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01x06 - Chewed Up, Spit Out, and Stepped On

Posted: 07/06/23 07:41
by bunniefuu
BIG BILL O'HARA: The table's rigged.


Not even a cop
escapes a Fung Hai debt.

v*olence in Chinatown
is an ongoing problem.

- (g*nsh*t)
- This is something we cannot tolerate.

O'HARA: I have orders
to shut you down.

And I'm placing you
under arrest.

AH TOY: It would be better
if we were friends.

You think taking a little money
here is the problem?

This whole bust is the problem!

MAI LING: I came here to talk
to you about the Fung Hai.

MAN: You believe that?

That would never happen
in San Francisco.

The Fung Hai
don't need help from anyone.

Which is why
I already k*lled you.


I understand
you have a proposition.

MAI LING: There's going to be
a w*r between the tongs.

And if you're
on the wrong side...

I won't hesitate.



♪ ♪


♪ ♪


♪ ♪



♪ ♪


♪ ♪



♪ ♪


♪ ♪

Do you barbecue your pets
in Savannah too?

What's that?


They put cats and dogs in those.

- This is pig.
- You sure about that?

Yeah, I grew up on a farm.
I know the taste of pig.

Besides, think no one
in America ever ate dog

when they had to?
Well, if they did,

then they didn't like it.
I wouldn't be so sure.


f*cking hell.

♪ ♪



♪ ♪


♪ ♪


Oh, my.

It's quite loud, isn't it?
Ah, that sound

is to scare off Nian,

the demon of the mountain.

In Chinese legend,
he come down from his cave

on New Year's Day
to eat the children!


Oh, my!

♪ ♪

Oh, hello. Come on.
Okay, love.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪


♪ ♪


♪ ♪


♪ ♪

Come along!

You should see this!

♪ ♪


♪ ♪


♪ ♪


♪ ♪




♪ ♪


♪ ♪









♪ ♪




♪ ♪


♪ ♪


♪ ♪

He's breathing!

Get a doctor!

Go get a doctor!
He's breathing!


♪ ♪


♪ ♪

This was about five years ago.

There was this guy
a few towns over.

Everyone said he was the one
to beat, so...

I went over there
with some friends

and challenged him.

We did that all the time,
no big deal, but...

In the middle of the fight,
I hit him...

not even that hard, really.

But he lost his balance...

hit his head on the ground.

Never got up.

It was an accident.

Didn't make him any less dead.

Turns out his father
was this local w*rlord.

Sun Yang.

I had no idea.

Anyway, Sun Yang threatened

to k*ll me...

and take my father's farm.

And he would have, but...

my sister, Xiaojing,
she offered to marry him.

- Oh, my God.
- She gave up her life

and married the old man
to save me.

Guess it never occurred to me
that she was the one

that needed to be saved.

[SIGHS] Well,
it sounds like, in the end,

she was perfectly capable
of saving herself.


We can do that, you know.


♪ ♪

Save ourselves.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

I need to go.

♪ ♪

I know.

♪ ♪

And then Jimmy says,
"It wasn't me, miss.

It was the horse."
That's awful!


Big Bill, what the hell
happened to you?

Oh, my God, is that blood?

Trouble at the parade.

Couple of chink outlaws
got a hold of some TNT.

Jesus Christ.
Was anyone hurt?


- It was a mess.
- Damn Chinese.

Bunch of savages, if you ask me.

This Chinatown squad
will be the end of him.

I keep telling him to find
something more suitable.


Mr. Damon's just moved back
into town.

He works in private security.

Better hours, better pay.

So I hear.

It's not for everyone.

Well, I guess you're not
looking for work.

So what can I do for you?

I'm working a case.

I was hoping you could give me
your expert opinion.

It's a sensitive matter.

♪ ♪

It's no problem.

I'll leave you gentlemen to it.

♪ ♪

Very nice to see you again,

Mr. Damon.

The pleasure was all mine.

♪ ♪

Honestly, Bill,
how's a poor sod like you

end up with a fine lass
like that?

♪ ♪

You're in my f*cking house,

Just a neighborly drop-in
to remind a man

to deliver on his obligations.

You do intend to deliver,
don't you?

You're on my property.

No one would bat an eye
if I was to put you down.

Wouldn't change anything.

A debt's a debt.

I'm just the messenger.

- Damon, listen...
- No, you listen.

♪ ♪

You don't give me orders
anymore, Bill.

Your three weeks are up.

You either have it...

or the White Mountain awaits.

