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01x08 - They Don't Pay Us Enough to Think

Posted: 07/06/23 07:43
by bunniefuu
You're safe here.

I'm not safe anywhere.

Where is she from?

Some fishing village
in Shandong Province.


This one's sold.

Daddy, are you okay?

They gave up our commission.

Blake promised me that contract.

I can talk to him.

I don't think talk
is what he's after.

SAMUEL BLAKE: What are you doing?

There's something going on.

YOUNG JUN: We're moving on Long Zii.

Bolo's already on his way
to dicing his bitch wife.

MAN: The area is Cow Hollow.

It'd be a nice addition
to your assets.

To partners.

AH SAHM: Long Zii has a house
outside of Chinatown.

- They're gonna k*ll her.
- Hey, Mai Ling.



What the f*ck are you doing?



Get out of here. Just go.

They managed to k*ll me
after all.


It's our time.

If they want a w*r,
let's give 'em one.




♪ ♪


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♪ ♪


♪ ♪


♪ ♪


♪ ♪


You assured me this
Chinatown squad was the answer,

but now we have gangs

murdering each other
out in the open.

The squad is a public
relations hit on all fronts,

and I am heading over
to Chinatown to make sure

it stays that way.

But it would take a small army
to establish

true law and order in Chinatown.

Well, we don't have an army,

so we're going to need
another solution.

The Exclusion Act
is the solution,

and Crestwood is the man
to deliver it.

If we do right by him,

we'll have an ally
in the White House.

But not if I don't back
his play against the Chinese.

I think it's time
you took a stand.

Don't you?

The senator needs to see
who his friends are.

Frankly, I'm not sure
you have a choice.

The v*olence is growing.
It's become a national story.


We've got a couple
of dead hatchetmen.

It's hardly a civic disaster.

Eleven dead hatchetmen,

and many more wounded, I'm told.

Is there ever a bright side
with you, Buckley?




♪ ♪

You crack the case yet?

Seven of the deceased
are Long Zii.

The other four
are Hop Wei and...

by the looks of it,
there's plenty more

bleeding indoors somewhere.

Don't suppose anyone
saw anything?

Would it f*cking matter?

Bunch of f*cking savages.

Oh, good.

The politicians are here.


Sergeant O'Hara.

Forgive the intrusion,
but I wanted to introduce you

to Senator Robert Crestwood.

Pleasure to meet you, Sergeant.

What can I do for you, Senator?

Your, uh, Chinatown troubles

have caught the ear
of Sacramento.

I'm here to see how we can help.

Got a shovel?

What can you tell me
about this latest incident?

Two gangs. Eleven dead.
No suspects.

This is the fourth such
incidence of v*olence

in San Francisco
in as many weeks, am I right?

We don't really keep count.

Obviously, this can't continue.

Lawlessness, m*rder...
Something must be done.

The Chinese in San Francisco

have shown no regard
for the laws

of our great nation,
even as they avail themselves

of its freedoms
and opportunities.

We have been forced to expand
our police presence

just to contain the v*olence.

And who bears the cost
of such measures?

California's taxpayers.

Honest, law-abiding citizens.

This isn't a local problem,
it's a national one.

Congress must staunch the flow
of Chinese

into our ports immediately.

Fung Hai.

Same tong responsible
for the dynamite

at the parade, I reckon.

Whatever's going on here,
it's more complicated

than a g*ng fight.

What do you think?

They don't pay us enough
to think.


♪ ♪


♪ ♪

That was a f*cking blood jam!

We had them running
like scared little b*tches.

The Long Zii broke the truce
and att*cked us

in our own bowl.

Things they wouldn't have dared
six months ago.

Do those sound like actions
of scared little b*tches?

What's changed?


Mai Ling.

Long Zii couldn't see
past her tits,

and now that he's gone,
she's looking to make her mark.


Yes, Chao?

I've got a message
from Lao Ting.

He wants to know if you
and the Long Zii

can come to terms.

He requests a meeting
at the temple.

- A truce.
- f*ck that.

Negotiation on neutral ground

between you and Mai Ling.

No way, you tell
that uppity bitch she can...

Enough. When?

Tomorrow. Three o'clock.

We'll be there.

You meet with her,
and you're basically giving her

all the boss cred she needs.

Open your eyes.

She was boss
when he was still alive.

I knew Long Zii.

I could anticipate him.

But I don't know her.

And I can't know her mind
until I meet her face-to-face.

We already know what she wants

and what she'll do to get it.

They moved on you
in broad f*cking daylight.

