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01x21 - Momma Robotnik Returns

Posted: 07/05/23 12:18
by bunniefuu

♪ ♪ ♪

Inmate escape! Inmate escapel!

Getcher fresh Mooo-bius Dairies milk!

Good moooo-rning, ma'am!

I've got fresh milk, fresh butter,

fresh eggs.

What do you want?

I want your hovertruck!

Be careful, chips for brains!

Yeah, Grounder! We coulda been hurt!

Forget you!

I'm more worried about the cargo in the truck!

Where are we taking this stuff, Dr. Robotnik?

To the Mobius microwave towers.

I have a foolproof plan to bring all of Mobius to its knees!

With this microwave tower, I will control every machine

on the planet!

So how are we gonna stop Sonic from messing up our plans?

Don't be ridiculous!

That horrid hedgehog can't possibly know where we are!

Sonic: Hi, guys.

Up to your usual badnik stuff, huh?

Sonic! And that pesky fox!


Attack! Destroy! Eliminate them!


Stop firing!

You'll hit the tower!

So what do we do?

Unghl Annghah!

We grab that pesky hedgehog!

Or, if that fails, we barbecue him!

Hey! No pinching!

I hardly know you!

Check yer air, sir?

This tire is really low. But I'm gonna fix that!

No! Don't!

You gotta weak spot in that tire, sir.

I'll just go see if we have a new one.


Clean your windshield, sir?

Oooooo! I hate that hedgehog!

That'll keep Ro-but-nik outa action for a while.



Momma! You escaped again!


You messed up again, didn't you!

We can get Sonic if we hurry -

Ow! Ow! Ow!

Forget Sonic.

It's you I want!

No, Momma! Stop!

You dare tell me to stop?!

Well... I... I only thought.... you always liked a clean house.

That's right!

I'm cleaning house again!

And the first worthless piece of trash to go is you!


Oh! Isn't she sweet?

I wish had a mommy.

But Momma --I'm your son!

And I'm constantly embarrassed by that fact.

All the girls at the home keep asking me,

"When is your son going to get rid of Sonic?"

Since the answer is obviously "Never",

I decided to take over.

You can't!

Not now, when I'm on the brink of my final triumph!


My Machine Control Supercomputer!

Get out of my way!

What does it do?

It broadcasts a beam to the Mobius Microwave towers,

which disrupts the programming of every machine on Mobius,

and allows me to control them.

Nice presentation, your Repulsiveness.

Thank you.

And the beauty part is, Sonic didn't notice that the

transmitter is still connected to the microwave array!


Meaning all I have to do is turn it on!


you may have something here.

Oh! Then you'll let me stay?

Oh please let me stay.

Pretty please.

Pretty please with sugar on -



Whoa! Whoa!


This is my Fortress!

You can't do this to me!

Oh, yes I can.

I officially disown you, Robotnik.


Meanwhile, I have a plan to deal with Sonic --permanently!

Stop her! Now!

I'll show you, Momma!

You can't throw me out of my own house!

My boys!


Me too! Me too!


Do you want to join me?

Sure! I'll be your boy if I can get off sewer patrol!


You're on the team.

Oh boy! Oh boy! Oh boy! Oh boy!

What do I do?

Sewer patrol!

Alright Team!

Get this worthless piece of trash off my property!

You, you, traitors!


All right!

I'm going --but I shall return!


All right!


Hi, Sonic! How d'ya like my new stuff?

You're lookin' pretty sharp kid --but this ain't the place.

Read the sign.

"No fly zone."

Hey, that's just for kids!

I'm a pro!




The laws are there for a reason, little pal.

You may not agree with 'em --but you gotta obey 'em.

Sorry, Sonic.

I shoulda known better.

I'm looking for Sonic the hedgehog?

You found him.

What's up?

You are. Up for a court date.


I've gotta appear in court?

You got it.

Have a nice day.

I don't believe it!

Somebody wants to adopt me!

Judge: Order! Order in the court!

This court is now is session.

The first matter before the court is the proposed adoption

of Sonic The Hedgehog.

That's me, your honor.

And I object.

I don't wanna be adopted!

I see. Are you a minor?


I'm a hedgehog!


Hey! No laughing in my courtroom!

I mean, are you an adult?

No way!

Well then in the absence of any adult supervision,

and by provisions of Mobius law, I approve the adoption.


Well, you can't do that!

Of course I can!

I'm the judge!

So, who adopted me?

My little baby!


You can't do this, jUdge!

Under that disguise is my worst enemy!

Well... next to the worst.

Sonic the Hedgehog, the decision of this court is final!

This sweet and kindly woman is your new mother!

I'll never go with you!

Yes, you will!

I own you!

"The laws are there for a reason, little pal.

You may not agree with 'em but you gotta obey them."

Okay, okay!

It's the law.

I'll go along --fer now.

But I'll use the law to fight you!

I don't think you will, hedgehog.


Let me go ..

Let me go!

Your honor!

Look at what she's doing to my pal!

Next case!

Time to go home --son.

Why don't you start calling me "Momma"?

--and here are my new little boy's living quarters.

I hope this will do, Miss Snit.

Hmmm yes.

We at Mobius Adoption Services believe the home environment

is critical.

That's why the judge sent me to inspect.

Oh I agree.

Being a good mother is soo important to me.

May I show you out?

I will want to check on the young hedgehog's progress

now and then.

Oh! Drop by any time, Miss snit.

Now I got you just where I want you!

But first, Sonic meet your new stepbrothers!

Hey, little brother!

Wanna play?

Not with you!

Now be nice to your brother.

Don't hurt him too much -yet!


Sonic: Yeah! Don't hurt me too much!

Hey! Stop it! You're making me dizzy!

