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01x28 - Sonic the Matchmaker

Posted: 07/05/23 12:29
by bunniefuu

♪ ♪ ♪

Ooh, it's gettin' late, Scratch.

An' we gotta get home!

Look at the time!

Doctor Robotnik's gonna be furious if we're

late with his dinner!

He's gonna be even more furious if we don't catch that hedgehog!

Here he comes!

Light the fuse!



Looks like somebody's dinner is getting cold

and I know just who!

Sonic's gone!

Holy moly!

That hadda be the quietest expl*si*n l ever didn't hear!

No, dim-bot!

Not gone like done-for!

Gone like took-off!

And he took the b*mb!

We'll be in a lot of trouble if Sonic gets to Dr. Robotnik

before us!

Scratch! Grounder!

Where's my food!

Those miserable metallic morons are always late!

Your robots are running a little behind so they sent for

take out!

Take out?!

I'm as patient and good-natured as the next villain but this is

enough to make me blow my stack!

You said it --not me!

I hate chilidogs.

And I hate that Hedgehog!


Don't eat that...


I bet you're mad, huh?!


Try furious!

Try "despicably hostile!"

So just don't stand there looking stupid.

Make me happy!


Take care of me!

Cook! Clean! Fluff my pillows!

Sounds like you want a maid!

But I also want someone to love, honor,

and --most importantly --obey me!

You want a wife?!!

Any woman on Mobius would be proud to be Mrs. Robotnik!

Okay, so I'll build one!

A robot wife!

But boss remember what happened with those other two robots

you built?

Breezie and Robotnik Junior?


They were nasty, scheming and rotten!

I know!


...until they turned against me!


My super spy robot!


She ran Sonic ragged!

My favorite-favorite flowers grow , miles away.

Could you bring me some?

Almost had him, too!

But she betrayed me!

Sonic! Are you all right!

I say bad riddance to a good robot!


And that goes double for Robotnik Junior!

Robotnik: Junior!

I built him to be like a son to me!

with my own nasty disposition!

I'm on Sonic's side!

Robotnik: And still he turned on me!

I want them!

But, but why?

I'm gonna take off their heads and see where they went wrong!

When I build my robot wife, I'm gonna make sure

she won't betray me!

Now go --or I'll take your heads off!

Scratch: The Renegade Robot Detector has locked onto Junior!

Let's get him!

Hey, Junior!

I thought ya quit messin' things up with graffiti!

This isn't graffiti, Tiny!

I've gone good!

I'm just givin' the playground a fresh paint job!

And it's dry --so hop on!

Scratch: Now's our chance to nab Junior!

Activate the Sandbag Slinger!

Grounder: Got him!

Junior: Hey! What's goin' on?!

L-llemme go!

I keep telling Junior he's too skinny.

That wouldn't happen if he ate right [burp] like me!

One down, one to go!

Hey! I can't lock onto Breezie.

All I'm getting is this dumb talk show.

For today's topic: lost love!

Now please welcome our host --Breezie!

It's her!

Oh, I can see that, dim-bot!

Let's go!

Lost love!

How far can you go to find it?

Let's find out.

I dunno 'bout lost love --but lost hate is about

ten feet away!!


This is terrible!

Breezie's been kidnapped!

I've got to tell Sonic!

Sonic! Bad news!

I know, keed!

Gee, I always heard that news travels fast

--but this is awesome!


Who are you?

I'm Breezie.

Who are you?

I'm Junior.

You here to rescue me, Junior?

I'm gonna rescue us!

First, lets get this stuff offa ya!

You're making things worse!

Hold still!

Oh, I wish Sonic were here!

He'd get me out of this mess!

There they are! Let's go!

Cool yer heels, keed!

The speedmeister's got this under control!

Up --and over!


This tin crate's got it's own can opener!

Well, how do you iike that!

My two favorite robots all nice and cozy!

Sonic! My hero!

