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01x63 - Tails' Tale

Posted: 07/05/23 13:04
by bunniefuu

♪ ♪ ♪



What was that?!




Pilot to gunnerl When you sh**t, you're supposed to hit


Uh, gunner to pilot!

I just did!

Okay I guess that means we're supposed to try the

Sleeping Gas b*mb!


Bombadier to pilot!

Target in range.

b*mb away!

Thought I recognized that yellow gunk.

It's sleeping gas!

And that pilot's asleep at the stick!

Ya gotta help him, little bro'!

Rev it up, Tails!

Rev it up!



[pilot snoring]

Whewwww! That was close!

Sacre Bleu!

What am I doing on zee ground?!


Ah ha! A passengair!

Do you wish Cap-i-tan William Le Duc's special Five Mobium

Sightseeing Ride, or zee Ten Mobium Roundtrip Special?


Are you really William Le Duc?

The famous Pilot? The Soldier of Fortune?

The Fearless Archeologist?

You forget!

Also, Zee Toast Of Duck Society!

And who are you, mon ami?

I'm Miles Prower.

But my friends call me Tails.

I think I know zee reason!

And speaking of friends, I want you to meet my best bud.

Sonic! Hey, Sonic!

I don't get it.

Where did he go?


Zee little bird is trying to tell us somezing!

Hmm. I must conclude that your friend did not go,

he was taken!


Look! Here in zee dirt!

Zee signs of a fierce struggle!

[frantic whistling]

I zink he is saying zey went in zat direction.

I've got to go after him, Cap-i-tan Le Duc!

I've got to find him!

Will you help?

Will it be dangerous?

Will zere be great risk, evil villains,

Notorious badguys? Will my life be at stake?

Could be.

Zen I weel do eet!!

Have you seen anyzing that looks like ziss Sonic?

Not yet.

And we have covered every corner of Mobius.

We could use some help.

And I know just where to get it!

Sacre Bleu!

I have finally met zee pilot more daring zan myself!

Professor Von Schlemmer, I want you to meet the famous Cap-i-tan

William Le 'Duc.

This is indeed an honor, sir!

I have always wanted to meet Professor Von Schlemmer!

No, no, no, no!

I am Le Duc and you are Von Schlemmer!

Really? How interesting!

That means I could have met me years ago!

Can ziss man be trusted?

He's a little absentminded.

But he's a great inventor.

If I am indeed Professor Von Schlemmer,

I must be a great inventor!

That's what I was just telling him.

Von Schlemmer?

No! Le 'Duc!

Who's that?

I don't believe I ever met him.

You do remember Sonic, don't you?

Of course.

My Hedgehog friend is the fastest creature and the

greatest hero on Mobius.

Well, he's missing.

And you gotta build us something so we can find him quick!

Turn left!

No, no, no, no, no! Turn right!

Fly higher!

Yahhh! Fly lower!

That's it!

Hold it right there!

My Sonic Sonar is picking up a strong signal.

Keep flying straight ahead.

Tails: Look!

We're heading straight for the Mobius jungle!

I found him! I found Sonic!

Where, Professor?! Where!?

Twelve Moblometers straight ahead!

You mean in that clearing up there?

Professor: Yes! Yes!

Land, my boy!

We've found Sonic!

Sonic's here!

He's right here!

He can't be, Professor!

But he must! He must!

Look around.

There's nobody here but us.

Something is wrong!

Very wrong!

Oui, Monsieur!

As we say in my country, your machine is Ie junk

and you are Ie nitwit!

No! No! My machine is perfect!

I, on the other hand, may be a nitwit.

But I know for a scientific fact,

Sonic the Hedgehog is standing right here!

Maybe the Cap-i-tan's right, Professor..

Maybe your Sonic Sonar just doesn't work.

Sonic: You're wrong, little bro'.

I couldn't've found me faster myself.

Sonic! Where are you?

Sonic: Right here!

But we can't see you!

Sonic: I know!

But just wait by the edge of the clearing until dark and you'll

understand everything.

And be careful!

Uh oh! The guard's comin'.

Gotta chill!

No, Sonic! Wait!


Boy, that was really spooky!

Hmmm, wait until dark. Wonder why...

Sacre Bleu!

What is zatt!