We can end this.

By scrapping ourselves down
to our last man?

We have the best fighters
in Chinatown.

We don't know how deep
the Long Zii's alliance

with the Fung Hai goes.

For now, we have to assume

Mai Ling has two armies.

If we want to hold on
to Chinatown,

we need to scrap smarter,
not harder.

♪ ♪

- Any of these look familiar?



How about these?

You want to buy something
or not?

Come on.

You did say you were
a friend of the police.

Well, I know Bill.

Don't know you.

Why you come alone, hmm?

Bill's busy.

Chao is busy too.

I know the Long Zii
and the Hop Wei

are fighting
over the opium trade.

Now a third tong's involved.

Just trying to understand.

You want to understand


But you can't.

Too young.

Too white.

Too, um... stupid?

I'm so sorry.
My English not so good.

There are laws
that would allow me...


No laws here.

Only survival.

Same for you, huh?

You want to survive...

you stop trying to understand.



♪ ♪

I really must ask you to go.

Police are very bad
for business.

♪ ♪

I don't know why I thought
you'd help me.


♪ ♪

I just did.

♪ ♪

You have to take me out
of Chinatown.

I've done my best,
but enough is enough.

You're hitting the tables
again, Bill.


I didn't become a cop
to spend my days

cleaning blood off the street
or become a pawn

in some political pissing match!

If there's blood
on the streets of Chinatown,

it's because the man
I appointed to keep them safe

has failed to perform his duty.

You're not asking to be
rewarded for failure, are you?

If I fail, I stay.

If I succeed, they'll probably
make me a f*cking lieutenant

and tell me I have to stay.

We're civil servants, Bill.

So we serve.

Don't take such a grim view.

Maybe the Exclusion Act
will pass

and the chinks will all
sail back to China.

Could happen.




♪ ♪

- Keep it going.
- Thank you.

♪ ♪

Little something
to see you through.

Thank you, Mr. Leary.

♪ ♪

How are you doing there, Sean?

There hasn't been work
for weeks.

I can't even make rent
on a room.

Been on the streets
for the last week.

That's no good.
You should have come to me.

I'm looking for a job,
not a handout.

There's proud, and there's
being a stubborn ass.

And I would know,
'cause I'm both.


It's cold out,
and a man needs a hat.

You go see Ed Flaherty
at his boardinghouse.

Tell him I sent you.

He'll make sure you get
a hot meal and a bed.

Thank you, sir.

And don't let me hear
that you didn't go, Sean.

- I'll go, Mr. Leary.
- f*cking coolie!



♪ ♪

f*ck off!


This won't do.

This won't f*cking do.

are in order, Byron.

Your bid for the cable car track

has been approved.

[SIGHS] Really?

It took a bit of arm twisting
to accelerate the timeline,

but I've been assured...
No more delays.

I'm thankful you saw fit
to intervene on my behalf.


We're family now.

Just tell me that you'll
deliver as promised.

You have nothing to worry
about on that front.

Because I vouched for you.

And if you prove me right,
there will be plenty

of work to come.

San Francisco is booming, Byron.

Once those tracks are laid,
we will be on

the very forefront of modernity.

Thank you for the coffee,
but I should be going.

Sounds like I've got
a busy day ahead of me.

No doubt you do.

Before you go,
I'm hosting a dinner

tomorrow evening
for Senator Crestwood.

The senator is in San Francisco?


Currying favor
with the city's elite.

Just between us...

he's planning a run
at the White House.

I see.

As mayor, it's my job
to keep him plied

with food and drink...

and surrounded
by generous donors.

Already looking for ways
to spend the money

you promised me, hmm?

Politics is poker.

The pot may change hands,
but it never really leaves

the table.

You've got a seat
at that table, Byron.

Ms. Carlson will give you
the details on your way out.



♪ ♪

Ah Toy.


♪ ♪

We have a problem.

We need to talk.

It's okay.
No English.

Timmons rejected our offer
on the Spring Valley property.

I went in above asking
like we discussed.

Everything was in order.

But somehow, he and his partner
figured out where my money

was coming from, and...

well, they accused me
of fronting for a...


- What?
- A Chinese whore.

They threatened to k*ll
the deal and expose us

to the bank,
unless we pay them more.

How much?

Five thousand dollars.

If they report us,
the bank will seize

the entire portfolio.

All of your land, gone.

I'll be ruined
and possibly brought up

on criminal charges.

I'm sorry, Ah Toy.

I tried to negotiate with them,
but they have all the leverage.

It's okay.