I knew you'd save me!

Hey! Big whup!

I coulda done it too!

Why didn't you, then!

I was gonna!

Come on, let's save the sweet- talk for when we're outta here.

I'll help you!

I can do it myself, thank you!

Boy! She's sure one tough robo-gal!

I think I like her!

Hop in, keeds!

There's only one way down and it's gonna be a scream!

Here goes!



I caught you, Breezie! See, I didn't let you down!

How shall I put this?

I know --big whup!


You talk just like me!

I wasn't talking like you --I was making fun of you!


That wasn't very nice, Breezie.

Never mind him.

Did YOU miss me, Sonic sweetie? Huh?

Sure I did.

I even wrote a poem about you: "I miss my Breezie I miss her

a lot But it makes me queasy 'cause she's a robot!"

Oh, Sonic!

You're so sweet!

Oh, my dear Omeletta!

That's what I shall call you, my robotic bride!

Where are Breezie and Junior!

I'm ready to pick their brains!

Uh --they got away.

Got away!

You automated idiots!

I need their heads before I can activate my bride!

She's beautiful, Doctor!

Yeah! She's got really big -


Of course she is!

I made her to look like me!

And I've planned a special honeymoon at Robotnik Cliffs!

That's not Robotnik Cliffs.

It's Robotnik Falls!

It is now!

But I'm gonna get rid of all that unsightly water!

I'm not takin' any chance of Omeletta getting wet

and short circuiting!

And if you dam the river, there'll be no more water

for crops and everybody'll go hungry!

Exactly! A famine!

Thousands of starving Mobians!

The perfect wedding gift to myself!

Me and my dear Omeletta at Robotnik Cliffs!

I can't wait to activate her!

And I wouldn't have to wait if you'd caught those two robots!

We'll get 'em!

Oww!! Ooo!! Ooo!!


Hey, Junior! Why you lookin' so sad?

I just met the coolest robot girl.

You mean Breezie?


But she likes Sonic -not me!


I don't know what I would have done without you!

You're so brave!

AW, it was just your average hedgehog heroics!

Don't worry about it, Junior.

Sonic only thinks of Breezie as a friend.

But that's not the way she thinks of him.

She'll never like me as much as Sonic.

That's 'cause he's a hero so you gotta be one, too!


See that big hole?

I'll pretend to fall, and you can pretend to save me!

Then she'll think I'm a hero, too!


But what if I blow it and you really fall?

How can I really fall when can really fly?

Let's try it!

But it could never work out between us, Breezie!

Why not?

I'm a hedgehog on the go -and, well.

after all, you are a robot!

Helllpp! Hellllpppp!

Like I said. --I'm always on the go!!


I'll save ya, Tails!


Oh, help!

You all right, keed?


You weren't supposed to save me...

I got you.



Junior was supposed to save me!

Excuse me, Tails..

I feel the need for speed!


I got ya!

What a hero!


Of course not, silly!


Thanks for carrying me, Sonic!

I might have slipped!

No problem, Breezie.

I'd do it for any old pal.

You're so brave!

So thoughtful!

So wonderful!

Now Breezie's never going to think I'm a hero

and she's never going to like me!

Hey Junior, you remind me of what the jockey said

to the horse.

What did the Jockey say to the horse?

He said, "Why the long face!" [laughters]

You can laugh --Breezie likes you.

She'll like you, too!

She just needs to get to know you!

Go talk to her.

We'll Freedom Fight somewhere else for awhile!

And give her these they're her favorite.

Scratch: There they are! We'll get 'em this time!

Grounder: I hope so! Oh, I hope so!

We have a sure-fire w*apon this time!

The Heavy Industrial Slope Steamer and Snow Melter!

We'll melt the snow out from under them and they'll come

sliding right to us!

Cool! Ooh!

Mmph! NOT!

Here! I brought you flowers!

Mobisia Marvelosa Marigoldias!