No way!

Robotnik already did that!


You'd better take look, Sonic!

--or bad things'll happen to Tails!


All right! Just don't hurt him.

Cooperate, and Tails will be fine.

Take him to his room.

He'll need some rest before work begins.

Doncha just love it when the bad guys win?


Oh well.

At least I get a cool room in this dump.

In yer dreams, "hedgehog!

This is just to impress that busybody social worker!

I love what you've done with the place.


I'm glad! 'Cause you're gonna be here a looooong time!

[Scratch and Grounder laughing]

What a bummer!

I've been in tight spots before -but this is one of the


Sonic, I want you to wash this statue.

And if you don't --you know what'll happen

to your little friend!

Now get to work!

I feel the need --the need for speed!

All done.

Can me 'n Tails go now?

Get real!

Then scrub the floors, wash the 'walls,

cook dinner, iron my clothes, make my bed.

I don't do windows.

Momma: And wash the windows!


I bet Robotnik never cleaned these windows.

You don't need to finish that window, Sonic.

It's gonna break when it hits the ground anyway!


Momma Robotnik's gonna be awful mad about the mess

I'm gonna make!

No, not really.

She's the one who sent me to give ya a bad time!





What are we gonna do, Sonic?

I'll think of something.

The important thing is, you're safe as long as I cooperate

with big Momma.

No talking! Get to work!

Catch ya later, Tails.

See ya, Sonic.

And I used to wonder how Robotnik got so mean.

I h-hhate sewer patrol!

I hate it, hate it, hate it!

Psst! Coconuts!

Wh-wh-who goes there?

Dr. Robotnik!

Your Momma put me on sewer patrol.

I don't like her any more.

No, no, no, no, no!

She's been bad to me, too.

And may the Great Egg go splat on her head for it!

This is-my Fortress Laboratory!

And she's using my plan to take over Mobius!

I won't let her get away with it!


Seems like she's already gotten away with it --urrrk!


Because you're going to help me get it all back!

Help me, and I'll put you in charge of Grounder and Scratch!.

Promise? Promise? Promise!?

Have I ever lied to you before?

Sure! Uh, lotsa times!

Never mind!

Now here's what we'll do...

Okay, little brother...

you're gonna clean this Rapid Robot Rendering machine.

I've already cleaned the kitchen,

the bedrooms, the attic and the basement!

How about lunch?

Wanna chili dog?


Too bad!

We ain't got any! [laughs]

Now get to work --or you know what'll happen to Tails!

Let's speed things up for that hedgehog!

We gotta keep him outta the way, like Momma Robotnik said.

Besides, he's havin' too much fun!

Sonic: Whee!

More speed! More speed!

Oh! He wants more, does he?

I'll show him!

Fast enough for you, Sonic?


Whoooaah! Whoah!



I guess I showed that hedqehog who's boss!

Bah! Exactly as I planned it!



This machine control computer has taken over all of Mobius'



With Sonic under my thumb, there'll be no one to stop my

conquest of Mobius!

Sonic: It's trash pickup day!


Look at us!

Oh, my poor little boys!

How did this happen?

Well, it... it was Sonic.


Sonic?!?! Sonic!!!??

You steel stupidniks!

How could you let him do this to you?

It lt wasn't easy.

I'm about to lose my only adopted son!

But first -his best friend!

Say bye-bye, you double-tailed trouble-maker.

Mmm Did I comeat a bad time?

A bad time??! A bad time??!

Of course not!

We were just er talking about having,

one of my boy's friends drop in.

Who let her in?



Is this your son?

Of course not!

I never saw him before in my life!

The poor dear hasn't been well.

In a fit last week, she disowned me -

Disowned you? Oh dear!

This changes everything!

It does?

It does?

It does?

Oh yes.

According to Mobius Public Law number -,

paragraph , "No one who disowns a child can ever adopt another."


He's not my son! Really!


Look! A perfect match!!

A mustache never lies!

She's definitely Robotnik's mother.

You not only disowned your own child,

you disguised yourself to deceive the Court.

The adoption of Sonic The Hedgehog

will have to be annulled.

You called that busybody social worker,

didn't you, Lardo?

Yes, Momma.

And you let her in, didn't you?

Yes, Momma.

Don't call me that!

Attack! Destroy!

Sure thing!

You got it! Give it to 'em, Grounder!


I'm going back to police work!

It's safer!

Nyah, nyah, nyah, nyah, nyah! Betcha can't catch me!


I sure hope you guys got stupidity insurance!

Do we?

We're covered.


Not my beautiful supercomputer!


Uh-oh! I gotta go save my little bud's bacon!

Now! Which one is Tails in?

Tails: Sonic! Help!

Mmmph! Mmph! Mmph! Sonic!

Hang on, kid!

It's time for the Sonic Spin!



This is all your fault, Momma!

My fault?

You never would have come as close to dominating Mobius

as I did, you no good badnik of a son!

Close? Hah!


It's nice to see the family back together.

But not for long.



I'll be back!

Now. Whose brilliant idea was it

to betray me and help my Momma?

It was rather brilliant, wasn't it?

I thought of it!

You can thank me!

I'll thank you, all right!

Ow! Ohh! Ouch! Nooo!

Looks like Robotnik's family life is back to normal.


Let's celebrate.

What say we go someplace and adopt a chilidog?


A whole litter of 'em!

I'm scared, Sonic!

I know I should have obeyed that "no flying" sign!

What's the judge gonna do to me?

I don't know, but I'm sure he'll be fair.

That's what judges are for.

No flying for a whole month.

Look at the bright side Tails, it could have been worse.

The laws are there for a reason.

You may not agree with 'em -but you gotta obey 'em.

You don't ever want to end up in court.