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01x10 - If You're Going to Bow, Bow Low

Posted: 07/06/23 07:45
by bunniefuu
Two fighters.

The best from each
of your tongs.

A duel.

Where is everybody?

What the hell is this?

Tonight is about something
more than competition.

Get him!

He's gonna break his neck!


When construction begins,
I'll need skilled workers.

I'll hire on your recommendation
and in return

you will keep salaries

Mr. Buckley!

What's this I hear
about you telling Mercer

to lower his pricing?

We got in a lower bid.

Why didn't I see it?

'Cause it doesn't exist.

There's no way we're cutting
the Long Zii into our business.

I gave my word.

What about Ah Sahm?

I got you.

He fought for us.

And he lost.

I didn't see things
going this way.

What happens now?

This is the last time
I can talk to you.

m*rder*d tycoons,
maniac swordsmen,

any idea where to start?

Five. Five. 5:00.

Five. Five. 5:00.

Five. Five. 5:00.

Five. Five. 5:00.

Shift's over.

Five. Five. 5:00.

Five. Five. 5:00.

Five. Five. 5:00.

Five. Five. 5:00.

Five. Five. 5:00.

Okay, keep it moving.
Keep it moving.

Okay, keep it moving.

Keep it moving.
Gonna work today.

No, no, no, no.
We discussed this one.

He's on the list.
He's okay.

Very strong.
I think you'll be very pleased.

Okay, okay. Six more workers.

Strong back. I find you now.

Get on up.

You can't wait next time

to try to get labor
at this kind of late hour.

-Make room.

I got two more carts
for you.

Come on.
-Back up the cart!

Come on! Go!

I came to tell you,
next time, come to me first.

Okay? Then I give you
all the best ones.

I need them on site
in half an hour.

Any change?

No. Nothing.

It's been over a week, Bill.

You can't keep spending
the night here.

Come home.

Hug your children.
Get some sleep.

He's not going anywhere.

I can't.

-He's got no people here.

There's no one to be there
when he wakes up,

no one to mark his passing
if he doesn't.

Okay, then.

I brought you some breakfast.

Thanks, love.

You wake up
in your own time, Officer Lee.

Any idea yet
who did this to him?


Okay. I have to get home
before the kids wake up.

As you can see,
we've marked off a zone

to correspond
with your territory.

As per our agreement,

the Hop Wei
will no longer sell opium

to businesses in this area.

The Long Zii can import
and distribute here

as they see fit.

Our agreement was for an area
beyond our own territory.

That's not how
I understood it.


We'll accept this map.

Mai Ling,

this agreement was a victory
for your tong.

We made a deal,
and I will abide by it.

But as you can imagine,
I am not happy about it.

My point is,

if you take one
step out of line,

I won't stop until I have
your pretty little head

on this table.

Thank you for coming.

Five. Five. 5:00.

That's it.

That's it.
No, no more jobs today.

Come back tomorrow, all right?

Two whiskeys, please.

Evening, fellas.

Good evening.

Gareth. What the f*ck
are you doing?

I'm pouring some whiskey.
-Not for them, you're not.

Come on, boys.

On your way, now.

We just wanted
a fast drink, sir.

That's all.
-I understand. I do.

But you need to understand,

word gets out that we
let you drink in here,

soon others like you
will be coming in.

We can't have that.

What the f*ck is this, Mac?

Oh, nothing, Mr. Leary.

These daft bastards thought

they could have a drink
in our pub.

Then give them
their f*cking drinks.

But, Mr. Leary, these...

These men have done
nothing to you.

Everything's been
done to them.

You think their people
wanted to come here?

They were f*cking dragged
here in chains.

They've paid
their f*cking dues, Mac.

As far as I'm concerned,

they've paid
for their drinks, too.

Sit down. Have your drinks.

Thank you.
-Don't thank me.

Drink your drinks
and be on your way.

You lot should know better
than to come into an Irish pub,

for f*ck's sake.


Shouldn't you be
home sleeping?

You're on the Mercer job,
aren't you?

I was. Not anymore.

Why the f*ck not?

Why do you think?


Mr. Leary.

I don't think you've met
my daughter, Penelope Blake.

She should step outside.

I think I'll stay,
if it's all the same to you.

Does it look like
it's all the same to me?

It's okay, dear.

We'll only be a minute.

