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01x58 - Mad Mike, Da Bear Warrior

Posted: 07/05/23 12:24
by bunniefuu

♪ ♪ ♪

I've gotta get to Sonic!

I've gotta get to Sonic!

I got him, Scratch! I got him!

Up here, Updike!

Ow! -Oof!

I don't got him.

Thanks for the lift, Tails!

Can ya get me to Sonic fast?!

Sure can!

He's with our old pals."da Bears"!

What's up, Updike?

Look Sonic!

Robotnik is forcing our villagers to do something

so horrible it,it, it, it... defies description!

Not to mention the boundaries of good taste!

But lemme guess.

If the folks don't work...

They don't eat!

And Doc Botnik's got the only road to the village?

Filled with secret booby- traps.

Exactly right!

Guarded by crack troops.

The crackest!

And impossibly impassible.

Not to mention passibly impossible!

Which means that none of our food convoys can get through!

It sounds to me like it's time to bust through Robotnik's

barricade with Operation Fast Food!

Which we're gonna undermine before it has a chance to begin!

Grease g*n!!

Grease g*n!

Engine block!

Engine block!

Double-barreled, fuel-injected carburetors!

Bubbledarreled, fool-impacted carublators!



Well, Sonic?

What's da scoop?

Tails did his usual great job of fixing stuff.

Which means it's time to fasten your seatbelts and take her

for a trial spin!

Okay, Grounder!

Our Goodnik Radar shows they're right above us.

Let's get 'em!

Well, Sonic What do you tink?

I tink, er, I think we're ready to roll!

Sonic & Grounder: NOT!

So! You thought you could stop Dr. Robotnik's rural

beautification program.

And get food to my starving village?

Yeah, I did!

Well, we've got you now

But what you fellas don't have

Is a brand new set of wheels!

Now take this sporty little model over here.

Must be due for a tune up.

But this turbo-charged honey's bound to put a rocket

in your sprockets!

Don't be shy! Take it for a ride!


You'll notice it has the added feature of twin air bags!


C'mon, you metal-plated moron!

That bear's all tied-up!

This is our chance to grab him!

- Whadda we want him for, Scratch?

Oh! Grab now, I'll explain later!

Sonic! Stop them!

Not a chance, hedge hog, we're ready for ya!


Oh no!

We lost Big Mike!

Not to worry!

All we gotta do... [whispers]

is follow the sound of Robot flapping lips.

Scratch: You see, Grounder, by questioning Big Mike,

we'll find out if Sonic and the guys know about our new top

secret booby traps on the road to Mt. Rocky.

But why do we wanna know if they know!

Oh! Because the only way a secret booby trap is secret

is if no knows, ya big booby.

So shut your trap!


I should have known!

They're taking Big Mike toa hollowed-out hilltop

interrogation chamber!

Welcome to our hollowed-out hilltop interrogation center!

That sounded real good, Scratch, but whadda we do now?

Ooh! Let's see what the instruction manual has to say!

"Interrogating the prisoner.

First, make sure he's securely tied up by pressing button A."

"Press "B" for ad-a-quate lighting."

"Now you are ready to begin!"

Oh boy! I can hardly wait!

Okay, when-I say, "You will tell us everything you know!"-

You're supposed to say, "I won't tell you nuttin!"

I won't tell you nuttin'.

And then I'm supposed to push this button and say,

"Maybe this will make you talk!"

Was he supposed to do that?


Don't do that!


Now that we all know what we're supposed to do,

let's do it for real!

What do you know about Dr. Robotnik's brilliant new


Nein! Nein! Nein! Your qvestions are all wrong!




First, you must tell him what are zee secret booby- traps,

because, ozervise how can he know if he has heard

of zem or not? Ja?

Oh, now I get it!

C'mon, Grounder, let's grill this bear!

What do you know about his secret Toad Warriors?

His just-add-water castle!

His nine-hundred foot cliff!

And his invincible Black Knight Robot!

Nuttin'! Nuttin'!


[maniacal laughter] Oh really?

Well, Mr. Nuttin', we have ways of making you talk!

Toad warriors, dehydrated castle, big cliff, Black Knight.

Now vee are startink to get somevhere!

Well, we'd better get dere fast,

cause I'm startin' ta get MAD!

Just vun more qvestion...


Okay, I got it!

All right, you!

Did you know that the only way to defeat our invincible

Black Knight Robot is with a dragon?


Don't even try to lie your way out of this one!

Hey! You guys are too tough.

So here's da trut.

I just didn't know nuttin' before...

But I sure do now!

