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02x02 - The Chinese Connection

Posted: 07/06/23 07:47
by bunniefuu
Whenever you're ready,
I'm betting I can help.

I don't need any help.

Saw these guys at the fight pit.

They call themselves Teddy Boys.

Chinese scalp is your way in.

If you can't find me
one f*cking swordsman‐‐

I'll get someone to come.

Give me something I can use.

Don't overestimate how much
I'll suffer to keep your secret.

Speaking of secrets,
have you gone to see yours?

I did everything I could
to keep you out

of that tournament.

Then you ordered my death.

We need a local source
we can trust.

The mayor's wife has
100 coolies.

You understand the position
you're putting me in?

Is he stable enough to move?

f*ckin' c**t!


Get back here, you bastard!

I‐‐I think you broke
my f*cking ribs.

‐ Yeah, well that's nothing

compared to what
the Fung Hai'll do to ya.

‐ Now pay up.

‐ Okay, okay.

‐ God, you f*ckin' stink.

‐ That's for making me run.

‐ This deal had better work.

If this guy fucks us

we won't have a dime left
to buy from China.

‐ Father Jun won't start
treating you like an equal

till you make him
see you as one.

‐ Why are you pushing this
so hard all of a sudden?

‐ I thought this is
what you wanted.

‐ Yeah, maybe.

But it's starting to feel like
you want it more.

I'm just saying, if there's
a f*ckin' agenda here,

I want to know about it.

‐ I'm the one who lost
that fight and let Mai Ling in,

so I guess my agenda...

is to kick her
the f*ck back out.

‐ Okay, I can get behind that.

And you may have
lost that fight,

but Father Jun should never
have agreed to it

in the first place.

‐ You're late.

Happy Jack doesn't like
to be kept waiting.

‐ He's in the back.

‐ They're with me.

‐ You're late.

‐ Happy Jack?

He doesn't look so happy.

‐ You didn't say anything
about tongs.

I don't need that kind
of headache.

‐ Just hear them out, okay?

‐ What do they need me for?

They have their own sources.

‐ If he doesn't want
to take our money

we'll find someone who does.

‐ Look who speaks
the King's English.

‐ Oh, he's not my king.

200 a crate.

That's the going rate, right?

‐ Maybe.

‐ We'll need a dozen to start.

‐ To start?

You vouch for them?

‐ I wouldn't be here
if I didn't.

‐ And we'll need you
to store it for us.

Somewhere we can pull it out
in pieces.

How's 210 a crate?


‐ For 300 I can
keep getting it from China.

‐ Then maybe
that's what you should do.

‐ Jack‐‐

‐ I import it, I sell it,
I deliver it.

I'm not in the storage
business; too much risk,

so you're going to have
to pay extra for that.

‐ 250.

If this works,
the orders will get bigger.

‐ You have the cash?

‐ I've got half on me.

‐ Leave it.

Come back tonight with the rest.

‐ I don't have all f*cking day.

In or out right now.

‐ Guess now we know
what makes him happy.

‐ There you are.

I've been doing some thinking.

‐ In a minute.

‐ The first victims‐‐
Morgan and Davis‐‐

they had a history of
harassing the Chinese, right?

They beat those poor bastards
to death, got off in court,

were k*lled soon after‐‐

one beheaded,
the other disemboweled.

‐ Jesus, Lee.
It's 8:00 in the morning.

‐ A quarter past, actually.

Now we have these Teddy Boys,

the dead hooligans
from the other day.

Also known to attack the Chinese

and in their case
take their queues as trophies.

‐ Where the hell
are my cigarettes?

‐ In the months between
Morgan and Davis

and the Teddy Boys now,

we have had three other
instances of m*rder by sword,

all of which makes sense in
a Chinese vengeance scenario.

‐ Okay, okay.

Lee, you're standing there
spewing information

that I already know,
so I assume‐‐

‐ Timmons and McCormick.

‐ The real estate tycoons.
‐ Yes.

Neither had any business
dealings with the Chinese

or were ever known to express
any anti‐Chinese sentiment‐‐

not publicly, anyway.

They were businessmen,

capitalists who no doubt
approved of coolie labor.

‐ They don't fit.
‐ No, they do not.

‐ Did you even
go home last night?

‐ Look,
I spent the last few days

going through Timmons'
business dealings,

bank deposits, property records,

looking for any
other inconsistencies.

‐ What the hell
are you doing that for?