♪ ♪

I have your f*cking money.

♪ ♪

Well, all's well
that ends well, then.

I'll just count it
and be on my way.

Not here.

I'll meet you at the Banshee
tomorrow night.

♪ ♪


10:00 p.m.

And if I were you...

I'd make damn sure
I didn't forget to show up.

♪ ♪

Have a wonderful evening, Bill.

♪ ♪

Maybe give that lovely wife
of yours a poke for me.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

How is he?

The old guy's taken
more licks than anyone I know.

♪ ♪

He's given his share too.


We're living proof of that.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

I'm sorry.

What are you sorry for?

You weren't even there.

♪ ♪

f*cking dog c**ts.

Lit him up like firecrackers
in front of everyone.

♪ ♪

You see who it was?

From the ink on their faces,

Fung Hai, I think.

I just don't know why.

Then let's go find someone
who does.

♪ ♪


Young Jun, Ah Sahm.

I wasn't expecting you.

How is your father?

He'd be doing a whole lot better

if some f*ckers hadn't
blown him up.

Can I offer you something
to drink?

Why did the Fung Hai attack us?

Why do you think I would
know anything about that?

Because I'll blow
your f*cking head off

if you don't.


♪ ♪

You want my help?

Put that f*cking g*n away.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪


♪ ♪

What's all this?

I'm just trying
to make sense of what happened

out there yesterday.

♪ ♪

Some angry chinks k*lled
an American woman

and damn near lit us up
in the process.

♪ ♪

In case you missed it.

Yeah, well, I thought
maybe I'd do a little bit

of police work seeing as
I was sitting at my desk.

I thought we talked about that.

Yeah, you talked about it.

Guess I didn't listen.

Hop Wei territory is here.

Far as I can tell, they got
the lock on the opium trade.

This section here
is Long Zii territory.

How do you know all this?

Because I asked.

If I had to guess,
I'd say the Long Zii

are looking for their piece
of the opium business.

The Hop Wei won't give up the
tar business without a fight.

Right. But here's the part
I can't quite figure.

The man I chased
who planted the b*mb

ran this way.

If I'm a Long Zii hatchet man

and I just att*cked the Hop Wei
on their territory,

I'm running home faster'n a
prairie fire with a tail wind.

That fast, huh?

Well, maybe they got lost, Lee.

Maybe the slant-eyed fucks

couldn't see through
all the damn smoke.

Or maybe they weren't Long Zii.

Maybe there's another
tong involved.

To which I humbly say,
"Who gives a shit?"

The assassins' route
led me this way...

The assassins?
So it's a conspiracy now?

This is Fung Hai territory.


You know anything about them?

Wild guess, they carry
diseases and sharp implements

of death?

♪ ♪

The Fung Hai
are a different breed.

The locals say
they're descendants

of Genghis Kahn himself,

the most savage
of the tongs, Bill.

And if they're fixing
to go to w*r...

Listen, I appreciate
your pretty little map there

and your fancy theories,
but calling these highbinders

by a different name
doesn't change a thing.

A chink is a chink.

A criminal is a criminal.

And if they wanna start
k*lling each other

in greater numbers,
that's just less of them

we have to deal with.
We just had a b*mb go off

on the streets of our city.

Innocent people are dead.

We ought to do something,
don't you think?

All right.

I'll give it some thought.

But right now, I need you to
apply your talents elsewhere.

What's this?

It's a shotgun, Lee.

I want you to take it and sit
outside my house tonight.

There's an old rocker
on the porch.

It'll give you views
up and down the street.

You stay there until I get back.

And who am I lookin' for?

You'll know him if you see him.

What's goin' on, Bill?

♪ ♪

Just do this for me.

I'll be back before dawn.

♪ ♪

And if not?

Well, then, um...

I guess you'll get a promotion.


♪ ♪

f*ck speeches.

f*ck playing nice!

The Fung Hai
tried to dice my dad

in our own damn bowl!

They need to pay... tonight!

The Fung Hai have always
kept to their territory.

Why would they attack us
without provocation?

'Cause they made a deal to be
extra muscle for the Long Zii.

That's absurd.
Who told you that?

A reliable source.
And the last thing we need

is for those mongy bastards

to think that they can breathe
the same air as us.

We're gonna put them down
and send a message to Long Zii

at the same time.

You're talking about
starting a w*r.

Look around.
The w*r's already started.

They drew first blood.

Anything short of
burning them down

is just us showing our bellies.

I know you're angry.
We all are.

