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01x60 - The Little Merhog

Posted: 07/05/23 13:02
by bunniefuu

♪ ♪ ♪


There's nothin' cooler than relaxing at the seaside

with rod and reel.

Except when the slo-mo fish aren't biting.

Let's go, Tails.

The fishing stinks around here.

Hold it, Sonic. I got something.






Oh, no! I hooked a girl.

Gee, I'm sorry.

I didn't see any swimmers on the beach.

Are you all right?

Just a little tired.

I've been swimming for hours.

Let me help you out of the water.

I-I can't.

A merhog!

But I thought you were just a myth.

We're real.

And we're in danger.

Captain Memo is destroying the sea floor

and polluting the ocean.

What's your name, babe?


Well, this is your lucky day, Merna.

Because Sonic the Hedgehog has got a sale on.

One free rescue to the first merhog who washes up

on the beach.

Oh, thank you.

Follow me and I'll take you back to my grotto.

Hold it!

Much as I hate to admit it, I'm an air breather.

Not today, Bro!

Lead the way!

Come on.

Lieutenant! Take a memo!

To Lieutenant Bananas -that's you.

Dear Bananas, as soon as the sea floor has been stripped and my

underwater mini-malls and condos are completed.

I'll be ready to collect rent from all the fish and merhogs

in the sea.

Ha, ha, ha, hal Signed, captain John Paul Memo -that's me.

There it is, sonic.

Captain Memo's octopus ship.

Hey! What's eight arms when you've got the two fastest feet

in the world?

Be careful!

Looks like this octopus is just an octopussycat!

You're troubles are over, babe.

Now how about you and I go topside for a couple of

dry chili dogs?

There's someone out there.

Lieutenant. Take a memo!

To Lieutenant Bananas.

Check the defense computer and find out who's out there.

Cordially, John Paul Memo.

Uh, oh! It's a selfpropelled, high-speed,

underwater hedgehog of the "sonic" class.

wait a minute!

There's only one hedgehog in the Sonic class.


Lieutenant, take another memo!

From captain Memo, to Lieutenant Bananas.


Uh, oh! I think your octopussycat

is turning out to be a tiger shark!

Let's make a wake, Jake!

Tails: Methinks we've been inked.

I've got that water-logged hog right where I want him.

The good news is, we're out of the ink.

What's the bad news?

We're going into its mouth!

Tails: We'll be ground into fertilizer.

Worse than that!

We'll be turned into a mini-mall.

We've got to get out of these tentacles.

I think I know a way.

[dolphin-like call]

Eyew! Eels.

Not just eels.

Electric eels.


Lieutenant, take a memo!

To Lieutenant Bananas.


Painfully yours, John Paul Memo.


Now to finish it off with a triple-spin buzz, cuz.

Just my luck, that ship's been hedgehog-proofed.

Perhaps my people can help.

Follow me!

Whoa! Cool cave!

Welcome to Mertopia.

I am queen of the Merhogs.

You must be Sonic the Hedgehog.

A little soggy, but at your service.

We must stop Captain Memo before he reaches Mertopia.


I think he just did.

You're our only hope, Sonic.

You must stop Memo before our beautiful world is ruined.

There's more than one way to skin an octopus.

And I know just the way.

Hang together, merhogs.

I shall return.

Sonic! Wait for me!

I hate cleaning out the fridge.

You do it!

Not me!

His slobishness told you to do it.

Oh, all right.

How bad could it be, anyway?


What is it?

Uh I think it was the lasagna we made for Dr. Robotnik

three years ago.

Don't be ridiculous!

Lemme see that.

Yah! Don't open it!

There's nothing in here.


No! Heeellpp!

Are you all right?

Next time we gotta remember not to put those TV dinners

in the microwave.

They get real upset.

You got everything?

I think so.

You guys order a pizza?

No. Not me.

Um, maybe it was the lasagna who ordered it.

Too bad.

Anchovies and jellyfish. My favorite.


They're gonna to be hard to come by once Captain Memo

takes over the ocean.


Captain Memo's taking over the ocean?

Didn't you hear? Everyone's talking about it.

Sure you didn't order this pizza?

Forget the pizza!

We gotta tell Dr. Robotnikwhat's happening.

Way to go, bro.

Let's go!



If Dr. Robotnik can sink this final putt he'll win the Mobius

Tournament of Champions and the grand prize of the dictatorship

of the universe.

Dr. Robotnik!!


Ooh! Nice putt.


And now I've got a nice putter for you two.

What's so important you have to ruin my golf game?

Didn't you hear the news?!

What news?