No wonder you're still
getting headaches.

You're a cop,
not a f*ckin' accountant.

‐ Just listen.

The last deal Timmons made

was to sell a piece
of property in Spring Valley

to a Leonard Patterson
for $5,000.

‐ So?

‐ So that property
was originally listed

at just over $2,000.

That's less than half what
Patterson paid for it.

‐ Mornin'.

‐ And the deal was signed over
on the same day

Timmons and his partner
were m*rder*d.

‐ Your theory is that

this Patterson discovered
that he'd overpaid

and in a blinding rage
he grabbed his trusty sword

and disemboweled the sellers.

‐ Maybe.

Look, I'm just saying

there's something fishy
about that deal.

‐ So, um...

I guess you'll wanting
to talk to this Patterson.

‐ Never get the lard
unless you boil the hog.

‐ I'll take your word for it.

‐ You must have
property insurance, Leland.

‐ Against fire, flood,
and theft.

Not dynamite, for god's sake!
Not sabotage!

‐ Penny.

This is a closed‐door session,

‐ This is an emergency meeting
for business owners, is it not?

‐ Correct.

‐ Now, Leland.

I'm sure we can find
some tax relief for you

that will soften the blow.

‐ An interest‐free loan,

‐ Yes, we'll get you
back on your feet

as quickly as possible.

‐ That's a generous offer.

Does it extend to everyone
in this room?

‐ Of course,
the first order of business

will be to ensure this kind
of attack doesn't happen again.

I spoke with Chief Flannagan
this morning.

His men have already begun
scouring the city

for those responsible.

‐ We already know
who's responsible

and unless you're prepared

to arrest all
of Leary's workingmen‐‐

‐ Well, that's hardly possible‐‐
‐ Mrs. Blake is right.

We'd be better served
with those same officers

guarding our work sites.

‐ Yes, but‐‐
‐ According to Chief Flannagan,

the force is already
overextended as it is.

‐ You spoke to Flannagan?

Well, that's hardly appropriate.

‐ The real question is
will this office do anything

to protect the city's
industries from Leary's thugs?

‐ Mm‐hmm, yes.
‐ I like that.

‐ f*ckin' chink.

‐ Chao.

‐ Claire.

It's light.

Work has been little hard.

New dress?
Very nice.

Expensive, eh?

‐ Lady can't come up
in the world

if she doesn't have
a proper dress.

I haven't been entertaining,

if that's what you're wondering.

You give her this, hmm?

‐ Hannah?
‐ Don't.

‐ Hannah.

Look who's here.

‐ Hello.

Bah. Huh?

‐ What do you say?

‐ Thank you.

‐ Thank you, what?

‐ Thank you, Papa.

‐ Not Papa.

Friend. Just friend.



Okay, go.

Don't do that.

‐ I just thought‐‐
‐ Don't think.

‐ Truth is, I never met
Mr. Timmons or his associate.

All of our business was
conducted through the bank.

I was shocked
when I heard what happened.

I mean, it's a terrible thing.

‐ Mr. Patterson,
the bank records show

you paid more than double
the asking price

for the Spring Valley property.

Do you mind if I ask why?

‐ Well, Mr. Timmons
listed the property rather low.

There were multiple bidders.

Didn't take long
to drive the price up.

‐ Even so, sir, I checked
quite a few properties

in surrounding areas
with similar acreage.

They don't price
at anywhere near what you paid.

You must admit, it's exorbitant.

‐ Like I said,
there were other offers.

And I knew
a substantial overpayment

would assure me the sale.

I took a risk.

The land has good
long‐term prospects.

Well, if that's all, gentlemen.

‐ Ever do any business with
the Chinese, Mr. Patterson?

‐ Why would I do that?

You never know what those people

are gonna use the buildings for.

‐ Now, if you'll excuse me,

my next appointment
will be here shortly.

‐ Lee.

Thank you for your time,
Mr. Patterson.

‐ Well?

‐ I've played enough poker
to spot a bluff when I hear it.

‐ The man's definitely
hiding something.

‐ I've also met enough murderers

to know
he doesn't have the stones.

‐ No.
You never know what

a man might do
to protect his fortune.

I reckon we dig into his
business a little more.

It'll lead us somewhere.

‐ Well,
to financial crimes maybe,

but to a Chinese swordsman?
It's a reach.

‐ We're onto something here.

Just gotta find
the Chinese connection.