But now is the time
for careful consideration,

not an emotional reaction.

I'm just not sure Father Jun
would approve of such...

This is Young Jun's call.

He wants us to scrap,

we scrap.


Damn right, we scrap.

♪ ♪

You sure you wanna do this?


You think I'm making a mistake?


Doesn't matter what I think.

You're my brother,

and you're the acting head
of the tong.

I got your back.

Until you f*ck it up, of course.

Then it's every onion
for himself.



Best not to keep the senator
waiting any longer, sir.

Afternoon, Sam.
Enjoy your lunch.

Senator Crestwood,
welcome to San Francisco.

I'm sorry we kept you waiting.

We weren't expecting you.
I guess the past few days

have been full of surprises
for you.

You're, uh...

you're talking about Chinatown.

That's all anyone's
talking about.

They're blowing each other up
now, is that it?

I suppose we're to blame
for teaching them demolition

on the railroads.

- Drink, gentlemen?
- Whiskey, please.

Neat. Thank you.
Right away, sir.

I assure you,
what happened yesterday

was an isolated incident.


g*ng wars.
The m*rder of two Irishmen

whose k*ller walks free,

and now they're setting up
dynamite in public squares?

I hear there were
some legitimate citizens

hurt in the blast.
One fatality, sir.

There were three more injured.
A tragedy, we can all agree.

And they will pay for it.

My office is aggressively

the criminal elements
in Chinatown.

I've recently formed
a new police squad

dedicated solely
to that purpose...

Some of my best men.

Men who could all be put
to better use, I imagine,

for the citizens
of San Francisco.

The Chinese have depleted
their own resources,

and now they're swarming across
the ocean to deplete ours.

We need to put an end
to this immigration.

I'm sure you know
I had a hand in drafting

the Exclusion Act.

But there's strong opposition
not only from Congress,

but from
President Hayes himself,

which is why I intend
to run for president.

I see.

It will not look good for me

if American citizens are being
slaughtered in my own state.

We'll redouble our efforts.

You have my full support.


A rising tide
lifts all ships, Blake.

I hope I can count on you.

To do what exactly?

What needs to be done.

Mr. Buckley, will you
escort me to my carriage?

With pleasure, Senator.

You've been busy,
Mr. Buckley.

As promised.

This... is political gold.

Feeds my platform perfectly.

Soon enough, you'll be
applying those talents

with me in D.C.
I'm counting on it, Senator.

In the meantime,

keep that one on a short leash.

I will, sir.





♪ ♪

Happy f*ckin' new year.





♪ ♪



♪ ♪




♪ ♪




This is for my father.



♪ ♪


You had that the whole time?



g*dd*mn, Bolo.



♪ ♪

On your tab, Bill?


That's two drinks
you bought me now, Bill.

A man might suspect
there's an ask

hidin' beneath all that foam.

I need you to talk
to Jack Damon for me.

I owe him some money.

Jesus, Bill.
Even a blind dog learns

after a few beatin's.

How much do ya owe?
I can scrape it together.

I just need
a few more days, please.

He'll be here soon.
Swingin' his stick, no doubt.

He respects you.
He'll listen.

I'm not vouching for you, Bill.

God knows you're a bad bet.


♪ ♪


♪ ♪

I should never have
let him stake me.

A white man working
for the chinks...

I don't know
what I was thinking.

What the f*ck you talkin' about?

I just said,

I should have never
taken Damon's marker.

I heard your f*ckin'
words, Bill,

just as you f*ckin' intended.

I'm askin' for
f*ckin' specifics.

Damon's in the employ
of the f*ckin' slopes?


Over at the Fung Hai casino.

I assumed you knew.

Did not f*ckin' know.

Which is why Damon
can still hold his prick

when he pisses.

f*ckin' gobshite.


The people are anxious.

They should be.

This attack on Father Jun
was unprecedented.

Until we know who did it,

we have to assume
we're all targets.


Yah! Yah!

♪ ♪



♪ ♪

He's Fung Hai.

Mai Ling.

What did you do?


Fifteen years married to a cop,

I should know better than
to startle a man with a g*n.

Evenin', Mrs. O'Hara.

You've been out here a while.

I figured you might be hungry.

Uh... you shouldn't have.

Since you went to the trouble...

thank you.


This is the part
where you tell me

what you're doing on my porch
with a shotgun.

Just precaution.

Bill and I have been

chasing after
some pretty nasty men.

He asked if I'd keep an eye
while he worked late.

I like you, Lee.
You're sweet.

