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01x22 - Too Tall Tails

Posted: 07/05/23 11:44
by bunniefuu
[Clock ticking]

[Alarm ringing]





You already forced me to tell you

how to build my invention, Dr. Robotnik.

Now let me go!

Or you go and I'll stay here.

Stop blabbering, professor!

I'm not releasing you until I'm sure your machine works!


I need a bolt.

You want a bolt?!

Here's a bolt!

[Scratch cackles]

You incompetent!

This is no time to fall apart!

Pull yourself together.

Will do, Oh Great One.

Look what I did!

I got it finished!

I'm Dr. Robotnik's favourite lackey!

Well I'm his favourite victim!

Now we will see how well professor Von Shlemmer's

humungo gizmo performs!

[Machine firing]




Did it work, Oh Most Vile One?

You stupid mounds of metal.

[Angry grumbling]

Okay, professor Von Shlemmer,

what do we have to do to get your invention to work?

I'll never tell you unless, of course you fiendishly

t*rture me.


I think that can be arranged.


What's the most unbearable t*rture device I have here.

Some fools might be able to withstand the torment

of The Rack, The Pain of The Whip

or The Horror of The Iron Maiden

but nobody can stand The Agony of De-feet!

Soon you will be begging to tell me what I want to know!





Nobody makes a fool out of Dr. Robotnik!

Take this.


Okay! Okay. I can't stand it!

I'll tell you, I'll tell you!

You have the schmitzel connected to the fluegelmeister

when it should be connected to the glockenpookle.



It's working!

What's next, Your viciousness?

Take this fool to the deepest darkest part of the jungle

of doom where no one will ever find him!

Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy.

This humungo gizmo machine is really going to be great!

I was just going to say the same thing.

It's fantastic!

It's colossal.

When I activate this machine I will become the undisputed

master of Mobius!

[Fiendish laugh]

I'll catch you yet, you overgrown pin cushion!

I will, I will, I will!

Eat our dust, Coconuts!

I'm so hungry I could eat our dust!

Don't worry, Little Bud,

we'll take a snack break as soon as we shake

that metal monkey.

Hang on little buddy, I've got a great bit coming up!

Aw right!

I'm pulling a slick trick on banana brains!

We got ourselves a gusher!






Hey, Tails, we're in luck!

For sure!

[Tails] Welcome to Weinerville!

Aw right!

It's the weenie capitol of Mobius!

[Sonic] I heard of this place.

They've got the best chili dogs on the planet!

Hey, this is a real weenie town!

Get a load of this super sausage factory!


[Tails] Yeah, I just hope they can make 'em fast enough for me to eat!

I'm starved!


I don't believe it!

Sonic the famous hedgehog is here,

in my town, in person!


I'm Mayor Knockwurst!

Hi, I'm hungry!

You'll have to excuse my little chum.

We missed a lotta meals the last few days.


All growing youngsters have bottomless appetites.

It will be my honour to serve you a feast of Weinerville's

delectable delights!

Hi, y'all. Will this table do?

Just fine, ma'am, thanks!

Which of our famous delicacies would you prefer?

Our chili dogs, kraut dogs, corn dogs,

turkey dogs, veinerschnitzel, braunschweiger.

They all look scrumptious for a start!


Real good.

Now I'm ready for the main course!


When Tails gets as hungry as this,

ya never need a garbage disposal!

Aw, go on.

No way the humungo gizmo can really make something

big out of something small.

Stop yapping and I'll give you a demonstration.

First, I'll need something very tiny.

How about Grounder's brain?



This'll do!

Belly button lint.

All right, Grounder!

Commence the enlargement action!

Ah, success!

But let's really make it humongous!

Full power!

Your every wish is my command, Your Slimeyness!



Gimme that, you dodo!

I'm surrounded by incompetents!

Must I do everything myself?!


-It's gonna explode! -It's gonna explode!



Yum, yum.


Right now, the only thing bigger'n Tails appetite

is his stomach!

