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01x47 - Spaceman Sonic

Posted: 07/05/23 12:22
by bunniefuu

♪ ♪ ♪

[Robotnik laughs]

Can we peek now, your Nastiness?


This plan must be kept so secret only I can know about it!

Must be somethin' really big!


It's monstrous!

When this day is over, Mobius will be mine!

I'll drink to that!

Hey! What's goin' on?


And I bet he's up to somthin' more than just littering!

I don't wanna wake Sonic.

So I better follow Robotnik and check it out!

Stand by!

We're about to enter the Secret Zone!

There it is!

The greatest secret on Mobius!

My very own Space Center...

Cape Robotnik!

Is Cape Robotnik always this dark?


I can't wait for the sun to come up so we can see it.

You bolt-brains!

Take off your blindfolds!

Ohhhh, Yeahhh!

How could we be so stupid?!

It comes naturally!

Isn't my ultimate Space Ship Magnificent?!

Of course, I designed it myself!

And it's time for it's first wicked journey!

Can we watch it biast off? Hunh?

Robotnik: Watch!? You're flying it!

You are now Astrobots!

I've discovered a rich lode of Destructicite Crystals

in the Mobius Asteroid Belt...

Bring me back two tons of them and I'll have all the energy I

need to power an army of giant robots and conquer

all of Mobius!

Ah! The thought of total tyranny makes me giddy!

I'd better warn Sonic!

Sonic! Wake up!

Huh?! Huh?! Huh?!

Oh, what's goin' on?

We've gotta stop Robotnik!

So what else is new?

We'll stop him.

Right after this nap.

Now, Sonic!

We gotta stop him now!

Nine... eight... seven...

Hear that?

Dr. Robotnik's losin' it!

He's counting backwards!

Sonic! Wake up!

You don't understand!

Robotnik: six... five... four...

If we don't stop that Space Ship from reaching

the Asteroid Belt.

Robotnik: ...three... two... one...

Mobius will be doomed!

Why didn't you say so?


Only way we can stop it now is to get aboard!

C'mon, Tails.

The faster we get up to the control room,

the faster we'll stop this thing.

Robotnik: Attention, Astrobots!

All systems are go!

We have a launch!

Launch! Already?

I didn't even have breakfast.

Proceed on your present course to the Mobius Asteroid Belt.

Astrobot Scratch to Robotnik Control!

A.O.K., your Putridness!

Listen up, little bro'.

First we take over the controls.

Right. Take over the controls.

Then we turn this spacetub around and use its retrorockets

to make a safe landing on the Mobius Desert.

Gotcha, Sonic!

Attention, Astrobots!

I have to leave now and go back to my Fortress.

Before I go, want you to stand by for your final instructions.

Astrobot Grounder, standing by!


Astrobot Scratch standing by, too, Sir!

You big fibber! You're sitting by!

I'm standing by!

Increase your thrust to million units.

And call me at the Fortress when you reach the Asteriod Zone.

Soon I will be the greatest power in the Universe!

Did he say increase our thrust to , or units?

Uh, , I think.

Oh. Well, just to be safe, I'll try them both.

Scratch: Grounder! Stop that!

Grounder: Oh, alright!

Scratch: Oh, what did you do?

Well, you told me to stop it.

Oh, Dimbot!

Turn the power back on!

I can't. I broke the switch!

Ohhhh! Now you've done it!

We're drifting into the Star Light Zone!

We've stopped!

Now we'll never get back to Mobius!


At least now Dr. Robotnik won't be able to fire me for

breaking this switch.


And the good part of it is, we're robots and we don't

need oxygen.

We don't?


So when this spaceship runs out in a couple hours,

we won't even care.

Hear that?

We're gonna run out of oxygen!

Chill, IiI pal.

There's plenty of oxygen right out there...

What is it?

It's the abandoned Space station.

The old Mobius Government had to close it down after Robuttnik

stole all their money!

So how do we get to it?

I'll let you know as soon as get Scratch and Grounder out of that

control room.

It's kinda peaceful out here in space.


Do you think we should call Dr. Robotnik and tell him we won't

be coming home?

Naw. Let him find someone else to yell at.

[siren] Waahhhh!

What's that?!

Space Patrol! Pullover!

What's wrong, officer?

Don't play innocent with me!

Just show me your driver's license.

I'm not driving.

He is!

Uh, uh. I'm not driving either.

Driving without a driver!

Now you're really in for it!

But we can't drive!

We don't have any power!

Yeah. We're stuck!

Well, you can't park here.

This zone is for loading and unloading of passengers only!

I'm afraid I'll have to order both of you to the rear

of the space ship.

Are we under arrest?

You are.

Now get down there in the cargo hold and write:

"I will not park my rocketship in a no-parking zone"

ten thousand times.

Y-y-yes, Officer.

Right away.

Is park spelled with one "r" or two?

Three, duncebot!

Sheesh! Everybody knows that!

It's not gonna work.

The power switch is too smashed up!

Then how do we get this rocket rollin'?


That's it, squirt!

You're a genius!

A little racin'-in-place and maybe I can move this monster.

Whooaaaaaaa!!!Yeeee eoooowwwww!


This is pretty stiff punishment for a lousy parking ticket!

C'mon, Tails!

We made it to the Space station!

Well, at least there's oxygen in here!


Now let's see if we can find some way to get back to Mobius.

Grounder: Ooohhhhhhh! My head is still spinning!


Now let me get my bearings!

Here they are!

Oh! Thanks, Scratch!

Ya know, Grounder, I been thinkin' for a long time.

