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01x57 - Sonic is Running

Posted: 07/05/23 13:09
by bunniefuu

♪ ♪ ♪

Scratch: Excuse me, oh reacherous One but your Mother

is here to see you.

Oh, no!

Which means I'm taking a trip!


Oh, Momma. What a lovely surprise.


Don't you Momma me!

I've NEVER been so humiliated in all my life!

My friend Cora at the Home has a son who was just elected

president of his garden club.

Why can't YOU be elected president?

Just because you're feared and loathed all over the planet,

that's no reason you can't be popular.

But Momma, I HATE gardening!


Ohhhl Ow!

I wish it was numb.

I want you to run for president of Mobius!

You mean have an election?

That sounds disgustingly like being fair.

Not that there's anything wrong with being disgusting!

Then get going!

I can't wait to be First Momma of Mobius.

Scratch! Grounder!

Yes, Your Malevolence!

Who do you want crushed?

Or liquidated?

Or terrorized?

Or maybe even scared a little?

Ohhhhhuh, no one.

Make up a million Robotnik for President posters with my

picture and paste 'em up them allover Mobius.

But Doctor, we're vicious evil robots running for election


Do as I say, or I'll grind you down into iron filings!

One million posters, comin' up!



Little late for Halloween, isn't it?

The whole city's plastered with 'em!

You don't think he could win, do you Sonic?

Not if I have anything to say about it, Tails.

And I will!

Catch ya later, little bro'!

That's not how the rest of them look.

I'm sure of th... [zoom]


Is it just me, or does Dr. Robotnik photograph kinda goofy?

Believe me, Palsie, you won't regret buyin' this little baby.

Look here - Ice dispenser!

Ah-ah-ah! No second thoughts.

all sales are final!

D-d-doctor Robotnik, sir!

Listen, about that time I helped Sonic

it was business, nothin' personal.

Forget the past, Wes.

Let's talk about the future.

YOUR future, managing my campaign for President.

What is this, a joke?

No offense, Doc, but even I wouldn't help elect a ruthless,

power-mad tyrant like you.


Who dares to call my little darling a tyrant?

Did I say tyrant?

I take it back.

Compared to you, he's as meek as a lamb.

That's better.

Show him, Sonny.

Dr. Robotnik, palsie!

You're looking more presidential every second!


Well, what are we waiting for, Mr. President?

Time is valuable!

In the official race for presidnt of Mobius,

the latest poll shows reformer Henry Walrus with a ninety

percent lead.

Long regarded as one of our outstanding leaders,

Henry Walrus seems sure to be our next President.


At the bottom of the poll, with point-oh-one percent apiece,

are mosquitoes, the plague, paper cuts that don't heal,

and Dr. Robotnik.


Relax, Madam.

First, we'll start some malicious rumors

about Henry Walrus.

Then, we'll give your son an image they can't touch

Robotnik, the Family Man.

Why, you idiot.

I have no family to speak of.


What do you mean?

I'M your family!


How could I forget?

I see your point.

But I have a solution.

A dozen cans of hairspray.

A gross of toothpaste...

A little mascara...

And for public speaking. A broken record.

And voila the politician's perfect mate,


Cookies, anyone?

I don't know about this, Wes.

I tried having a wife once and it didn't work out.

You'll just have to try again.

You can't get elected without one.

The voters expect it.

I've shared my entire life with this wonderful man,

and I know Dr. Rew-butt-nik will be the best president

Mobius has ever had.

Uh, it's Ro-BOT-nik, my dear.

You're absolutely right, darling.

Now, all you need is a pet.

Ah, we can use Spalding, my spitting cobra.

Oh, no, no, no! We can't.

But not to worry, we can get you a dog.

Absolutely not. Canines detest me.

And it's mutual.

By get, I mean, BUILD you a dog.

A heart of gold - so don't freak out when you see

my expense account.

A tail that never stops...

A toilet so he's potty-trained...

and a coupe buckets full of slobber

and he's gotta love playing' games.


Good Robo-Dog!

He loves to fetch, and he's very obedient.

All right, I'll try him.



Isn't that cute?

He thought you wanted him to fetch YOUR heel.


Doc, baby, you're all gonna look great in the TV spots,

'cause we're gonna sh**t 'em in a new process - Hypno-Vision!



That's such a brilliant idea, I should have had it myself!

Chili dog flam-bay on the house!

Whoa, thanks, Bert!

Thanks, Roxy!

Anything fer you, Sonic.

You got a lotta sand to keep buttin' heds with Robotnik.

I can't BELIEVE that polecat's runnin' for office.

Hey. Is this one of his ads?

Wes Weasley: Haven't you ever wanted to return to a simpler time

in Mobius when we had simple virtues.

And simple people?


Heel, boy.

Ow! [grumbles]



Come in, this is so lame it's funny!

Hey, what was that?

Didn't see a darn thing.

Me neither.

Well I did!

Wes Weasley: Remember simple family values, like apple pie

And Mom...

Smile, and pick up your pie!


Didn't ya see it?

There it was again!

What? See what??

I guess your eyes are faster than ours, Sonic.

Isn't it time we had a president like Dr. Robotnik,

who cares about apple pie, Mom and the Mobius flag?

OWWWWWW! You morons!

You're absolutely right, darling.


Oh, MAN!

You'd have to be HYPNOTIZED to vote for a guy that bogus!

I say somethin' wrong?

He's slamming our candidate!

What happened, Sonic.

I just heard on the radio that Robotnik

could be our next president!

Yikes! Not a chance, Tails!

Because I'm runnin' for President.

I'll fight fire with fire.

Speakin' of which look out!

