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01x30 - The Last Resort

Posted: 07/05/23 12:26
by bunniefuu

♪ ♪ ♪


Ahem! Citizens of Papadopolis!

This is Mayor Fumfer speaking.

We are under a major ROBOT ATTACK!



As long as I am mayor, the robots will never

take over this city.

Without a permit!

All attacking robots have to fill out these forms first..


Never mind.

Weee're dooooomed!!

Oh, if only Sonic the Hedgehog were here!

You called?!

I heard you have a few.

...HUGE robots you need taken care of!

You got a problem, pipsqueak?!


Look at the size of him!

This is gonna be trickier than I thought!


Halt! New orders! We give up!! Attack cancelled!!

They're retreating!

That's just plain weird!

The only guy who could call off a robot attack like that is -

Robotnik: Attention beloved citizens of Mobius.

Dr. Robotnik!

I appear today to make an historic announcement!

I have decided to announce my RETIREMENT,

effective IMMEDIATELY.


No way!

Yes way.

I hereby forsake all nefarious activities to live a life of

devotion to. ...My mother!

Poor dear, she's so old and feeble now she can barely speak!

In honor of my retirement, I'd like to present myself

with this gold watch.

I had a little something engraved...

"To Dr. Robotnik, from Dr. Robotnik, with love."

How thoughtful of me!

Well, good-bye, Mobius.

I'll miss all the little people I've trampled on the way up.

And Hedgehog? Hedgehog? You, Sonic!

Yeah? I'm waiiitiing!

I think I'll miss you most of all!

Farewell, Mobius!



What was that all about?!!

I don't know! Do ya think he means it?

Retirin' to spend time with Momma?

I don't think so!


Let's find out what our ol' pal Robotnik is really up to!

Tails: Ya mean we just ring the doorbell!?!

What if it's a trap?

Then we escape!

[doorbell rings]

But this way we'll know for sure if he's realiy retired!

Momma: Boopsie! Answer that infernal bell!

It's giving me a headache!

Robotnik: Yes, Momma!

Momma: And bring me some tea! And cookies!

And..and fish cakes!

And don't forget the hot water bottle!!

Robotnik: Yes, Momma!

Sonic the Hedgehog!

Oh, joy!

Sonic the Hedgehog!

My old nemesis!

And your little friend, Tails, too!

What a pleasant surprise!

Come in, come in!

Can I offer you something to eat?!




No thanks.

Oh, it's not poison, you know.

The old Robotnik probably would have poisoned it,

but now I just love sharing a cozy hot cup of

Lapsang Souchong tea!

Boopsie! You nincompoop, you're spilling the tea!

Oh, I'm sorry, Momma.

Here, I'll wipe it up for you.

Okay, I've seen enough!

Thanks for all the good times, Robotnik.

It's been real!

C'mon, Tails! We're outta here!

Just a sec, Sonic!

These fish cakes are pretty gooooood!

You gonna make a move, or what?


Ooops, nope..

I'm waaaiitinnnnng!

Alright, already!


Boy, this retirement stuff is for slow-mos!

Fumfer: Hallo! There you are!

I've been looking allover for you boys!

Mayor Fumfer?!

Greetings and felicitations bored heroes!

In thanks for saving our town, we gratefully present you with


Gee, thanks.

And also this.

That is, if you're interested.

What is it?

Courtesy of the Last Resort Travel Agency, a supersonic

Action-Adventure Thrillseekers Holiday Tour,

for two!


We'll take it!

Sounds radical.

What's the catch? catch.

Just a token of our gratitude, for your years of fighting

that terrible Dr. Robotnik!

Nah, I don't think it's such a good idea.

Robotnik could still be trouble.

But he's retired, hasn't he?

Well, yeah, so he says, but-

Aw, c'mon, Sonic! Robotnik's history!

And you're goin' nutso just hangin' out all the time.

You need a vacation!

I dunno.


Okay, okay!


When do we leave?

Er, your holiday begins... RIGHT NOW!

You'll waterski aboard this auto-piloted,

two hundred twenty bazillion horsepowered,

fully equipped hydrofoil to the bee-yoot-iful island resort

of San Peligroso.

Once there, your personal tour director will lead you on a


Cool! Alright!

Er, climb on board, boys!

Thanks, Mayor Fumfer!

Bon voyage!



And good riddance!!!

Robot secret Agent Fumfer here!

The hedgehog bought it, Your Malignancy!

He's on his way to the island now!

Ha! Excellent work, Fumfer!

You're fired!



I did my job perfectly!


That's why I don't need you anYmore!

The most fabulously fiendish of all my fiendish plots is


And Sonic's little trip to the Last Resort

will be the vacation to end all vacations!

[maniacal laughter]


Great vacation, huh, Sonic?


I don't know why we didn't do this a long time ago,

little bro!

The Hedgehog's overhead!

Activate the Tidal Wave Machine!

Grounder: Cowabunga, dude!

Yessir, this vacation gig is way past cool!

Tidal wave!


Tidal wave!!

Try a wave?

Sounds like a plan to me l'i bud.

No...TIDAL Waaaaavvvve!



Oh! That miserable hedgehog!

Come on, we'll get him this time!

Activate the Hydrofoil Bisector Blade!

Slices, dices and sinks Hedgehog!


Whoah! It worked!

Release the Choppers!

Grounder: Aye-aye, Captain!

Choppers away!!

Hey, Tails.

Remember those fish cakes we ate at Robotnik's?


Well, it looks like it's our turn to be fish food!

What do we do, Sonic?

We came here to waterski, right?

So I'm gonna waterski!