We fix.


Pay them.

Are you sure?
What if they want more?

No choice.

First we buy silence.

Then we make plan.

One condition.

Close deal
on Spring Valley first.

Then we pay.
Only way.


As leader of the Chinatown
Business Association,

it is my duty to represent
the interests of our community.

Which is why
I've called this meeting.

Things have gotten out of hand.

Your men are dying,

but this fighting
hurts everyone.

People are scared.

Our businesses suffer.

All due respect, Lao Ting,

but if she wants an end
to the w*r, the opium treaty

between the Hop Wei
and Long Zii must be upheld.

What makes you think I want
an end to this w*r?

♪ ♪

Mai Ling.

Because I'm still recovering
from your recent attempt

on my life, and I don't want
to be standing here all day

seeing who can piss further,
I'm gonna show you

the respect you haven't
even begun to earn yet

by cutting through the bullshit.

You don't have the resources
to win a w*r against us,

but I have no interest
in losing any more men.

If you want to talk about
working out a supply deal

for Long Zii territory,
we can do that.

But for now,
I want your assurance

that you'll honor the treaty
and not attempt to receive

any more opium shipments.


and I'd like an apology...

for siccing your Mongol dogs
on me.

You assassinated my husband.

The leader of this tong.

We retaliated.

We all know you've had
Long Zii's balls in a jar

for some time now.

What's done is done.

A w*r benefits no one.

You called for this meeting.

I'm assuming you have
a proposition.

A public tong w*r brings
an increased police presence,

and none of us want
that kind of attention.

Let's contain it.

Two fighters.

The best from each
of your tongs.

A duel?

If the Hop Wei win,
the treaty stands

for five more years,
after which we agree

to good faith negotiations.

If the Long Zii win...

they carve out an area
in which they can

deal molasses independently.

They crossed the line.

We'll just dice
the whole lot of them.

Why don't you dice me right now?

Why don't you each
just take a minute

to consider your options, hmm?

What do you think?

It's interesting.

We're ready for a w*r.

Using Fung Hai muscle.

You think the alliance
is a mistake?

I think we have a chance
to end it

before we have to find out.

You can't agree to this.

A f*cking contest?

- Buys us time.
- Time for what?

We need to move
while they're weak.

Put an end to Long Zii
once and for all.

Maybe, but at what cost?

How many men?

Mai Ling is inexperienced,

She'll make a mistake.

Show us her throat.

And when she does,
we'll be ready.

If the Long Zii agree
to the terms...

so do we.

Mai Ling?

Then it is settled.

Wang Chao, will you see
to the details?

Of course.



Where were you the other night?

I'm sorry.
Something came up.

I waited for you.


For hours.

I wanted to be here.

Believe me, I had no choice.

I do believe you.
That's the problem.

I'm not following you.

You didn't have a choice,
and neither do I.

- Penny...
- And then, this morning,

I hear about dead hatchetmen
on the streets of Chinatown.


You don't have to worry
about me.

I can handle myself.

- You could have been k*lled.
- But I wasn't.

- But you will be.

One of these days...
it will be you.


Honestly, I don't know
what we were thinking.

Can you imagine
if someone found out?

We don't exist
outside this apartment,

and we never will.

No, it doesn't
have to be that way.


Tell me, what kind of future
do we have?

What is this?

You're the one good thing
I've found

in this whole f*cking country.


♪ ♪

It's not enough.

I'm the mayor's wife,
for God's sake.

And you...

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

"John Chinaman"?

♪ ♪

A criminal.

♪ ♪

Okay, Penny.

♪ ♪

- Ah Sahm.

♪ ♪

Don't come back.

♪ ♪







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You don't step up
to a cop like that!

- You don't f*cking follow me!

You don't look at me!
Do you understand?

- What are you doing?
- That's right!

You'd better f*cking run!

- Hey!
- Get the f*ck off me!

♪ ♪

- What the hell was that?

A misunderstanding.

- A misunderstanding?
- Yeah.

Well, I think you cleared it up.


Don't touch me again,
unless you want to learn

to write with your toes.

How much do you owe, Bill?

[PANTING] I told you.

They don't pay us enough.


♪ ♪


Our guest has arrived.

Mr. Patterson.

Everything go all right
at the bank?

Papers are signed and filed.

Mr. Patterson is now
the proud owner

of the Spring Valley property.

Enjoy the cow shit.
I won't miss it.

Now, for our other transaction.

I admire your resourcefulness.

But I've given it some thought.

Perhaps there's a better way
for us to resolve this issue.