I may be running for President, but now I'm just running!

Make fun of our next president again

and you'll get worse'n that!

Hey, what's got into Bert?

Those Robotnik commercials on television must have some

hypno-thing that's too fast for anyone to pick up on.

Except me.

Glad I didn't see 'em.

But if everyone's hypnotized to vote for Robotnik,

how can you win for President?

The main thing is to make Robutt-nik lose.

And you're forgetting there isn't a race run I can't win.

Robotnik: Vote Robotnik for President!

I am the Best!

I'm Right In The Fight Against Sonic!

'Scuse me a sec

Robotnik is a - Pest!

Right in Sonic for President.

Real smart, Sonic!

Editing those tapes to make Robotnik look bad!

I'm just gettin' warmed up!

The Robotnik for President band wagon is gaining strength as the

candidate sets out on a whistlestop tour across Mobius.

They like me!

They really like me!

What did I tell you?

You conquer with cleverness and money,

not brute force.

Yes. I could get to like this.

Plunge in and I'll get some pictures of you being friendly.

Being... what?

Oh, sorry.

That means shake their hands, try a bite of their food,

and don't insult them.

I don't know which is worse eating food with no eggs

or pretending to be friendly.

You're asking a lot of me, Weasley.

I found a dumpster.

I got an old cigar butt, this used coffee filter,

a piece of a blown tire...

And this ol' bike seat was buried

under a buncha fish heads.

Perfect, Tails.

Now we're gonna put a little spice in Robotnik's campaign.

Your eggroll smells delicious.

Are you nuts?!

If you want these votes, you better eat that.

Ah, I love tacos.





Where did you idiots learn how to cook -a garbage dump?

Your lousy manners are ruining the Hypno-Vision.

We gotta run. Literally.

Are you SURE nothing will go wrong this time?

Relax, I got Scratch and Grounder on security detail.

Hey! This thing isn't working.

What's the score?

Seven to six.

Hey, Mac, gotta do a safety inspection.

Fine, yeah, sure don't bother us.

Talk about tight security.

I'll help these guys loosen up.

So much for photo ops.

Let's concentrate on tonight.

Think of it Collie Chang in OUR home,

interviewing us on live TV!

I just had to redecorate!

You re-decorated my fortress?!


Collie: Once favored to win, Dr. Robotnik's popularity is now

plunging - in every place where he has campaigned.

But in a moment, we'll meet him and his lovely Robo-Wife.

Oh, Dr. Robotnik. You men in power are so... powerful.

Isn't there somewhere where we could be alone?

Uh, er, c-certainly, but my Robo-Wife

musn't see us together.

Darling, we're on in a minute!

Oh, yes! I'll be right there!

I have a TV show to do.

We'll have to meet later.

Oh, then, let me fix your makeup.

Er. Come, my dear.

Break a log, Bottsy!

Have you been kissing another woman?

I'll make'sure you break a leg, Bottsy!

Collie: Is Robotnik's family life as happy as his ads say?

Let's ask him.


Well of COURSE we're happy, Collie.

My Robo-Wife is very close to me.


Let's hope she doesn't get any closer!

Your opponent, Sonic, says you're ducking the issue.

I'm not ducking anything.

I'll debate him anytime, anywhere.

All rightt, now here's the deal: Let's debate, right here.

Let the voters decide.

Well, we, uh, need time to work out the,

uh, debate format, and uh...

See? Now he's duckin' the debate.

I never duck anything!


Okay with meeEEEEeeee.

I'll k*ll the Balloon Belly Bum!

We'll begin our debate after this.

I need you two to eliminate Sonic during the debate.

Well, well.

He didn't want us in his campaign.

Our methods were too CRUDE.

But NOW he needs us!


Well, we MIGHT help.

if you had some cabinet positions in mind for us.

My opponent tries to tell you I am a scoundrel.

But if you vote for me, you'll get a kinder Robotnik

you'll get a gentler Robotnik.

A more dignified Robotnik...


I don't care what happens to me, as long as I take you with me!

Oh, Bottsy, that's so romantic!

You lousy, two-timing HEEL!



Now, that's just sad.

Is that what you folks want, your next president comin' outta

some smoke-filled room?

Or are you gonna vote for me?

Yeah, Wes Weasley here...

is that telephone sales job still open?

The ballots have been counted, and Sonic is the winner.

The final tally is ninety million to one.

After all I went through?!

I get ONE stinking VOTE?


At the very least, Momma, Scratch and Grounder

all voted for me!

Well, actually, Doctor Robotnik, we got so busy...

Yeah and this is kind of an important point...

We kinda forgot to vote.


Well, I didn't forget. I voted against you.

Momma! How COULD you??


Because you can't do anything right!

Betrayed by my own mother!

Then again, that makes me feel better about betraying YOU.


You ingrate!

Wait till I bust out NEXT time!

Hey! Lemme go!!!

Take your hands off me, you great fat lug!

What are your plans, Mr. President?


My running mate Henry Walrus is the guy for this job.

Collie, I just know Henry Walrus will be the best

president that Mobius ever had.

Mr. President, lemme say two words: Press secretary.

Think about it.

That TEARS it!

I always say, if you can't join 'em BEAT 'EM!

Ya know, Bottsy, you really are a sore loser.

Accent on sore.


Well, looks like it's a landslide against Robotnik!

I hate that Hedgehog!

The dogs are nearly done!



Have you been brushing lately Tails?

You could have a cavity.

Way past gross.

Be sure to brush and floss your teeth after every meal,

and see your dentist regularly.

teeth are meant to last a lifetime,

but they won't unless ya take care of 'em!