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01x46 - Mass Transit Trouble

Posted: 07/05/23 12:44
by bunniefuu

♪ ♪ ♪

Captain Finney!

We're coming up on a giant iceberg field!

Arrr! Don't worry! I'm ready for 'em!

Icebergs ahead!

Send up the secret-w*apon!

Should we slow down?

Sonic: Belay that, Matey!

This is our secret w*apon!

I asked Sonic along to help us get through those icebergs.

Just point me in the right direction --I'll buzzsaw those

bergs into sno-cones!

What's that beacon?

That's Lighthouse One -the most important lighthouse on Mobius.

All the major shipping routes go through here,

and Lighthouse One keeps 'em safe.

So, can you clear a path for us?

Aye, aye captain!

Captain Finney --look at this!

Finney: Lighthouse One has gone dark!

Emergency procedures!

Weigh anchor!!

Sailor: Aye, Aye, Captain.


Nice work, Sailor.

Don't worry Captain!

You stay anchored here safe from the icebergs,

and we'll find out what's going on at Lighthouse One!

C'mon Tails!

Let's shed some light on this lighthouse.

When I get m'self loose, I'll kick yuir metal tail inta

the highlands!

Put a cork in it, willya?

Dr. Robotnik gave me my big chance to make good here

and you're not gonna spoil it!

Nobody tells Angus MacGull to cork it!

I'll knock your block off!

I'll stew you into haggis, I will!


What's the matter, Bigmouth?

Can't ya talk with your mouth full?

Hee hee hee!

Och! Bonny shot, McCoconuts!

Let me take a slice!

Missed me, Hedgehog!

Ha! Missed me again!

That one got me.


Lights out!

Ach! Thanks, laddies.

Ye saved me and Lighthouse One, too.

All in a day's work.

Think these bagpipes will hold him?

You'll regret this, hedgehog!

wait 'til you see what Dr. Robotnik has in store for you!

If Old Egg-Belly gets out of line,

me and Tails will poach him good.

Mayday! Mayday!

This is a planet-wide distress call!

Something's coming over the shortwave!

Mobius Intercontinental Airport needs help right away!


Uh-oh. The airport is hundreds of miles away.

Can you handle Coconuts?

Aye, laddie.

If he moves, I'll show him a new way to play the bagpipes.


What about the ship and the icebergs?

As long as they stay anchored where they are,

they'll be safe.

We'll be back before they know it.

Good luck, laddies!

Be careful, now!

And give ol' Robotnik a whack fer me!

And don't forget ta watch yuir backs!

You shoulda watched your's McGull!

The trouble's only starting.

When Dr. Robotnik hears I planted this b*mb

like he wanted, I'll never be on sanitation detail again!

Oh, Sonic!

Thank goodness you're here!

Somebody has taken over the control tower!

How are the planes?

They can't land!

And one plane is almost out of fuel!

Which one?

That one maybe?

Good eye. Wait here.

He's making a whirlwind!

Isn't he smart! And fast!

And handsome!

Make me barf.

Can't you see Sonic's really busy?

He doesn't have time for mushy stuff.


No time to chill.

Gotta check out the control tower.

Hold it right there, Scratch!

This plan is perfect, Hedgehog!

You got here too late and now you'll never stop us!

That's what you think, bolt- butt!

Mayday! Mayday!

This is Mobius Central Train Control!

We got a disastah on our hands!

Another one?

What's going on?

Chill guys, it'll take me just half a sec to untie ya'!

Scratch got away!

Why didn't you stop him?

No time.

Got a call on the radio...we've got to stop a train wreck at

Infinite Points.

Infinite Points Railroad Junction?

That's on the other side of the planet!


And we're both really beat!

Can we make it?

We've got to. Let's go.

Ooh! I can't believe I didn't give that hunk my phone number!


Well, at least the airport is safe.

b*mb planted on schedule, Dr. Robotnik!

And the Hedgehog has already left!


Wall, howdy do.

Ah'm Jebediah Lee.

Train wreck...where is it...?

Well, some Rascally Robot took over the switching house

at gunpoint.

Sounds familiar.

An' now we got three trains all headin' for a collision

from different directions.

Ah was hopin' y'all might be willin' to help us out,

seein' as how you're such a famous hero n' all..

[train whistle]


And of course every train on Mobius has to come through heah.

- and it would cr*pple all of Mobius.


Not to mention costin' me mah job.

So willya help?

I'll see what I can do.

To the switching house?


And three guesses who we're gonna find

railroading the place.


No sign of Robotnik's stoogebots,

but there's got to be one here somewhere.

Grounder to Dr. Robotnik.

Mission accomplished.

Nobody saw me plant the time b*mb. Over.


Now I can spring my little surprise!

I've got to rest, Tails.

I couldn't run another step if the fate of the world

depended on it.

Attention Mobius!

I, the deliciously diabolical Doctor Robotnik,

have successfully planted ultra- powerful fusion bombs in each of

Mobius' most important land, sea and air complexes!


He planted bombs?!

Just...don't panic.

We can't panic.

Five minutes from now, they will siultaneously detonate

bringing all transportation on Mobius to a standstill.

Then no one can escape my tyranny and my robot soldiers

will control you all!