Why don't you have a seat
while I fetch us some drinks?

Well, if it's all the same
to you gentlemen,

I've had a long day.

Sit down.


As Americans,
we are gravely offended

by your little enterprise.

But as businessmen,

we applaud your ingenuity.

Which is why,
after careful consideration,

we've decided to be
your partners.


We know a lot of
powerful players, Patterson.

We could be an asset.

You've just extorted
$5,000 from us.

My client will never agree
to a partnership.

I'm not talking
to the Chinese whore.

I'm talking to you.





♪ ♪

Who the hell are you?
My God.

Chinese whore.

You take my money.

I take back.

♪ ♪

Tell her to stop, please.

She can have the f*cking money!

- Ah Toy, no!


♪ ♪


♪ ♪


♪ ♪

What have you done?

♪ ♪

Save our business.

Protect my partner.

No more danger.

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God.
I can't.

I protect my partner.

You protect yours.

Go home.

♪ ♪


This is new.

♪ ♪


Let's go.

♪ ♪



♪ ♪


♪ ♪



♪ ♪



♪ ♪


- Really?

♪ ♪

What the hell?

Bolo was a great warrior.

I never imagined
there was anyone

who could beat him.


Young Jun insists
that you're every bit

the warrior Bolo was,
but before I put the livelihood

and reputation of this tong
on the line, I needed

to see it for myself.

And now I have.

Ah Sahm will be our champion
against the Long Zii.

He will avenge Bolo's death

and by k*lling Li Yong
will put an end

to the Long Zii's
little insurrection

once and for all.

Will you do this
for your brothers, Ah Sahm?

For me?

I will.

Father Jun's old-school,
I get that.

But an honor fight
when we hold all the tiles?

I think it's a mistake.
Not that I'm worried.

I know you'll dice
that m*therf*cker.

I'm just saying,
we should be ending this,

not holding
a f*cking sporting event.

You know, the thing
about these chinks is,

you can do whatever you want.

I could split this cooze in two,

and she'd just keep on smiling.

Thank you very much.


What do you say, darling?

Fancy a bit of a skull-f*cking?


Something I can do for you?


The f*ck?





I'm very sorry.

Please, please.

The so-called "Chinese problem"

is actually an American problem.

These are not pilgrims
fleeing tyranny

to raise their children
in the precious democracy

our forefathers fought
and died for.

No, no, no.

The Chinese coming
to our shores are criminals

and gangsters,
bringing with them

a savagery not seen
since the Indian wars.

ALL: Hear, hear.

Good evening, dear.


You got roped into this as well.

- If we don't close...
- Cost of doing business.

- We will live to regret it.
- Are you enjoying yourself?

That's all fine
and good, Senator,

but surely you don't expect us
to support a candidate

who's gonna decimate
our greatest source

of inexpensive labor?

There are larger issues here

than your bottom line,

The spiritual and moral core
of the nation is at risk!

I agree.

And there is certainly no
shortage of American men

looking for work.

If we keep hiring foreign labor,

we will decimate
the working class.

I'd probably feel the same
way if I inherited my wealth.

Your father financed
your company.

An insignificant loan
paid back in full.

Gentlemen, please.

As a fellow businessman,
I am sensitive

to your concerns,
Mr. Merriweather,

and once we have voted in
the Exclusion Act,

we can certainly legislate
for ample Chinese labor

as economics dictate.

Tell me, Senator.

You compare the Chinese
to the Indians,

and I can't help but wonder
how the Indians viewed

the arrival of our own ancestors

turning up on their shores
in droves.

We brought with us God
and civility.

You mean because
we m*rder*d them

by the thousands with b*ll*ts

instead of tomahawks and spears?

I imagine they would
have wanted to enact

an Exclusion Act all their own
where we were concerned.

Oh, Penelope, dear.

I hardly think it's fair
to compare.

My point is,
we came to a country,

found a people
we deemed inferior,

and stole their land
right out from under them,

and since then, we have
imported different races

we deem inferior to do
our dirty work for us.

And when that work is done,
we lament their presence

in our country
as an as*ault on our values.

Shut the hell up, dear.

Have you spent much time
among the Chinese, Mrs. Blake?

More than you, I'd wager.

You'll have to forgive
my wife, Senator.

She's never one to pass up
a heated debate.


I guess you lost
her vote, Senator.

MEN: Oh-ho...
- If she had one.


You seem determined
to embarrass me.

Trust me, you do that
all on your own.

