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01x61 - Robo-Ninjas

Posted: 07/05/23 13:09
by bunniefuu

♪ ♪ ♪

Uh, Scratch!

Sonic's not gonna fall for that free chili dog routine again!

This is different.

He'll be expecting us to attack him,

like we always do.

But we're gonna hit him with a ton of bricks instead!

I yank on this rope, the scaffolding falls,

and the building comes down on that hedgehog's head!

Ooh! Oohl Here he comes!

Check it out, Tails!

"Free chili dogs during remodeling!"

It's gotta be a badnik trap, Sonic!

Since when has that been a problem?


Sonic! Look out!

Got us covered!

Okay, Tails!

I got 'em, Sonic!

Time to beat feet and eat!

Your trap didn't work.

What happened?

I'll go look'.

It looks fine to me.

it shoulda worked!

Hey! I'll give it a try!


Hah! It worked great!

I wish you hadn't done that!

[phone rings] Yahhh.

If that's Dr. Robotnik, don't tell him what happened!

You misereable micro-brains!

You one-chip wonders!

You metal-brained meatheads!

I think he already knows.

I'm through trying to teach you how to catch that hedgehog!

From now on, it's up to you!

Is this a promotion?

Call it a proclamation!

Find a way to defeat Sonic or don't come home!

I heard.

How come we have to find a way to defeat Sonic?

He can't!

That's why he gets the big bucks.

Well, it makes me mad!

In fact, it makes me wanna smash something!


How about some-one to smash?

What! That old guy?

AW, it's too easy!

That's the beauty part!

Hey, old bird, what's your name?

I am Kwai Chang Crane, gentle robots.

And you are--?

Your worst nightmare-robots with a baaaad attitude!

A robot with a bad attitude can often be overcome

by the smell of a gym locker.


Oh, never mind!

We're gonna thump you, and crunch you and twist you up

like a pretzel, old bird!


And then we're really gonna hurt you!

Ooof! Yeow! Umph! oww!

Hey! How'd you do that?

Surprises along the path of life are like dirty socks in the

laundry of barefoot cousins, my friends.

[flute music]

Coconuts: Didja see that? Didja didja didja?

Of course I saw it, monkey-brains!

I'm right here!

But nobody can beat robots like that!


I know! I know! I know!

Ninja! Ninja! Ninja!


No, no! Not a sneeze! Look!

Hmmm. Ninja an ancient martial art.

Said to make its students invincible.

How did you know about this, Coconuts?

I watch a lot of chop-socky movies on TV.

Hee-ya! Haiee! Keeya! Oww!-Oooff!

Get the Egg-O-Matic Hovercraft ready!

And get Scratch and Grounder back here!

We're going to turn those stupid robots into unbeatable warriors!

[flute music]

Most interesting.

The steel of treachery is stronger than the jelly of

confusion in a peanut butter sandwich.

Coconuts: What'd he say? What'd he say?

Robotnik: Beats me.

But I don't care about his philosophy.

All I want are his ninja skills.

Ya know, a wise man once said, there's no such thing

as a free chili dog.

But these were free!

That's right-and mighty tasty, too.

That's why I always say, it's better to be fast than wise.

Look out, Tails!


Robotnik coulda jumped us and he just went by!

I know--and that worries me.

He's up to something!

And it's gotta have something to do with that old crane with him!

Robotnik: It is completed-the Crane Brain Drainer!

What's it gonna do, Doctor Robotnik?

It will draw the Ninja skills and knowledge from Crane

and implant them into Scratch and Grounder.

Turn 'em into Ninjas? Huh?

You're so clever today, my simian simpleton.

Let the transfer begin!

Behold-my greatest creations the Robo-Ninjas!

Use the doors next time, you dumbots!

Hiya! Hiya!

Hiya! Ho!

How exciting!

They are even better than I had hoped!

C'mon, Dr. Robotnik!

Make me a Ninja too! Huh?

Later, Coconuts.

I must be sure our friend Crane has enough skills to pass on to

our Robo-Ninjas-enough to rid us of Sonic Iorever!

Look out!

Prepare to fight, hedgehog!

Prepare to lose, hedgehog!

We are Robo-Ninjas!

You talk the talk, but you don't walk the walk,


We will walk all over you, hedgehog!


Not Bad!

I'll give you a call next time I need the lawn mowed!

Hey! Leggo!


Grounder keeps me busy, and you grab the kid!