And all of a sudden, my brain clicked.

Oh! Maybe you should oil it.

No! I shoulda seen it before.

That was no Space Patrolman.


Now don't hold me to this, but I think it was sonic.


That doubledealin', spiney sneak!

I'll clobber-ate him!

Where is he?

He's gotta be on that Space station.

Let's "get him!







Hey! Our rocketship's drifting away!

Aw, who cares?!

What we gotta do now is catch Sonic and make him pay

for all this!

Unngghh-Unh! Ow!

Scratch: There they are! Get 'em!

This way, kid. We'll lose 'em!




Sonic! What's that?

It's some kinda space creature, kid.

Is it friendly?


I've god a terrible cold and I'm starved!

Ahhhhhhhh Choooooooo!


I havedn't had fresh food in thirteed years!

Thirteed years ago my doctor said "feed your cold".

But you're the first food I've seed.

Thank you for 'coming!







Hey, Mr. Monster, we'll help feed ya!

Yeah! We'll fix ya a nice warm bowl of Hedgehog Soup!

Hate to tell ya, Slime-face, but you're still on a diet.


Stop them!



Oh, we coulda had him if you hadn't messed us up!

An Escape Pod.

It musta got left behind when they abandoned this

Space Station.

So we can get back to Mobius?

Unless you'd rather stay here and get munched by the

Space Slime...

I'll pass!

C'mon, help me get it into the Blastoff Hatch.

Mobius, here we come!

Scratch: Not you, Hedgehog! Us!!


We're gonna leave ya marooned!


And besides that, we're gonna leave ya stuck up here!


C'mon, Grounder, let's fly this thing back to Mobius!

Nobody's going adywhere 'til after lunch!

MY lunch!

You two look eved more delicious thad the last time I saw you!





I'll feel better after I eat you!

Gulp, Gulp!

Didn't anybody tell ya, slimeball...?

There's food, fast food, and too fast to be food.

Whatta we do now, 'sonic?

Somehow, little bud, we gotta get that Escape Pod back.

It's the only hope we have of gettin' home!

If you idterrupt my dining plads one more time,

I'll break you idto a milliod pieces and sedd you idto orbit!

Ahh Chooooo!

You know what, Scratch?

I think maybe he's a bit upset.

Oh! That ugly mass of mucus doesn't scare ME!

[phone rings] Yow!

Dr. Robotnik's calling!

Oh! Now THAT scares me!

What happened up there, dumbots?

You tell him. Here!

Oh, no!

I wouldn't THINK of taking YOUR turn.

Why is my precious Rocketship drifting off into deep space?

Why am I reaching you at the coordinates of the abandoned

Space station?

Why?! Why?! Why?!

You take the first two questions.

I'll answer the last three.

It's all Sonic's fault!

Ooh! Sonic!

Are you telling me the Hedgehog is up there with you?

But but we've got everything under control,

Your Obnoxiousness!

We do?

Yeah, uh. We're, uh, We're gonna catch that Hedgehog

and bring him back to Mobius!

Robotnik: Bring him back? How?

Well, we very cleverly captured this Escape Pod.

It's the only one on board and we got it!

The only one?


Grounder! This is an order.

Activate Model of your left arm.

Model activated, Your Blubberness!

Then I will complete the procedure from here!


Doctor Robotnik!

Something went wrong!

The Escape Pod is destroyed!

Nothing went wrong, duncebot!

I MEANT to destroy it!

But how will we get home?

Who cares?

As long as the Hedgehog is stranded in space,

I don't need you anymore!

Aw! You can't do this!

He's right! We've been together too long!

You lost my Rocketship.

You let the Hedgehog ruin my plans.

And now you're running up my long distance bill!

You deserve to be space garbage!


Does this mean he's cancelling our pension plan?

From the sound of those explosions,

they came from right about - Here!

Oh no! The Escape Pod's destroyed!

You don't feel half as bad about it as we do!

Maybe there's a way we can still make it work.

Come on, Sonic.

Half the parts are missing.

Then we'll just have to find REPLACEMENT parts.

Hey! That's MY tailfeather, Hedgehog! Drop it!

Chill, bot!

This is one time we're all in the same boat

-and the boat is you!

There! That's the best I can do!

Nice job.

It might even work maybe... I hope.

If you think we're gonna spend the rest of our lives

like this, you're crazy.

Talk to Ro-cheap-nik.

I bet he'll figure it'll cost him less to put you back

together than to build new robots.

Sonic, uh, we forgot one big problem.

Like how do we power this thing?

Are you kiddin'?

We don't have power!

I've been thinkin' about that.

Hang on!

Good thinkin', Sonic.

Thanks, kid.

Slime power!

Aahhhh... aaaaaahhh...


I've done it! I've finally done it!

The Hedgehog is marooned in space.

Now nothing can stop me from conquering Mobius!

Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha...

Dr. Robotnik! D-D-Dr. Robotnik!

An unidentified something is landing in your courtyard!

Don't be ridiculous!

No one lands in my courtyard without my permission!

I'll stop this foolishness!

I still don't understand how you got that slime-creature

to be so helpful.


I promised when we got to Mobius he could have the biggest

meal in the galaxy.

Hey, big guy!

There's your lunch!

Twelve zillion four million calories!



I hate that Hedgehog!

You should really take better care of yourself Slimey.

Get some rest and drink lotsa fluids.

Thanks, Sonic.

I'b feelin' better already.

If you get a cold, take care of yourself.

If it gets worse, see a doctor.


And never sneeze on anybody!

Use a tissue and cover your face.