And don't expect that interfering teenage Hedgehog

to save you this time.

Oh yeah? Why not?

Because I'm so brilliant!

I had my lackeys tire out sonic and Tails by making them think

my robots were the threat!

- Their real mission was to plant the bombs!

Now that my plan is in motion, there's no way to stop it!

Not even the Hedgehog can be in three places at once!

Now we panic.


Three bombs set in three different places all over

the planet. That isn't so bad.

But you've only got five minutes before they all go off!

So we'll find the one here at the train switching house

in two seconds!

Maybe it's outside!

I'm gonna check the trainyard!

[ticking] Yahhhhhhhh!


I'm gonna check the station!




I'll take care of this.


The shock'll set it off!!

I'm sorry.

I'm just glad you missed.

The b*mb that is.

So what are we supposed to do now?

We're not strong enough to yank it off!

Strength ain't everything, li'l bud.

Well --here goes nothing!


Your sneakers!

They're red hot!

I know --just hope they're hot enough!

It's almost loose. It's alllmost loose!

It's alll-mossst!!

It's loose.

You did it!

One down and oh, no! Two to go!

Wait here!

Where'd you get the bag?

In the Lost and found.

We'll return it later.

Right now, we NEED it!

I've gotta take this b*mb with me.

No time to figure out what to do with it right now!

I'm heading for the airport and then the lighthouse.

You're as tired as I am and there's no way you can keep up,

so get there as soon as you can.

Gotta speed, Keed!

Oh, okay!

Let me try explaining this one last time!

Thanks. I'm a little fuzzy on it, too.

Just in case the hedgeog gets the b*mb outta the train yard,

I've set a trap for him.

I've already planted a tripwire across the road on the other

side of this bush.

Now we're gonna bury this b*mb in the middle of the road.

Once Sonic hits the trip-wire, he'll be blown sky-high.

Oh! Now I get it!

Yeah! There'll be no way that Hedgehog can save Mobius!

We're gonna get to hear a "Sonic-Boom!"

"Sonic-boom." Ooh! That's a good one.

So, when do we bury the b*mb?

Better yet --when do we bury Sonic?


Whattaya know!

Someone's running ahead of schedule.

Well, whatta we do now?

Well since we don't need this now,

why don't you hold it?

No! You hold it!

Oh, Grounder!

You were supposed to'catch it!

Ohhh. I wondered about that.

The seas look pretty rough, Captain Finney.

Arr! Sonic will be back soon.

We're safe as long as we stay anchored.

Whew! Made it!

No time to be tired now --gotta find the b*mb!

But where?!?

Sonic! -Huh?

I'm so glad you came back!

Give me a call after you save the planet Mobius!

Do you have any idea where the b*mb might be?

I... Wait a minute. What's that?

It's a metal detector --we scan all the passengers to make sure

no one brings any weapons aboard.

Perfect! Lemme see it!

You can set it to detect any kind of w*apon you want!

Okay, let's see what this baby can do.

"Knife, g*n, spitballs, b*mb!"

All right!

We've got a "b*mb detector"!

Now to increase the power to maximum...

[metal detector growls]



Well? Where is it?

Where's the b*mb?

Good afternoon passengers.

Today's in-flight movie will be "Invasion of the Colossal


Not a MOVIE kinda b*mb!

A BOOM b*mb!


This thing has me climbing the walls!

There's a happy landing



Whattaya got, boy? Find something?

Will ya look at that!

Another b*mb!


Two down and - Fifteen seconds to get to Lighthouse One?

It's on the other side of the planet!

I'll never make it around in time.

Gotta think fast!

Hm. I can do better than that.

Now that's more like it.


Captain Finney!

The ship is drifting toward the icebergs.

We're finished!

An' to me darlin' mother, I'm leavin' every last one me kilts

-seeing how she looks better in 'em than I do.

Wha...? This is et!

I'm ready to go down wi' me lighthouse!

Sonic, me laddie!!

'Tis you!!

Can't talk now, Angus!

Nope Nothin' Unh-unh.



b*mb number three! Come to poppa!

Whew! Made it!

I got all three bombs!


I-I've g-got all three B-B-Bbombs!

Th-Three S-seconds!!

One- thousand-two, one-thousand one...


We're saved!

Something just demolished the icebergs!

It's a miracle!

A miracle named Sonic.

I did it!

Piece a cake.

Yessiree. Never doubted it for a second...

Yeah. I...


He was in three places almost at once!

Poor guy!

I'm exhausted.

But at least I didn't have to keep up with sonic

He sure has earned a long rest.


Ha, ha, ha!

Quake with fear you tiny fools!

Now that I have taken control of all modes of transportation

on Mobius -


Can't you see I'm talking to a world population who will now be

forced to grovel at my feet?

What do you mean they're not groveling?

My b*mb plan bombed?!

How could it?

Scratch & Grounder: It was all because of him!

Because of who?


Thanks, Sonic!

You really saved my tails this time!

Don't you know the basic bicycle safety rules, Tails?

Always stay in the bike lane, don't ride in the middle

of the street.

Always cross the street at the crosswalk,

and be sure to stop at all stop signs,

don't ride thru 'em!