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01x07 - The Tiger and the Fox

Posted: 07/06/23 07:42
by bunniefuu
Look around.

The w*r's already started.

The Fun Hai
tried to dice my dad.

Why would they attack us?

They made a deal
with the Long Zii.

They need to pay tonight!

A debt's a debt.
I'm just a messenger.

White man
working for the chinks?

I thought you had
some Irish pride.

Sun Yang threatened to k*ll me.

My sister offered to marry him.

She gave up her life to save me.

Why are you even here, Lee?

Why does a Southern boy

have to come
all the way out here

to become a cop?

Father Jun, thank you
for receiving me.

Stay on your feet
for two rounds,

and I'll let you
walk out of here a new man.

Leary, stop!

You're gonna k*ll him!

No, Bill.

You're gonna k*ll him.

What did he say?

It doesn't matter what he said.

They're going to k*ll me.

30 years I was one
of the most respected men

in Chinatown.

Now I'm hiding out
like some low-level onion.

It's just temporary.

There was a time
I could walk down the street

and not once fear

a hatchet in my back

because the street feared me.


there's no dignity in this.

This will pass.

Things will change.

You'll see.

Come on.

Let's get you into bed.

I guess we'll stay here
a little while

until we figure out
a way forward.

You're safe here.

I'm not safe anywhere.

As usual, Ah Toy,
you have an eye for quality.

This one's special.

Raised from birth
to be a concubine

for the w*rlord Dong Zhuo.

Bred for f*cking.

Buy her, and you can make up

whatever bullshit story
you want.

My girls sell themselves.

This one does have
potential, though.

The men get lonely on the salt.

I need to keep them happy.
You need to keep me happy.

And I'm not.


- How old is she?
- I don't know.

17, 18.

Father sold her to me
to settle a debt.

She doesn't talk much,
but, uh, it's not a problem

for most customers.

Even better,
she's never been touched.

You know how rare it is...

Pretty one like this
and still a virgin?

She's double the price,
of course, but I imagine

you could charge
five times that.

Where is she from?

Some dried-up fishing village
in Shandong Province.

Yu... Yumi-something?


You know it?

Well, if you want her...

better decide fast.

This one's already sold.

Daddy, are you okay?

What's that?

You've hardly said
a word to me all evening.

Haven't I?
I'm sorry, dear.

I guess I am
a little distracted.

Can I help?

It's nothing
to concern yourself with.

Just some minor business issues.

The cable car commission?

Talk to me, Daddy.

Blake promised me that contract.

He swore it was mine.

And I staked my entire business
on his word.

I took positions.

If it doesn't come through soon,

I will be forced
to declare bankruptcy.

I could lose the house.

Your mother's house.

I thought it was in process.

That's just another way
of saying it hasn't happened.

I can talk to him.

I don't think talk
is what he's after.

Excuse me?

I married the man.

What else would you have me do?

This isn't easy for me, either.

How do you think it feels
to ask you to...

To be a whore.

He's your husband.

And I'm your daughter.

Shame on you, Daddy.



Oh, before I forget...

For your headaches.

The herbalist said two pinches
into a glass of water.

- Thank you.
- Don't mention it.

Hello, Ah Toy.

And this is?
Not on the menu.

Hey, you know
I like them experienced.

How else am I gonna learn?

It's okay.

You had a long, hard journey.

I know.

But you're safe here with me.

I promise.

A warm bath...

Good rest.

Soon you may remember
how to smile.

Come on.

Anything else I can get you?



No, no.

I'm done.


You got a problem, friend?

No problem...

You been sitting there
staring at me all night.

You got something you want
to say to me, say it.

Can I buy you a drink,
Sergeant O'Hara?

I'm drunk enough.

An Irishman turning down
free libations?


I don't know if that's a world
I want to live in.

Well, maybe you should
get to the f*cking point.

You know, an Irishman
I once knew, he told me...

"In Ireland, we only drink

"on days starting with a T.

"That'd be Tuesday, 'Tursday, '
today, tomorrow,

'Taturday, ' and 'Tunday.'"

You been waiting there all night

just to tell me
a bad f*cking joke?

This here ain't no joke.

- What the hell is this?
- Your boy Lee.

m*rder*d two men in Georgia.

Shot one,
cut the other's throat.

His own kin too.

Then he just disappeared.

He's a smart kid.

Got out pretty clean.

But there's always a trail,
isn't there?

And I followed it...

clear across the country...

'cause that's what I do.

Now, I have to admit,

I did not expect
to find him wearing a badge.

That complicates things
a little.

Now, I have the utmost respect

for law enforcement, Sergeant...

but m*rder's m*rder...

and a bounty's a bounty.

So what I need here...

what I'm respectfully requesting

from you, Sergeant...

Is just some cooperation.

And for that...

I am willing

to split said bounty.

From what I hear,

you could use it.

- $500?
- Keep it down.

We don't want anyone else
getting ambitious.