This can't be happening!

Of course!

I should have remembered.

This is the Temple of Comomatz!



The cursed Temple of Comomatz!


Zee place is cursed?!

That is why it only comes out at night.

Well, enough fascinating trivia.

Now zat we know ziss, we can go home.

No! Wait!

That Temple is right on top of the place where we heard

Sonic's voice!

Mon Dieu! Are you saying?

Yeah! He's gotta be in there!

And we gotta get him out!

That Temple is filled with the most dangerous traps

in all of Mobius.

I'm goin' in anyway!

There's an additional curse!

It says those that are caught inside by dawn

will vanish forever!

I still gotta go in!

If that was me in there, Sonic wouldn't let anything

scare him away!

Tails! No! Wait!

No one has ever returned from the Temple of Comomatz!


Sacre bleu!

Eet ees too late.

My new little friend ees doomed!

Oh, no!

Now it's gonna be a lot harder getting out of here

than it is to get in!

Sonic! Where are you?!


Wherrree arreee youuuuuuu?!


According to my mathematical calculations,

the odds against Tails finding Sonic all by himself are

twelve zillion to zip.

What does ziss mean?

Someone must go after him.

I'd do it, but the Nutty Professor's Union

does not permit daring rescues.

Are you saying l should go?

In zee dark?!

Zee temple is cursed, no?

The temple is cursed, yes!

Will zere be fiendish traps?

Will zere be terrifying creatures?

Will I be trapped forever eef I do not get out before zee dawn?

All of zee...

I mean, all of the above!

Zen I weel do it!

Unfortunately, zere is no way in.

Oh well, I tried!

No problem!

I will adjust my sonic Sonar Device to search out an opening

in the Temple wall!

Merci Beaucoup!


We found a way inside!

Mon Dieu!

Zee machine has -as we say in my countree -pooped out!

Too bad!

It was the only way we have of finding Sonic!

Do not worreee!

Le 'Duc weel first find Tails and zen he weel find ziss.

uh Sonic person! Au Revoir!

Of course, it weel take zee little while!

I must keep zee eyes closed so I am not afraid of zee dark!


Those giant bats didn't even see me.

[bats shrieking]

Now they do!


Oh no!

It's a Tomb Room!


Of course it's a Tomb Room!

Exactly where the bats were supposed to chase ya!

Yeah! So we can make sure you don't rescue Sonic!

Dr. Robotnik had us watchin' ya ever since you landed.

I shoulda known Robuttnik was behind all this!

[phone rings] Hello?

Dr. Robbuttnik? Uh, uh, uh, I mean Robotnik!

Good news!

How many times have I told you not to interrupt when

I'm cheating, er, when I'm doing business

with a distinguished person like the

ruler of this Temple?

But we got the fox brat!

That is good news!

I'll be down in five minutes and tell you how to dispose of him!

Now, King Comomatz, back to important things.

I know I agreed to pay you three million Mobiums to keep Sonic

prisoner in your Temple. However -

You said four million!

Oh, please, let's not quibble.

The point is, the Temple disappears in daylight hours

so I should get half price!

Full price.

Four million!

Who else can guarantee that the Hedgehog will never again

be seen in Mobius?

Hrnmnnn. Good point.

Oh, all right.

I'm just a generous old softie.

Three million it is!

Only more seconds and Dr. Robotnik's gonna be here

and tell us how we can get rid of ya!


I bet we get to throw ya in the lava pit!

Naw. Feed him to the piranhas.

He'd make better alligator bait.

Oof! Or dessert for the Giant Rats!


Le ouch!

Aw, I can't believe it!

Another bad break!

I zink I have fallen eento someplace!

Hey! Who are you?!

Cap-i-tan William Le 'Duc, Monsieur!

And who are you?

If you'd open your eyes, you could see who I was.

Ees eet dark and scarey in here?

It's not so bad, Cap-i-tan Le 'Duc!

Open your eyes!

Sacre bleu!

I should have kept my eyes closed!

But Tails, mon petite ami!

At least I found you.

Oh, la-di-da!

A lot of good it did.

Now you're our prisoner, too!

Not if I can help it!


Hang on, Cap-i-tan!

What's going on?

Uh, well ..