Captain Memo plans to conquer the Mobian Sea.

And once he's done that he plans

to launch an attack on the land.

I don't believe it.

Memo and I went to school together.

He wasn't half as rotten as me.

My undersea surveillance system will show me what Memo's up to.

It's true!

That sniveling little fish-face is attacking the merhogs.

Well, he won't get away with this.

Scratch! Grounder!

Build me the fiercest, fastest, fattest submarine in the world.

Yes, herr kapitan.

I'll blow captain Memo and his octopus ship

right out of the sea!



How's it coming?

All done.

It's a beautiful sub!


The only thing sub around here is your intelligence,


Dr. Robotnik is gonna hate this.

Oh, you think so?

Don't worry, I'll fix it.

There! He'll love it now.

I hope you're right.

Who's idea was this?

I thought so.

You two have as much taste as last week's hamburger!

There! Now that's a beautiful ship.


Captain Memo, dead ahead, sir.


I'll blast that scurvy scum right out of the sea.

Load torpedo tube one!

Loaded and ready, captain.

Down scope!

Down scope!

Watch this!

Ooh! Ohhh!

Not that low, you megadolt!

That's better.

Ha! He's a sitting duck!

Up scope!

Grounder: Up scope!





That's what I call a look that could k*ll.

It's not the look that will k*ll you IT'S THIS!!

Torpedo-brains one and two, away!


Lieutenant, take a memo!

To Lieutenant Bananas.


Very truly yours, Captain John Paul Memo.

Aha! It's Dr. Robotnik!

So, that bulbous badnik thinks he can move in on my condos

and mini-malls, does he?

Take a memo.



So, that shrimp of a sea squirt thinks he can conquer

Mobius before me, does he?

[rooster crows]

Nice going, Sonic.

Now they're really trashing each other.

Let's jump in the juice and juice.

Captain Memo won't be bothering the merhogs anymore.

Thanks, Sonic.

Mertopia is safe.

Yeah, we really fooled ol' Robuttnik.

Scratch: Why, that rotten rodent.

This was all a trick.

I knew that pizza delivery guy smelled like a hedgehog.

Oh! Those were anchovies.

Were they? Hmm.

We gotta tell Dr. Robotnik.

A couple more torpedo hits and I'll have him.

Dr. Robot - [coughs] Dr. Robotnik!

We've got urgent news.

The pizza was a phony.

Urgent news?!

You interrupt the most significant naval battle in

Mobian history to tell me about your LUNCH?


It was Sonic.

He was the one who told us that Captain Memo wanted

to conquer Mobius.

He really just wanted you to stop Memo

from attacking the merhogs.

Is that right?

Well, his plans are about to backfire.

Captain Memo, this is Dr. Robotnik.

It seems there's been a little misunderstanding.

And I know just how to resolve the matter...

Hey, Sonic.

Splash fight, huh?

You asked for it.

All right! You win!



Oh, dear!

It's Robotnik!

That's right, freedom fighters.

And I'm here to conquer Mertopia.

But I thought you were here to stop captain Memo from taking

over Mobius.

Nice try, hog-head.

But the pizza's outta the box.

They know we tricked them.

No prob. You and what army are gonna to conquer Mertopia?

Me and...

Captain Memo's army!

We're doomed!

Now you're catching on.

Captain Memo and I made a little pact.

I conquer Mertopia

And I turn it into condos and mini-malls.

And we split the rent!

Ha, ha, hal ATTACK!!




What'll we do?

Our only chance is to fight fish with fish.

Right! Let's go!

[dolphin-like call]

Hey! There's a school of fish heading this way.

What can a bunch of fish possibly do?

Hiyo k*ller whale, away!

UP! OVER! and GONE!!


Lieutenant, take a memo.





Hey! What about captains?!

Well, don't just stand there, you nincombots!


Yes, your wetness.

Ahh! Ptew! Cut it out!

[chomp] Ow!

Something bit me!

Why, you little Mllnnggghhh!!!



Wait for us, your whaleship!

I think we're safe.

Guess again, drips!

Take them away!

Help! Gemme outta here!


You saved the grotto, Sonic.


I couldn't have done it without you, Merna.


How about a hug for the queen, you cute little

two-tailed furball?

Uh, what do you say we just slap five?

Whatever you say.



It's taking forever to get to the fortress by sub.

I'm bored.

Hey, Dumbot!

Didn't anyone ever tell you not to play with matches?

I'm careful!

Yowww! Fire!

Put it out quick!!!

How's this?

Never play with matches -even if you think it's safe.

Remember, if ya play with fire you're gonna get burned!