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01x48 - MacHopper

Posted: 07/05/23 12:17
by bunniefuu

♪ ♪ ♪

Dr. Robotnik, your Supreme Nastiness,

here's the recruit who volunteered to eliminate Sonic!

In a pig's eye, mate!

I've been battling Dr. Bigbuttnik...


Ever since I was a wee nipper...

And I've got no plans to stop now!


Dr. Robotnik!

Save me!

Excellent work, MacHopper!

It's exactly that kind of talent which made me realize that you

may be the one Mobian citizen talented enough to



Get down from there!

What's the big deal, Sonic?

It's only a little rain!

It's not the rain I was worried about,

little buddy!

We gotta speed, keed!

I just heard that our buddy MacHopper is a prisoner in

Robotnik's lab.

And we've gotta get him out before they do

something awful to him!

And now, it's time to deal with Mr. MacHopper's

"attitude problem"!

Just wait 'til me mates, Sonic and Tails,

find out about this!

You'll be in trouble!

Grounder! Get over here!

They won't let you get away with this!

Oh no, they won't!

Oh yes they will!

And once your brain's been suitably reprogrammed,

Your one goal in life will be to capture Sonic and Tails.

Capture Sonic and Tails.

And bring them to'me.

Look! It's Mac!

That's great, Sonic, but if you don't mind.

You just stopped on a dime, and I could use that change!

Thank you, waiter!

I was looking for that everywhere!

Now if you'll take my order,..

I'd like a chili dog with a side of eucalyptus leaves.

MacHopper, are you okay?

Don't you recognize us?

It's me, Sonic.

Hey, I never forget a face!

Now who'd you say you are?

It's Sonic and Tails, MacHopper!

And who is this "MacHopper" bloke people keep

confusing me with?

Tails! It's worse than I thought!

Dr. Robotnik has stolen his mind!


I don't mind, if you don't mind!

Now, if you'll just follow me to this little gizmo

I tossed together in my spare time.

My unerring instinct for chili dogs tells me

if I take this axe here...


And cut this rope there..

We'll be munching chili dogs in no time flat.

Either that or pushing up daisies!

But I like flying with the top down!

That's okay for you, little buddy,

but some of us are gonna need a parachute!

I knew that.

Let's rotor those tails, Tails!

I'm waaiiittingggg!

Oh! A handkerchief?

That's just what I... what I...

ne-ne... A- ah-ah HA-CHOOOOO!!!!

Gesundheit, Mac --but I'd stick around if I were you..

Because it's munchin' time!

Scratch: We gotta get Mac, or Dr. Robotnik's gonna turn

us into paperweights.

Hey, hey!

That's "The Dogateria," the restaurant where MacHopper's

supposed to ambush Sonic!

Gee, maybe that means the "Capture Sonic"

program's working after all!

I say, waiter!

Could I have some service!

Never mind, I'll get it myself!

Mac, buddy, speak to me!

Are you okay?

Walloppin' wallabes, that chili packs a punch!

G'day, Sonic!

G'day, Tails!

What brings you blokes here?

Care to join me in a dog or two?


What do you think happened?

The chili must have restored his mind.

Which means we'd better get some more into him, pronto!

Syringe... -Syringe.

Funnel.. -Funnel.

Chili.... -Chili

Now say "ahhh"!


Look out!

I say, young chap, have you ever had the uncontrollable urge

to capture a Hedgehog?

Because if you did, all you have to do is collect a bunch of

chili fumes like so...

Load in a string of hot links, like so.

And fire them at the nearest convenient hedgehog, like so!



You've done it!

You've captured Soniq!

Ooh! Dr. Robotnik will be so proud of us!

Who's Dr. Robotnik?

Who's Sonic?

And who is this bloke MacHopper?

Let's see if this chili can't jog your memory!


Now I remember everything!

But, caterwauling koalas, what have I done?!!

You've made all our dreams come true!

The dim-bots are right!

And that calls for a celebration!

Then shall we say --Chili dogs all around?

We're Robots.

We don't eat.

I do!

That spicy stuff cleans out my turbo chargers!

Then chili dogs all around is what it'll be!


Hogtied by hotlinks?

How humiliating!

Now let's get out'of here!

Uh. Where's here?

Oh! This here!

Okay guys, follow me!

Now listen up, mates, here's what we do..


If I ever get my beak on that hedgehog,

he's in for a peck of trouble!

It's a great plan, MacHopper.

I'll build it just the way you said!

Come on, slo-moes!

Hop in!

Because I'm up, over and gone.

Ooh! They're doomed! They're done for!

Faster, sonic, they're gainin' on us!

That's because I was coasting!


Scratch, I'm getting this terrible sinking feeling!

Me, too!

Way to go, Sonic!

Grounder and Scratch will never catch us now!


On the other hand, mates

There'll be nothing left to catch!

Haaaang onnnnn!

MacHopper, what's in your pouch?

Oh, just a few things that occasionally come in handy.

