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01x45 - Super Robotnik

Posted: 07/05/23 12:52
by bunniefuu

♪ ♪ ♪

Why is he always picking on me?

I do good work.

I never make mistakes.


Robotnik: Haven't you cleaned my laboratory up yet?!?

I have some nasty little experiments to per -



I'll save you, boss!

I'll save you!


Don't worry, Dr. Robotnik! I'll save you!

You will not! I'm his favorite I'll get him out!


Get back here! You lunkbot!

You've really done it this time.

My clothes are ruined!

Why I ought to...


What in the name of rotteness is going on?!

Hey, look at Dr. Robotnik!


His lard is getting hard -it's turning into muscles!

This stuff did something to me.

I feel powerful, I feel invincible.

I feel pretty!

I feel like... flying!

How about this!


This is like bending spaghetti!

[evil laugh]

What d'ya know!

I've got X-ray eyesight too!


You're responsible for this!

I didn't mean to!


You're getting a promotion --to First Lieutenant!

And I'm demoting you two dodos!

But we didn't do anything!

Yeah give us a break!

It wasn't us!



The Super Strength formula has dissipated!

And it's not there any more either.

Your first assignment, Lt. Coconuts,

will be to recreate the formula!

Aye, aye --I mean Gotcha, Doctor Robotnik!

Will do! Roger! Wilco and out!

With my new powers I can do whatever I want and Sonic

won't be able to stop me! [evil laugh]

Mmmmm! This is yummy!

But you really didn't have to do all this for us.

This is the least we can do to repay you for getting our

stolen belongings back to us.

Here, have another chilidog!

[distant zooming sound]

Sounds like a hurricane....

It's not a hurricane....


it can't be! It's -

Super Robotnik!

I'm finally going to get my revenge!

I think I'll shake things up a little!


I don't know how you got those powers.

But you've gone too far.

You're the one who's going far -and I mean far!

Have a free sample of my Super Freeze Breath!

And now for a one way, all expense-paid trip

to the picturesque frozen wastelands of Mobius!

My treat!

And when you're finished doing inventory of the stolen loot,

I got a ton of dirty work for you in the lab!

Aw, keep your pants on!

Whew. What a stinkin' job.

I just stole candy from , babies!

What a perfect way to whet my appetite for evil!

Well done, super magnificent one!

Now I will demonstrate another one of my amazing powers!

My Super Computing Brain!

Wow! Look at him think!

What a smart guy!

According my cerebellum's instantaneous calculations,

Sonic should be starting his escape at this precise second!

Keep cool, Tails ol' buddy.

I'll get us out of this recycled overcoat!

Aw right!

I thought we were goners!

Well, li'l pal, looks like we've been snowed this time!

Let's heat things up again!

Get in here, you menial underbots!

Don't blow a gasket, you knuckle- dragging ape!

Shut up and shut up!

Glurp! Yow!

g*ng way!



I should have known better than let you two incompetents

assist my brilliant First Lieutenant!

But l didn't do anything!

It was all his fault -

What's this?

My Super Hearing is picking some interesting tidbits.


Mobius' World Leaders have called an emergency session

to deal with none other than malicious moil!

I'll have a look-see with my telescopic vision!

What a delightful development!

All the leaders of Mobius in one building!

Without Sonic we're doomed!

I'm sure we can come up with a plan to save Mobius from

Super Robotnik, if we can just put our heads together.

Ow! Yow! That smarts!

I think I'll shake things up a little!


Now I'm ready for Sonic!

Come on Tails!

We've got a score to settle with Robotnik!

I see you've finally defrosted yourself.

Yeah. Your little trick didn't work.

Freezing you was just a warm up!

Next time I plan to take care of you permanently.

Yeah? You and who else?

I have the four most important leaders of Mobius locked away

in my dungeon.

And if you want them released you must defeat me in a Battle

of the Gladiators!

Today at noon at the Coliseum!

It's a deal!

I'll be there!

But if you lose you must leave Mobius forever!

No one can beat Super Robotnik!


But if I don't fight him, Mobius's leaders are doomed!

Professor Von Schlemmer!

Where are you?

Professor: That's a good question.

I know I'm around here somewhere!

I'll keep looking for me.

I'll find Von Schlemmer.

And you better get started on your Top Secret Mission!

You can count on me, pal.

I won't let you down.

Good luck, li'l buddy.

The fate of our world leaders depends on us.

But be careful!

Ah, there you are!

I must be close by.

Is everything ready?

I know I didn't give you much notice.

Who needs notice?

Remember, I am Von Schlemmer! Aren't I?

I put this together as soon as I got your message.

It's my ultra-AlI-Purpose Exercise Machine.

And juicer!

Let's get started!

You okay, Professor?


Start without me.

I'll catch up with you next Tuesday

Oh boy! I'm gonna pump myself up 'till I pop!

Watching you work out makes me thirsty!

Oh no!

My exercise machine beat Sonic before Super Robotnik could!

What a great workout!

I'm in the best shape of my life.

Let me at 'em!! Let me at 'em!!

But who knows what that Super Robotnik has up his sleeve.

He's a pretty tricky character.

I've got that covered.

Tails is keepin' an eye on him!

What do you think you're doing?!



What does it look like I'm doing, mushhead!