They kind of escaped, your Bloatedness.



Tails and some, some Derring-do duck helping him!

Well, pull yourself together and go after them!

Sacre Bleu!

A river of zee Boiling Lava!

I'm afraid I'm too tired to carry you over it.

And I am afraid I am too afraid to let you!

There they are!

Ziss is getting worse and worse.

I zink I weel close my eyes again.

No, Cap-i-tan! Look! Down there!

A bridge!

That's our way out!

Now what?

Now we use this Instructional Manual on The Operation

Of Temple Curses that Dr. Robotnik sneaked away from

King, oh, what's his name?

Stand on one leg and repeat these words.

May your feet flop on the fickle foundation

of flimsy nothingness!


May flop be your fickle the foundation of flimsy on!

Oh, you dim-bot! You reversed the curse!

Now listen closely this time!

May your feet flop on the fickle foundation

of flimsy nothingness!

Uh. Scratch.


Are ya gonna say the words or not?

Not. You broke the bridge again.


So you say what you said before and it'll be fixed.


Uh. I forgot what I said.

You mean they're over there and we're trapped over here?!

See ya later, slo-moes!

You're not as smart as you think you are, brat!

Yeah! You're headin' the wrong way!

You're never gonna find out that Sonic's hidden up on the

very top floor!

Top floor, here we come!

Did I say something wrong?

Or did I say something out of order?

Let me put it this way.

When Dr. Robotnik finds out that we lost these guys,

we won't just hear a book of curses,

we're gonna hear a library full!

Tails: We gotta hurry!

The sun'll be up any minute!

Le Duc: And if zee Temple disappears, we weel be trapped for eternity!


Thought you'd never get here, Little Bro'!

I was waaiiitttinggg!

It won't budge!

So you are zee brave Tails' best friend.

It ees an honor to meet you!

We don't have time for that, Cap-i-tan.

We've got to open that door!

But how?

Read those squiggly lines on the wall.

That's what the guards do.

Ah, oui! Very interestng.

What we call in my countree zee hieroglyphs.

In case of need to open door use ziss key!


But what about Sonic's chains?

Zee ancients were very clevair people.

Zee key is also zee saw!

This time there'll be no slipups!

I am personally making sure Sonic stays in this Temple for

the next twenty-six seconds,

plus eternity!

I, King Comomatz, creator of curses and ruler of this Temple,

command you to stop!

We can't!

We only have a few seconds to get out of here!

C'mon Sonic! I know the way!

No one leaves the Cursed Temple of Comomatz

without my permission!

Sorry, King-pal.

But I gotta get my buddies to safety while I still can!

Now you were saying ..?

Why, you surprise me, Sonic the Hedgehog.

You put your own life in danger to help your friends?

So what else is new?

But Dr. Robotnik told me you were despicable,

treacherous, cruel, and...and also flaky.

He said you must be imprisoned to protect the planet.

Robuttnik lies a lot.

He probably paid you for all this in counterfeit money.

It's phoney alright!

Robotnik: Ah ha! King Comomatz!

I see you have captured our mutual enemy!

And, thanks to sonic, I see that you deserve a lesson

for your evil ways.

Dr. Ivo Robotnik!

I place on your castle the Curse of Comomatz -Version Two

-Rapid Repeating!

Look, Your Blubberness!

Grounder: Your Fortress is disappearing!

Scratch: And re-appearing!

Grounder: And disappearing!

Ahhhhh! I hate that Hedgehog!

Do not bothair to thank me, Monsieurs.

Being a great super hero is what I do for zee living!

Well, thanks anyway.

I never would've got outta that cell without you and Tails.

Sometime, mon ami, I will return and we shall have

more adventures!


But now I must go!

Are you sure you're not afraid to fly anymore?


William Le 'Due?


Besides, zee Professair has installed a new safety system.

I can fly without leaving zee ground!

Au Revoir!

Tails, my friend, fly high, fly strong!

I weel do eet!!

Dumb computer --stop beeping!

Hold on, Tails!

Learning computers is a little like learning to read.

It's tough at first, but once you get it.

You've got a world of information

right at your fingertips!


That's cool!

Take your time when learning to use a computer and ask

a teacher for help.

Cuz the more you know about computers,

the more they can teach you!