Nice move, Scratch!

I never thought I'd say that!

Swords sharpened!

Getcher swords sharpened!

Mine could use a little edge.

No problem. Mmph!

Is that little enough for you?

My sword!

My beautiful sword!

Give up, Sonic. Or Tails will pay.

You've got his nose jammed in your armpit.

That's payment enough.

Tails! Helicopter!


But I can't fly when he's holding me like


Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!

I did it, Sonic!

I'm free!

Way to go!

Now let's speed, keed!

They have gotten away again.

We have not yet perfected our Ninja skills.

But when we have --we will crush them.

Those robots were better fighters this time!

Don't sweat it, kid.

Those guys are still no match fer me.

I hope you're right.

Yeah. Me too.

Even with your Ninja skills, you failed me!


I do not know-

Oooh! That tickles!

We come very close to defeating the hedgehog,



I hate close!

I want results!


There must be something missing something I haven't thought of

If I might suggest something?

What do you want?

Fighting skills are only part of the Ninja way.

It is also our philosophy, our beliefs.

You mean, if' I use the Crane Brain Drainer to implant your

ideas in those robots, they'll be able to defeat Sonic?

It couldn't hurt.

Into the booths!

Do not become an obstacle in our path!

How dare you yell at me!

Hiya! Ha! Hoo!

Uh, sure, w-w-whatever you say!

Getting Sonic is the most important thing.

Go to it, Robo-Ninjas!

A pat on the back is worth...uh...two in the bush.

Oh no!

Now they're even starting to talk like that old bird!

Heeeyiii! Keeeyaaa!

Hey, if I looked like you guys, I'd cover my face, too!

That is your last joke, hedgehog.

Prepare to meet your doom!

You guys may dress funny, but you're still creampuffs!

The creampuff of yesterday is the day-old item in

the, uhum, the bakery of the present.

Ooh! That's pretty good!

What did he say?

Beats me.

Exactly what we had in mind!

That was close!

These guys are good!

Maybe. But we're still better!

Get ready, Tails for a Sonic Spin!

Uh lucky move, metalheads!

The smell of victory is a cough drop in the sore throat of life.

Very nice, Scratch.

The defeat of an enemy is sweeter than the chocolate chip

in bakery cookies.

But not as sweet as maple syrup!





Gee! They've never done that before!

What do we do now, Sonic?

Gack! We duck!!



I don't think we can beat' em any more, Sonic!

You may be right, kid!

It's hopeless, Sonic.

They've gotten too tough for us!

No way, Tails!

I've got one trick they always fall for!




Robot beauty contest today!

Free tickets here!

Robot beauty contest!

A robot beauty contest?

Free tickets?

Gets 'em every time!


Your tricks no longer work, hedgehog!

My disguise didn't fool you!



Let go of him, you bully!

It's cool, my man.

I'll be outta here in a Sonic second!

I doubt it.

You are no longer dealing with the old Grounder and Scratch,


We are now Robo-Ninja warriors.

bearers of the secret knowledge of master Chang Crane.


I think you're just the same stupid dumbots

in black gym suits.

But you are the one in chains, Sonic.

Not fer long!


Let's book outta here, kid.

I feel the need -

the need for speed!

Robotnik: Don't bother me now, Coconuts!

I will turn you into a Robo-Ninja next time.

Promise? Promise? Promise?

A Robotnik never lies!


Well, I'm not lying this time!

Okay, so I'm lying.

What of it?

The telling of an untruth will bring badminton birds

flocking to their nests.

What's that supposed to mean?

Only a fool seeks meaning from a bowl of oatmeal.

Are you calling me a fool?

No. A bowl of oatmeal.

Ahhh, never mind!

You were so close to defeating that horrid hedgehog!

I watched every miserable minute on my viewscreen!

And you failed again!

The taste of failure is like three-week old broccoli

Yuck! Never mind that!

I've got to figure out what went wrong!

You have all of Crane's Ninja skills...

what else could there be?

You know what?

I suggest we tap Crane's knowledge again.

We must be like an army to Sonic.

An army!

Of course!

Grounder, I'm impressed!

Okay. Now we need to figure out

what made those robots so good!

Scratch mentioned some guy...

what was his name ??


Did you mention the name of my master,

Kwai Chang Crane?

I am Grasshopper, a student of Crane.

He has been mising from our school.

I'm Tails, and this is Sonic.

Hi, Grasshopper.