Less my expenses, of course.

You know what?

I think I will have that drink.

Ah Sahm.

My brother.

The extra chop is from Yat Sen

to make up
for last week's shortfall.

You're getting the hang of it.

Let's get you a drink
and some sticky.

Actually, I have to get going.

I'm meeting someone.

You already got
a girl somewhere.

Nah, I'll leave the girls
to you.

Me, I like a woman.

You can have them.
Those b*tches bite.

Seriously, though, I'm glad
you're getting some sticky

before the blood jam begins.

What are you talking about?


Is something going on?

I'm not supposed
to talk about it.

Young Jun.

Those m*therf*ckers
tried to k*ll my father

in broad daylight.

We can't let that go unanswered.

We're moving on Long Zii.

Father Jun found out
the old man's holed up

in some digs outside Chinatown.

Bolo's already on his way
to dice him

and his bitch wife.

And tomorrow, well,
let's just say, um,

things are gonna
get interesting.

If we know where they are,
why aren't we all going?

Walls have ears, man.

Father Jun didn't want
to risk anyone tipping off

the Long Zii.

Bolo will be in and out of there

before they know
what the f*ck hit them.

Ah Toy.

What are you doing?
You can't just barge in here.

Long Zii has a house
outside of Chinatown.

I need to know where.

Mai Ling...
They're gonna k*ll her.

I heard something about a house,

but I don't know where it is.
Well, who does?

- I can't get involved in this.
- Ah Toy...

- And neither should you.
- She's my sister.

She was your sister.

In China.

Here, she's your enemy.

She's already tried
to k*ll Father Jun once.

Do you think she'd spare you
a second thought

if the opportunity arose again?
I can't let her die.

You can't stop what's happening.

You told me I would need
someone to trust.

Someone outside the tong.

I need that person.


What the f*ck?

Get out.


This is Zhang Yang.

She once worked
as a maid for Long Zii.

Long Zii has a house
outside of Chinatown.

Do you know it?

Look at me.

Do you know it?

- What is it?
- I don't know.

What are you doing?

Stay here.

What happened?

Hey, Mai Ling.

f*ck you.



You little c**t.



That's it.


There you go.

Go to sleep.


What the f*ck are you doing?

Leave her.

If you want to dice Long Zii,
I won't stop you.

You're damn right
you're not gonna stop me.

Father Jun gave the order
for the both of them.

- No.
- "No"?

What the hell do you mean, "no"?

What's wrong with you?

Get the f*ck out of my way.

If you want her,

you're gonna have
to go through me.

Is that right?

You know...

I always knew there was
something off about you.

Yeah, you did.

I don't know
what your deal is...

but that won't make this
any less fun.

That's enough.


You need to get out of here.


Just go.

Mai Ling.

Are you hurt?

I'm fine.

It's over.

Rest now.


they've managed to k*ll me
after all.

I'm glad it's you.

Close your eyes.

They have no idea

who they're dealing with,
do they?

They will.

- Good choice.
- I hope so.

- Enjoy yourself, Councilman.
- I will.

Good to see you.
Good to see you as well.

That one.

Ah Toy, this Mr. Holbrook.


- What did you say?
- He say you an important man.


I don't know about that.

Please, enjoy.

- I'm sorry, what?
- He say you want

to f*ck virgin.

Well, a bit crude, yes,
but, um...

I do fancy the untouched ones.

Mr. Zan here said you might
be able to accommodate me.

If it's a question of price...

I meant no offense, miss.


What are you doing here?

Something you forget to tell me?

Well, I guess it makes sense
there'd be posters.

Doesn't quite capture me, but...

close enough
for government work.

Where'd you get it?
You are not the one

gonna be asking
the questions right now.

I trusted you with my life,

with my family's lives.

It's not what you think.


Then why don't you tell me
what it is, then?

After the w*r...

this family of freed slaves
came to live with us.

They came to help
manage the farm.

I pretty much grew up with them.

And, uh, well,
their daughter Nora,


from a young age,
we were kind of like

brother and sister.

Until we...

weren't, if you get my meaning.

We kept it quiet.

We'd meet in secret,
usually in the barn.

But we knew if we ever wanted
a shot at something real,

we'd have to get the hell
out of the South.

Head west.
Buy some land, maybe.


Well, she... she would always
leave the barn first...

And then I would follow
a little while later.

This time...

this time when she left, I...

I-I heard her cry out.

I come out to see
two of my cousins

holding on to her.

Real mean sons of b*tches.

Uh, I guess they were drunk,
and they'd been onto us

for a while, and they...

They had this sickle.

She fought, my girl.

They k*lled her
right in front of me.

I watched her die.

So you k*lled them.

Well, I shot one of them
right there.

But I only had one shell
in the r*fle, so I...

I got ahold of that sickle
and I went after the other one.

Kept going for a while
after he died.

Then I buried Nora

and I left town that night.