If that.

I'll be right outside.

Listen, Mr. Leary,
I am as upset...

I made promises!

I made promises
based on your promise.

These are a hundred jobs
that belong to Americans.

The mayor's office kept

grinding me
until I had no choice.

You had a choice.

You chose a larger profit.
-What profit?

I'll be lucky
not to lose my shirt.

You're gonna lose
a lot more than that.

Fix this today.

You don't know Buckley.
He won't budge.

You shook my hand, Mercer.

I know I did,
and then they...

You shook my f*cking hand.

Hey, Po.

Shift's over.

What's wrong?

What happened?

I got hurt a few days ago.

It will be fine.

I just need to rest.

You are a gigantic pain
in my ass.

But you're a good cop.

And while I am in no position
to judge these things,

I suspect you're
a good man, too.

I know you can't hear me.

And that's probably
a good thing,

because I've got no excuse.

I put you in harm's way.

And I... I just...

I want you to know

that I am gonna find

the bastards that
did this to you.

And I am gonna make them pay.


Go get your boss.
I want to see him.

I said,
go get your f*cking boss.

I won't ask you again!

Don't you f*cking move.


You owe money, policeman.

That doesn't
give you the right

to terrorize me or my people.

I no k*ll your partner.

Just make lesson for you.

I don't need
your f*ckin' lesson.

I don't need f*ckin' money.

You don't?

What, then?

What the hell
do you want from me?

Mr. Buckley.

Mrs. Blake.

Fancy running into you here.

Are you here alone?

I am generally alone.

Yes, well,
the mayor's no doubt

burning the midnight oil
down at City Hall.

Of course.

If by that
you mean he's out whoring.

I pray it's only whores.

I've seen some things.

I naively thought that by
encouraging him to marry you,

I might curb some
of his more unsavory impulses.

You put my father
in an impossible situation,

forcing him
to hire Chinese labor.

How your father manages his
payroll is none of my business.

We had a visit from
a particularly nasty man today.

It would not be the first time

the Irish workingmen
have resorted to v*olence.

We need protection.

That sounds like a discussion

you might have
with your husband.

I thought I might cut out
the middleman.

I serve at the mayor's
pleasure, Mrs. Blake.

We have that in common
at least, don't we?

I do wonder, though,

whose pleasure he would choose
if it came down to a choice.

Well, if it were you,
he'd be home right now,

not debasing himself
in some Chinese brothel.

I don't respond well
to threats.

I'm sure you would feel
the same way

if I were to thr*aten
to reveal to your husband

that you were seen alone
at a Chinese boxing match

a few weeks ago.

I dare you.

We can't be seen to be
protecting a private company.

But as a gesture
of my esteem,

I could have a small squad
of men standing by

in close proximity, ready to go
at a moment's notice.

How does that sound?

A day late
and a dollar short.

Perfect description
of municipal politics.

I came here to make

money for my family.

I thought I'd be here
for a year.

That was eight years ago.

I've never been able
to buy my way back.

Ah Sahm, Ah Sahm...

I failed them.

I failed my family
before I ever left China.

You did this to help them,

to feed them.

Now I'll be buried here,

in this awful place.

And my spirit
will never find its way home.

The ghosts of
a thousand coolies

will haunt this country.

I suppose congratulations
are in order.

The king is dead.

Long live the queen.

Thank you.
-I do worry, though.

Now that the Hop Wei have cut
you in on the opium business,

it seems you've inadvertently
achieved the peace

your late husband
so badly wanted.

You're not getting soft
on me, are you?

Trust me, I'm just
getting warmed up.

Yes, I imagine
you didn't come all this way

just to be under
another tong's thumb.

I won't be under
anyone's thumb, Mr. Buckley.

It would be a good idea
for you to remember that.

I'll certainly
make a note of it.

And as for the opium?

I'll need twice
what you brought last time.

Let me know
when it clears customs.

Mai Ling.

You might be a big deal now,
in Chinatown.

Go half a mile in
any direction, and you're just

a Chinese woman
of no consequence to anyone.

You could disappear tomorrow,

and it wouldn't even rise
to the level of police matter.

A lot can happen
in half a mile.

Get home safe.

Okay. That's it for today.

The itchy onion,
back from the dead.

Hi, Chao.

So this is what
it's come to, huh?

Come on.

