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01x25 - Zoobotnik

Posted: 07/05/23 12:32
by bunniefuu

♪ ♪ ♪

Remind me, li'l buddy, to get my power sneakers retreaded!

Read all about it! Read all about it!

Mysterious Disappearances continue!

Kajillions of Mobius citizens Missing!

Gosh, that sounds awful.

Don't believe everything you hear, li'l pal.

News Hawks'll say anything to sell papers.


Wha--?! Where'd he go?

Extra! Extra! "News Hawk Disappears!"

Hey, this may be more serious than I thought!

Look --it's Sonic!

The Mayor found Sonic!

Sonic'll help us!

Let's get down to business.

Has anyone actually witnessed a disappearance?

Me! Me! I did! I did!

I was at a baseball game with my friend Lisa,

and all of sudden both teams disappeared!

As it turned out it was only because the game was over.

However, the next thing I knew Lisa vanished!

As it turned out, she had merely gone to the bathroom.


Chill, Mildred.

The point is, there's a mad Mobian snatcher on the loose!

First things first.

I need reliable eyewitnesses to give me a complete description

of the suspect!


Exactly what did the culprit look like?

He was tall!

She was short.

It was a woman.

No --it was a man!




So much for "reliable eyewitnesses".

For sure.

Hey! Where'd everybody go!

Here's Mildred's bowling shoes. Someone's socks.

A pair of gloves, a purse. And the Mayor's underpants!

Tails, this is a real baffler.


Why would anybody wear shorts like that?

This mystery has me stumped!

Never say "stumped"!

The tougher things get the more I like it!




Where'd you go?! Oh no!

My little buddy's been foxnapped!

I was mad before, but now I'm furious!

I won't rest until I find my pal and bring whoever took him

to justice!


Sumthin' wacky's goin' on around here...

Help me!

Somebody help me!

Oh no!

Something bad's gonna happen I can feel it in my bones!



So! Let's see what we have here!

Heh heh heh!

Let me go! Please let me go!

Don't worry, guys!

Sonic will get us outta here!

You can take that to the bank!

Stand back, suckers.

You've got a new roommate!

Yiiiie --ooof!

This is a bad dream!

Say goodbye to freedom.

And hello to a lifetime of captivity!

You'll never get away with this!

My gosh! My gosh!

Did I see what I saw, or did I saw what I seed?!!

Yowie! Yowie! I gotta tell Dr. Robotnik!

He'll know what to do!

Gotta go quick! Quick!


You lamebrain, knuckle-dragging dork!

How dare you interrupt me when I'm having a bath

with my rubber crocodile!

But I only wanted to tell you I saw one of those F.O.U.'s,

I mean, C.I.A.'s, C.O.D's.

I mean - Yikes!

Get to the point or your name will be M. U. D.!

I got it! Got it! I saw a U.F.O!

A "U.F.O."?

Next you'll be saying you saw a little green man!

No --it was a mean looking woman.

She wore animal skins and a headband with a flaming

red diamond!

"A flaming red diamond headband"?!

That could only be the notorious Katella the intergalactic


Idiots! My robe!

Here it is, your overbearingness!

I personally washed and fluffed it this morning!

That spin cycle always makes me dizzy.

Wear it with great comfort, our great leader!


For years I've waited for the day when I would meet this

amazing amazon!

Katella goes from planet to planet and captures rare,

exotic and unusual living specimens which she sells to

zoos in other galaxies.

This is indeed a most fortunate turn of events.

And I know exactly how to cash in on it!

The Hedgehog is doomed!


This is Collie Chang, of Mobius Network News.

Sonic the Hedgehog has called an important press conference!

I called you here today to assure all of Mobius that I will

get to the bottom of these horrible kidnappings.

Have you compiled a list of the missing citizens yet?


I'll read it to you in alphabetical order.

[reading super fast]

And last but not least, on a personal note,

my good buddy Tails is among the missing!

I'm certain when I find Tails I'll find the other

missing citizens!

So I gotta get on Tails' tail, before his trail gets cold!

Until I find my buddy,.

I'll leave no stone unturned!

I'm in luck!

A print shop!

I'll put up these flyers --maybe someone will recognize Tails.


Hang in there, Tails ol' buddy.

I'll find you if I have to search every

inch of this planet!

I'll start with the Wise Old Hermit on Mt. Molehill.

He's supposed to know everything!

Excuse me, do you know where this two-tailed fox?


There's no such thing as a two-tailed fox.

Okay. So you don't know everything!


We're offering a big reward.

Five hundred fishheads and a barrel of blubber!






Pardonez moi --have you seen this fella?!

Heeeelp me Sonic! Get me outta here!

I'm scared!

I'm coming, little pal!

Nothing's gonna stand in my way!


Oh! He's gone!

Katella, the Intergalactic Huntress,

has delayed her return home to accept my dinner invitation!

I want this place spic and span!

Clean as a whistle!

This dinner's important.

I want to be impress Katella --so I can use her special

talents for my own disgusting and loathsome scheme.

You got it, your Deceptiveness!

Aye-aye sir.


I better lie down. I think I have a slight concussion.

Okay. We've got a lot of work to do.

I'll dust this doorknob.

You mop and wax the floor, polish the furniture,

beat the rugs, do the vacuuming, scrub the walls,

dry clean the drapes and feed the fish.

Hold it, buster.

I'm not as stupid as everyone says I am.