My folks had been
through enough.

Why here?

Why San Francisco?

I guess if San Francisco
didn't end at the ocean,

I'd have kept going.
Becoming a cop?

I suppose you think
that's some sort of penance.


What for?

Those bastards deserved
what they got.

They k*lled my girl.

That's a hell of a story.

And, hell, it might
even be true.

But it don't change things.

A bounty's a bounty,
and the law's the law.

Look, I got a whole speech
about the easy way

and the hard way.
Do you want to hear it?

You bastard.

Don't be a f*cking idiot.

I get paid the same
dead or alive,

but it's a hell of a long ride
to be carrying a stiff.

Put the knife down, boy.

This ain't gonna end
the way you think it is.

He's right, you know.


That's enough.

I need him ambulatory.

You are no longer welcome

in San Francisco.

You've got the rest of
the country to ply your trade,

but if you come back here,
we'll finish the job.

Clean him up
and put him on a train.

You could have
at least tipped me off.

Where's the fun in that?

The truth is, I didn't know
what I was gonna do.

I had to hear it from you.

You didn't strike me
as a cold-blooded k*ller,

but you never know.

Either way, I was gonna...

save your ass
or make some money,

depending on the outcome.

Well, I'm sorry
to disappoint you.

A man shouldn't pay

for doing the right thing...

even if he might have
gone about it the wrong way.

Still, you should have told me.

Who tells a police officer
they're wanted for m*rder?

Yeah, you've got a point there.

You got any more secrets,

Uh, no.

Just the one.

You do realize
he won't be the last

at the price they've got on you?

I do.


Thank you.

I owed you one.

It used to be called
Spring Valley,

but the locals refer
to the area as Cow Hollow now.

Owner leases it to about
a half a dozen dairy farmers.

It's good grazing,
fresh water springs.

I mean, pays for itself.

Why he sell land so valuable?

Well, the owner made
a fortune in the Comstock haul

ten years back
and then reinvested the profits

into real estate.

Took a bath
in last year's crash.

That's why they call it

The word is, he's desperate
to unload quickly,

so, uh, most of the offers
are gonna come in low.

But if we offer
slightly over asking...

I think we can snatch it
right out from under them.

Be a nice addition
to your assets.

Our asset.

Without you...

cannot buy this land.

Nor I without your funding,
Ah Toy.

I'm very grateful.


to our latest acquisition.

To partners.

Now, hear me out.

He doubled his price.

What the hell is this?

I paid for this.

Zan said he'd explain.

You explain face to wife.

That's enough.

Go to my room.
Clean yourself up.

I'll be in soon.

Get him out of here.

You crazy bitch!


What are you doing?

So assuming the surveys
check out...

we can start excavating
next month.

Father Jun.

What happened?

He k*lled Long Zii.

But the bitch survived.

I don't doubt Bolo
was a true warrior

until his last breath.


They want a w*r?

Let's give them one.

They're here.

I should have been there.


No, I needed you here.

I failed Long Zii.

They k*lled him.

No, they didn't.

It was time.

It's our time.

When I was younger, my father
told me a story of a fox.

He was traveling down a road
when he met a tiger.

The tiger cornered him,

but the fox showed no fear.

This confused the tiger,
who asked...

"Why aren't you afraid?

I mean, everyone fears me."

And the fox replied,

"Well, everyone fears me too."

And the tiger laughed,

but the fox insisted.

"Follow me down the road,

"and if the travelers
we come across

"don't flee in fear,

then you can have me
for a meal."

The tiger was curious...

so he followed the fox
down the road,

and when the travelers
caught sight of the fox

followed by the tiger...

They ran away, frightened.

Even as a little girl,
I understood that the fox

was just borrowing terror
from the tiger.

My husband, Long Zii,
was that tiger...

Surrounded by many foxes.

All profiting off the fear
that he put in people's hearts.

And as he grew older...

and weaker...

Some of these foxes
were fooled into thinking

that they were actually tigers.


we'll remind them
who the tiger really is.

- You okay?
- You kidding?

I'm dying to dice
these cocksuckers.

You look a little jumpy.

I've known Bolo
since I was a kid.

He was a tough m*therf*cker.

He was.

I swear, I thought
he was indestructible.

Things are changing, man.

You haven't been here
long enough to feel it.

It's like the ground
is shifting under our feet.

Long Zii's dead.
Father Jun's getting older.

- You worried?
- Nah, man.

I'm ready for it.

It's like it's our world now

and everyone else
is just living in it.

Just watch your back out there.

You f*cking watch it.

I'll be too busy
slicing and dicing.

We have to assume
Mai Ling has two armies.

We'll put an end
to the Long Zii's

little insurrection
once and for all.

We have gangs murdering
each other out in the open.

I think it's time
you took a stand.

Tell me, what kind of future
do we have?

What makes you think
I want an end to this w*r?

We have
the best fighters in Chinatown.

We're gonna take back our city!