A guy with your skills,
your smarts?

You don't have to
be doing this.

I'm no different
than anyone else here.

I think we both know
that's not true.

Nice to see you, Chao.


We're starting to
staff a big job.

Decent conditions.

I'll make sure you get picked
if you're here tomorrow.

Thank you.

But I hope you won't be.





what happened to me?

You don't remember?


You got jumped in Chinatown.

How did I do?

Not as well
as you could have.

I guess not.

Easy there.

H-how long have I been out?
-About a week.

A week?

Did you at least
get the guys who did it?

We're still getting them.

Get back here! Stop!

Come back here.

Come on, coolie!

Get in there!

Get back!
Get back! Get back!

Cut off the back alley!

Bring those crates over here!

Get in there!
-Come on, you...

Let's go.

Get up!


Another raid today.

The police are making
a statement.

Why now?
We've given them no reason.


Apparently someone put
a cop in the hospital.

And who would be
so reckless?

You're a hard man to find.

I'm in the same place
every day.

Yeah, well,
it's a shitty place.

Ah Toy is worried about you.

She said that?

I might be reading
between the lines a little bit.


I'm waiting for a job here,

and you guys
standing around like this,

it could hurt my chances.

It's okay.

You don't need
to do this anymore.

I want you to come back.

Father Jun hasn't been the same
since the expl*si*n.

He's giving away
the f*cking store.

Meanwhile, the Long Zii
and the Fung Hai

are getting too close
for comfort.

It's only a matter of time

before they make
a real move on us.

We need to be ready.

I need people I can trust.

No, thanks.

What do you mean,
"no, thanks"?

You'd rather
stand out here every day

hoping for the privilege of

breaking your back
for duck pennies?

It's honest work.

I'm sticking
my neck out for you.

You can't just walk
away from us.


I didn't walk away.

I fought for you.

I almost died in there,

and then you tossed me out
like I was garbage.

Look, there are rules.

I didn't make them.
I don't like them.

But I'm here to fix it.

Take care of yourself,
Young Jun.

You're not a f*cking coolie.

I'm not a hatchet man.

No? Then what
the hell are you?

I see the Hop Wei
haven't forgotten about you.

f*ck them.

You're not the first onion
to lose a fight, you know.

You said you have
a job for me.

You know, I was
a lot younger than you

when I crossed the salt.

My parents died
in the Taiping Rebellion.

I didn't have any reason
to stay in China.

So I figured,

I'll come to America
and make my fortune.

Now the captain of the ship,
he had a different plan.

He sailed us to Cuba,

sold us as slaves.

You know, I think it took
a week before I understood

I wasn't actually in America.

I was a sl*ve for 11 years.

Not a servant, not a coolie,
a f*cking sl*ve.

I think about the people
I left behind.

As far as I know, most of them
are still there, in Cuba,

but not me.

You know why?


Because I know

I'm not a f*cking sl*ve.


you got your ass kicked.
It happens.

But I'm not buying
this whole coolie act.

Warriors have only two paths:

get k*lled or get better.

That's it.

Do you have a job for me
or not?

Well, like my father
always said,

if you're going to bow,
bow low.


Last one.

Hup. Hey.

Your costs are out of line
at these margins.

You don't have to tell me.

Well, apparently I do.

You have to go back
to your suppliers.

They have contracts.
-So did you.

That didn't stop Buckley.

Renegotiation is part
of the process, Daddy.

You're making large purchases.

You have to leverage
your position.

I appreciate your help, dear.
I really do.

But why don't you let me
handle the balances?

If you keep handling
the balances like this,

my sisters will be out
on the streets.

And God knows I did not
make the sacrifices I did

to see you squander
this opportunity.


there it is.

I never asked you
to do anything.

You didn't stop me either.

You there!
Get back to work!

Ah Sahm!

What are you doing here?

Same as everyone else.

I sent Jacob back
to check on you,

and he told me you were gone.

I didn't know
what happened to you.

Well, now you do.

This is your father's business?

At least I know
who I'm working for now.

Is this really what
you're gonna do?

This is what we do.

With your English, you could
translate for the foreman.

I... you'd be invaluable
to the managers.

I can get you
a better position.

This is my position.

I think we both know that.

There's been an increase
in police presence

ever since your men
beat up a duck cop.

What were you thinking?