Great grub.

Now where's a good place for dessert?

Hon, why don't you try major mustard's flavour

ice cream emporium??

flavours, is that all?

Hey, what's that?

[Mayor Knockwurst] Strangest looking cloud I've seen!

I'll start out with a triple decker cone

then you'll see some major munching!


Hey, what's happenin'!

Hey the buildings are getting smaller.

No the buildings are the same.

It's you!

Something's haywire little buddy

why, you're gettin' taller.

Yeah, I am! Aw right!

I don't like this anymore.

Do something!

I'm scared.

Don't worry, little buddy.

I'll figure something out.

My appetite's getting bigger.

I'm so hungry I can't stand it!


Do something, Sonic!

I can't stop eating!

I gotta split before I hurt somebody!


Don't panic!

I'll think of something!

I hope!

[Tails] I'm so hungry I can't control myself!


Oh, no!


Phew, that was a close call!

I don't know what's come over my little buddy!

Your Little Buddy almost destroyed my town

and me with it!

Sonic, what'll I do?!?

I'm just so hungry!

Not to worry, pal.

I'll take care of everything.

But how?

I'll um, er-- can I get back to you on that?

That horrible monster!

I thought I was a goner!

Oh, I'm sure Tails didn't mean any harm.

It was an accident.

An accident?!

Don't be fooled!

It is a vicious scheme to destroy your village.

And the rotten one who's behind the wicked plot

is none other than Sonic the deceitful hedgehog!

That's a lie, Robotnik!

And you know it!

[Evil laugh]

The accidental destruction of the humungo gizmo machine

is the most fortunate mishap of my illustrious career.

I bet you had it planned all along, huh boss!



How dare you accuse Sonic of anything underhanded?

He's Mobius' national hero!

And everyone knows you are Mobius' national villain!

I've seen the error of my ways.

Yes indeed, I'm turning over a new leaf.

If I were such a bad guy would I be bringing

you all these gifts?

[Excited chatter]

They're not going to fall for that!

Friends, sausages and Mobians, you must do exactly

as I tell you for your own safety!

Don't listen to him.

He's trying to trick you!

It's Sonic who's deceiving you!

Look what his monstrous friend has done to your fair town!

[Agreeable chatter]

This wasn't Tails' fault!

[Sonic] He wouldn't hurt anybody!

-Yeah, right. -I bet.

I can't stop myself!

The bigger I get the hungrier I get!

[Gulps & chomps]

Oh boy! Yummy, mobianmelons!

Mmm, that really hits the spot!



The burp-quake is destroying our town!

I didn't mean it!

I'm sorry, everybody.

[Loud, thunderous burp]

Oh my gosh!

He's heading for the bean and cabbage fields!

After Tails!

Don't let him get away!

[Angry mob]

You're making a big mistake!

Our big mistake was trusting you!

The only one who can save us now is dear,

sweet, generous, Dr. Robotnik!

I am a genius!

Soon those fools will think Sonic is the villain

and I am their hero!

Then all of Mobius will be putty in my hands!

[Evil laugh]

I'm returning to my fortress to get just the w*apon I need

for this situation.

I'm leaving you two in charge.

You can depend on me!

Huh, I'm the one you can depend on!


If anything goes wrong, I'll melt you down and turn you

into hood ornaments!

I gotta think of something fast!

Or Tails is history!

[Grounder] Boy, professor Von Shlimmer's gizmo gas

sure turned the tables on Sonic.


And the professor is the only one who has the antidote.

He's hidden away real good!

Where no one' ll ever find him!


Do my eyes deceive me or am I looking at the future

Mr. International hunk!?!

-Huh? -Where?

I'll make you famous

like I did with Arnold Schwartzenmeggerhymerbot!

-Oh alright! -I can go for that!

The bodybuilder contest starts in seconds,

let's get you pumped up!



That outta do it.

Now it's showtime!