‐ Well, every so often,

it feels good to actually
do a little police work.

‐ Miss.

‐ You came.

Jacob told me you were
back with the Hop Wei.

‐ Did you ask me here
just to disapprove of me?

'Cause honestly,
I'm a little busy.


Of course not.
I‐‐I‐‐I'm sorry, um...

Would you like some tea?

‐ Um...

How about you just
get to the point?

‐ Leary's g*ons
are still harassing my men.

Every day.

And as I'm sure you've heard,

another factory
that hires Chinese workers

was blown up last night.

My guards have quit

and I can't seem to find anyone
willing to replace them.

‐ Okay.
‐ I can pay you.

And your...


All you need to do
is keep my workers safe

and my factory secure.

‐ You can't be serious.

‐ I'm dead serious.

‐ You called me a criminal.

‐ I was angry.

‐ And now you want us criminals
to work for you?

‐ I need protection.

‐ Which, if you think about it,
makes you a criminal.

‐ It's to protect
your own people.

‐ Don't.

Even if this wasn't
a terrible idea, which it is,

for a million reasons,

your father would
never agree to it.

‐ My father is dead.

That day
when they att*cked the factory,

he had a heart attack.

‐ I'm sorry.

‐ I don't need your sympathy.
I need men.

I'll pay a fair wage.

‐ Why don't you just hire
the Irish and be done with it?

‐ What, Leary
and his thugs just...


‐ It's good to see you, Penny.

‐ So that's it, then?

‐ Yeah, that's it.

‐ San Francisco Police.

This is a raid.
Johns out.

‐ Oh, come on.
‐ San Francisco Police!

‐ The hell is this?
Already paid you guys!

‐ f*ck down.

We good here?

‐ You should be arresting
these men.

‐ My orders were to take you in
and take you out.

Go get your girls.

‐ While you get your kickback.

‐ Tell you what.

I won't tell you how
to be a bossy rich widow,

and you don't tell me
how to be a cop.

‐ Oh, come on!

‐ Shit!

‐ Oh, God.

‐ Got the money?

‐ You hold it.

Otherwise you'll have
to pry it out of my hands.

I still can't believe
I let you talk me into this.

‐ Let's go.

‐ From the minute
you came into the world,

you carried on.

Screaming and crying
all day and all night.

Kept your mother awake
for days at a time.

‐ My mother?

‐ She couldn't handle you.

So at four months old,
she left you here.

"He's your problem now."

She saw your stubbornness
as a curse.

I didn't see it that way.

I saw a born fighter.

But the stiffest tree
cracks easiest.

Mai Ling will learn that
the hard way.

While we will survive
by bending with the wind.

‐ But we're losing, Father.

There's a difference between
bending and bending over.

‐ All my life,

I've never backed down
from a fight.

But we must pick our moment.

You're the only one I trust.

But now I need you to trust me.

We uphold our end of the treaty
until I say otherwise.

Get me?

‐ I get you.

‐ What the f*ck
are you talking about?

We had a deal.

‐ Then give us back that money

and we'll find another source,
how about that?

‐ That's not how it works.

Your order is already
in process.

‐ Ah.

‐ It'd be a shame to waste that
beautiful hairdo on a corpse.

Now everybody
calm the f*ck down.

I have your shit.

But the cops have been
cracking down.

They raided two shops
in the area today already,

and I cannot get caught holding.

So you can walk out of here
empty‐handed and broke

or you can tell me where you
want the opium delivered

before I turn around
and find somebody who will.

‐ Bit thicker than usual.

‐ Long Zii used to say

you always want your partners
to be fatter than you.

‐ Fatter is fine,

but that wasn't the goal
of our arrangement, was it?

Your little truce
with the Hop Wei

is starting to try my patience.

‐ That truce has allowed us

to increase our share
of the molasses trade.

And yes, business is good,

but the other tongs
are getting restless.

It's only a matter of time

before they get greedy
and make a move.

Until then, enjoy the spoils.

‐ You're assuming that
I have the luxury of time.

And worse, you're assuming
that you do.

I need chaos, and quickly.

Mai Ling‐‐

never make the mistake
of thinking

that this arrangement
makes us partners.

I sell, you buy.

That's the market
we find ourselves in today.

Tomorrow could be
a different story.

‐ Hey.

‐ What can I get you?

‐ Uh, whiskey.

With a little something extra
in it.

‐ Extra what?

