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01x18 - So Long Sucker

Posted: 07/05/23 12:02
by bunniefuu
[Clock ticking]

[Alarm ringing]








What a light show!

Almost looks like it cracked through to another dimension!

It's closing up!


That was one strange window to another world!

Time to zip chip!


[Indescribable speech]










Someone say, chili dogs?


You're just in time for lunch.

Better make some for yourself, too.



Could use a little more pepper...


Hey, this thing's out of pepper.

Here, I got some more.



What's that?!

Beats me!

A gravy stain with a head cold?


Hey, I think he likes me!

Can we keep him, Sonic?

I'd like to, Tails.

But it wouldn't be fair.

We're on the go!

I promise I'll take care of him!

He won't be any trouble, honest!

Oh, all right.

But just till we can find out where his home is.


Hear that, little Goopster?

Hey, that's what I'll name him!


The Goopster, eh?

I like it.

It's got dignity.

Welcome to the group, Goop.


That's my lunch!


[Munches & gulps]

Wow, isn't that great?!

Goopster likes chili dogs as much as we do!

"Won't be any trouble," huh?


[Tails] Hey, Sonic!

Look what me and Goopster can do!

Okay, Goopster!

Slam dunk!

It's Goopster, the hoopster!

And the crowd goes wild!

[Crowd cheering]

You want another chili dog?

[Barking & panting]


That's four dozen chili dogs today.

That Goopster's a glutton.


Goopster, no!

Down, boy!

[Tails] Goopster!


The 'bots are back!

Uh, tell me again what our new name is?

We're the Pest Control Patrol!

Oh, yeah!

And we're after the biggest pest of all!

Let him have it!

Hey, Squirt, how long you been chewin' that gum?

Uh, three weeks?


Hand it over.




This time I'm ready for ya'!


I'm waaaaiiitttiiingggg!





Ah, smashing.

I wonder if Tails is gonna want his gum back?


Thought ya' could get away, huh hedgehog!!


Another day, another daring escape.


Uh oh.

Oh my gosh!

Sonic's stuck!

I've got him! I've got him!

Oh boy, oh boy!

I'm gonna be Dr. Robotnik's Employee Of The Month for sure!



Hang on, Sonic!

I'm coming!

I'll save ya!

I got you now, Sucker!



I guess some sucker got me!





Didja see that?


Uh, thanks, Goopster.

Whatever you are...

I guess I owe you one.


Hey! Watch it!

I just had a bath!


Uh oh.

Looks like he's gettin' hungry.

And we're still outta chili dogs!

Now, Goopster, uh... calm down...


He looks kind of upset.

Be right back!

[Doingy sounds]

Hey, Goopster, how's about a nice juicy steak, eh?



Not a steak man, eh?


I know just the thing!

[Excited noises]


Here's a delicious peanut butter and jelly

for the ol' Goop Meister!



Okay. Okay, I'm flexible.

How about...

Liver pizza?


Herring on a stick?!

[Huge monstrous growl]


Hang on!

I guess it's gotta be chili dogs!!

Oh, all right!



I was saving those for my retirement.

[Robotnik] You idiots!

You glorified garbage grinders!

You nickel plated numbots!

I give you a simple job like exterminating sonic

and you totally botch it!

You mangy, moronic, metal maggots!

What have you got to say for yourselves?!

Uh, we did bring back the planes, oh Vile One.



Uh, Sir, if I may save you the trouble...



Your Rottenness, it wasn't really our fault..

Oh, that's right.

You told me...

A little black ball came along and swallowed up your plane.

Well...uh..not so little when he got mad...

Do you expect me to believe a story like that?!

What kind of idiot do you take me for?!

Oh! The best kind, sir...

Shut up and keep kicking!


Still... Tails has a pet, eh?

That could be useful.

Maybe that's exactly the bait I need...

to lure Sonic into my clutches.

[Tails] But, Sonic, Goopster's my friend!

He didn't mean to be bad, honest!

I promise, he'll never do it again!

Look, Squirt, he's just too dangerous!

But he's not dangerous really!

He's just a..

a..a good eater..

You eat lots and nobody cares.

I eat chili dogs, not entire zip codes!

Face it, the little dweeb is a menace!


But, Sonic...

Look at what he did, Tails.

He's probably some alien creature, like from another

dimension or something.