Let the 'Mr. Macho Mobius contest' begin!

Let's hear it for Grounder and Scratch who will amaze us

by flexing their massive muscles!

[Taped applause]


Let's hear it for our two sweaty contestants!

[Cheers and applause]

On Mobius, mind is as important as muscle.

So now for the interview portion of our contest.

Give me the first thought that enters

your mind, guys.

Tell us how would you solve world pollution.

Er, um--


And how would you bring about world peace?

Gee, gosh.

That's a hard one.

And finally.

'Where is the famous Dr. Von schlemmer hidden?'

-I know that. -I know that.

In the bottomless pit in the middle of the jungle of doom!

And what do the judges say?

It's a tie, folks!

Here're your trophies and your prize money!

And the grand prize.

A once brand new edsel delorian!

Yes, hunks, it's everything you ever dreamed of in a luxury car!

Except, of course, for the steering wheel!

[Scratch] Turn left you idiot!

[Grounder] I can't, I can't!

[Scratch] Watch out!

[Tires screech, crash]

[Sonic] I gotta find Von Schlemmer fast or my foxy little buddy

is a dead duck!

Yoo hoo!

[Sonic] Professor Von Schlimmer?

Yes it is I.

And boy am I tired of k*lling time doing crossword puzzles.

[Sonic] Don't worry. I'm here to help you!

You're just in time!

What's a five letter word for 'contraption?

[Sonic] Gizmo!

I should have known that!

I've got an idea!

I'll be right back!

Hang tight!

I'll reel ya outta there!

[Professor Von Schlemmer] That's real clever!

I thought I'd never get out of there!

Hey, do you feel a breeze around here?

How can I ever repay you!?

I'm desperate to save my friend.

I heard you have an antidote!

I do indeed.

When I was lad I went to the circus one summer and I--

not an anecdote, an antidote!

For your gizmo gas!

Why didn't you say so?!

The cure for gizmo gas is the fragrance

of the rare Hootentoot Garlic,

which grows in the Garden of the Evil Wizard Lizard!

Well, how do I get them?

First you go north five thousand and twelve miles

to the Gargantuan Islands.

Turn left at the first palm tree.

Take pico boulevard west.


You can't miss it! Careful!

The garden looks peaceful but it's filled

with deadly booby traps!



It's not my fault! I can't help myself!

[Crowd grumbling]

Hold it everyone!

We've got the cure!

[Sonic] The Hootentoot Garlic!

You're too late!

Our new national hero, Dr. Robotnik,

has returned to save the day!

My Insto-Freeze cannon will turn Tails into a popsicle!

This will cure him instantly!

But how will we get it to his mouth?!

I got an idea.

Professor, you're a scientific genius.

Do you know how to build a--


by an amazing coinkydink, it so happens

I got the plans right here!

I can have it finished in fifteen months.


I can build it in fifteen seconds!


Well, what do ya think, professor?


The world's biggest wiener launcher!

Yes, one chili dog to go with everything on it!

Plus one special addition:

The Hootentoot Garlic!

Sonic is too late!

[Evil laugh]

My freeze cannon will beat him to the punch!






-Oh no! -Oh no!

[Overlapping speech]



I hate that hedgehog!

Thanks, Sonic.

You saved me again.

Just glad to have ya back, Little Bro'!


The professor explained everything.

It was all Dr. Robotnik's evil doing!

I just feel awful for those terrible things I said.

How can we ever make it up to you.

How about seven hundred and forty six chili dogs

and some nice dessert?

Well, wouldn't ya know it?

The one thing that didn't shrink was his appetite!

[Sonic] Hey, Tails what are you doing?

Having lunch, Sonic.

Want some?

No thanks, little bud.

You know I love chili dogs, but the ol' bod needs some

fruit and vegetables now and then.

Milk and dairy products, too!

Not to mention fish and poultry.

Don't forget breads and cereals!

You need premium fuel to run your best.

Un-hu, right!