‐ You got laudanum?

‐ You got money?

‐ Keep going.

‐ I can't make change for that.

‐ Keep it.

‐ Hey.

What's your name?

‐ Why?

‐ Look, friendly warning‐‐

you don't wanna be
walking around alone out there

when that stuff kicks in.

Why don't you...
come in the back?

I got a place
you can sleep it off.

Or if you don't
feel like sleeping...

We can talk.

I'm Abigail.

You okay, honey?

‐ Nora?

What‐‐what'd you do to me?

‐ Don't wake the kids.

‐ To hell with 'em.

‐ You seemed to enjoy that.

‐ Can you blame me?

Not having to do all the work
around here for a change?

‐ Last time you made love to me
like that, you gave me twins.

I swear, Bill O'Hara,

if you put another baby in me,
I'll k*ll you.

You have my permission to do so.

But before you do‐‐

‐ What's this?

‐ It's jewelry.

Goes around your neck.

‐ I've seen a necklace before,

I'm asking
what are you doing with it.

Please tell me
this isn't poker winnings.

‐ Have you ever known me
to win anything?

‐ Come on.

You've been
strangely flush lately.

‐ Well,

put in a few extra shifts.

There's a chink swordsman
on the loose,

if you haven't heard.

‐ Enough shifts
to buy something like this?

‐ Fine.
I'll take it back.

God forbid your husband should

try to do something nice
for you in once in a while.

‐ Hey.

I love how badly

you want to give us
everything you never had.

I just want you to know that
I don't need jewelry or steak.

I just need my husband
to come home

at the end of every shift spent
in that godforsaken place.

‐ Nothing is gonna happen to me.

‐ It better not.

‐ Here.

‐ Hiyah!

‐ What's this?

‐ The Suey Sing
have apparently decided

to start selling opium now.


In back alleys and brothels.

‐ Who told you that?

‐ He did.

After our men caught him.

‐ The Suey Sing are too small

to take on the Hop Wei
or Long Zii.

Why would they risk it?

‐ The Hop Wei had a stranglehold

on the molasses business
for so long,

now that we've broken it,

it makes sense other tongs

would see what they
could get away with.

‐ They're not a threat.

‐ No.

But we have an opportunity here
to send a message.

‐ A message?

‐ That the Long Zii
will protect what's ours

every bit as much
as the Hop Wei.

‐ Mai Ling.

Their leader is young.

Lao Che can be reckless,
but he's not stupid.

Let me talk to him.

‐ Li Yong.

Bring Zing with you.

Let them see who's behind us.

‐ Are you reconsidering
my offer?

‐ Why are you doing this?

‐ This?

‐ You could easily sell it.

Go back to your painting.

Why go to all this trouble?

‐ I tell my sisters
it's our father's legacy.

And that's true.

But the real reason is actually
more of a lie I tell myself‐‐

that this place means I don't
depend on my husband's money.

So, uh‐‐

I can offer you protection.


what can you offer me?

‐ Eight guards should do it.

Let's say $4 a week, per man.

‐ Seven.

‐ That's above market rate.
I can't afford that.

‐ As long as we're here,
no one will touch this place.

You know that.

‐ Five.
That's as high as I can go.

‐ I'll be back in an hour
with the first shift.

‐ We are watching the slow,

relentless decay
of our hard‐won democracy.

We cannot allow
anxiety and dread

to become the law of the land.

We cannot stand by

and watch our moral fiber
be compromised.

Yet here we are
in the throes of uncertainty,

living in a time
when people feel the need

to blow up buildings
in order to be heard,

when the yellow peril
is spreading faster

than your mayor can contain it.

And your police
chase their own tails

while citizens continue
to be cut to shreds

by Chinese swordsmen?

Where, I ask you,
are hardworking,

God‐fearing Americans like you
supposed to turn?

Send them back! Send them back!

‐ Send them back!

Send them back!
Send them back! Send them back!

‐ Look at him
pandering to the labor class

like he's one of them.

And they're lapping it up
like hungry dogs.

They'll vote
for a f*ckin' millionaire

and then wonder why
they're getting f*cked.

‐ Politics.

I would think you'd
be used to it by now.

‐ But now he's denigrating
my f*ckin' office, Bill.

Do you see why
that's upsetting to me?

Especially as I can't point
to any f*ckin' progress.

‐ We're working a lead.

