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01x05 - Pseudo Sonic

Posted: 07/05/23 12:04
by bunniefuu

♪ ♪ ♪

At last!

An invention that will destroy that meddlesome hedgehog

once and for all!

My Pseudo Sonic!

A robotological breakthrough which can duplicate Sonic's

stunts at Sonic's speeds!

And you, Lawrence as my favorite

lab rat, you get to drive it!

Drive it where?

Pseudo Sonic will scour all of Mobius,

Robbing! Pillaging! Plundering!

Doing evil like it's never been done before!

And all the while, ruining Sonic's reputation so he'll

never be able to show his face again!


I don't wanna make Sonic look like a criminal!


You see, Dr. Robotnik I shouldn't I can't. I won't.

Oh, yes you will!

Take a look in here!

Mom! Dad!

You're not gonna hurt them are you?

I'm just going to give them an opportunity to test another

little device I've been working on.

My Surface-to-sonic m*ssile.

Only this time, it's programmed to go after your Mom and Dad!


Mom! Dad!

Stop it please!

I'll do anything!



Excellent! I knew you'd see it my way.

Now, where were we?

Ah yes...

I was welcoming you aboard your new high-tech vehicle.

But, I don't even have a driver's license!



That means your criminal career has already started!

Are you ready, Lawrence?

I guess so.


This is such a brilliant idea, I can't believe I didn't

think of it before!


It's the Hedgehog!

He's captured Dr. Robotnik!


Don't worry, your maliciousness!

I'll save you!


No one's gonna hurt our Dr. Robotnik!



Oh no! It's the S.S.S.S.S.Squad!

I hope I can drive this thing!

I'll flatten him for ya!

I better get out of here quick!


Outta my way, Pancake lips, I'll show you how to

catch a hedgehog.

I'll get him to stick around...

with this Bubblegum b*mb!

Not if you don't have a target!

You can't get away that easy!

No place to run, eh Hedgehog?


Hey! HEY!

Hold still!

This thing's goingto ex...plode! [boom]

What's the matter lockjaw lips?

Hedgehog got your tongue?


Stop! You metallic morons!

You Dim-witted droids!

You can't even capture a fake Sonic!

A fake?

Uh, what's a fake?

You imbeciles!


An imitation!

A replica!

ITS'S A PHONY, you brainless buffoons!

Oops! Sorry!

Get out of my sight!

It's humiliating that I ever invented you!

I get the feeling he was pretty upset at us!

OH? Ya think so?

He seemed in a better mood than normal to me

Now it's time to see

if my Pseudo Sonic can fool the citizens of Mobius!

Go my Pseudo Sonic, go!

Get out there and commit crimes that the real Sonic

will be blamed for!

Yes Maam, the museum is now displaying the priceless jeweled

crown of the first King of Mobius!



This unbelievable news just in!

Sonic the Hedgehog has robbed Mobius' most famous museum!


I still can't believe it, but Sonic is a one-Hedgehog

major crime spree!

No person on Mobius is safe from this hazardous Hedgehog!

Who knows what the fiend will do next!




What a gentleman!








Ladies and Gentlemen, Sonic is in the park

no, he's in the stadium...

no, he's at the beach.

He's everywhere!

And he's pulling pranks, stealing things and

creating mischief!

Why he's...

He's here!

How did you do that?

You've been standing here, next to me,

all this time!

That wasn't me!

But who else could be that fast?

Help! Police!

What is it, Ma'am?

Can I give you a Super-Sonic hand?

You horrible, anti-social, teenage punk!

Help police!

He's over here!

You young whippersnapper, you!

Yeow! I'm up... over... and gone!

And don't show your face around here again,

you juvenile delinquent!


Boy, all this crime stuff has really gotten you into

some big trouble!

What are you gonna do?


Hey! Cut that out!


It's the real Sonic!

You call that fast?

- I'm gonna put a stop to this fake "me" once and for all!

Back in the bat of an eye, little guy!

All right, you imposter!

Pull over, now!

I... can't... it's too late!

Whatta ya mean?!

Okay, you phony!

I want to know who you are, and why you're running around

impersonating me!

No! Please wait!

It wasn't my idea!

Dr. Robotnik made me do it!

He said he would hurt my Mom and Dad if I didn't commit

those crimes!

Please! OH, Please!

I'm sorry!

That's ok, little buddy, I won't hurt you!

You won't?


I just want to get even with Robotnik.

That's funny!

I'm kinda itchy!

YEAH, Me, too!

Real itchy!

In fact, this is the itchiest I have ever been

in my entire life!

Do you think it has anything to do with the fact we're in

Poison Flower Valley?

Poison Flower Valley!

We gotta get outta here or we'll itch forever!

Oh! Oh! Oh!

And we'll puff up like balloons!