Tails: Bulls-eye!

Whoops! Look out!!

Git along, li'l dogies!

Yippee-kayo-kay yaaaaaaayyyyy!

Yee-haah! Ride 'em, Sonic!

Aw! Sonic's okay! We blew it!

Land ho!

Nice speed run, amigo, but you lost some style points

on the dismount!

Greetings, adventurers, and welcome to San Peligroso and

The Last Resort.

Who're you?

I'm Guido, your personal tour guide,

thrill-monitor and all' round happenin' dude!

Enjoy the ride in?


What's the story with those Choppers?

...they're Robotnik's toys.


Didn'tcha hear? He's retired, man!

We picked up those 'bots cheap at a garage sale.


No more time to chat, friends!

You're late for your first adventure!

White-water kayaking!

Totally cool!

Now you're talkin'!


Hey! What gives!?!

That's what makes it so exciting!

Robo-Agent Guido, here.

Sonic and Tails are coming your way, Scratch!

Nail 'em!

Ahhh. THIS is the good life!

Living on the edge, never knowin what's around the next bend!

Ahhh. THIS is the good life!

Knowing exactly what's around the next bend!

Activate the River-Bed of Nails!


Well, let's see how the hedgehog likes that set of spines!

C'mon, Tails! Quit bein' a slo-mo!


Look out, Tails!

It's a waterfaaaaaaaalllll!

Now this is my idea of a good time!





With a little help, those Rocks'll Roll!

Hey! All the water's gone!

No, the water's not gone, ratchethead!

It was just stopped-up for awhile!

See? Here it comes now!

Oh! Good! I was getting worried!

Wow, that was exciting, wasn't it, Sonic?

Yeah, maybe too excitin'.

I'm beginnin' to wonder about this place.

No time to wonder, chums!

Gotta keep those spills and chills comin' atcha or you won't

have any fun!

You two wildmen are going to climb El Capitel!

Here's your rope!

I don't need a rope.

I go up mountains

the easy way!

But this is different, amigos!

First of all, El Capitel is an active VOLCANO!

And second, you're gonna be climbing it from the INSIDE!


They're in guys!

Blast when ready!




You're sinking!

This place is treacherous!

Yeah! I like it!

Only one way out!

Straight up!

Alley oop!

Grounder! I love this plan!

Me too!

That ledge they're about to reach is packed

full of dynamite!

Yeah! And as soon as they reach the ledge..


Hedgehog Hash!

Dr. Robotnik will be so proud of us!

Ah! Look out! A fireball!

If you can't stand the heat.. Beat feet!

Did we get him?

I dunno.

I can't see through all the falling rock.

Grounder: Yeah. I see what you mean.

Not bad for one day, huh, li'l bro?

Yeah. I can't wait 'til tomorrow!

Bungee-jumping and sky-diving!

C'mon! Last one down the slope's a slo-mo!

Robotnik: You still haven't gotten Sonic!?!

Grounder: Er no, your Supreme Cruelness, sir.

What about all of my evilly genius traps?!

Er... the Hedgehog seems to be enjoying them.

I arrange an allexpenses- paid adventure holiday for the

hedgehog and he has the unmitigated gall...

to have FUN!?!

I hate that Hedgehog!

Well, bubula?

Is that pesky Sonic taken care of?

Er, Not yet, Momma.

Well, hurry up!

My corns are k*lling me, and you've got a planet to conquer!

Yes, Momma.

What adventures are left on sonic's schedule?

Uh, sky-diving.



Perfectly perilous!

I'm coming out of retirement to personally see to it that sonic


Hey, what about us?

We're not fired, are we?

Oh of course not!

You two are too imcompetent to be fired!

You have to stay here and take care of Momma!

Not that!

Anything but that!

Now, who wants to iron my girdle?

Waiiiit! We wanna be FIRED!

Tails: I thought we were supposed to be bungee-jumping next!

Change of plans.

We're going straight for the big cheese!

Jumping out of a plane at twelve thousand feet!

Too bad.

I was all ready for bungee-jumping!

Have fun, thrillseekers!

Your pilot will take good care of you!

Oh, I'll take care of them, all right!

Just like I took care of Sonic's parachute!

Okay, thrillseekers!

Twelve thousand feet.

Time to jump!

That voice sounds familiar!

It's Robotnik.


Yeah! But don't sweat it.

Let's have some FUN, son!

You sure, Sonic?!

One, two, three JUMP!


This is one time the hedgehog won't get away.

I'll put the plane on autopilot and follow them,

so I can watch their UNHAPPY LANDINGS!

Six thousand feet! Pull the ripcord!

Oh, no! My parachute's been sabotaged!

Mine, too!

Your chutes are shot, you miserable pests!

Now I am free to conquer Mobius!

Do me a favor, Tails.

Unzip my pack!

Now take that hook and attach it to the plane!


I had a feeling those bungee cords might come in handy!

Mama !


Where's Robotnik?

He should be here by now with my payoff!


Oh, yeah. Here he comes.

Oh nooo!


I hate that Hedgehog!

Alright! That was fun!

But c'mon, Tails.

We're burning daylight!

Where are we going Sonic?

Sonic: Anyplace there's adventure!

Tails: Yippee! Here we go again!

I think I'll go exploring before Sonic wakes up.

Tails? Where are you, Lil Bro?

Hi, Sonic?

Whatcha lookin' for?

Well, you didn't tell me where you were going.

I was worried about you.

Always tell your parent or guardian where you're going

and when you'll be back.

It's not safe to wander off alone.

And its not fair to make someone worry about you.