This Crane was he an older bird, wearin' beat' up clothes

About yay tall?

You have seen him?


Aboard Robotnik's Hovercraft!

Oh great day!

The tomato of expectation makes the soup of happiness!

Is everybody gonna be talking this way?

I must go to rescue master Crane from the evil Robotnik!

Hold on, Grasshopper.

Rescuing people from Robotnik is MY job.

And mine!

But I can be of service.

To defeat the Robo-Ninjas, you must know how they

have been trained.

You wanna show me a few of those fancy moves?

Like this?

Chow Mein!

Egg Foo Yung!

Perhaps you could show me

Tails: It looks like Robotnik is busy in his lab.

So now's the time for me to get in there.

I'm going too!

Master Crane may need my help as well.


I need you two to guard my rear, in case Robotnik

calls up reinforcements.

Right, Sonic!

Nobody'll get past us!

Dr. Robotnik promised to make me a Robo-Ninja!

But he puts me on guard duty, instead!

I hate it! Hate it! hate it!

Hi there, Coconuts!


Sonic! Ha! I got you at last, you, you


Heck, you. don't need Robotnik to teach you.

I'll show you all the moves you need.

What, do you think I'm stupid?

Yes. Next question.

I won't fall for your tricks!

Listen, Coconuts: just to prove I mean it,

I'll let you hit me first!

You will?


I'll stand right here.

You run at me and do this --and I'll fall down!

Well okay, but you'd better fall down!

I promise.


Did I fall down too soon?

[Coconuts sputtering]

Speak up! I can't understand you!


One egg- shaped scientist and two robots.

How hard could it be?

Hope yer clocks are dirty, 'cause Sonic's here to

Clean them... Uh-oh,

Just in time, Sonic!

As you see, I have created more Robo- Ninjas for your


Use the doors!

Use the doors!

Don't worry, pal.

I'll save you--as soon as I figure out how to save myself.

The fruit of victory falls from the tree of patience like, uh

like uh bird feathers?

Bird feathers?

Who said bird feathers?

Um, do I seem more stupid than I was five minutes ago?

Oh! You always seem more stupid.

Oh! On the other hand, so do I.


Didn't yer mother ever tell you not to play with sharp objects?


You shoulda listened to yer mother!

One down...

--seven to go!

Ready or not, here I come!



Hey! Lemme outta here!

Ha ha! I caught a big fish this time.

Fishing, eh?

Let's see your license!

Fishing license?

Oh, certainly, warden.

I know I had it here somewhere, uh...

You guys got yer stupidity back!

I was beginning to worry!

Now it's time to - yah!

It's time to say goodbye!

Maybe I shoulda let Tails and Grasshopper

come along after all!

We're here!

I love it when that happens!



These Throwing Stars are substandard.

I'm sending 'em back!


I am honored to meet you in battle.

Whoah! This guy is serious!

Lucky for me he's not too smart!

Come on!

I've had closer shaves with a dull razor!

And now for my latest composition,

Percussion for hedgehog and' Robo-Ninja!

[trumpet blast]

Thank yout hank you thank you!

Bravo! Bravo!

I particularly liked the arpeggio in the final movement.

What's happening?

Where are your Ninja skills?

Get that hedgehog!

I'll get you outta that thing

No need.


You coulda gotten outta that thing any time?


The strength of one's muscles is not always measured with the

tape measure of anger.

I've always said that.

But right now we got some badniks to deal with.

Hold still, darn ya!

Get yer finger outta my laser!

Now is time for the important question: will my finger

explode, or will your laser?


Some questions have simple answers.


Oh! You don't have a momma, stupid!

But I want a maamaaaa!

Hey! You're not leaving us here, are you?!

In a word-YES!

I hate that hedgehog!

No! Don't leave me! Come back!

I think we'd better put our slicks to the bricks!

There goes the neighborhood.

And how come you didn't escape from Robotnik before?

An unexpected adventure often comes with soup or salad,

and a roll.

Wow! Is he wise, or what?


You want wise?


One chili dog on the hedgehog beats three on the plate!

Come on, I'll show ya!

Okay Fleabag, let's see if you can kick my

triple-curve fast ball!

Yeah! Let's go, Foxie!

I got it! No you don't!

Mine! No, mine!

Yipee! I caught it Oof!

Looks like these dumbots were flat out wrong

about going in the street.

Remember, ask your parents to help you.

The street is no place to play.

Sonic sez!