That was Fung Hai business.
It doesn't concern you.

We're about to start running
opium through this territory.

With the Long Zii supplying
and the Fung Hai distributing,

we all stand to profit.

We can't have you bringing
extra police scrutiny on us.

I think you've gotten
the wrong idea.

I agreed to
this partnership with you

because it was a way
to get rid of Pai

and to get the Fung Hai
into the opium business.

But make no mistake.

I don't work for you.

The Fung Hai
will continue to do business

the way I see fit.

And if I decide
to k*ll ten cops...

I'm gonna do it.

And I don't need
your f*cking permission.

Maybe you're not the partner
I imagined you to be.

Well, it's a little late
to second-guess yourself now.

You've been paid
for your trouble.

We'll work something else out
moving forward.

Thank you.

Why don't we step outside?

Come on.

I want to show you something.


why don't we all go inside

and discuss the details
of our partnership?

Hey, Po.

I brought you
some fresh bread.

And some medicine, hmm?

Mr. Buckley, is it?

That's right.

I'm Dylan Leary.
-I know who you are.

You're the one
pulling the strings

on the cable car contracts
with Mercer.

I'm the mayor's liaison with
the Mercer Corporation, yes.

"Liaison." I like that.

Makes it sound exactly like
someone who's not

f*cking with men's livelihoods.

I know all about you,
Mr. Leary.

Backroom beatings,
house fires,

men going missing
in the middle of the night.

So you'll excuse me if I find

your moralizing tone
a bit misplaced.

Well then,

let me adjust my tone.

I've known men like you.

And the only way
to deal with you

is up close and personal.

Trust me, Mr. Leary.

You haven't
known men like me.

Well then,

maybe it's time I got
to know you a little better.

You might be surprised
to find we have similar goals.

Not while you're pushing
coolie labor.

I'm every bit as opposed

to Chinese labor as you are,

but I'm looking
at a bigger picture.

You're a common thug,
Mr. Leary.

And while that might be
effective in a lesser arena,

you're not gonna influence
state politics

with threats
and a pocket knife.

I think that all depends
on whose belly feels the knife.

I'll be seeing you,
Mr. Buckley.


Sir! Mr. Buckley, sir.

Are you all right?

Let's go, boys.

I have nothing to do
with this.

I have nothing to do
with this.

Come here!

Get the police!

Yes, sir!

Get them on their knees.


Shut up!
Shut up, I said!

They're not smiling now.

You want to pay coolie rates?

You're gonna get
what you pay for.

-Hold him, hold him.

Give it to him!


Come on.



Oh, shit!


I know you.


Hold it right there!

I'm gonna find you, chink.

I hope so.

They're running out!
-Hey, come here, you!

-Don't let them run!

Listen, Jonas,

I know you think you're safe
on the outside of Chinatown.

But I've been in your shoes.

The Fung Hai can
get you anywhere.

So... what, you're working
for them now?

It's my job

to keep the Chinese
in Chinatown

and you safe from them.

If they come here,
I've failed on both counts.

Call it what you like,

but it's still f*cking
loan sharking.

I am trying
to help you here, Jonas.

I recommend you let me.

I've only got ten.

If you're saying
you've got ten, you've got 20.

If I can bring them 15,
it'll buy you more time.

Trust me, Jonas,
you don't want to be

on the wrong side
of these bastards.

I guess you'd know.

Have the rest in two weeks,

or else it's
the white mountain for you.

Everything okay?

Yeah. I just, uh,
stopped in on an old friend.

How are you feeling?

Like I was rode hard
and put away wet.

You sure you're up for this?

I'm sure.

Okay, then.

Back into the shit you go.

Nice enough night for it.

You're alive.

It's starting
to feel that way.

So what brings you here?

I was thinking...

I never really thanked you

for taking care of me
after the tournament.


I guess you didn't.

I brought you something.

So what happens now?

I don't know exactly.

But something.

Yeah, something.

In the meantime,
I figured you could use

some help now and then,

you know, fighting back.

Like you said,
it's a fight we can't win.

It's okay.

I'm getting used to losing.

Chao says you've been
taking work in Coolie Square.

Not anymore.

Turns out I've got
a somewhat different skill set.

It's gonna get messy.


Well, Confucius says,
"In the middle of chaos

lies opportunity."

Confucius never said that.

No, he didn't.