammer clicks]
- Wrong.

[g*nf*re and shouting]

- Men, keep going!

- Come on, right through here.
- Right this way.

[soft, suspenseful music]

- So...

we're finally gonna find out
who's better.

♪ ♪

- I never really wondered.

- [chuckles softly]

Then I guess you'll just
have to humor me.

I should tell you,
once I k*ll you,

I'll go and see Mai Ling.

I'm gonna f*ck her

like she never been f*cked.

After that,

I'll eat her f*ckin' heart
and piss in the hole.

And all because
you didn't have the balls

to say "f*ck you" to my face.

- [chuckles]

f*ck you.

[slow, dramatic spaghetti
western chords]

♪ ♪

[policemen shout]

- [grunts]

[g*nf*re and shouting]

[women screaming]

♪ ♪

[energetic rock music]

♪ ♪

[arrow whistles]

♪ ♪

- [grunts]


- [spluttering and gasping]

♪ ♪

[revolver clicks]

- [grunts]

♪ ♪

- This your idea of a plan?

- [pants]
I improvise.


[revolver clicks]

- Get him out of here!
He's with us.

♪ ♪

- [snarls]

- [battle cry]

♪ ♪

[dramatic percussion]


♪ ♪

- [groans and pants]

- Be grateful for your pain.

It means you're still alive.

[both shout]

[both grunting]

[dark music]

♪ ♪

- Lee, let's go!

♪ ♪

- [groans]

I'm kinda mad at you.

♪ ♪

[blade resonates metallically]

- [grunts softly]

[grunts softly]

[combatants grunting distantly]

[cylinder clicks softly]

[blade swishes]



- Back up!

- [panting]

- Don't move!

Drop the sword.


[energetic percussive music]

♪ ♪

- [groans and gasps]

[soft, dramatic guitar notes]

- I know you.

- [chuckles softly]

- [grunts]

[blade clanks heavily]
- This is who we came for.

- [groans loudly]

- You think you can
send your thugs to my house

and thr*aten my f*ckin' family?

- [groans loudly]

[heaves, pants]

- Oh,
you are gonna suffer, Zing.

I promise you that.

And I am gonna be with you
every step of the g*dd*mn way.


- [groans loudly]

[slow spaghetti western music]

♪ ♪

[indistinct chatter]

- Easy.
- Look out.

- Easy.

♪ ♪

- You sure it's him?

- It's the right type of sword.

He definitely knew
how to use it.

- We found this too.


- Victor R Timmons.

One of the m*rder*d tycoons
up on Nob Hill.

- Son of a bitch.

That'll do it,
as far as I'm concerned.

I'd pat you two on the backs,
but quite frankly,

this feels like a case
of dumb f*ckin' luck.

You two get your asses

We've got an unholy mess
to mop up.

- Yes, sir.

That's the closest
he's ever come to a compliment,

by the way.

- He's right--
about luck.

We come here for one reason,

and we find
this sword and watch,

handy as a rope at a hangin'.

- I assume you've heard the one
about the gift horse, yeah?

- Yeah, I-I'm just saying that

the Fung Hai had reason
to come after you.

That makes sense.
But why Timmons and McCormick?

Why the men at the Banshee?

It doesn't add up.

- For f*ck's sake, Lee.
We won.

We got our f*ckin' man.

The sword, the watch...

it doesn't make sense because
chinks don't make sense.

They never will.

Jesus, Lee.

Would it k*ll you
to be happy about something

for two seconds?

- You're right.

We won.

[clears throat]

- [grunts softly]


- What happened?

- [exhales]

Zing has been arrested.

The bulls raided
his headquarters.

- The police targeted
the Fung Hai?

How would they even
know where to go?

[soft, dramatic music]

♪ ♪

Did Chao put you up to this?

- [groans softly]

Do you really think
Chao can tell me what to do?

- Zing was our ally.

The Fung Hai
were the only thing

keeping the Hop Wei
from declaring w*r.

- Zing was out of control.

He ordered the death
of a police sergeant

and his family.

♪ ♪

Do you have any idea

what would've happened
if he had succeeded?

[exhales heavily]

[groans softly]

♪ ♪

The ducks have their k*ller.

The raids will end.

They'll leave us alone.

- The ducks
will never leave us alone.