If you don't shut your mouth,

I'll have you thrown out
of your own g*dd*mn party.



♪ ♪

I think you've had enough.

♪ ♪

You want to hit me too?

They were disrespecting
the girls.

Word gets out this place
isn't safe for white men,

I'll have the bulls at my door
and no chop to pay them off.

So it's about money, hmm?

I'm not gonna have
this conversation with you

while you're drunk.

That's a relief,
because it sounded like

you were just getting started.

You're out of control.

Bolo is dead.

Long Zii is dead.

Do you really think
you can keep going

fighting everyone on all sides?

You've been striking out

with no plan, no purpose.

And now, because of that,
you're about to step up

against one of the most
dangerous men in Chinatown.

And I promise you,

right now, he isn't
slapping around drunks,

sweating whiskey
like some half-wit onion.

So go ahead, drink up.

I am done trying to save you
from yourself.

♪ ♪



♪ ♪


♪ ♪



♪ ♪


There you are.
I've got some lamb in the oven.

Just having a quick smoke
before I come in.


I know.

Believe me, I know.

Is this like the last time?

It's worse.

You know, when I met you,

I thought, "There's a man
who might be difficult.

"He might even be an arse
from time to time.

But he will always
keep me safe."

That's why I married you.

Tell me
you're going to fix this.


♪ ♪

I will.

You'd better.

♪ ♪

I love you, you big idiot.

♪ ♪

- It's your funeral.
- Tell me about it.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

Ah Sahm.

♪ ♪

You can't fight for the Hop Wei.

Not this time.

Little late for that.


Li Yong will k*ll you.

Thanks for the vote
of confidence.

You can still get out of it.

Get injured.

Break a bone during training.

They'll have to pick
someone else.

And then what?

The Hop Wei lose the tournament,

they won't quit
until you're dead.

Don't pretend
this is about protecting me.

This is about you
once again needing

to prove to the world
that you're the best.

♪ ♪

You haven't changed a bit.

Do you know what I think?

I think if I win,
your little power play is over.

That's not what this is about.


♪ ♪

Who k*lled Long Zii?


♪ ♪

Who the hell are you?

♪ ♪

You can't beat him.

I guess we'll find out.

♪ ♪

Good-bye, Ah Sahm.

♪ ♪

Whoa, there! Whoa.


Morning, Mr. Mercer.

Mr. Leary.

I see you've got some men
in need of employment.

- That I do.
- I have good news.

Word has come down from on high.

We begin excavation

on the cable car track

Well, then, you've come
to the right place.


Boys, listen up!

This is Mr. Byron Mercer.

He may not be Irish,
but he's a friend

of the working man.


And how do I know this,
you wonder?

Because Mr. Mercer
will be using Irish labor

to lay the cable car track
in San Francisco.


This is not
the f*cking railroad.

This is our city.

And we're not gonna
let the chinks build it.

This man is a patriot,
and with patriots like him

doing the right thing,
we're gonna take back our jobs.

We're gonna take back our city!



Thank you very much.



♪ ♪



♪ ♪


♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪


♪ ♪


♪ ♪



The body was reeled in
this morning.

Nearly gave the fisherman's boy
a heart attack.

- Who is he?
- Victor Timmons.

Real estate tycoon
from Knob Hill.

Reported missing
with his business associate,

Lance McCormick, two days ago.

And why are we here?

I thought Officer Leeds
might like to poke

in the wounds, as he does,

since it's my inexpert opinion
that this man was k*lled

by sword.

It's Officer Lee, sir.

Do I look like I care?


No coat or tie.

He was likely k*lled indoors
and then dumped

out in the ocean.

So you're saying we've got

some kind of maniac
Chinese swordsman

running around k*lling people
in their homes?

We're assuming he's Chinese.

Yes, Officer Lee, we're assuming

it's a f*cking Chinaman,
because in 30 years

in this business, I've never
come across a white m*rder*r

who's k*lled anyone
with a f*cking sword.

Process of elimination
and so on.

Morgan and Davis
were one thing, but...

why would a real estate tycoon
be targeted by the Chinese?

Well, I guess you can ask him
that when you catch him.

He doesn't like me very much,
does he?

That's not true.

He doesn't like you at all.


♪ ♪


♪ ♪


YOUNG JUN: You ready for this?

LI YONG: Only one of us
is going to walk out of there.

MAN: This is a means

for the tongs
to settle their disputes.

- (YELLING) Yeah!

MAI LING: This day was inevitable.

BIG BILL O'HARA: Things are
gonna get very ugly in Chinatown.