And I'm the first kid on Mobius to have one!

Now, come on, Tails.

You know we can't keep him.

I guess not.

[Scratch] Here, Goopster. Here, Goopster.

Nice little Goopster!

When that lightning hit Grounder,

it was like some door from another dimension opened up.

I think Goopster fell through that door!


So we gotta figure out how to make that door open again

and get Goopster back home!

I guess...

If we have to...

First we gotta bring Goopster back to...

Hey, where is Goopster?

What's this?

It's from Robotnik!

"I've got your little pet!

If you ever want to see him again,

give yourself up."

We gotta save him!

We just gotta!

We gotta do something!

If Robotnik finds out how dangerous he is,

Robotnik could use Goopster to gobble up the whole planet!

[Cheering & slurping]

It's just a matter of time now 'til Sonic and his little pal

come to rescue their pet and when they do,

Sonic is kitty litter!


You really think they'll come for this...

this gooey gumball?

[Gobbling & munching]

[Robotnik] Of course they will.

There's nothing more sacred than the bond between a boy

and his pet.


As I know, all too well...

Uh! You had a pet?

Mr. Bobo was more than a pet.

He was a villain's best friend - brave,

trustworthy, loyal, always willing to share his lunch.


I miss that little cockroach.

[Gobbles & slurps]



Quiet, you slimy glob of Rubbery Repulsiveness!


Uh, boss, maybe you better not get him mad....

Why? What's he going to do?

Devour my laboratory?


I said quiet, you shapeless tub of goo!


[Low angry growl]

What is he doing?

What's going on?!


Uh oh.

Here we go again.













Maybe he wants some more chili dogs!

Then GET some, you idiot!








[Indescribable speech]









This could be useful.


Are you planning to open a junkyard,

your Rottenness?

No, you dumbot!

If I can harness this beast's amazing power,

I can get rid of Sonic once and for all!






Goopster's on his way to being a free blob!

Stand back!

Up! Over! And GONE!


How we gettin' in, Sonic?

When in doubt, use the door!

After you.

[Tails] Wow.

This must be Robotnik's bedroom.


It looks pretty egg-noxious all right.

C'mon, let's find Goopster.

Why, Scratch, look!

We have guests!

Out of my way, egg-belly!

Oh dear!

The place is such a mess.

What must you think?

Luckily, you're just in time...

for a little spring cleaning!


Oh Grounder, I think it's time to vacuum up all this

unsightly litter.

You got it, your meanness!


Goopster! No!



I got Sonic!

I win! I win! I win, I win!

I must go and double my salary!

Guard that blob with your lives!






Now that was a world-class burp!

Grab 'em!!!

Don't go away.


Good Morgen!

I'm Helga, der new maid.


Der agency sent me.

What a pigsty.

[Sonic] I fix in two shakes of a jiffy.

Say, this thing don't work at all.

I fix for sure.


Hey, you're no maid!

Congratulations, yolk-brain.

And you're no rocket scientist!

What the--


Come on, keed, time to speed!

After them, you schnookbots!

Uh oh.

Sonic, they're right behind us!

Good. Now stand back!

Come on!






It's startin' to rain.

Over here, Goopster.

Whatcha gonna do, Sonic?

This is the exact spot where the lightning hit.

If we can make that happen again,

the same way, there's a chance Goopster will be zapped back

into his own dimension.


There they are!

It's showtime, kid.

Okay, let 'em go!!!

[Robotnik] Not us, you idiot!

The bombs!!!



The boss is gonna hold this against me for sure.

Better catch that hedgehog.

Hey, Flounder!

Lookin' for me?

That's Grounder!

Sorry, slow-mo! Better never than late!


[Thunder rolling]



Hey, the sun's comin' out.

Wanna go get some chili dogs?

That's okay.

I'm not really hungry.

Aw, come on.

After lunch, maybe we can find you a new pet.


You mean like a Wild Rock-Eating Gunderthork?

Uh, I was thinkin' more like a goldfish.

But we'll talk.

Goopster, no!



He musta been starving!

Did you feel him last night, Tails?

Oops, I forgot.

A pet is a big responsibility little buddy.

You hafta feed him, groom him, give him exercise,

and take him to the Vet every now and then.

Buy ya can't put a price on the love ya get in return.