I'm not going to do all that!

Okay. Forget the fish!

[incoming ship]

What's that racket!?

Hey -looks like K-k-k-k-kkatella's ship!

Yike! Yeoww!

The mighty huntress is here at last!

Go down and open the door!

Think you can manage that without falling on your faces?!

No problem.

Can do!

[classical music]


I am Katella -the one and only!

This better not be a waste of my time!

Such a pleasure!

I'm honored to greet you.

I'm more honored than he is.

Says you, jerkface! -Oh yeah?

Nincombots --I'll find my own way!

Please go right in!

Dr. Robotnik's expecting you!

Announcing the arrival of K-kkatella the Huntress.

[trumpet fanfare]


Welcome to my humble ---but very expensive,

magnificent and opulent --abode!

At last! I've found my true love!

Where? I don't see anyone.

I'm talking about you!

You beautiful, gorgeous, macho hunk of meanness.

In all my travels, I've never found anyone as vile

and despicable as you.

You are my SOULMATE!


Come here, my "Eggie-Weggie-Peachy-Poo".


Come on --let's wrestle!

This isn't my sport.

How about some tiddly winks?

I need you! I love you!

I'm sure glad you don't hate me!

Isn't this fun, poopsie?!

Don't get me wrong...

But I don't think I'm your type.

I think you should know, I don't take rejection easily,

puddin' cake.



What can I do to prove my love to my cutsie wootsy?

There is one way --you can capture a pesky little hedgehog

--named Sonic.

That sounds so easy.

Is that all?? It's as good as done!

After all, I'm the most clever huntress in the galaxy,

you handsome thing!


Tails: Sonic! Save me!

Where are you, little buddy?!

Tails: Over here!

I'd knew you'd come and rescue me!

I was caught by a savage but gorgeous --huntress!

I used to be a ventriloquist in a circus.

Watch this.


Before she comes back!

That's not really Tails.

I don't smell chili dogs on his breath.

And he would never talk with a mouth full of water,

but I'll just go along and let myself be caught in this trap!

Hurry --untie me!

I gotta play along --if I want to find my real buddy!

Help help!

I am caught!

Oh me oh my!

Well done, Katella! I'm truly impressed!

I have only begun to impress you, lover boy!

I was afraid of that.

Ze ba ba!

Well, Sonic --how do you like the agony of defeat?

Woe is me!

All is lost!

[conga music]

Well, eggie, peachie, sweetie-poo.

I kept my end of the bargain.

Now I want something from you!

Anything. Name it.

Five dollars?

Twelve dollars and fifty cents?

I don't want your money.

I want your hand in marriage!

And I won't take "no" for an answer.


Yow! Anything you say!

Yes yes!




I knew you'd find me!

You're just in time for dinner.

Instead of bread and water, for a change we're having

water and bread.

I'm only hungry for a chili dog, but I'll get you guys out of

here pronto!

Stand back!



Hey thanks, Sonic!

Extra! "Sonic Rescues Kajillions!"

Read all about it!

Aren't you corning, Mr. Sonic?

Don't worry about me.

I've got a little "tutoring" to do.

I'm gonna teach Robotnik a lesson he'll never forget!

Look, Eggie Wegie this is all mine.

Soon we'll be married and you'll be all mine too!

B-b-ut we hardly know each other.

You are madly and passionately in love with me,

aren't you?

But of course!

Insanely in love!

Good! We'll get married immediately!

Right now!

But, but, b-b-ut we don't have a,

er, um, Justice of the Peace!


I'm your friendly Justice of the Peace from Insta-Wed!

What a co-inky-dink!

At Insta-Wed we provide everything for a happy sappy

dappy wedding!

What a lovely couple!

Don't just stand there, boneheads do something.


I always cry at weddings.

Me too!

Hey Scratch. What's a wedding?

Do you, Katella take this big yoke to be your

awful wedded husband?

You got it!

And do you, Doctor Ivo Robotnik, take

He does!

Then if there is nobody here who objects to this union,

I now pronounce you -

You bet I object!

It's Mama Robotnik!


You called her?

Seemed like a good idea!

How come you didn't invite me to your wedding,

you slimebucket!

Don't call my "cuddly-wuddly" a slimebucket!

I was talking to you, cheesehead!

This is turning out better than I thought!

If you marry her, I promise I'll make you regret it!!

Don't sweat it, the marriage is off!


The last thing I need is that battle axe for a mother-in-law!


Good going, Tails.

Momma, what are you doing here?

Somebody called me and told me you were about to

ruin your life!

It wasn't my fault, Mama.

She was forcing me to marry her.

It's the truth!

The "truth"!?

What kind of villain are you!

I raised you to always lie!

But --but --I Yow!

I'm sorry!

I'll never tell the truth again!

Ow Ow!

I hate that Hedgehog!

Katella: I've had enough of Mobius!

I'll go to a planet that appreciates me.

You know, bUddy, I'm gonna miss Katella.

Why would you miss her?!

Because she made Robotnik so miserable!

Bet you can make him even more miserable tomorrow.

Stay tuned, little buddy.

Stay tuned!

Corne here, little guy.

Hold it Tails!

Don't touch that squirrel, he might bite.

You should never try to touch or pick up a wild animal,

or even a pet you don't know.

You might accidentally frighten it,

causing it to bite you to protect itself.

Down boy!

Play it safe with animals you don't know!

Don't Touch!

Sonic sez.