You've got good manners.

Thank you.

But you're gonna have to
work on the lying.

- Ma'am...
- Stick with Bill.

I'm sure you'll get
the hang of it.

Thank you.
For the sandwich.

It's delicious.

You're getting better already.



♪ ♪

I'll be honest, Bill.

I didn't think
you'd have the money.

He doesn't.

It's mine.


Bailin' out degenerate
gamblers, now are ya?

Thought you were
smarter than that.

And I thought you had
some Irish pride.

What happened?

You cash it in
along with your badge?

Irishmen need to eat,
just like everyone else.

The Fung Hai make sure
I don't go hungry,

which is more'n I can say
for you and your workingmen.

You think your father would
be proud to see ya now, huh?

Lappin' up chink scraps
and preyin' on your own kind?

My father died
a penniless drunk,

in this f*ckin' bar, by the way,

with nothing but the shirt
on his back

and the shit in his britches.

You'll forgive me if I don't
concern myself too much

with his opinion.


♪ ♪

This isn't gonna end well
for you, Bill.

You got bigger concerns, Jack.

The f*ck you talkin' about?

I'm talkin' about
goin' two rounds with me.

A chance to regain your honor
as an Irishman.

Stay on your feet
for two rounds,

and I'll let you walk
outta here a new man,

cash in hand.

like Jesus Christ himself.

♪ ♪

Guess I can't say no,
now, can I?



♪ ♪

Do you wanna dance...

or just take a beatin'
like your mom used to?



♪ ♪

Ugh! Ah!




You look thirsty, Damon.

Would you like some water?

- Somebody get this

poor bastard a drink.

Here ya are, Mr. Leary.


Feels like a round to me.

You keepin' time
over there, Bill?





What's the matter, Damon?

No more jokes about me mother?

[BLOWS, SPITS] Your mother

was a germ-ridden c**t.

I wouldn't f*ck her
with my stick.

♪ ♪







Leary, stop!

You're gonna k*ll him!



♪ ♪

No, Bill.

You're gonna k*ll him.


♪ ♪

Get in the f*ckin' ring, Bill.

I can't.
You can't ask me to do that.

If you don't k*ll him,

we'll drop him off
with the chinks.

They'll stitch him up,
give him their f*ckin' herbs.

And when he's good and rested,

with a face like a leper
and a head full of revenge,

what do you think he's gonna do?

You think he's gonna come after
the man that broke him?


He's gonna come lookin' for you.

Your wife.

Your wee ones.

You asked for my help,
and I gave it to ya.

But if you let him
leave this ring,

you are on your own.


Come on, boys.

Let's give the man some privacy.

See if he can locate his balls.



Please, Bill.




Please... don't.

I won't come for you.

I swear.

Please, Bill...


Bless you... Ah!







♪ ♪


♪ ♪


♪ ♪


I don't know why you agreed
to meet with the old man.

We should be burning down
his house right now.

You can't negotiate peace

with your cock
between your legs.

And you can't go to w*r
if you don't have the stones

to look your enemy in the eyes.


Father Jun,
thank you for receiving me.

I'm glad to see no harm
has come to you.

It would take more than

a couple of Mongols
with firecrackers

to put me on my ass.


I've known you
for a long time, Long Zii.

Long enough to know
this wasn't your doing.

It was my house
that betrayed you,

and it falls to me
to make things right.

The most important thing
now is peace.

I hope you'll forgive
this terrible misunderstanding

and agree to accept my offer
to renew the truce...

with penalties, of course.

You and I, we crossed
the salt as young men...

Couple of itchy onions
looking for the gold mountain.

But the pale fucks lied to us.

The gold wasn't on
the mountain, it was under it.

And while the coolies
and the worms broke their humps

building duck railroads
and mining duck ore,

we built empires of our own.

I have no desire
for our houses to go to w*r.

But you f*cked up.

There can be no peace

until the Fung Hai
are dealt with.

Those are my terms.


♪ ♪

Of course.

I will see to it immediately.

♪ ♪

f*ckers try to dice you,
you shake his hand?

Only to say good-bye.

♪ ♪

We won't be seeing him again.

♪ ♪

What did he say?

It doesn't matter what he said.

♪ ♪

They're going to k*ll me.


♪ ♪


You look chewed up,
spit out, and stepped on.

Uh... that's better
than I feel.

But you made it home.

I made it home.

All right, then.

See ya at work.

What, that's it?

You're not gonna
ask me what happened?

Would you tell me if I did?