‐ I don't care who you have
to shake down to get an arrest

but find me a f*ckin' swordsman

so I can shove it down that
bloviating bastard's throat.

‐ Friends!

I have done all I can
from the State Capitol.

All I can.
Soon it'll be your turn.

Use your privilege as Americans
and send me to Washington

where I'll have the authority
to draft laws‐‐

laws that will send them,
all of them,

back to China!


Send them home!

Get them out of here!

‐ Well, look who's decided
to grace us

with his f*ckin' presence.

‐ Back to China!

‐ Good morning, Chief.

‐ The hell it is.

‐ God bless you, sir!

God bless you all!

Get out and vote!

Back to China!

Get 'em out of here!


Yes, sir!

‐ Rough night?

‐ I'll live.

‐ So this
is the notorious Banshee.

Yeah, I believe my father
actually came in here once.

‐ Somehow I doubt that.

‐ No, I'm sure.

He, um.

Came in here to hire workers
to lay track for the cable car.

‐ Your father was Byron Mercer?

‐ I imagine you didn't like him
very much.

‐ Well,

to be fair,

he didn't like me very much

What do you think he'd say
if he saw you in here?

Well, I don't much care.

Which was usually
the problem between us.

‐ That's Beethoven, is it?

‐ "Moonlight Sonata."

You like it?

‐ You're very good.

‐ I'm sloppy.

I never gave it
the time it needed.

My teacher, Madame Le Claire,

said I was awash in the stink
of wasted potential.

At least I think that's what
she said.

I failed French.

‐ Finishing school, huh?

‐ I dropped out.

Which, I suppose means
I'm unfinished.

‐ Thank you, Mr. Leary,

for letting me play.

‐ f*ck me.

‐ That f*ckin' snake!

Why the hell did he
add fuel to that fire?

And throw me
on the pyre of process?

‐ I don't know, Mr. Mayor.
To motivate you, perhaps?

‐ Motivate me?

He embarrassed me.

‐ Well, if embarrassment
is your concern,

perhaps it's your wife
you need to be dealing with.

‐ What?

‐ You can't pretend
to be against Chinese labor

while your own wife
is hiring coolies.

‐ I'm trying to keep the city
from burning down

and you're talking
about my wife.

If the people of San Francisco
were truly aware

of what happens in Chinatown
on a daily basis‐‐

how close they're all living
to the ninth circle of hell‐‐

they'd be up in arms.

We wouldn't be able
to contain them.

‐ And we'd have no trouble

the Exclusion Act passed.

‐ Sometimes I wonder
who you work for, Buckley.

‐ The people of San Francisco,
Mr. Mayor.

As do you.

‐ Idiot.

‐ Mr. Nichols, I presume.

‐ How'd you know that?

‐ I know a lot about you,
Mr. Nichols.

I know you worked
for the Pinkertons.

And I know why they fired you.

‐ Then you'll know
I'm not interested

in whatever it is
you're selling.

‐ I'm not selling.

I'm buying.

I hear you still do
a little private consulting.

‐ The Pinkertons won't work
for a Chinese gal.

That it?

Even one who speaks English
as well as you.

‐ Walter Buckley.

‐ The Deputy Mayor.
What about him?

What do you need?

‐ Insurance.

‐ It's bullshit.

He sold some old shit
he found in his back pocket.

We're not dealing.

‐ He's lying.

‐ Oh, f*ck you, Genghis c**t!

‐ I don't need your confession,
Lao Che.

It just has to stop.

This is the only warning
you'll get, do you understand?

Listen, Li Yong‐‐

‐ Shh.

I only need to hear two words.

‐ I understand.

‐ Let's go.

‐ I don't know
why you even bother

with these bottom‐feeders.

This onion just lied
to your face.

You Mongol dogs think you can

come into my house‐‐

‐ The hell is wrong with you?

When Mai Ling finds out
about this‐‐

‐ Do you really think

she didn't' know
what would happen?


Why else would she send me
with you?

‐ Miss Davenport.

You not come back here
for many months.

I think

maybe you finally give up.

‐ Well, there were
other establishments

that required
more immediate attention,

but I've been meaning
to come back.

‐ All my girls very happy,
as always.

‐ I'm sure it helps
to tell yourself that.

‐ They choose this life.

I give them job.

Clean clothing.

‐ Ah, Miss Davenport.

Here to save world again.

‐ Oh, no, just your people,

since you're too busy
exploiting them.