Looks like you're trying to kiss up to Dr. Robotnik.

That's right.

And he's gonna love me for it!

I'll be back on his good side in no time!

He'd have to be pretty stupid to fall for that!

What a stunning work of art!


It captures every rippling muscle on my perfect torso!

And just like me it's crooked!

Does it please you, your Hunk-ship?

Almost as much as looking into the mirror.

In fact I think I'll give you a promo-


The pain!

Do something!

Help me!!

Oh, horrors!

The only part of my body which is not invulnerable is my.

Your what?

My unmentionable!

Well, we won't mention it, if you won't.

When I fell into the vat, the only part of my body that didn't

get soaked in the super strength potion was my caboose!

He mentioned it!

We'll need the butt pliers.

Butt pliers!

No stupid, the large butt pliers!!

Oh! Yes doctor.

The large butt pliers.


Hot dog! Wait 'till Sonic hears this!

Now exactly how does it work, Professor?

It's very complicated.

This powder will penetrate Robotnik through his weak spot

--and slowly neutralize his super strength!

That's complicated?

It is to me! It'll take a while to take effect,

but it will make Robotnik weaker than a limp noodle!

Get to the point!

What is it you're trying to sell?

I'm just a humble cushion salesman.

The most important villains in the universe sit on my cushions.

What a coincidence.

Just what I need.

I'm certain this'll bring you comfort beyond your

wildest expectations.

Fine. I'll take it!

And your price is no object, because I'm stealing it

from you! Now SCRAM!

Ta ta!

Not bad! Not great.

But not bad.

I can hardly wait for the Gladiator Contest!

I'll put an end to Sonic once and for all!

Happy you can join us today at the Gladiator Coliseum for

the battle that will determine the fate of Mobius!

Fighting for peace, liberty and the freedom of our World Leaders

is that speedy little Hedgehog: the one and only SONIC!

[crowd cheers]

Alright, Sonic!

And fighting on the side of evilness and rottenness,

is the disgusting Dr. Super Robotnik!

[crowd boos]

Thank you.

That's music to my ears!

You're the baddest!

Get in his face!

He looks just as strong as ever.

Are you sure your stuff is working?

Nothing to worry about.

Sometimes it takes awhile for the flutergahoogin to activate

the vasseldingerdoggen.

That makes me feel better.

I think.

Dr. Super! Dr. Super! I got it! I got it!

It's about time!

Did you come up with the super formula for my,

um, weak spot?

Not quite.

Not quite!!!

But until I do --you can wear this rump protector!

What did I do to deserve this?

Never mind!

And now for our first event: The "RINGS OF STEEL"!

Whoever reaches the finish line first wins this event!

Get ready to lose.

I'm going to work you over, you puny pip-squeak!

The only thing strong about you is your breath!

Get ready! Set! Go!

What's this?!

Is Super Robotnik giving up?!

Why should I strain myself, when can win without

breaking a sweat!

A little taste of my heat vision oughtta cramp his style!!




That dirty rat --he's cheating! Look!

I've only just begun to cheat!

The winner of the first event,

I'm sorry to say, is Dr. Super Robotnik.


Get outta my way, Scratch.

I can shine it better than you can shine it!

Says who!

It's very odd.

By now should be getting at least a little weak.

Don't worry, Professor.

I'll give it my best shot!

The second event is Blasto-Ball!

The first one who gets through the obstacle course

is the winner!

Here. Let me lend you a hand!

Boo! That's no fair!

[crowd boos]

Time to hit one out of the park!

I think you're gr-rreat!

Oh, that's nothin'!

I think you're greater than he says you are!

Now for our k*ller event!

Balance Beam wrestling!

A real test of strength and agility!

Ready Dr. Super Robotnik?!

Of course!

But where's my esteemed opponent?!

And are you ready, Sonic?!

Ooohhh! Let me at 'em!

Our combatants must do battle over a pit of smelly,

disgusting, awful yuck!

I don't understand what's happening.

By now Super Robotnik should be getting pooped!

Ha ha! I think I'll put you out of your misery

--and into the yuck!

I got a feeling the yuck's gonna be on you!

Ah, lookie here!

The keys to your dungeon.



Uh oh. l think the jig is up.

Don't just stand there Dumbots!

Pull me out!


That's not in our job description!

Yeah! You demoted us.


Okay! Okay! I'm promoting you again!



And the winner is.

That speedy hedgehog who has just rescued Mobius leaders from

Robotnik's dungeon our favorite hero --Sonic!

I knew you could do it!

I wasn't worried! Much.

I hereby proclaim you the winner of the Gladiator Challenge!

Robotnik only had super powers for a day.

But to me you'll be Super Sonic forever!

Hey, you really mean that?

Well, not really.

I just wanted to butter you up so you'd buy a chilidog.

[laughs] You got it, little bro!

My treat!

I hate that Hedgehog!

Who says there's not a little bit of heaven on Mobius?

Ooops! I did it again!


Don't do that yourself, that could be dangerous!

Never clean up anything you spill unless you know its safe.

Tell your parents right away and ask them for help.

Toxic chemicals can burn or poison you.

Even breathing them is dangerous.

What's the big deal?

That stuff wasn't so powerful. Whoa!

Some Robots just don't listen.