Oh, I itch! I itch! I itch!

OH, This is gonna be a long walk home.



HIGHER! Higher! HIGHER! Lower!

Me next! Me next!

Higher! OOH! That's it! Right there!

Me, too! Me too! Come on!

A Ahhhh.....

Oh, that's better!

But am I ever gonna stop itching?

Man, you guys have the worst case of Poison Flower hives

I've ever seen!

You should see yourself Sonic!

You're swollen up like you've eaten , chili dogs!

The important thing is that we go save this little guy's

parents from Robotnik.

I think you better rest first.

Uh Ah!

I can handle it.

After I take a little nap maybe.


AW, nuts!

He's liable to be out for a day or two.

A day or two!

That might be too late for Lawrence's Mom and Dad!

But maybe there's a way Sonic can save the day!

And save his reputation, too!

I'll be over there and back before he even knows it.

This is totally radical!

I finally get to be my all time hero!

I wonder how you work this thing?

That's forward.

I wonder what happens if I push it all the way?



I think I'll go a little slower until I get the hang of this.

this must be reverse.


Okay, a slight problem.

Ready or not, Robotnik, here I come!

I'm hittin' my speed, Keed!

I'm faster'n anything!


This is way too fast!

I don't know how Sonic does it!


I don't know if I can do this!

The place gives me the creeps.


Of course, that might be because nothing but creeps live here!

The real Sonic wouldn't stand around being scared!

He'd charge right in and warp some butt!

Tails! Tails!

Where are ya keed?

Answer me, little bro!

Uh, oh!

That fake me is gone!

And I bet I know who took it!

There's just no keeping that little fox outta trouble!

Lawrence's parents gotta be around here somewhere.

Maybe through that door!

That must be them!

I'll have them out of there in a second!


We got him! We got him!

Dr. Robotnik!

I caught him!

HEY! It was the way I pulled the lever that did it.

I'll decide who gets the credit here.

I do!

Ooh! I've waited for this precious moment for

a long time! Sonic is mine!


This isn't the real Sonic, you metal mess- ups!

It's the Pseudo Sonic!

Sorry I can't stay Doc, but I gotta fly!



Get him!

Let him go!

If that furball fox is around, that hateful hedgehog

must not be far behind.

He must be here to save Lawrence's parents.

And I've got just the plan to lure him out!

Boy that was close!

I was almost in big-time trouble!

Sonic! What are you doing here?

You look terrible?

I was worried little bro.

It takes more than being puffed up like a blueberry muffin

to keep me away.

But what do we do now?

Dr. Robotnik saw me and he still has Lawrence's parents!

Ahh, he's probably got some feather-brained plan to trap me.

We'll wait until he sets it up and then make it backfire.

But that's later.

Right now I need you to scratch my back.

[Robotnik laughing]

It's an extraordinarily brilliant trap!

It's only a matter of time before Sonic tries to rescue

those two insignificant lab rodents.

And when he does, my S.S.S.S.S.

Squad down there will fire my Surface-to Sonic- Missle!

Programmed with Sonic's image to seek out and destroy him!

So that's his plan!

I think we can help him carry that out!

Can I distract him now?

This bucket's getting heavy!

Do it!

Maybe the ice water will take the fun out of his day!

And then, go get that phony me and I'll meet you at the window!

My pleasure!


You! Why you...

Sorry I can't hang out with you.

But I've got more work to do!




You've been selected as Mobius Air Force's new test pilots!



Do we get uniforms?


Right now Dr. Robotnik has authorized me to convert this

m*ssile to a manned aircraft for an emergency test flight.

Scratch: He has? That's great!

Hurry up! Hop aboard.

Wait a minute!

Won't the m*ssile explode when it hits Sonic?

And you'll have front row seats to see it!

Front row?

Do we have time to go buy popcorn?


Here's the button.

Fire when you see Sonic.

Scratch! Grounder!

Get me out of here!

They'll have you down in a jiffy, Egg Belly.

Egg Belly?

Oh no!

Don't tell me!

Mission accomplished, General!

C'mon, let's go shmo!

There's the hedgehog!




C'mon, let's go!

Yahoo! Yipee!

Robotnik: What a disaster!

My Pseudo Sonic dstroyed, the real Sonic's

name has been cleared...

And all of my lab rats have escaped!

Cheer up, you've still got us!

I hate that Hedgehog!

Man, you have the worst case of

poison flower hives I've ever seen!

It's as bad as poison ivy!

Forget the stick, Tails!

Go to the drug store and ask the pharmacist for something

to stop the itching.

Listen, Pals, there may not be any poison flowers on earth,

but there's a lot of poison ivy!

This is what it looks like!

The best thing to do is stay away from it!

But if you touch it and start itching,

get help fast.