How sweet of Sonic to remember!

They're not from Sonic!

They're from me!

Get real!

Sonic's the only one brave enough to bring these back from

the dangerous jungle where they grow!



Here they come!

Whoahh! Yaiiiii!

Got 'em!

Where's Breezie and Junior?

And where'd all the snow go?

I hoped they'd warm up to each other --but this is ridiculous!

Ah, there's nothing I like better than to see my robots

getting along together!

Except for them to get along with me!

Are you gonna take their heads off now,

Your Nastiness?

Can we watch?

[evil laugh] Certainly!

Breezie! Junior!

I'm worried, Sonic?

Ya think Robotnik's got 'em again?

Could be, keed.

Let's speed!

Ah ha! Here's the problem!

Junior's Nasty-Neural Net-link is on the fritz!

No wonder he went nice!

Hey, Robotnik!

stop playing mind games with us!


We're not in the mood for brain teasers!

Junk these ungrateful gizmos!

I don't need them anymore!

Now I know why they turned against me,

and how to keep my new bride staying ioyal!



Tails: Sonic!

How're we ever gonna find 'em?

We've just got to keep our heads about us, kid!

Junior: That's easy for you to say! -Hunh?!


I knew you'd come and save us!

Thanks, Sonic!

All part of being a hero!

Oh no! There goes Robotnik!

He's going to dam up the great waterfall and cause

a terrible drought!

Scratch and Grounder were bragging about it

after they captured us.

You've got to stop him!

Don't I always?

He's awesome!

The most awesome hero ever!

I can still be a hero!

If l stop Robotnik before Sonic does,

she's gotta like me!!


It's time to speed, keeds!

What's Junior tryin' to do?

Impress me?

Uh-huh! He really likes you!


Junior likes me?!


I guess I've been paying so much attention to sonic,

I didn't even notice!

He is kinda cute.

Robotnik: Will you shut that water off, all ready!

Yes, Sir!

Right away, Doctor Robotnik!


I need more ice in my eggnog!

Here you are, Robotniky!

Is that better?

Ah! Much better!

Omeletta! My pillow needs fluffing!


Is Robotniky nice and comfy?

This is the best honeymoon a husband ever had!

And imagine, Robotniky, how much nicer it'll be without all

that awful water!

Ah! A match made in heaven is nothin' compared to a match

made in the lab!

Scratch! Grounder!

You junk heaps! Shut off that water!

Okay! The expl*sive charges are set!


Now we can blast open the underground caverns

and flood them!


And there'll be no water left to go over the falls!



Those miserable robo-rejects!

Poor Robotniky!

Are you all wet?

I gotta get a move on!

Things are gonna dry up quick!

Now that was quick!

We did it! We did it!

Yeah! Even Sonic couldn't stop us this time!

Who do they think they're kiddin'!

Let's see if I can nail two bird-brains with one stone!




This is terrible!

The river's completely dry!

Junior! Junior!

What are you doing?

I guess Sonic didn't fix the waterfall --so I'm gonna!

That's one of the bravest things I've ever heard!

Hey! He did fix the waterfall!



Saaaave meeee!

Where's Sonic?

Guess it's up to me!


All my emergency equipment is still functioning!

Oh no!

What happened?

Look! Junior and Breezie are going over the falls!


You saved me!

You must like me!


We robots gotta stick together, don't we?

I'm sorry it can't work out between us,

Sonic --but Junior needs me too much.

And-I really like that!

I know just what you mean!

Robotnik: Oh no! Water!

My perfect wife will short circuit!

Hey fatso!

Wuddaya think I am?

Yer servant?!!

Yer a rotten husband!

And I'm gonna tell everybody you wear polka dotted underwear!

I hate that hedgehog!




Aw! Sorry, guys.

You could get hurt taking dumb chances at the playground.

Look before you leap and watch out for little kids.

Play safe and you'll have fun!