You moved without me.

♪ ♪

- I tried to warn you
about Zing.

But you wouldn't listen.

- Then you needed
to speak louder.

♪ ♪

[indistinct chatter]

- Hey.

You see Happy Jack?

How'd it go?

- Could've gone better.

- So what? Nothing?

Oh, we are f*cked so hard.

- Not yet.

[thunder rumbles]

[slow, dramatic music]

- Come back here, you bastard!

You can't do this!

She's just a little girl.
She belongs with me!

- She belongs with someone
who can take care of her.

- [sobs]


- Hyup!
[carriage wheels clatter]

♪ ♪

- What the hell
were you thinking?

Father Jun will k*ll you.

- Not if you help me.

- I'm not gonna help you
start a w*r

all because of your misguided
need for revenge.

- That's not what this is.
- No?

Then what is it?

- Father Jun
is letting Mai Ling

become more and more powerful.

You said yourself
she's a danger to Chinatown.

- She is.

But so are you.

- What?

- Betraying Father Jun,
pitting father against son--

you're gonna tear apart
the only tong

that can stand up to her.

- We'll never stand up to her.

Not as long as Father Jun
is running things.

- You think Young Jun
would do any better?

Not Young Jun.


spaghetti western music]

♪ ♪

You are more like Mai Ling
than you even realize.

♪ ♪

- [exhales]


♪ ♪

- Listen to me.

You need to stop this
right now.

You cannot cross Father Jun.

- So that's a no
on a loan, hmm?

[door creaks shut]

- I told Ah Toy I'd help
because we're friends,

but this--
this is highly irregular.

She should be with family.

- Her mother is whore,

her father is...


[chuckles softly]

I almost die last night.

Not first time.

This country,

they want to k*ll us.

[melancholy music]

- I'm trying to change that.

♪ ♪

- Look at her, hmm?

♪ ♪

What do you see?

- A beautiful little girl.

- Beautiful little
white girl.

She have chance I never have.

She have chance
to live good life.

Good life.

♪ ♪


no one find out
what she really is.

No one.

♪ ♪

- [sighs softly]

♪ ♪

I know a couple

desperate for a child
of their own.

They're kind, well-respected.

They'd be good to her.

[music darkens]

- Good.

- What's her name?

- Hah-na.

- Hannah?

♪ ♪

- Hannah.
[chuckles briefly]

♪ ♪

[shouting and commotion]

- [bellows]

[energetic music]

♪ ♪


[wet crunch]

[bellows in slow motion]

[indistinct shouting]

- I wasn't sure
you'd pull it off.

Have to admit, I was surprised
to hear you were fighting here.

Had to see it for myself.

- Why are you here, Mai Ling?

- 'Cause you're my family.

- Family?

- I want my brother back.

[soft, dramatic music]

- Your brother...


the night you ordered
your boyfriend to k*ll him.

Which was just a few days after
he saved your life,

in case you've forgotten.

♪ ♪

- I made a mistake.

I made a terrible mistake,

and I haven't slept
a night since.

I've been angry for so long,

I just lost myself in it.

And I want to fix things
between us.

[sorrowful music]

♪ ♪

- No.

- You have to see that
if the tongs go to w*r,

you'll lose.

I don't want
to see you getting hurt.

- You should worry less about
what's gonna happen to me

and more about
what I'm gonna do to you.

- And you really think k*lling
me is gonna satisfy you?

- I'm not gonna k*ll you.

We're family, right?

I'm just gonna
destroy the Long Zii

and everything you care about

and leave you alive
to watch it burn.

♪ ♪

- I guess I should go, then.
- You really should.

♪ ♪

- Lover's quarrel?

- Huh?

- You don't get that worked up
when you fight.

- Nah, she's nothing.

- Yeah,
it looked like nothing.

- Hey.

That tournament
you told me about--

you still need a fighter?

[piano-driven hip hop beat]

[man rapping in language]

♪ ♪

[engine revs]

To the man with the hammer...

everything looks like a nail.


The intimacy and honesty
of hand-to-hand combat...


MAN: men are the last
of the true warriors.

-REFEREE: Fight!

I'm going to have to keep
a close eye on you, aren't I?

What is the deal
with you and Vega?

Purely professional.

-You're a dead man
-Yeah, I get that a lot.