That's what I thought.

Thank you, Lee.


Kids are up.
I could use a hand.

I just need to sleep,
just a few hours.

- How bad is it this time?
- Everything's fine.

I took care of it.
Sure, that's why

there's an armed cop sitting
outside our house all night.

I said I took care of it.

I remember when
that used to mean somethin'!



♪ ♪


♪ ♪


♪ ♪

♪ ♪


Mai Ling, she's my sister.

She was your sister.
Here, she's your enemy.

MAN: Your old boy, Lee,
just disappeared.

I did not expect to find him
wearing a badge.

We're moving on Long Zii.

MAN 2: They have no idea
who they're dealing with.

MAN 3: They want a w*r?
Let's give 'em one.



Chinese New Year's is
the biggest celebration

for Chinese culture.

San Francisco's Chinatown

has the biggest celebration
outside of China,

- and they really nailed it.

I think the most incredible
set piece we ever did

was the Chinese New Year.

We really wanted to sort of
bring all our characters out

in Chinatown and do something

really vibrant
and electric and exciting.

It really felt like
an actual celebration.

We had hundreds of extras
and performers

that legitimately knew
how to use

the dragon and the lion
and the drums,

and we had fireworks going off,
and confetti.

It was really spectacular.

The detail that
the art department came up with

to create this world,
it's so real.

It's one of the most fun
sequences I've ever shot.

f*cking hell.

In moments like that, you go,
"Oh, my god. I'm part of this."

- I think it's one to remember.

And then we, of course,
made something explode.

- 'Cause that's what we do.

- (expl*si*n)

I'm a big fan of action,
so to get blown up,

I was so excited, and to see
how they would handle

using doubles and multi-cameras
and smoke.


Father Jun is incapacitated.
He's injured from the expl*si*n.

The Fung Hai
tried to dice my dad.

In our own damn bowl.

They need to pay tonight!

And Ah Sahm backs me up

in a moment
where I need some backup.

MAN: I'm just not sure Father
Jun would approve of something...

This is Young Jun's call.

He wants us to scrap. We scrap.

It's a very important moment
in our relationship.

You think I'm making a mistake?

He's the first person
to basically say

Young Jun is the boss right now.

Doesn't matter what I think.

You're my brother, and you're
the acting head of the tong.

I got your back.

And to me, that's huge.

Their brotherhood's cemented.
He's going,

"Your father was almost k*lled.

I'm with you, man.
Let's do this, then."

Happy f*cking New Year.


The casino fight where we take
revenge against the Fung Hai,

as we come in to initiate
the fight,

I slide on my knees
and I s*ab a guy several times.

We just go in there
and just cause chaos

'cause it's like, "Well,
if you're gonna do that,

- then we're gonna do this."

It's just me, Bolo, and Ah Sahm
just like kicking ass.


It's a really important scene
because I'm operating

while Father Jun is unconscious,
and I think this is something

that's a lot to do
with Young Jun's growth

'cause right now,
he is the impetuous...

volatile, easy to fly
off the handle kinda guy,

but if he's gonna be the boss
later on,

he's needs to be calm
and level-headed.

You had that the whole time?

Bill has k*lled quite a lot
of people in his time.

k*lling Damon
is a completely different beast.

It's a guy who was a friend
in the Irish community.

It's under duress

from the leader
of the Irish community.

And it's also
because of Bill's vices.

He's put in a position
where he has to take out someone

who he sees as part
of the family that he exists in.

What I like about the scene
where Bill comes back

is that Lee still accuses him
of something.

"You're still hiding something
from me."

You look chewed up, spit out,
and stepped on.

"So although I'm doing
this gesture for you,

I still don't really understand
what's going on

'cause you're
just not gonna tell me.

- RICHARD LEE: See you at work.
- What? That's it?

You're not gonna ask me
what happened?

Would you tell me if I did?

That's what I thought.

TOM WESTON-JONES: And it's only
in seeing how crushed

Bill is at the end of it

that I think Lee understands
there's a lot more to this,

and it's a real moment for them.

I think that's when trust
really is cemented.

Thank you, Lee.

I think he can see in Bill

that if he was to push
in that moment,

that it probably
would break him.

He will probably find out
about it,

but he's willing
to bide his time.

The worst aspect for Bill

is not that he's k*lled
a human being,

he's k*lled a friend.

It's that he knows
that he's gone over a line.

It's really about himself
thinking he's lost control.

Things have gone so bad.

So it's actually the guilt
of that weighing on him

that haunts him.