Gee, that's too bad, because now we can never let you go.


You two haf just been named interrogators of der year!

Und here's your avard!

Ooh! Do we really have to accept?

See ya later, 'geeks!

We've gotta streak!

It's the Hedgehog and he's getting away!

You'll pay for this, Sonic!

I'm sorry I made you mad, Big Mike,

but there was stuff we had to find out!

That's okay, Sonic!

I like bein' mad!

Scratch & Grounder: Yeouch!

What's this button that Tails installed?

Unh unh unh!

Not til I give the signal!

And now fasten seat belts, and LET'S MOVE 'EM OUT!

Oh no!

Sonic and da Bears are on their way to bring food

to that village!

In that case, it's time for booby trap number one!

Hey look! It's a detour!

Don't sweat it, Big Mike!

It looks like da scenic route!


Sonic! What'll we do?


Hold that thought!

I'll be right back!

All right, guys!

Carry on with that thought you were holding!


We can't let 'em get away!


Big Mike! Sonic!

We got a hungry visitor!

Then what d'ya say we give him some chili to settle his tum?!

Dat's some spicy stuff!

Uh oh. Flamin' gator at twelve o'clock!


Oh no!

It's the Toad Warriors!

They wiped out the last convoy and ate every single chili dog


Yeah, but dis time, dere up against Mad Mike!


The bear warrior! Hang on, youse guys!

We're hangin'!

Yeah! What else can we do?

Uh, way ta drive, Mad Mike!

You're losin', Slow-moes!

Whoah! Yikes!


This is Dr. Robotnik, your exalted and infallible leader!

Listen to me, you underlubricated buffoons!


Why do you think I invented all those new tricks?

No problem, Your Repulsiveness!

When they hit the barricade, they'll be -

Oof! -Oof!

...flatter than a pancake.

Did either of youse feel somethin'? Hunh!

Musta been a speed bump.

This time they're really askin' for it!

Yeah! They don't know how tough we really are!



We have Dr. Robotnik's newest trick the ultimate barricade.


One glass of water, and one just-add-water

dehydrated castle!

Makes its own sauce.


To the drawbridge!


Hey! What's da big idea?


This time we stopped you cold!

Uh wrong, Bolt Brains!

Nobody, but nobody stops da bears!

Come on, Sonic, let's go!

I'm right behind ya, little bud!

Can I come too?

Nope, need you here for the most important job of all.

Just remember what I told you.

I'd give up if I were you.

Yeah, we're the knights who are going to put out your lights!

If I were you guys, I wouldn't talk that way to

Sir Griz the big, and Sir Mike the Mad!


Run for our lives!

What're we gonna do, Scratch!


We still have one more of Dr. Robotnik's newest tricks left.

This dehydrated Robot Black Knight tablet!

But we need water!

Scratch: Come on! I know where to find it!



Uh, excuse me, Sir Humongus.


Oh no! Sonic, what are we going to do?

I hate ta say it, but da Bears have met dere match!


Not necessarily!

Not necessarily??!

Dat guy's thirty feet tall!

You got your walkie talkie?

Sonic: Updike! Press the red button! NOW!

Sure thing, Sonic!


Dat's what dat red button was for?

When those Dingbots told us about their Black Knight,

I thought we needed an ace in the hole!

So I asked Tails to build it for us!

Hey, Sir Humongus!

You're not afraid of a little ole fire- breathing dragon,

are you?


We won! We won!

And now it's time for the Chili Dog Express to deliver

the goods!

Here we go!

Up the mountain to the snow country!

What do you think you're doing, you greedy layabouts!

Stop eating and get back to work!

Yo, Doc Botnik, don't get so hot under the collar!

Hot? What are you talking about, hot?

I'm freezing, frosty, and -


I already said I was cold, you fool

--so of course I'm feeling Chilly!

After him!


Hey Sonic, are you thinkin' what I'm thinkin'?

I'm miles ahead of you, Miles.

Er, I mean Tails, ol' buddy!

And now, ladies and gentlemen, I give you.

Da Bears!


Scratch! Grounder!

Answer the phone, you clanking cretins!

[phone rings] Hunh?

Grounder! Answer the phone!

Why should I? It's probably for you anyway!

This is disgusting!

I can't even yell at anyone!

I hate that Hedgehog!


Just what I need!

Hold it, Updike!

For Grounder: Robot headache pills -take one a day with oil.

If you're sick and need medicine,

ask your parents to get if for you.

Never, ever take medicine that isn't yours!

Somebody else's prescription could be bad medicine for you!