Well, someone has to.

‐ Save them or exploit them?

‐ Yes.

‐ So?

‐ My girls can go
any time they want.

I own no one.

‐ May I visit with them?

‐ Of course.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

‐ You've played
that same f*cking song

three times tonight.

Do you know anything else?

‐ I'm sorry, Mr. Leary.

I could play you
"Olde Irish Rose" if you like.

‐ Jesus, no.
I'm sick of that one.

My struggle life, it is over!

This thing between you two,

or whatever it is,
we're all gonna suffer for it.

And, what you are doing,
it's smart business.

What the f‐‐

‐You must trust.
‐But trust goes both ways.

This isn't gonna end well.

I'll do whatever he wants.

I did what I had to do.

This isn't the time
to lose your nerve.

Two hundred a crate.

That's the going rate, right?


I'll need a dozen to start.

In season two,

Ah Sahm and Young Jun
are looking to expand

the opium business by getting
a domestic supplier,

which Father Jun would never do.

Vega introduces them
to Happy Jack,

who's one of the prime
opium dealers of the time.

Because Happy Jack
is such a big presence

in the Barbary Coast,
a very menacing presence, too,

and he runs the majority

of the opium dealings
in the Barbary Coast,

Vega knows that Ah Sahm's
in good hands with Happy Jack.

He will still have

a shroud of secrecy
around his opium dealing.

Ah Sahm is very confident
about this deal.

And although Young Jun
agrees with him,

Young Jun has more reservations.

However, if Ah Sahm who's been

a brother‐in‐arms through
a lot of battles,

thinks it's the right move,
let's do this.

If Ah Sahm and Young Jun
let Father Jun do his thing,

they think that maybe

the Hop Wei would just
gradually be taken over.

They think they're doing
what's best for the Tong.

Jacob told me you were back
with the Hop Wei.

Did you ask me here
just to disapprove of me?

Because honestly,
I'm a little busy.

Penny and Ah Sahm, I mean,
they've been through a lot.

In season one,
they dared to hope

there may be a world in which
they could be together.

They've each been through
so much in the interim

and they're fighting
their own battles right now.

At the end of season one,

Penny and Ah Sahm have gone
their separate ways.

When we meet them
back in season two,

Penny probably thinks that

she would have nothing
to do with him.

Until she's in a situation
where she needs him.

Leary's g*ons are still
harassing my men.

Ah Sahm is finished with Penny.
He got caught up with that.

And that's not what he's
supposed to be doing right now.

I need protection!

Which if you think about it,
makes you a criminal.

You see her morals
being questioned

and her whole kind of
sense of right and wrong,

and he represents that for her.

He's like,
"Now you want my help?"

She kinda has to just get on
the knees and just say,
"Yeah, I need help."

San Francisco Police.
This is a raid.

Jaunt out.

The scenes that really
surprised me this season,

in terms of my reaction to them,

were the scenes
in the crib brothels

that Nellie goes and busts
and saves these, you know,

these young Chinese girls from.

Being there on set,

I was surprised at how
affected I was by seeing

these young actresses play out
these dark, hopeless scenes

that these young Chinese girls
really did have to go through.

Nellie Davenport,

who's based on the real‐life
Donaldina Cameron,

is a woman of wealth

from white mainstream society
who makes it her mission

to rescue sex slaves
from crib brothels.

Miss Davenport.

You not come back here
for many months.

In coming across Ah Toy,

Nellie challenges Ah Toy,

calls out any element

of hypocrisy she sees
about Ah Toy,

and in doing so I think
it forces Ah Toy to look at

the choices she's made
and maybe the justifications

she's made for the world
that she's built around herself.

My girls can go
anytime they want.

I own no one.

The Suey Sing
have apparently decided
to start selling opium now.

We have an opportunity here
to send a message.

A message?

That the Long is able
to protect what's ours.

Every bit as much
as the Hop Wei.

The first few episodes
of season two,

you meet Mai Ling in a place
where her guard is up

and there is a mask that she has
to wear to protect herself.

You see her break
for the first time

and she is vulnerable
with Li Yong.

We can tell that Li Yong
is trying to bring Mai Ling

back on a path that he believes,
"This is the right way‐‐"

Right way for her,
right way for Tong.

Of course,

Mai Ling has her own perspective
of where the Tong is gonna go.

And then, you know,
it reached the point

that to do something
to save her,

to save Long Zi, like‐‐