This chandelier will do!

Now why didn't I think of that?

All right!

We did it!

[phone rings]

Don't worry, Your Highness of Lowness!

We did lose MacHopper, but since he lost his memory,

we'll have him back in no time!

Get us outtahere!

As long as you're sure Sonic hasn't saved him..

Oh, no! Au contraire!

We COULDN'T do that!


Then all I have to do is post a few "wanted Posters".

To let people know-I want MacHopper and there's a hefty


And some greedy fool ..

Is bound to...

Bring him back!

Eat your heart out, Hedgehog!

Three posters, thirteen seconds!

Now that's what I call fast!


We've got just enough to get you back to Robotnik's lab

and reverse what they did to you.

And when we get there, I'm gonna give that Roblobnik bloke a

piece o' my mind -that is, once I get enough of it back

to give some away!

Are we ready for launch?

Roger, wilko!

Keep the bow up, Tails!

Ok, Sonic, let 'er rip!



Oh no!

They're getting away!

Oh, not if you use your beak, bolt-brain!

Hey! You got to drive last time!

It's my Turrrrnnn!!

Heh-heh! Never mind.

A-one and-a two and-a...


Oh no!

We're being att*cked by toilet bowl utility objects!



Oh! We've got 'ern now!


What do we do now?

I... I don't have the foggiest...

Unless, of course, we all..


Yes, Master!

I will capture Sonic and Tails, just as you ordered!

Are you okay, Mac?

Righter 'n rain, mate, but before we pay our visit

to Dr. Robumnik, there's a couple of bolted-together

bumpkins who need a hand!

I like the way you think!

Oh, what's going to happen to us now?

Not only did we lose our prisoners,

but we wrecked Dr. Robotnik's vehicle!

Not to worry!

The Handy Dandy Mobile Mechanics are here to solve all your

vehicular ills!

And now, all it needs...

Is a little high octane fuel..

But that's the last of our chili!

Not to mention the last of Grounder and Scratch!

Wish the man in the moon g'day for us, mates!

And while you're doing that, I'll be getting all the credit

for capturing sonic and Tails!


What are we doin' down this bloomin' tunnel?

You told us it was a shortcut to Robotnik's lab,

where we're going to get back your mind!

I did?


Right. I did.

Well, come along, then!

Time's a wastin'!

Robotnik's rubber alligator?

MacHopper, you've done it!

We're here!

Right you are, Mr. Speedypants Hedgehog;

and now I'm going to turn you over to the great one,


Hey, Sonic, what's going on?

Looks like the chili wore off, and Doc 'Botnik's evil

programming kicked back in.

How dare you interrupt me when I'm trying to look busy!

But wait!

Does this mean my "Ultimate Hedgehog Hunter" actually did

the job I programmed his brain for?

You have definitely succeeded, my Supreme Lord and Master!

There's always a first for everything!

Sonic, I'm so happy to see you.

Now that my wonderful creation has taken you prisoner,

I'm going to have you sent off on an ocean cruise -


Your triple- spinning days are done!


Robotney, old bean, you've got us dead to rights

But even the lowliest convict gets a final request.

Well? I'm waiting!

One last chili dog for me and my little buddy Tails.

A chili dog?

Considering how chilly you're about to become,

how could I refuse?


Help yourself!

Keep an eye on them, MacHopper.

It's gratifying to know I've finally built something

I can trust!

Okay Vern, it's time to burn!

Mmmm. Those little flamers look good!

Then have some heartburn on us!


You take a bite outta those dingos,

and they bite you right back!

But where are we, and what in the dijeridoo is goin' on?


Mac: Dr. R!

I've just found out that some of Sonic's friends are on their way

to rescue sonic and Tails!

What do you suggest?

Well, I'd say we'd better install a magnetic forcefield,


Or the good guys will break in and rescue those two,

simple as strawberry pie!

Hmmm, as much as I like strawberry pie,

a rescue is totally out of the question!

Well don't just stand there, prisoners..

You heard the Kangaroo!

Lend him a hand!

Can't you work any faster?

Let 'er rip, good buddy!

Excellent work, MacHopper!

But what's happening to you?

I'm cleaning out all your evil programming,

Dr. Bigbuttnik!

And as of now..


Of course you're free!

I never pay any of my minions!

Now stop this nonsense, immediately!

Hey, we're headin' for Dr. Robotnik's Fortress!

Hiya, Doctor Robotnik!

Here we come!

Well, it's been great as always, Dr. R,

but now we've really gotta go!

No! You can't!

I won't let you!



I hate that Hedgehog!

Waytago MacHopper!

Thank you, mates!

And who knows?

Maybe someday I'll even remember what it is that I've done!

Some fun, eh mates?

Sure is!

I'm going swimming!

Wait, little Bro!


The rapids!!!

Look out for currents and riptides in rivers,

beaches and flood channels.

Always swim with an adult nearby.

Swim fun, swim safe!